Пример #1
     * Checking active player attribute.
     * By default, if min value not met, stopping skill chain.
     * If self is true, the attribute of the currently active character will be checked. Otherwise the attributes of all selected characters will be checked.
     * Attribute id is the id of the attribute to check (of the latter character).
     * Min Value is the minimum value that the attribute can have. If the value of the attribute is below the minimum value, the skill chain will be stopped.
    void checkAttribute(bool self, int attrId, float minValue)
        if (self)
            //Active char id
            var activeCharId = BattleManager.core.activeCharacterId;

            //Getting character
            character character = Database.core.characters[FunctionDB.core.findCharacterIndexById(activeCharId)];

            //Getting attribute
            characterAttribute attribute = character.characterAttributes[FunctionDB.core.findAttributeIndexById(attrId, character)];

            //Checking value
            if (attribute.curValue < minValue)
                //Stopping skill chain and displaying warning
                BattleManager.core.startWarningRoutine("Not enough " + attribute.name, 2f);
            //For each action target
            foreach (int target in BattleManager.core.actionTargets)
                //Getting character
                character character = Database.core.characters[FunctionDB.core.findCharacterIndexById(target)];

                //Getting attribute
                characterAttribute attribute = character.characterAttributes[FunctionDB.core.findAttributeIndexById(attrId, character)];

                //Checking value
                if (attribute.curValue < minValue)
                    //Stopping skill chain and displaying warning
                    BattleManager.core.startWarningRoutine("Not enough " + attribute.name, 2f);

        BattleManager.core.setQueueStatus("checkAttribute", false);
Пример #2
    //This function displays and continuously update attributes in the battle area
    IEnumerator battleAreahealthManager(int charId, float yOffset)
        //Getting character by id
        character character = Database.core.characters [FunctionDB.core.findCharacterIndexById(charId)];
        //Getting character instance by id
        GameObject characterInstance = FunctionDB.core.findCharInstanceById(charId);
        //Getting attribute index
        int charAttrIndx = FunctionDB.core.findAttributeIndexById(0, character);
        //Getting prefab
        GameObject valuePrefab = ObjectDB.core.battleUIValuePrefab;
        //Getting UI area
        GameObject spawnArea = ObjectDB.core.battleUIBody;

        //Adjusted position
        Vector3 pos    = characterInstance.transform.position;
        Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + yOffset, pos.z);

        GameObject t = Instantiate(valuePrefab, newPos, Quaternion.identity, spawnArea.transform);

        //Displaying info
        while (true)
            //Remove object?
            if (characterInstance == null)

            //Adjusting coordinates
            pos    = characterInstance.transform.position;
            newPos = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + yOffset, pos.z);
            t.transform.position = newPos;

            //Updating text
            characterAttribute attr = character.characterAttributes[charAttrIndx];
            t.GetComponent <Text>().text = attr.curValue.ToString() + "/" + attr.maxValue.ToString();
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
Пример #3
     * This function allows to change any of the active player or target attributes.
     * Attribute id is the id of the attribute to change.
     * The value is a string which represents the modification.
     * Writing +10, for example will add 10 units to the attribute, while writing -10 will subtract 10.
     * However, writing simply 10 will result into the attribute being set to 10.
     * If self is true, the attribute of the currently active character will be modified. However, if self is false, the attributes (with teh specified ids) of all
     * selected targets will be modified.
    void changeAttribute(bool self, int attrId, string value)
        //This function converts a string to an expression and assings the derived value to the attribute
        float v;
        bool  set = false;

        switch (value.Substring(0, 1))
        case "-":
            v = -float.Parse(value.Substring(1));

        case "+":
            v = float.Parse(value.Substring(1));

            v   = float.Parse(value);
            set = true;

        if (self)
            //Active char id
            var activeCharId = BattleManager.core.activeCharacterId;

            //Displaying change
            FunctionDB.core.StartCoroutine(FunctionDB.core.displayValue(FunctionDB.core.findCharInstanceById(activeCharId), v, 0, 0.3f));

            //Getting character
            character character = Database.core.characters[FunctionDB.core.findCharacterIndexById(activeCharId)];
            //Getting attribute
            characterAttribute attribute = character.characterAttributes[FunctionDB.core.findAttributeIndexById(attrId, character)];

            //Applying change
            if (!set)
                attribute.curValue = (attribute.curValue + v) > 0 ? (attribute.curValue + v) : 0;
                attribute.curValue = v > 0 ? v : 0;
            //For each action target
            foreach (int target in BattleManager.core.actionTargets)
                //Displaying change
                FunctionDB.core.StartCoroutine(FunctionDB.core.displayValue(FunctionDB.core.findCharInstanceById(target), v, 0, 0.3f));

                //Getting character
                character character = Database.core.characters[FunctionDB.core.findCharacterIndexById(target)];

                //Making sure that the specific target has that attribute
                if (FunctionDB.core.findAttributeIndexById(attrId, character) > -1)
                    characterAttribute attribute = character.characterAttributes[FunctionDB.core.findAttributeIndexById(attrId, character)];

                    //Applying change
                    if (!set)
                        attribute.curValue = (attribute.curValue + v) > 0 ? (attribute.curValue + v) : 0;
                        attribute.curValue = v > 0 ? v : 0;

        BattleManager.core.setQueueStatus("changeAttribute", false);