public void TestListDocument()
            chargebackDocumentUploadResponse docResponse = _docRequest.ListDocuments(1000);

            Assert.AreEqual("000", docResponse.responseCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("Success".ToLower(), docResponse.responseMessage.ToLower());
        public void TestDeleteDocument()
            chargebackDocumentUploadResponse docResponse = _docRequest.DeleteDocument(1000, "logo.tiff");

            Assert.AreEqual("000", docResponse.responseCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("Success".ToLower(), docResponse.responseMessage.ToLower());
        public void TestCase4()
            // Step 1. Upload the file named maxsize.tif to the fourth test location.
            var tifSize     = 1024; // 1024 bytes = 1KB.
            var tifFilename = "maxsize.mp3";
            var fileCreator = File.OpenWrite(tifFilename);
            var fileBytes   = new byte[tifSize];

            fileCreator.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
            var caseId = int.Parse(_docRequest.Config.Get("merchantId") + "004");
            var maxSizeResponse
                = _docRequest.UploadDocument(caseId, tifFilename);


            // Step 2. Verify that you receive the response code 005.
            Assert.AreEqual("005", maxSizeResponse.responseCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("Document already exists".ToLower(), maxSizeResponse.responseMessage.ToLower());

            // Step 3. Upload a file with a size greather than 2MB.
            int    hugeSize     = 2 * 1024 * 1024 + 1024; // 2MB * 1024KB/MB * 1024byte/KB + 1024bytes;
            string hugeFilename = "huge.tif";

            fileBytes   = new byte[hugeSize];
            fileCreator = File.OpenWrite(hugeFilename);
            fileCreator.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
            Console.WriteLine("Finish writing the file " + hugeFilename);
            chargebackDocumentUploadResponse hugeSizeResponse
                = _docRequest.UploadDocument(caseId, hugeFilename);


            // Step 4. Verify that you receive the response code 012.
            Assert.AreEqual("012", hugeSizeResponse.responseCode);
            Assert.IsTrue(hugeSizeResponse.responseMessage.ToLower().Contains("Filesize exceeds limit of".ToLower()));

            // Step 5. Upload a file greater than 100KB, but less than 1MB.
            int    mediumSize     = 512000; // 500KB * 1024byte/KB = 512000 bytes.
            string mediumFilename = "medium.tif";

            fileBytes   = new byte[mediumSize];
            fileCreator = File.OpenWrite(mediumFilename);
            fileCreator.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
            chargebackDocumentUploadResponse mediumSizeResponse
                = _docRequest.UploadDocument(caseId, mediumFilename);

            // Step 6. Verify that you receive the response code 008.
            Assert.AreEqual("008", mediumSizeResponse.responseCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("Max Document Limit Per Case Reached".ToLower(), mediumSizeResponse.responseMessage.ToLower());