protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblSelectedClient.Text)) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "select client", "alert('Please select client from list')", true); return; } string platform; if (ddlPlatform.SelectedIndex == 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPlatform.Text.Trim())) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "select platform", "alert('Please select platform')", true); return; } else { platform = txtPlatform.Text.Trim(); } } else { platform = ddlPlatform.SelectedItem.Text; } string jobcode = lbljl0.Text.Trim() + " => " + lblSelectedClient.Text.Trim(); string clientname = lblSelectedClient.Text.Trim(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = objAccount.CheckJobCode(jobcode, ddlTeam.SelectedValue); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Client exist", "alert('Client already exist')", true); return; } bool result = objAccount.AddNewClient(ddlTeam.SelectedValue, clientname, jobcode, ddlPlatform.SelectedValue, lblCode.Text, Session["UID"].ToString()); if (result == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Success", "alert('Client added successfully please sync RTM to reflect the new client')", true); ddlPlatform.SelectedIndex = 0; //ddlTeam.SelectedIndex = 0; lblSelectedClient.Text = string.Empty; lblCode.Text = string.Empty; lbljl0.Text = string.Empty; } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "failed", "alert('Failed.. Please try again')", true); } }
private void SaveClient() { try { if (ddlTeam.SelectedIndex == 0) { lblError.Text = "Select Team"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } if (ddlCore.SelectedIndex == 0) { lblError.Text = "Select Core Platform"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtClientName.Text)) { lblError.Text = "Enter client name"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtJobCode.Text)) { lblError.Text = "Enter job code"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCode.Text)) { lblError.Text = "Enter Code"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } string clientname; int index = txtClientName.Text.IndexOf("›"); if (index > 0) { clientname = txtClientName.Text.Substring(index + 1).TrimStart().Trim(); } else { clientname = txtClientName.Text.TrimStart().Trim(); } string jobcode = txtJobCode.Text.Replace("›", "=>").TrimStart().Trim(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = objAccount.CheckJobCode(jobcode, ddlTeam.SelectedValue); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblError.Text = "Job Code already exist"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } else { bool result = objAccount.AddNewClient(ddlTeam.SelectedValue, clientname, jobcode, ddlCore.SelectedValue, txtCode.Text, Session["UID"].ToString()); if (result == true) { lblError.Text = "Client added Successfully"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Blue; ddlCore.SelectedIndex = 0; //ddlTeam.SelectedIndex = 0; txtClientName.Text = string.Empty; txtCode.Text = string.Empty; txtJobCode.Text = string.Empty; BindGrid(); } else { lblError.Text = "Something went wrong.. Please try again"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; } }