static void Main(string[] args) { batch Cookiebatch = new batch(); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, true, "round", "oatmeal"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, true, "round", "sugar"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, true, "round", "gingerbread"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, true, "round", "chocolate chip"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, false, "round", "oatmeal"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, false, "round", "sugar"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(false, true, "round", "gingerbread"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, true, "round", "chocolatechip"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, true, "oval", "oatmeal"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(false, true, "round", "oatmeal"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(true, true, "round", "gingerbread"); Cookiebatch.createcookies(false, false, "round", "oatmeal"); int cookies; for (cookies = 1; cookies <= Cookiebatch.cookiebatch.Count; cookies++) { Console.WriteLine(Cookiebatch.cookiebatch[cookies - 1].type); Console.WriteLine(Cookiebatch.cookiebatch[cookies - 1].shape); Console.WriteLine(Cookiebatch.cookiebatch[cookies - 1].hasFilling); Console.WriteLine(Cookiebatch.cookiebatch[cookies - 1].hasIcing); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { batch batch = db.batches.Find(id); db.batches.Remove(batch); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,batch1,year")] batch batch) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(batch).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(batch)); }
private static void GetBatch(ref List <batch> batches, Int32 lineNum, XElement deliveryLineElement, Decimal quantity, Int32 itemId) { String batchNumber = String.Empty; String heatNumber = String.Empty; String certificateIndexNr = String.Empty; var batchNumberElement = deliveryLineElement.Elements("E1EDL43").Where(c => c.Element("QUALF").Value.Equals("X")).FirstOrDefault(); if (batchNumberElement != null) { batchNumber = batchNumberElement.Element("BELNR").Value; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(batchNumber)) { var heatNumberElement = deliveryLineElement.Elements("E1EDL43").Where(c => c.Element("QUALF").Value.Equals("Y")).FirstOrDefault(); if (heatNumberElement != null) { var heatNumberElement2 = heatNumberElement.Element("BELNR"); if (heatNumberElement2 != null) { heatNumber = heatNumberElement2.Value; } } var certificateIndexElement = deliveryLineElement.Elements("E1EDL43").Where(c => c.Element("QUALF").Value.Equals("Z")).FirstOrDefault(); if (certificateIndexElement != null) { var certificateIndexElement2 = certificateIndexElement.Element("BELNR"); if (certificateIndexElement2 != null) { certificateIndexNr = certificateIndexElement2.Value; } } String certificateDocID = String.Empty; if (deliveryLineElement.Element("MFRPN") != null) { certificateDocID = deliveryLineElement.Element("MFRPN").Value; } batch batch = new batch(); batch.itemId = itemId; batch.batchNumber = batchNumber; batch.heatNumber = heatNumber; batch.ixosArchiveId = certificateDocID; batch.certificateIndexNumber = certificateIndexNr; batch.batchDocuments.Add(new batchDocument() { baseLineNum = lineNum, quantity = quantity }); batches.Add(batch); } }
public void update(batch c) { try { d.update(c); } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } }
public void delete(batch c) { try { d.delete(c); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public void insert(batch c) { try { d.insert(c); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,batch1,year")] batch batch) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.batches.Add(batch); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(batch)); }
public void search(batch c) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "id,batch1,year")] batch batch) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(batch).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } = new SelectList(db.batches, "id", "batch1",; = new SelectList(db.batches, "id", "batch1",; return(View(batch)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "id,batch1,year")] batch batch) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.batches.Add(batch); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } = new SelectList(db.batches, "id", "batch1",; = new SelectList(db.batches, "id", "batch1",; return(View(batch)); }
public ActionResult Edit(batch batch) { if (!isUniqueBatchName( { ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Batch already exists"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(batch).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(batch)); }
// GET: /batch/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } batch batch = db.batches.Find(id); if (batch == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(batch)); }
public ActionResult Create(batch batch) { if (!isUniqueBatchName( { ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Batch already exists"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.batches.Add(batch); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(batch)); }
// GET: Batches/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } batch batch = db.batches.Find(id); if (batch == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } = new SelectList(db.batches, "id", "batch1",; = new SelectList(db.batches, "id", "batch1",; return(View(batch)); }
public ActionResult AddBatch(batch model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { CMSEntities db = new CMSEntities(); db.batches.Add(model); db.SaveChanges(); return(JavaScript("New Batch Added Successfully!")); } else { return(View(model)); } }
public ActionResult New(TablaViewModel model) { WebService1SoapClient client = new WebService1SoapClient(); var batch = new batch(); batch.ID_Movie = model.ID_Movie; batch.Description_Movie = model.Description_Movie; batch.Duration = model.Duration; batch.State = model.State; client.AddMovie(model.ID_Movie, model.Description_Movie, model.Duration, model.State); return(Redirect("~/Movie/")); }
public static void batchReader(string csvFilePath, List <batch> inputbatch) { string line; StreamReader fs = new StreamReader(csvFilePath); fs.ReadLine(); while ((line = fs.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] s = line.Split(new char[] { ';' }); batch sline = new batch(); sline.Item_ID = s[0]; sline.Length_Item = s[1]; sline.Width_Item = s[2]; sline.Stack = s[3]; sline.Sequence = s[4]; inputbatch.Add(sline); } }
public void delete(batch Batch) { try { fill_dataset(); foreach (DataRow dr in data.Tables[0].Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["Address_ID"]) == Batch.Address_ID) { dr.Delete(); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } update(); }
public void insert(batch Batch) { try { fill_dataset(); dr = data.Tables[0].NewRow(); dr["First_name"] = Batch.First_name; dr["Last_name"] = Batch.Last_name; dr["Email"] = Batch.Email; dr["Phone"] = Batch.Phone; data.Tables[0].Rows.Add(dr); update(); } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } }
public void update(batch course) { try { fill_dataset(); foreach (DataRow dr in data.Tables[0].Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["Address_ID"]) == course.Address_ID) { dr["First_name"] = course.First_name; dr["Last_name"] = course.Last_name; } } update(); } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } }
public void search(batch course) { fill_dataset(); try { foreach (DataRow dr in data.Tables[0].Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["Address_ID"]) == course.Address_ID) { course.First_name = Convert.ToString(dr["course_name"]); course.Last_name = Convert.ToString(dr["Last_name"]); course.Email = Convert.ToString(dr["Email"]); } } update(); } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } }
private static Boolean ProcessBatches(delivery deliveryDocument, List <batch> batches) { DALPortalDataContext dc = new DALPortalDataContext(); Boolean returnValue = true; // Remove all batches attached to this document BatchClass.RemoveBatchesDocument(deliveryDocument.docId, deliveryDocument.docType, dc); foreach (batch batchLine in batches) { try { batch batch = BatchClass.GetBatch(batchLine.batchNumber, batchLine.heatNumber, batchLine.itemId, deliveryDocument.companyCode, dc); Boolean newBatch = false; if (batch == null) { batch = new batch(); newBatch = true; } if (newBatch) { batch.batchNumber = batchLine.batchNumber; batch.companyCode = deliveryDocument.companyCode; } batch.itemId = batchLine.itemId; batch.certificateIndexNumber = batchLine.certificateIndexNumber; batch.heatNumber = batchLine.heatNumber; batch.ixosArchiveId = batchLine.ixosArchiveId; if (newBatch) { // Check if certificate is already on the server String fileName = "CERT_" + batchLine.ixosArchiveId + ".pdf"; String filePath = Path.Combine(Parameters_DataProcessor.CompanyFilesRoot, "Certificates", fileName); String dbPath = Path.Combine(@"~\Files\Certificates", fileName); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { batch.certificateLink = dbPath; } } foreach (batchDocument batchDocLine in batchLine.batchDocuments) { // Check if Batch relates to document batchDocument batchDoc = batch.batchDocuments.Where(c => c.baseDocId.Equals(deliveryDocument.docId) && c.baseLineNum.Equals(batchDocLine.baseLineNum) && c.baseDocType.Equals("DL")).FirstOrDefault(); Boolean newBatchDoc = false; if (batchDoc == null) { newBatchDoc = true; batchDoc = new batchDocument(); batchDoc.baseDocId = deliveryDocument.docId; batchDoc.baseLineNum = batchDocLine.baseLineNum; batchDoc.baseDocType = "DL"; } batchDoc.quantity = batchDocLine.quantity; if (newBatchDoc) { batch.batchDocuments.Add(batchDoc); } } if (newBatch) { dc.batches.InsertOnSubmit(batch); } dc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Error Processing Batches for Delivery {0} for company {1}. Error: {2}", deliveryDocument.documentNumber, deliveryDocument.companyCode, ex.Message), "ProcessBatches"); returnValue = false; } } return(returnValue); }
public LinkedList <return19> setStuBatch() { LinkedList <return19> result = new LinkedList <return19>(); CommonClass commonClass = new CommonClass();; String date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); // date="2020-09-20"; //交代码要去掉这一行 MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("select student_ID,student_name,date " + "from clockin_record natural join student " + "where date='" + date + "' and (current_province,current_city) in " + "(select province,city from pandemic_situation where date='" + date + "' and risk_level = 0)", commonClass.returnConn()); MySqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { return19 temp = new return19(); temp.student_ID = dataReader.GetString("student_ID"); temp.student_name = dataReader.GetString("student_name"); result.AddLast(temp); } commonClass.close(); LinkedListNode <return19> po = result.First; while (po != result.Last) {; MySqlCommand tempcmd19 = new MySqlCommand("select student_ID from back_info where student_ID='" + po.Value.student_ID + "'", commonClass.returnConn()); MySqlDataReader tempread19 = tempcmd19.ExecuteReader(); if (tempread19.Read()) { LinkedListNode <return19> pre = po; po = po.Next; result.Remove(pre); } else { po = po.Next; } commonClass.close(); } if (po == null) { ; } else {; MySqlCommand tempcmd = new MySqlCommand("select student_ID from back_info where student_ID='" + po.Value.student_ID + "'", commonClass.returnConn()); MySqlDataReader tempread = tempcmd.ExecuteReader(); if (tempread.Read()) { result.Remove(po); } commonClass.close(); }; //得到返校批次信息; MySqlCommand getbatch = new MySqlCommand("select * from batch", commonClass.returnConn()); MySqlDataReader getbatchread = getbatch.ExecuteReader(); LinkedList <batch> batches = new LinkedList <batch>(); while (getbatchread.Read()) { batch temp = new batch(); temp.batch_num = getbatchread.GetString("batch_num"); = getbatchread.GetString("date"); batches.AddLast(temp); } commonClass.close(); LinkedListNode <batch> point = batches.First; foreach (var item in result) { string batch_num = point.Value.batch_num; item.batch_num = batch_num; = Convert.ToDateTime(; point = point.Next; } //插入到batch_info foreach (var item in result) {; MySqlCommand insert = new MySqlCommand("insert into back_info values('" + item.student_ID + "','" + + "','null','null'," + item.batch_num + ", '2020-9');", commonClass.returnConn()); insert.ExecuteNonQuery(); commonClass.close(); } return(result); }
public ViewResult Details(int id) { batch batch = db.batches.Find(id); return(View(batch)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { batch batch = db.batches.Find(id); return(View(batch)); }
var(batch, i) = b;
public ActionResult AddBatch() { batch model = new batch(); return(View(model)); }
public void add(batch entity) { btc.Insert(entity.Batch); }
/// <summary> /// Loops over all the files we downloaded from the SFTP. Goes through the data line by line. /// Looks for a line beginning with "8" as that signifies a valid file structure /// </summary> private static void processFiles() { appendToBody(String.Format("Wells Fargo files to be processed: {0}", sftpFilesToProcess.Count())); //int count = 0; //Loop over each file. We need to determine if it is a morning file and in the correct format foreach (var file in sftpFilesToProcess) { //create a new payment record list for each file ... batches = new List<batch>(); bool validFile = false; bool multiCheck = false; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file)) { //appendToBody(String.Format("Parsing file {0}", file.Name)); string line = ""; string recordType = ""; currentPaymentRecord = null; currentBatch = new batch(); currentInvoice = null; invoiceValue = 0; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null && line.Length > 15) { line = line.Replace(" ", ""); recordType = line.Substring(0, 2); Console.WriteLine(line); switch (recordType) { //File contains 1 FH case "FH": //This is a header line. We can pull the 10 digits and the date from this line... parseHeader(line); break; //File can contain multiple BH case "BH": //create a new Batch currentBatch = new batch(); break; //Each BH can contain multiple PR case "PR": //In order for the file to be valid we have to have at least 1 payment record... validFile = true; currentBatch.numChecks++; //If there is no open paymentRecord. Create a new one if (!multiCheck){ currentPaymentRecord = new paymentRecord(); currentBatch.paymentRecords.Add(currentPaymentRecord); } //Every PR wil create a new "check". currentCheck = new check(); currentCheck.checkAmount = parsePR(line); currentBatch.checkTotal += currentCheck.checkAmount; currentPaymentRecord.checks.Add(currentCheck); += currentCheck.checkAmount; break; //Each PR will contain a SP case "SP": //Need to parse the SP and see if the flag is set for additional checks multiCheck = parseSP(line); break; //Each PR can contain multiple IV case "IV": currentBatch.numInvoices++; currentInvoice = new invoice(); invoiceValue = parseIV(line); currentPaymentRecord.invoices.Add(currentInvoice); break; case "SI": //Supplemental Invoice //Parse the line and determine what type of data it is... if (currentInvoice != null) { currentInvoice.invoiceDate = parseSI(line); } else { Console.WriteLine("Current invoice is null while reading in an SI...Should Never happen!!!! problem!"); Console.ReadKey(); } //push into the invoice break; case "BT": //Trailer Record batches.Add(currentBatch); break; default: //Do nothing //Console.WriteLine("unrecognized line header: {0}", line); break; } } //close the file sr.Close(); } if (validFile) { string fileName = createOutputFile(file); attachments.Add(new FileInfo(fileName)); appendToBody(""); //upload file ... //ftpUploadFile(fileName, fileName); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception processing file...{0}", e); appendToBody(String.Format("Error while processing {0}", file)); } } //appendToBody(String.Format("Processed {0} valid files", count)); }