void minheapify(binaryheap heap, int i)
        int left = 2*i;
        int right = 2*i+1;
        int smallest = i;

        if(left <= heap.getsize() && heap.getnode(left).fcost < heap.getnode(smallest).fcost)
            smallest = left;
        if(right <= heap.getsize() && heap.getnode(right).fcost < heap.getnode(smallest).fcost)
            smallest = right;
        if(i != smallest)
            heap.swapwithparent(smallest);//swap heap[i] and heap[smallest]
            minheapify(heap, smallest);
    List<int[]> pathlist = null; //list holding x and y values of a path, used in findpath, null if no path found

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    public void findpath(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int range)
        binaryheap openset = new binaryheap(new heapnode(0,
            estimatehcost(startX, startY, endX, endY), startX, startY, null,0));
        List<heapnode> closedset = new List<heapnode>();
        heapnode parentnode = openset.getnode(1);
        heapnode temp; //temporary node for recalculating better paths
        bool isinclosedset;

        if(tiles == null)
            while(openset.getsize() != 0)
                //check if the parent node is the goal, if so the best path is found
                if(parentnode.x == endX && parentnode.y == endY)
                    return; //exit the method
                //make the parent node the tile with the lowest fcost
                parentnode = openset.getlowestfcostnode();
                //remove parent node from the open set
                //add parent node to the closed set

                //add all legal adjacent tiles to the list
                for(int i=-1; i<=1; i++)
                    for(int j=-1; j<=1; j++)
                        if(i != j) //don't check the parent tile or 1,1 or -1,-1, those are illegal
                            //checking to see if in closed list
                            isinclosedset = false;
                            for(int k=0; k<closedset.Count; k++)
                                if(closedset[k].x == parentnode.x+i && closedset[k].y == parentnode.y+j)
                                    isinclosedset = true;
                            //checks if........
                            if((parentnode.x+i >=0 && parentnode.x+i < tilemap.GetLength(1)
                                 && parentnode.y+j >=0 && parentnode.y+j < tilemap.GetLength(0) //A. tilemap goes that far
                               && tilemap[parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j] != null //that tilemap space has a gameobject
                               && tilemap[parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j].GetComponent<Tile>() != null //B. that tilemap space has a tile
                               && tilemap[parentnode.x+i,parentnode.y+j].GetComponent<Tile>().getifobstacle() == false //C.if not obstructed
                               && isinclosedset == false//D. the tile is not on the closed list
                               && parentnode.gcost+addtogcost(parentnode.x, parentnode.y, parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j)
                                 	<= range) //the new gcost minus engagement penalty is not higher than the movement range
                               && (openset.getnode(parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j) == null//E. not on openlist
                               || parentnode.gcost+addtogcost(parentnode.x, parentnode.y, parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j)
                                 	< parentnode.gcost))//F. gscore less than parent
                                //the outer if loop is important for tracing the path
                                if(openset.getnode(parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j) == null) //if not on the open set
                                    (parentnode.x, parentnode.y, parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j),
                                    estimatehcost(parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j, endX, endY), parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j, parentnode);//add it
                                else if(parentnode.gcost+addtogcost(parentnode.x, parentnode.y, parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j)
                                +estimatehcost(parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j, endX, endY)
                                < openset.getnode(parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j).parent.fcost) //if on open set, see if this is the better path
                                    //reset the parent to parentnode
                                    temp = openset.getnode(parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j);
                                    temp.parent = closedset[closedset.Count-1];
                                    //recalculate gcost and hcost
                                    temp.gcost = temp.parent.gcost+addtogcost(parentnode.x, parentnode.y, parentnode.x+i, parentnode.y+j);
                                    temp.hcost = estimatehcost(temp.x, temp.y, endX, endY);
        pathlist = null;
        return; //if a path is not found