Пример #1
    public void LoadMolecule()
        string filestring = Manager.GetComponent <OpenFileButton>().filestring;

        // TODO: display an error if filestring is null

        // First we will get the frames using Regex.Split
        // Then we get information about each individual atom with each frame. Most important: Atom#, Element, X, Y, Z


        // fill out top.NATOM with the total number of atoms and pass it to Load
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().top.NATOM = top.NATOM;

        // Fill our molecule struct and pass to Load
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule = molecule;

        // Fill out number of frames and pass to Load
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().framenum = framenum;

        // Delete everything here
        molecule   = null;
        filestring = null;
        framenum   = 0;

Пример #2
     * Group 1: Element
     * Group 2: X
     * Group 3: Y
     * Group 4: Z
     * Group 5:

    void GetAtomInfo()
        framenum = Models.Count();
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];
        molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];

        foreach (string model in Models)
            // This is to get the Atom#, Element, and X,Y,Z coord
            string reg = @"\r?\n?([A-Z]+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\r?\n?";
            Regex  r   = new Regex(reg);
            Match  m   = r.Match(model);
            for (int a = 0; a < top.NATOM; a++)
                Vector3 original = new Vector3(float.Parse(m.Groups[2].ToString()) / 25, float.Parse(m.Groups[3].ToString()) / 25, float.Parse(m.Groups[4].ToString()) / 25);
                //original = Fitbox.GetComponent<Fitbox>().toQuat*original;

                // Need this line because the HologramCollection is moved by the Fitbox when loading the app so we are correcting the X,Y,Z for that
                original = original + HologramCollection.transform.position;

                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].x = original.x;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].y = original.y;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].z = original.z;

                molecule[0, a].element = m.Groups[1].ToString();

                m = m.NextMatch();
    public void CreateLines(atominfo[,] molecule)
        foreach (Bonds k in GetComponent <ThisFileInfo>().Bonds[0])
            GameObject myLine = new GameObject();
            myLine.tag = "Sticks";

            myLine.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
            myLine.name = string.Format("Line{0}.{1}", k.a1, k.a2);
            lr          = myLine.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
            lr.SetWidth(0.003f, 0.003f);
            lr.material      = mat;
            lr.useWorldSpace = false;
            lr.startColor    = Colors(molecule[0, k.a1].element);
            lr.endColor      = Colors(molecule[0, k.a2].element);

            float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
            x1 = molecule[0, k.a1].x;
            y1 = molecule[0, k.a1].y;
            z1 = molecule[0, k.a1].z;
            x2 = molecule[0, k.a2].x;
            y2 = molecule[0, k.a2].y;
            z2 = molecule[0, k.a2].z;

            Vector3 firstatom  = new Vector3(x1, y1, z1) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 secondatom = new Vector3(x2, y2, z2) * 0.5f;

            offset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0f + MoleculeCollection.transform.position.z);

            lr.SetPosition(0, firstatom + offset);
            lr.SetPosition(1, secondatom + offset);
            lr.transform.parent = transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.transform;
Пример #4
     * Group 1: Element
     * Group 2: Atomic number
     * Group 3: X
     * Group 4: Y
     * Group 5: Z

    void GetAtomInfo()
        top.NATOM = Regex.Matches(Models[0], @"\r?\n?\s*([A-Z][A-Z]?)\s*([0-9]+)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)").Count;

        framenum = Models.Count();
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];
        molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];

        foreach (string model in Models)
            string reg = @"\r?\n?\s*([A-Z][A-Z]?)\s*([0-9]+)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)";
            Regex  r   = new Regex(reg);
            Match  m   = r.Match(model);

            for (int a = 0; a < top.NATOM; a++)
                Vector3 original = new Vector3(float.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value) / 25, float.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value) / 25, float.Parse(m.Groups[5].Value) / 25);
                //original = Fitbox.GetComponent<Fitbox>().toQuat*original;
                original = original + HologramCollection.transform.position;

                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].x = original.x;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].y = original.y;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].z = original.z;

                molecule[0, a].element = m.Groups[1].ToString();

                m = m.NextMatch();
Пример #5
    public void LoadMolecule()
        if (Manager.GetComponent <Dropdowns>().filetypeSelected == "AMBER Parm")
            topfilestring = Manager.GetComponent <OpenFileButton>().filestring;


        if (Manager.GetComponent <Dropdowns>().filetypeSelected == "AMBER Coord")
            xfilestring = Manager.GetComponent <OpenFileButton>().filestring;


            Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule = molecule;
            Manager.GetComponent <Load>().top      = top;
            Manager.GetComponent <Load>().framenum = framenum;

            molecule      = null;
            topfilestring = null;
            xfilestring   = null;
            framenum      = 0;

Пример #6
     * Group 1: Element
     * Group 2: X
     * Group 3: Y
     * Group 4: Z

    void GetAtomInfo()
        framenum = Models.Count();
        GetComponent <Load>().molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];
        molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];

        int thisframe = 0;

        foreach (string model in Models)
            // This is to get the Atom#, Element, and X,Y,Z coord
            string reg = @"([A-Z][A-Z]?)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)";
            Regex  r   = new Regex(reg);
            Match  m   = r.Match(model);

            for (int a = 0; a < top.NATOM; a++)
                Vector3 original = new Vector3(float.Parse(m.Groups[2].ToString()), float.Parse(m.Groups[3].ToString()), float.Parse(m.Groups[4].ToString()));

                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].x = original.x;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].y = original.y;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].z = original.z;

                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].element = m.Groups[1].ToString();

                m = m.NextMatch();
            thisframe += 1;
Пример #7
    public void LoadMolecule()
		filestring = Manager.GetComponent<OpenFileButton>().filestring;

		// First we will get all info from the frames using ANTLR4
		// We start this on new threads and then join them at the end for a small processing speedup

		istream = new AntlrInputStream(filestring);
        lexer = new XYZLexer(istream);
        tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        parser = new XYZParser(tokens);

        // takes 0.5 seconds to parse
        fileContext = parser.file();

        firstFrame = fileContext.frame()[0];
        top.NATOM = Convert.ToInt32(firstFrame.header().GetText());
        framenum = fileContext.frame().Length;
        molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];

        //double st = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        atomX = 0; frameX = 0;
        atomY = 0; frameY = 0;
        atomZ = 0; frameZ = 0;
        atomE = 0; frameE = 0;
        var X = new Task(() => GetX());
        var Y = new Task(() => GetY());
        var Z = new Task(() => GetZ());
        var E = new Task(() => GetE());


        // Debug.Log($"0:{Time.realtimeSinceStartup - st}");

        // fill out top.NATOM with the total number of atoms and pass it to Load
        Manager.GetComponent<Load>().top.NATOM = top.NATOM;

        // Fill our molecule struct and pass to Load
        Manager.GetComponent<Load>().molecule = molecule;

        // Fill out number of frames and pass to Load
        Manager.GetComponent<Load>().framenum = framenum;

        // Delete everything here
        molecule = null;
        filestring = null;
        framenum = 0;
Пример #8
     * Group 1: Element
     * Group 2: Atomic number
     * Group 3: X
     * Group 4: Y
     * Group 5: Z

    void GetAtomInfo()
        top.NATOM = Regex.Matches(Models[0], @"\r?\n?\s*([0-9]+)\s*([0-9])\s*([0-9])\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\r?\n?").Count;

        framenum = Models.Count();
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];
        molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];

        foreach (string model in Models)
            string reg = @"\r?\n?\s*([0-9]+)\s*([0-9])\s*([0-9])\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\r?\n?";
            Regex  r   = new Regex(reg);
            Match  m   = r.Match(model);

            for (int a = 0; a < top.NATOM; a++)
                Vector3 original = new Vector3(float.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value) / 25f, float.Parse(m.Groups[5].Value) / 25f, float.Parse(m.Groups[6].Value) / 25f);
                original = original + HologramCollection.transform.position;

                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].x = original.x;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].y = original.y;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].z = original.z;

                switch (m.Groups[2].ToString())
                case "1":
                    molecule[0, a].element = "H";

                case "6":
                    molecule[0, a].element = "C";

                case "7":
                    molecule[0, a].element = "N";

                case "8":
                    molecule[0, a].element = "O";

                    molecule[0, a].element = "S";
                    // TODO: Add more elements here
                    // There is a switch case like this in LoadAMBER as well so copy paste there

                m = m.NextMatch();

            //Debug.Log(molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), 1].x);
Пример #9
    public void LoadMolecule()
        // display an error if filestring is null

        GetFrames(Manager.GetComponent <OpenFileButton>().filestring);


        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().top.NATOM = top.NATOM;
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule  = molecule;
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().framenum  = framenum;

        molecule = null;
        //filestring = null;
        framenum = 0;
Пример #10
    public async Task LoadMoleculeAsync()
        // Check if any file was loaded in
        if (GetComponent <OpenFileButton>().filestring == null)
            GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
            sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
            sphere.transform.position   = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

            goto NoFile; // Skips to the end of this function

        // delete anything else in molecule collection (just one file at a time)

        // Create a new FileObject

        ThisFile = (GameObject)Instantiate(FilePrefab);
        ThisFile.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
        ThisFile.transform.parent = MoleculeCollection.transform;
        ThisFile.transform.name   = String.Format("File {0}", FileNumber);

        // Get the AtomCollection object
        NewLineCollection = ThisFile.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;

        //await loadDel[Manager.GetComponent<Dropdowns>().filetypes.IndexOf(Manager.GetComponent<Dropdowns>().filetypeSelected) - 1](ThisFile);

        await LoadXYZ(ThisFile);

        // maybe do this w moleculecolleciton instead
        ThisFile.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);

        // Can we put this data directly in the right place instead of moving it around and then deleting it?
        GetComponent <OpenFileButton>().filestring = null;
        molecule   = null;
        AtomNumber = 0;

Пример #11
    public void LoadMolecule()
        filestring = Manager.GetComponent <OpenFileButton>().filestring;

        // display an error if filestring is null


        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().top.NATOM = top.NATOM;
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule  = molecule;
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().framenum  = framenum - 1;

        //txt.GetComponent<ChangeText>().totalFrames = framenum - 1;

        molecule   = null;
        filestring = null;
        framenum   = 0;
Пример #12
    // (......)(.....)(.....)(.)(...).(.)(....)(.)...(........)(........)(........)(......)(......)......(....)(..)
    /// <summary>
    /// (1-6)    :   "ATOM"/"HETATM"/"TER"          :  CHAR     : Group 1
    /// (7-11)   :   Atom serial number             :  INT      : Group 2
    /// 12       :   BLANK
    /// (13-16)  :   Atom name                      :  CHAR     : Group 3
    /// (17)     :   Alternate location indicator   :  CHAR     : Group 4
    /// (18-20)  :   Residue name                   :  CHAR     : Group 5
    /// 21       :   BLANK
    /// (22)     :   Chain identifier               :  CHAR     : Group 6
    /// (23-26)  :   Residue sequence number        :  INT      : Group 7
    /// (27)     :   Code for insertions of residues:  CHAR     : Group 8
    /// 28-30    :   BLANK
    /// (31-38)  :   X orthogonal A coordinate      :  FLOAT    : Group 9
    /// (39-46)  :   Y orthogonal A coordinate      :  FLOAT    : Group 10
    /// (47-54)  :   Z orthogonal A coordinate      :  FLOAT    : Group 11
    /// (55-60)  :   Occupancy                      :  FLOAT    : Group 12
    /// (61-66)  :   Temperature factor             :  FLOAT    : Group 13
    /// (73-76)  :   Segment identifier             :  CHAR     : Group 14
    /// (77-78)  :   Element symbol                 :  CHAR     : Group 15
    /// </summary>

    void GetAtomInfo()
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];
        molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];
        Vector3 hc        = HologramCollection.transform.position;
        double  starttime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        foreach (string model in Models)
            string reg = "(......)(.....)(.....)(.)(...).(.)(....)(.)...(........)(........)(........)(......)(......)......(....)(..)";
            Regex  r   = new Regex(reg);
            Match  m   = r.Match(model);

            for (int a = 0; a < top.NATOM; a++)
                // original should be unmodified, not divided by 25 here. this is not the place for rescaling. localposition is used in movespheres() already
                Vector3 original = new Vector3(float.Parse(m.Groups[9].ToString().Trim()), float.Parse(m.Groups[10].ToString().Trim()), float.Parse(m.Groups[11].ToString().Trim()));
                //original = Fitbox.GetComponent<Fitbox>().toQuat*original;

                // Need this line because the HologramCollection is moved by the Fitbox when loading the app so we are correcting the X,Y,Z for that
                original = original + hc;

                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].x = original.x;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].y = original.y;
                molecule[Models.IndexOf(model), a].z = original.z;

                molecule[0, a].atomsym = m.Groups[3].ToString().Trim();
                molecule[0, a].element = m.Groups[15].ToString().Trim();
                molecule[0, a].resnum  = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[7].ToString().Trim());
                molecule[0, a].resid   = m.Groups[5].ToString().Trim();

                m = m.NextMatch();

        Debug.Log($"time to load: {Time.realtimeSinceStartup - starttime}");
Пример #13
    atominfo[,] GetCrds()
        molecule = new atominfo[framenum, top.NATOM];
        //Models = new string[framenum];
        rescale = 25;
        for (int i = 0; i < framenum; i++)
            temp = Models[i];
            string pattern = @"\s+(\S+)"; /// (x) (y) (z) {top.NATOM}
            Regex  r       = new Regex(pattern);
            m = r.Match(temp);
            for (int a = 0; a < top.NATOM; a++)
                // molecule[i, a].atomnum = a+1;// Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].ToString());
                //molecule[i, a].atomsym = m.Groups[2].ToString();
                //molecule[i, a].resid = m.Groups[3].ToString();
                //molecule[i, a].resnum = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[5].ToString());

                //var fmt = new NumberFormatInfo();
                //fmt.NegativeSign = "-";
                molecule[i, a].x = float.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString()) / rescale;
                m = m.NextMatch();

                molecule[i, a].y = float.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString()) / rescale;
                m = m.NextMatch();

                molecule[i, a].z = float.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString()) / rescale;

                //molecule[i, a].element = m.Groups[11].ToString();

                m = m.NextMatch();
Пример #14
    public void LoadMolecule()
        filestring = Manager.GetComponent <OpenFileButton>().filestring;

        // TODO: display an error if filestring is null
        if (filestring == null)
            // Console text  += " filetring is null"
            // `goto` somewhere at end of this LoadMolecule() function

        // First we will get the frames using Regex.Split
        double starttime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        txt.text += $"\n GetFrames time : {Time.realtimeSinceStartup - starttime}"; starttime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        // Then we get information about each individual atom with each frame. Most important: Atom#, Element, X, Y, Z
        txt.text += $"\n GetAtomInfo time : {Time.realtimeSinceStartup - starttime}"; starttime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        // fill out top.NATOM with the total number of atoms and pass it to Load
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().top.NATOM = top.NATOM;

        // Fill our molecule struct and pass to Load
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().molecule = molecule;

        // Fill out number of frames and pass to Load
        Manager.GetComponent <Load>().framenum = framenum;

        // Delete everything here
        molecule   = null;
        filestring = null;
        framenum   = 0;

Пример #15
    public void MoveLine(int frame, atominfo[,] molecule)
        int        atom1, atom2;
        GameObject sphereone, spheretwo;

        if (GetComponent <ThisFileInfo>().dynamicBonds == true)
            // Check for bonds which exist for the frame but were not constructed in a previous frame
            foreach (Bonds k in GetComponent <ThisFileInfo>().Bonds[frame])
                Transform[] children      = transform.GetChild(1).transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
                string[]    childrenNames = new string[children.Length];

                foreach (Transform c in children)
                    childrenNames[Array.IndexOf(children, c)] = c.name;

                if (!childrenNames.Contains($"Line{k.a1}.{k.a2}"))
                    GameObject myLine = new GameObject();

                    myLine.tag = "Sticks";

                    myLine.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
                    myLine.name = string.Format("Line{0}.{1}", k.a1, k.a2);
                    lr          = myLine.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                    lr.SetWidth(0.003f, 0.003f);
                    lr.material      = mat;
                    lr.useWorldSpace = false;
                    lr.startColor    = Colors(molecule[frame, k.a1].element);
                    lr.endColor      = Colors(molecule[frame, k.a2].element);

                    float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
                    x1 = molecule[frame, k.a1].x;
                    y1 = molecule[frame, k.a1].y;
                    z1 = molecule[frame, k.a1].z;
                    x2 = molecule[frame, k.a2].x;
                    y2 = molecule[frame, k.a2].y;
                    z2 = molecule[frame, k.a2].z;

                    Vector3 firstatom  = new Vector3(x1, y1, z1) * 0.5f;
                    Vector3 secondatom = new Vector3(x2, y2, z2) * 0.5f;

                    offset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0f + MoleculeCollection.transform.position.z);

                    lr.transform.parent = transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.transform;

                    lr.SetPosition(0, firstatom + offset);
                    lr.SetPosition(1, secondatom + offset);

                    myLine.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                    myLine.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
                    myLine.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;

        // Check for bonds which are extra for this frame and delete them, then update the lines' positions for the frame
        foreach (Transform k in transform.GetChild(1).GetComponentInChildren <Transform>())
            atom1 = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(k.name, $"Line([0-9]+).([0-9]+)").Groups[1].ToString());
            atom2 = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(k.name, $"Line([0-9]+).([0-9]+)").Groups[2].ToString());

            if (GetComponent <ThisFileInfo>().dynamicBonds == true)
                string[] bondNames = new string[GetComponent <ThisFileInfo>().Bonds[frame].Count];
                foreach (Bonds m in GetComponent <ThisFileInfo>().Bonds[frame])
                    bondNames[GetComponent <ThisFileInfo>().Bonds[frame].IndexOf(m)] = $"Line{m.a1}.{m.a2}";

                if (!bondNames.Contains(k.name))
                    goto SkipMove; // line 167

            sphereone = AtomCollection.transform.GetChild(atom1).gameObject;
            spheretwo = AtomCollection.transform.GetChild(atom2).gameObject;

            float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
            x1 = sphereone.transform.localPosition.x;
            y1 = sphereone.transform.localPosition.y;
            z1 = sphereone.transform.localPosition.z + 1;
            x2 = spheretwo.transform.localPosition.x;
            y2 = spheretwo.transform.localPosition.y;
            z2 = spheretwo.transform.localPosition.z + 1;

            Vector3 firstatom  = new Vector3(x1, y1, z1);
            Vector3 secondatom = new Vector3(x2, y2, z2);

            GameObject myLine = k.gameObject;

            lr = myLine.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

            lr.SetPosition(0, firstatom);
            lr.SetPosition(1, secondatom);

            lr.useWorldSpace = false;

        //Debug.Log($"Move Time: {Time.realtimeSinceStartup - sttime}");