Пример #1
        public void collideSAT(cGameObject obj, float step_time, bool resolve = true, Action on_collision = null)
            // check collisions with world
            List <AABB> wallsPossibleColliding = this.getCollidableBlocks(obj.Bounds);

            // we must check this, because we need to iterate through the possible
            // colliding tiles from other direction according to this condition
            if (obj.Velocity.X > 0.0f)
                for (int i = 0; i < wallsPossibleColliding.Count; i++)
                    cGameObject wallObject = cGameObject.MakeWall(wallsPossibleColliding[i]);
                    if (cSatCollision.checkAndResolve(obj, wallObject, step_time, resolve))


            // we have to iterate from "end" to the "start" in order to have the last colliding block below us
            for (int i = wallsPossibleColliding.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                cGameObject wallObject = cGameObject.MakeWall(wallsPossibleColliding[i]);
                if (cSatCollision.checkAndResolve(obj, wallObject, step_time, resolve))
Пример #2
 public cMachineGun(cGameObject owner, int firing_frequency) : base(owner, firing_frequency)
     this.maxAmmo          = 300;
     this.ammo             = maxAmmo;
     this.magazineCapacity = 30;
     this.timeToReload     = 1.5f;
Пример #3
        public static bool checkAndResolve(cGameObject objA, cGameObject objB, float dt, bool resolve = false)
            float    t = dt; // 1.0f / 200.0f
            Vector2f N = new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);

            //objA.GetBoundingBox().m_Center - objB.GetBoundingBox().m_Center;

            Vector2f RelPos = objA.Bounds.center - objB.Bounds.center;  //objA.Position - objB.Position;
            Vector2f RelVel = objA.Velocity - objB.Velocity;

            if (Collide(objA.HitCollisionRect.getLocalVertices(), 4,
                        objB.HitCollisionRect.getLocalVertices(), 4,
                        RelPos, RelVel,
                        ref N, ref t))
                if (resolve)
                    handleCollision(objA, objB, N, t);


Пример #4
 public cWeapon(cGameObject owner, int firing_frequency)
     this.owner           = owner;
     this.firingFrequency = firing_frequency;
     this.regulator       = new cRegulator();
     this.spread = (float)cAppMath.DegressToRadian(2);
Пример #5
        public void collideParticleSAT(Particle particle, float step_time, bool physics = true)
            cGameObject obj = cGameObject.fromParticle(particle);

            this.collideSAT(obj, step_time);
            particle.Pos = obj.Position;
            particle.Vel = obj.Velocity;
Пример #6
 public cWeapon(cGameObject owner, int firing_frequency, string bullet_breed_id)
     this.owner           = owner;
     this.firingFrequency = firing_frequency;
     this.regulator       = new cRegulator();
     this.spread         = (float)AppMath.DegressToRadian(2);
     this.bulletsPerShot = 1;
     this.bulletBreedID  = bullet_breed_id;
Пример #7
 public cMachineGun(cGameObject owner, int firing_frequency, string bullet_breed_id = "simple-bullet")
     : base(owner, firing_frequency, bullet_breed_id)
     this.maxAmmo          = 300;
     this.currentAmmo      = maxAmmo;
     this.magazineCapacity = 30;
     this.timeToReload     = 1.5f;
     this.spread           = (float)AppMath.DegressToRadian(4);
     this.bulletsPerShot   = 1;
Пример #8
 public static void handleCollision(cGameObject objA, cGameObject objB, Vector2f N, float t)
     if (t < 0.0f)
         ProcessOverlap(objA, objB, N * (-t));
         ProcessCollision(objA, objB, N, t);
Пример #9
        public static bool checkOnly(cGameObject objA, cGameObject objB, ref float dt, out Vector2f mtd)
            mtd = new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector2f RelPos = objA.Bounds.center - objB.Bounds.center;
            Vector2f RelVel = objA.Velocity - objB.Velocity;

            return(Collide(objA.HitCollisionRect.getLocalVertices(), 4,
                           objB.HitCollisionRect.getLocalVertices(), 4,
                           RelPos, RelVel,
                           ref mtd, ref dt));
Пример #10
        // two objects collided at time t. stop them at that time
        private static void ProcessOverlap(cGameObject objA, cGameObject objB, Vector2f xMTD)
            Vector2f mtd = xMTD;

            float time = (1.0f / 200.0f); // 0.0166f; // 1.0f / 120.0f;

            //cAppMath.Vec2Truncate(ref mtd, 0.1f);

            //mtd.X = Math.Clamp<float>(mtd.X, 3.0f, -3.0f);
            //mtd.Y = Math.Clamp<float>(mtd.Y, 3.0f, -3.0f);

            if (objA.Unmovable)
                objB.MoveBy(mtd * -time);

                 * Vector2f p = objB.Position;
                 * p.X -= mtd.X * time; // *0.5f;
                 * p.Y -= mtd.Y * time; // *0.5f;
                 * objB.Position = p;
            if (objB.Unmovable)
                objA.MoveBy(mtd * time);

                //objA.Position.X += mtd.X * 0.0166f;// * 0.5f;
                //objA.Position.Y += mtd.Y * 0.0166f;// * 0.5f;
                objA.MoveBy(mtd * time);
                objB.MoveBy(mtd * -time);

                 * objA.Position.X += mtd.X * 0.5f;
                 * objA.Position.Y += mtd.Y * 0.5f;
                 * objB.Position.X -= mtd.X * 0.5f;
                 * objB.Position.Y -= mtd.Y * 0.5f;

            Vector2f N = mtd;

            AppMath.Vec2Normalize(ref N);
            ProcessCollision(objA, objB, N, 0.0f);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">First gameObject</param>
        /// <param name="B">Second gameObject</param>
        /// <param name="onlyFirst">only seperate the first object</param>
        public static void SeparateEntites(cGameObject A, cGameObject B, bool onlyFirst = false)
            Vector2f to              = A.GetCenterPos() - B.GetCenterPos();
            float    dist            = (float)AppMath.Vec2Length(to);
            float    amountOfOverlap = (dist - A.BoundingRadius - B.BoundingRadius); // *0.5f
            Vector2f offset          = amountOfOverlap * (to / dist);

            if (onlyFirst)
                A.Position -= offset;

            offset     *= 0.5f;
            A.Position -= offset;
            B.Position += offset;
Пример #12
        // two objects overlapped. push them away from each other
        private static void ProcessCollision(cGameObject objA, cGameObject objB, Vector2f N, float t)
            //Vector2f D = m_xDisplacement - xBody.m_xDisplacement;
            Vector2f D = objA.Velocity - objB.Velocity;

            float n = AppMath.Vec2Dot(D, N);

            Vector2f Dn = N * n;
            Vector2f Dt = D - Dn;

            if (n > 0.0f)
                Dn = new Vector2f(0, 0);

            float dt  = AppMath.Vec2Dot(Dt, Dt);
            float CoF = Constants.FRICTION;

            if (dt < Constants.GLUE * Constants.GLUE)
                CoF = 1.01f;

            //D = -(1.0f + Constants.RESTITUTION) * Dn - (CoF) * Dt;
            D.X = -(1.0f + Constants.RESTITUTION) * Dn.X - (CoF) * Dt.X;
            D.Y = -(1.0f + Constants.RESTITUTION) * Dn.Y - (CoF) * Dt.Y;

            float m0 = objA.Mass;
            float m1 = objB.Mass;
            float m  = m0 + m1;
            float r0 = m0 / m; //m
            float r1 = m1 / m; //m

            if (m0 > 0.0f)
                objA.AddVelocity(D * r0);

                 * Vector2f velA = objA.Velocity + D * r0;
                 * objA.Velocity = velA;
                 * objA.Velocity.X += D.X * r0;
                 * objA.Velocity.Y += D.Y * r0;

            if (m1 > 0.0f)
                objB.AddVelocity(D * (-r1));

                 * Vector2f velB = objB.Velocity + D * -r1;
                 * objB.Velocity = velB;
                 * objB.Velocity.X += D.X * -r1;
                 * objB.Velocity.Y += D.Y * -r1;
Пример #13
 public cShotgun(cGameObject owner, int firing_frequency, string bullet_breed_id = "simple-bullet")
     : base(owner, firing_frequency, bullet_breed_id)
     this.spread         = (float)AppMath.DegressToRadian(3);
     this.bulletsPerShot = 4;
Пример #14
        public void AddBullet(cGameObject owner, Vector2f pos, Vector2f direction)
            cBullet bullet = new cBullet(owner, pos, direction);

Пример #15
 public cShotgun(cGameObject owner, int firing_frequency) : base(owner, firing_frequency)
     this.spread = (float)cAppMath.DegressToRadian(4);