public void doImpulse(PhysicsVector force, bool now)
     tempVector3.setValue(force.X, force.Y, force.Z);
     if (now)
         m_taintedForce += force;
Пример #2
        private void MoveLinear(float timestep)
            if (!m_linearMotorDirection.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f))  // requested m_linearMotorDirection is significant
                // add drive to body
                Vector3 addAmount = m_linearMotorDirection / (m_linearMotorTimescale / timestep);
                m_lastLinearVelocityVector += (addAmount * 10);  // lastLinearVelocityVector is the current body velocity vector?

                // This will work temporarily, but we really need to compare speed on an axis
                // KF: Limit body velocity to applied velocity?
                if (Math.Abs(m_lastLinearVelocityVector.X) > Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.X))
                    m_lastLinearVelocityVector.X = m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.X;
                if (Math.Abs(m_lastLinearVelocityVector.Y) > Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.Y))
                    m_lastLinearVelocityVector.Y = m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.Y;
                if (Math.Abs(m_lastLinearVelocityVector.Z) > Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.Z))
                    m_lastLinearVelocityVector.Z = m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.Z;

                // decay applied velocity
                Vector3 decayfraction = ((Vector3.One / (m_linearMotorDecayTimescale / timestep)));
                //Console.WriteLine("decay: " + decayfraction);
                m_linearMotorDirection -= m_linearMotorDirection * decayfraction * 0.5f;
                //Console.WriteLine("actual: " + m_linearMotorDirection);
            {        // requested is not significant
                // if what remains of applied is small, zero it.
                if (m_lastLinearVelocityVector.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f))
                    m_lastLinearVelocityVector = Vector3.Zero;

            // convert requested object velocity to world-referenced vector
            m_dir = m_lastLinearVelocityVector;
            btQuaternion rot  = m_body.getWorldTransform().getRotation();
            Quaternion   rotq = new Quaternion(rot.getX(), rot.getY(), rot.getZ(), rot.getW()); // rotq = rotation of object

            m_dir *= rotq;                                                                      // apply obj rotation to velocity vector

            // add Gravity andBuoyancy
            // KF: So far I have found no good method to combine a script-requested
            // .Z velocity and gravity. Therefore only 0g will used script-requested
            // .Z velocity. >0g (m_VehicleBuoyancy < 1) will used modified gravity only.
            Vector3 grav = Vector3.Zero;
            // There is some gravity, make a gravity force vector
            // that is applied after object velocity.

            float objMass = m_prim.Mass;

            // m_VehicleBuoyancy: -1=2g; 0=1g; 1=0g;
            //Rev: bullet does gravity internally
            grav.Z = -parent_scene.gravityz * objMass * m_VehicleBuoyancy; //parent_scene.gravityz/* * objMass*/ * (1f - m_VehicleBuoyancy);

            // Preserve the current Z velocity
            btVector3 pos = m_body.getWorldTransform().getOrigin();

            btVector3 newpos = pos;

            m_dir.Z = m_prim.Velocity.Z; // Preserve the accumulated falling velocity

            Vector3 posChange = new Vector3();

            posChange.X = newpos.getX() - m_lastPositionVector.getX();
            posChange.Y = newpos.getY() - m_lastPositionVector.getY();
            posChange.Z = newpos.getZ() - m_lastPositionVector.getZ();
            btQuaternion Orientation2 = m_body.getWorldTransform().getRotation();

            /*if (m_BlockingEndPoint != Vector3.Zero)
             * {
             *  if (newpos.getX() >= (m_BlockingEndPoint.X - (float)1))
             *      newpos.setX(newpos.getX() - (posChange.X + 1));
             *  if (newpos.getY() >= (m_BlockingEndPoint.Y - (float)1))
             *      newpos.setY(newpos.getY() - (posChange.Y + 1));
             *  if (newpos.getZ() >= (m_BlockingEndPoint.Z - (float)1))
             *      newpos.setZ(newpos.getZ() - (posChange.Z + 1));
             *  if (newpos.getX() <= 0)
             *      newpos.setX(newpos.getX() + (posChange.X + 1));
             *  if (newpos.getY() <= 0)
             *      newpos.setY(newpos.getY() + (posChange.Y + 1));
             * }
            if (newpos.getZ() < parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(newpos.getX(), newpos.getY()))
                newpos.setZ(parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(newpos.getX(), newpos.getY()) + 2);

            // Check if hovering
            if ((m_Hoverflags & (VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT)) != 0)
                float diff = (newpos.getZ() - m_VhoverTargetHeight);
                // We should hover, get the target height
                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY) != 0)
                    m_VhoverTargetHeight = parent_scene.GetWaterLevel() + m_VhoverHeight;
                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY) != 0)
                    m_VhoverTargetHeight = parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(pos.getX(), pos.getY()) + m_VhoverHeight;
                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT) != 0)
                    m_VhoverTargetHeight = m_VhoverHeight;

                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY) != 0)
                    // If body is aready heigher, use its height as target height
                    if (newpos.getZ() > m_VhoverTargetHeight)
                        m_VhoverTargetHeight = newpos.getZ();
                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.LOCK_HOVER_HEIGHT) != 0)
                    if (diff > .2 || diff < -.2)
                        newpos.setValue(newpos.getX(), newpos.getY(), m_VhoverTargetHeight);
                        btTransform trans = new btTransform(Orientation2, newpos);
                    // Replace Vertical speed with correction figure if significant
                    if (Math.Abs(diff) > 0.01f)
                        m_dir.Z = -((diff * timestep * 50.0f) / m_VhoverTimescale);
                        m_dir.Z = 0f;

            /*if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.LIMIT_MOTOR_UP)) != 0)
             * {
             *  //Start Experimental Values
             *  if (Zchange > .3)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 3);
             *  if (Zchange > .15)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 2);
             *  if (Zchange > .75)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 1.5);
             *  if (Zchange > .05)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 1.25);
             *  if (Zchange > .025)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 1.125);
             *  float terraintemp = parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(pos.getX(), pos.getY());
             *  float postemp = (pos.getZ() - terraintemp);
             *  if (postemp > 2.5f)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 1.037125);
             *  //End Experimental Values
             * }*/

            if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.NO_X)) != 0)
                m_dir.X = 0;
            if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.NO_Y)) != 0)
                m_dir.Y = 0;
            if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.NO_Z)) != 0)
                m_dir.Z = 0;

            m_lastPositionVector = new btVector3(m_prim.Position.X, m_prim.Position.Y, m_prim.Position.Z);
            // Apply velocity
            //if(m_dir != Vector3.Zero)
            //    m_body.setLinearVelocity(new btVector3(m_dir.X, m_dir.Y, m_dir.Z));
            m_body.applyCentralImpulse(new btVector3(m_dir.X, m_dir.Y, m_dir.Z));
            // apply gravity force
            //m_body.applyCentralImpulse(new btVector3(0, 0, 9.8f));

            /*ector3 newpos2 = new Vector3(newpos.getX(), newpos.getY(), newpos.getZ());
             * if (newpos2.X != m_prim.Position.X || newpos2.Y != m_prim.Position.Y || newpos2.Z != m_prim.Position.Z)
             * {
             *  btTransform trans = new btTransform(Orientation2, newpos);
             *  m_body.setWorldTransform(trans);
             * }*/

            // apply friction
            Vector3 decayamount = Vector3.One / (m_linearFrictionTimescale / timestep);

            m_lastLinearVelocityVector -= m_lastLinearVelocityVector * decayamount;