Пример #1
 public void load_image_data(byte_image img)
     this.image_filepath  = img.image_filepath;
     this.image_file      = img.image_file;
     this.image_extension = img.image_extension;
     this.csv_filepath    = img.out_filepath;
     this.csv_file        = img.out_file;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the output filename from a formatted string and image information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image</param>
        /// <param name="format">Format string -- defines order of variables and other static characters</param>
        /// <param name="mode">dig, build, place, query?</param>
        /// <param name="levels">how many images are being stiched together into one template</param>
        /// <param name="etc">anything else</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string csv_name_format(byte_image image, string format, string name = "", string mode = "", string levels = "", string etc = "")
            if (format == "")
                format = "[mode] - [name].csv";

            //sort in order from least likely to contain bad stuff to most likely to contain bad stuff
            format = format.Replace("[mode]", mode);
            format = format.Replace("[levels]", levels);
            format = format.Replace("[size]", string.Format("({0}x{1})", image.image.Width, image.image.Height));
            format = format.Replace("[name]", name);
            //format = format.Replace("etc", etc);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a multi-z-level template with the provided list of images.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="images">List of images -- one for each z-level. Must be the same dimensions</param>
        /// <param name="output_path">Output file path for the template</param>
        /// <param name="filename">name of desired output file.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">what kind of template which is being generated</param>
        /// <param name="description">Image settings which have deisgnation info</param>
        /// <param name="progress">ProgressBar object to track the function's progress</param>
        /// <param name="status">Label object to provide a visual indicator of the function's status</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool build_csv(List <byte_image> images, string output_path, string filename_format, string mode, string description, ProgressBar progress = null, Label status = null)
            if (images == null || images.Count == 0)

            StringBuilder csv_builder = new StringBuilder();
            int           image_index = 1;
            int           prediction  = images[0].image.Width * images[0].image.Height;

            //check images to make sure they are the same size, prepare progressbar for multiple images
            #region if multiple images

            if (images.Count > 1)
                byte_image first_image = null;
                prediction = 0;

                if (progress != null)
                    progress.Maximum = images.Count;
                    progress.Value   = 0;

                foreach (byte_image current in images)
                    if (progress != null)
                        prediction += current.image.Width * current.image.Height;

                    if (first_image == null)
                        first_image = current;

                    if (first_image.image.Size != current.image.Size)
                        MessageBox.Show("Images must be the same size for multilevel templates");
                        Debug.Log("images do not match dimensions");
                        if (progress != null)
                            progress.Value = 0;


            #region generate csv

            //set progressbar estimate
            if (progress != null)
                progress.Maximum = prediction;
                progress.Value   = 0;

            //generate csv -- use stringbuilder to create file contents before writing to file
            update_status(status, "Generating CSV");

            //write first line -> template type, start position, comments
            csv_builder.Append(string.Format("{0}\n", description));

            foreach (byte_image current in images)
                update_status(status, string.Format("Creating level ({0}/{1})", image_index, images.Count));

                Queue <Color> color_queue = new Queue <Color>(current.image_array);

                for (int y = 0; y < current.image.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < current.image.Width; x++)
                        if (progress != null)
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Debug.Log(string.Format("wrong value for progressbar: {0}", progress.Value, ex));

                        //write the setting value of the color based on the template type
                        //handle unkown values by writing blanks
                        string designation = " ";
                        string key         = color_string(color_queue.Dequeue());

                        if (settings[key] != null && settings[key].ToString() != "")
                            string[] colorcodes = settings[key].ToString().Split('|');
                            if (colorcodes.Length == 4)
                                switch (mode)
                                case "dig": designation = colorcodes[0]; break;

                                case "build": designation = colorcodes[1]; break;

                                case "place": designation = colorcodes[2]; break;

                                case "query": designation = colorcodes[3]; break;

                                default: break;
                                //they have the wrong format, just grab the first string item
                                designation = colorcodes[0];
                            if (designation == "")
                                designation = " ";

                        csv_builder.Append(string.Format("{0},", designation));
                    //remove last ,
                    csv_builder = csv_builder.Remove(csv_builder.Length - 1, 1);
                    //append # to the end of the line

                if (image_index < images.Count)
                    //if there are other images, write #> to indicate the start of the next level down
                    //if this is the last image, write # to indicate end of csv



            #endregion generate csv

            #region write file

            //write file
            update_status(status, "Writing File");

            string filename = images[0].out_file;

                ////if file is nothing, use the file name of the first image
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) filename = images[0].csv_file;

                //if path is nothing, use the path of the first image
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(output_path))
                    output_path = images[0].out_path;

                //format filename
                filename = csv_name_format(images[0], filename_format, name: filename.Replace(byte_image.out_extension, ""), mode: mode, levels: images.Count.ToString());

                //save output path in settings
                set_setting(setting.output_path, output_path);

                string csv_filepath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", output_path, filename);
                //if user put / to make subfolders, set the path to subfolder
                output_path = csv_filepath.Substring(0, csv_filepath.LastIndexOf('/'));

                //if path doesn't exist, create it
                if (!Directory.Exists(output_path))

                using (StreamWriter f = new StreamWriter(csv_filepath)) f.Write(csv_builder.ToString());

                update_status(status, "File Written");
                Debug.Log(string.Format("file written to: {0}", csv_filepath));
            catch (Exception e)
                string status_message = string.Format("Error. File:{0}/{1} could not be written", output_path, filename);
                update_status(status, status_message);

            #endregion write file
