public void saveChanges() { using (var db = new PlanningContext()) { action_type data = null; if (!this._isCreateMode) { var id = Convert.ToInt32(this.action_type_id.Text); data = db.action_type.Where(d => d.action_type_id == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (data == null) { this._mainInterface.statusText = $"ERROR: ID '{this.action_type_id.Text}' does not exist."; return; } } else { data = new action_type(); } data.action_type_id = Convert.ToInt32(this.action_type_id.Text); data.description = /**/ (this.description.Text); data.is_active = (bool)this.is_active.IsChecked; data.comment = /**/ (this.comment.Text); if (this._isCreateMode) { db.action_type.Add(data); } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void editAccountToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((advTree1.SelectedNode.Tag != null && (advTree1.SelectedNode.Tag as ic.accountC).is_sys_account)) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot Edit This Account Because It Is A System Account", "System Account Error"); return; } m_action = action_type.update; m_object = object_type.Account; showpanel(advTree1.SelectedNode); }
public Action(action_type actionType, GameObject o = null) { float[] t = new float[2] { 0f, .8f }; type = actionType; target = o; completionTime = t [(int)type]; completion = 0f; location = new int2(); }
private void buttonclose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (m_action) { case action_type.create: { advTree1.SelectedNode.Remove(); break; } case action_type.update: { break; } } panel2.Visible = false; advTree1.Enabled = true; m_action = action_type.none; }
public void deleteItem(object item) { if (item == null) { return; } action_type data = item as action_type; if (data == null) { return; } using (var db = new PlanningContext()) { db.action_type.Remove(db.action_type.Where(d => d.action_type_id == data.action_type_id).First()); db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void editAccountToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_action = action_type.update; m_object = object_type.GroupAccount; showpanel(advTree1.SelectedNode); }
private void buttonadd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_action == action_type.create) { #region Insert Region ic.departmentC _dept = new MTOMS.ic.departmentC(); _dept.dept_name = textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(); if (curr_node.Level == 1) { _dept.parent_id = curr_node.Parent.Tag == null ? 0 : curr_node.Parent.Tag.ToInt32(); } if (curr_node.Level == 2) { _dept.parent_id = curr_node.Parent.Tag == null ? 0 : (curr_node.Parent.Tag as ic.departmentC).dept_id; } _dept.is_visible = true; _dept.level = curr_node.Level; _dept.index = curr_node.Index; string[] _cols = new string[] { "exp_type", "is_visible", "lch_id", "fs_time_stamp", "dept_name", "parent_id", "s_level", "s_index" }; object[] _row = new object[] { emm.export_type.insert.ToByte(), 1, sdata.ChurchID, 0, _dept.dept_name, _dept.parent_id, _dept.level, _dept.index }; using (var xd = new xing()) { if (datam.DuplicateDepartmentName(_dept.dept_name, xd)) { MessageBox.Show("The Department Name You Have Entered Already Exists", "Duplicate Department Name"); buttonclose.PerformClick(); return; } _dept.dept_id = xd.SingleInsertCommandTSPInt("dept_master_tb_ns", _cols, _row); curr_node.Tag = _dept; curr_node.Text = _dept.dept_name; curr_node.Name = string.Format("DEPT{0}", _dept.dept_id); if (_dept.parent_id > 0) { _dept.expense_sys_account_id = accn.CreateChildGroupAccount(xd, datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[_dept.parent_id].expense_sys_account_id, _dept.dept_name).account_id; _dept.cr_sys_account_id = datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[_dept.parent_id].cr_sys_account_id; _dept.income_sys_account_id = datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[_dept.parent_id].income_sys_account_id; } else { _dept.expense_sys_account_id = accn.CreateChildGroupAccount(xd, -2386, _dept.dept_name).account_id; _dept.income_sys_account_id = accn.CreateChildGroupAccount(xd, -2370, _dept.dept_name).account_id; _dept.cr_sys_account_id = accn.CreateChildGroupAccount(xd, -2369, _dept.dept_name).account_id; xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("accounts_tb"); xd.SingleUpdateCommand(string.Format("update accounts_tb set link_id={0},{1},fs_time_stamp={2} where account_id in ({3},{4},{5})", _dept.expense_sys_account_id, dbm.ETS, SQLH.UnixStamp, _dept.expense_sys_account_id, _dept.income_sys_account_id, _dept.cr_sys_account_id)); } // xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("dept_master_tb_ns", new string[] { "sys_account_id", "inc_sys_account_id", "cr_sys_account_id", "dept_id" }, new object[] { _dept.expense_sys_account_id, _dept.income_sys_account_id, _dept.cr_sys_account_id, _dept.dept_id }, 1); // ic.expense_accountC _exp = new ic.expense_accountC(); _exp.dept_id = _dept.dept_id; _exp.dept_parent_id = _dept.parent_id; _exp.dept_sys_account_id = _dept.expense_sys_account_id; _exp.exp_acc_name = string.Format("GE :: {0}", _dept.dept_name); _exp.exp_acc_status = em.exp_acc_statusS.valid; _exp.exp_acc_type = em.exp_acc_typeS.system_department; datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT.Add(_dept.dept_id, _dept); accn.CreateExpenseAccount(_exp, xd); if (_dept.parent_id < 0) { #region ic.accountC _inc_dept = new MTOMS.ic.accountC(); _inc_dept.account_name = string.Format("GI :: {0}", _dept.dept_name); _inc_dept.account_status = em.account_statusS.Enabled; _inc_dept.opening_balance = 0; _inc_dept.start_date = sdata.CURR_DATE; _inc_dept.owner_type = em.AccountOwnerTypeS.DEPARTMENT; _inc_dept.owner_id = _dept.dept_id; _inc_dept.owner_name = _dept.dept_name; _inc_dept.PostType = em.postTypeS.cash_accounts_payable; ic.accountC parent_account = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_dept.income_sys_account_id]; _inc_dept.account_dept_type = parent_account.account_dept_type; _inc_dept.account_dept_category = parent_account.account_dept_category; _inc_dept.account_status = em.account_statusS.Enabled; _inc_dept.account_type = em.account_typeS.ActualAccount; _inc_dept.p_account_id = parent_account.account_id; _inc_dept.a_level = (parent_account.a_level + 1).ToInt16(); _inc_dept.a_index = ((datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS.Values.Count(l => l.p_account_id == parent_account.account_id & l.account_type == em.account_typeS.ActualAccount)) + 1).ToInt16(); _cols = new string[] { "acc_d_cat_id", "acc_d_type_id", "account_name", "account_type_id", "account_alias", "a_level", "a_index", "p_account_id", "exp_type", "fs_time_stamp", "edate", "pc_us_id", "account_status_id", "search_alias", "is_sys_account", "post_type_id", "owner_type_id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "start_date", "end_date", "opening_balance", "account_short_name", "account_code", "description", "lch_id", "ex_cg_type_ids", "accounts_ext_purpose" }; xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("accounts_tb"); _row = new object[] { _inc_dept.account_dept_category.ToByte(), _inc_dept.account_dept_type.ToByte(), _inc_dept.account_name, _inc_dept.account_type.ToByte(), _inc_dept.account_alias, _inc_dept.a_level, _inc_dept.a_index, _inc_dept.p_account_id, emm.export_type.insert.ToByte(), 0, datam.CURR_DATE, datam.PC_US_ID, _inc_dept.account_status.ToByte(), null, //search_alias 0, // is_sys_account _inc_dept.PostType.ToByte(), //post_type _inc_dept.owner_type.ToByte(), //owner_type _inc_dept.owner_id, //owner_id _inc_dept.owner_name, //owner name _inc_dept.start_date, _inc_dept.end_date, //end_date _inc_dept.opening_balance, //opening balance _inc_dept.account_short_name, //account_short_name _inc_dept.account_code, _inc_dept.description, //description sdata.ChurchID, null, _inc_dept.extension_purpose.ToByte() }; _inc_dept.account_id = xd.SingleInsertCommandTSPInt("accounts_tb", _cols, _row); xd.UpdateFsTimeStamp("accounts_tb"); xd.SingleUpdateCommand(string.Format("update accounts_tb set link_id={0},{1},fs_time_stamp={2} where account_id in ({3},{4})", _dept.expense_sys_account_id, dbm.ETS, SQLH.UnixStamp, _inc_dept.account_id, _exp.sys_account_id)); if (datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS != null) { try { datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS.Add(_inc_dept.account_id, _inc_dept); } catch (Exception) { } } #endregion } switch (curr_node.Level) { case 1: { curr_node.Style = _sb_dept_style; break; } case 2: { curr_node.Style = _sb_dept_style2; break; } } curr_node.ContextMenu = contextMenuFile; xd.CommitTransaction(); } #endregion _dept = null; m_action = action_type.none; if (!is_edited) { is_edited = true; } sdata.ClearFormCache(; sdata.ClearFormCache(; // sdata.ClearFormCache(; sdata.ClearFormCache(; buttonclose.PerformClick(); } if (m_action == action_type.update) { if (curr_node != null && curr_node.Tag != null) { var _dept = curr_node.Tag as ic.departmentC; if (_dept != null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { if (datam.DuplicateDepartmentName(textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(), xd, _dept.dept_id)) { MessageBox.Show("The Department Name You Have Entered Already Exists", "Duplicate Department Name"); buttonclose.PerformClick(); return; } xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("dept_master_tb_ns", new string[] { "dept_name", "dept_id" }, new object[] { textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(), _dept.dept_id }, 1); xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("accounts_tb", new string[] { "account_name", "account_id" }, new object[] { textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(), _dept.expense_sys_account_id }, 1); xd.CommitTransaction(); } _dept.dept_name = textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(); curr_node.Text = _dept.dept_name; if (!is_edited) { is_edited = true; } sdata.ClearFormCache(; sdata.ClearFormCache(; buttonclose.PerformClick(); } } } }
private void toolStripMenuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_action = action_type.create; m_object = object_type.Department; CreateDummyNode(); }
private void buttonadd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_action == action_type.create) { #region Insert Region ic.church_sub_unitC _unit = new MTOMS.ic.church_sub_unitC(); _unit.sb_unit_name = textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(); _unit.sb_unit_category = (em.sb_unit_categoryS)curr_node.Parent.Tag.ToByte(); string[] _cols = new string[] { "sb_unit_name", "sb_unit_cat_id", "exp_type", "fs_time_stamp", "lch_id", }; object[] _row = new object[] { _unit.sb_unit_name, _unit.sb_unit_category.ToByte(), 33, 0, sdata.App_station_id, }; using (var xd = new xing()) { //if (datam.DuplicateDepartmentName(_unit.dept_name, xd)) //{ // MessageBox.Show("The Department Name You Have Entered Already Exists", "Duplicate Department Name"); // buttonclose.PerformClick(); // return; //} _unit.sb_unit_id = xd.SingleInsertCommandTSPInt("church_sub_unit_tb", _cols, _row); curr_node.Tag = _unit; curr_node.Text = _unit.sb_unit_name; curr_node.Name = string.Format("DEPT{0}", _unit.sb_unit_id); switch (curr_node.Level) { case 1: { curr_node.Style = _sb_dept_style; break; } case 2: { curr_node.Style = _sb_dept_style; break; } } curr_node.ContextMenu = contextMenuFile; accn.CreateSubUnitCrExpAccount(_unit, xd); xd.CommitTransaction(); } #endregion datam.DATA_CHURCH_SUB_UNIT.Add(_unit.sb_unit_id, _unit); _unit = null; m_action = action_type.none; if (!is_edited) { is_edited = true; } buttonclose.PerformClick(); } if (m_action == action_type.update) { if (curr_node != null && curr_node.Tag != null) { var _unit = curr_node.Tag as ic.church_sub_unitC; if (_unit != null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { //if (datam.DuplicateDepartmentName(textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(), xd, _dept.dept_id)) //{ // MessageBox.Show("The Department Name You Have Entered Already Exists", "Duplicate Department Name"); // buttonclose.PerformClick(); // return; //} xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("church_sub_unit_tb", new string[] { "sb_unit_name", "sb_unit_id" }, new object[] { textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(), _unit.sb_unit_id }, 1); xd.CommitTransaction(); } _unit.sb_unit_name = textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(); curr_node.Text = _unit.sb_unit_name; if (!is_edited) { is_edited = true; } buttonclose.PerformClick(); } } } }
private void buttonadd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_action == action_type.create) { #region Insert Region ic.accountC _account = new MTOMS.ic.accountC(); _account.account_status = em.account_statusS.Enabled; _account.a_index = curr_node.Index.ToInt16(); _account.a_level = curr_node.Level.ToInt16(); int gp_id = 0; var _sect = GetRoot(curr_node); _account.account_dept_category = (em.account_d_categoryS)_sect.acc_d_cat_id; _account.account_dept_type = (em.account_d_typeS)_sect.acc_d_type_id; if (curr_node.Level > 1) { _account.p_account_id = curr_node.Parent == null ? 0 : (curr_node.Parent.Tag as ic.accountC).account_id; } using (var xd = new xing()) { switch (m_object) { case object_type.GroupAccount: { #region Add New Types _account.account_type = curr_node.Level == 1 ? em.account_typeS.GroupAccount : em.account_typeS.SubGroupAccount; curr_node.Text = textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(); _account.account_name = curr_node.Text; curr_node.Style = _folder_style; curr_node.ContextMenu = contextMenuFolder; // curr_node.Image = MUTTICO.Properties.Resources.Folder; m_action = action_type.none; if (_account.account_type == em.account_typeS.SubGroupAccount) { gp_id = (curr_node.Parent.Tag as ic.accountC).account_id; } break; #endregion } case object_type.Account: { if (datam.DuplicateAccountName(textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(), xd)) { MessageBox.Show("The Account Name You Have Entered Already Exists", "Duplicate Account Name"); buttonclose.PerformClick(); return; } #region Add New Types _account.account_type = em.account_typeS.ActualAccount; curr_node.Text = textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(); _account.account_name = curr_node.Text; curr_node.Style = _folder_style; curr_node.ContextMenu = contextMenuFile; // curr_node.Image =; m_action = action_type.none; switch (curr_node.Level) { case 2: case 3: { gp_id = (curr_node.Parent.Tag as ic.accountC).account_id; break; } } break; #endregion } } string[] _cols = new string[] { "account_id", "acc_d_cat_id", "acc_d_type_id", "account_name", "account_type_id", "account_alias", "a_level", "a_index", "p_account_id", "exp_type", "fs_time_stamp", "edate", "pc_us_id", "account_status_id", "search_alias", "is_sys_account", "post_type_id", "owner_type_id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "start_date", "end_date", "opening_balance", "account_short_name", "account_code", "description", "lch_id" }; object[] _row = new object[] { _account.account_id = xd.IDCtrlGet("acc_id_xxx", 2013, -500), _account.account_dept_category.ToByte(), _account.account_dept_type.ToByte(), _account.account_name, _account.account_type.ToByte(), _account.account_alias, _account.a_level, _account.a_index, _account.p_account_id = gp_id, emm.export_type.insert.ToByte(), 0, datam.CURR_DATE, datam.PC_US_ID, _account.account_status.ToByte(), null, //search_alias 0, // is_sys_account 0, //post_type 0, //owner_type 0, //owner_id null, //owner name sdata.CURR_DATE, null, 0, //opening balance null, //account_short_name null, // account_code null, //description sdata.App_station_id }; xd.SingleInsertCommandInt("accounts_tb", _cols, _row); xd.IDCtrlDelete("acc_id_xxx"); curr_node.Name = string.Format("Account{0}", _account.account_id); xd.CommitTransaction(); } #endregion curr_node.Tag = _account; datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS.Add(_account.account_id, _account); labelclient.Text = _account.account_name; if (_account.account_type == em.account_typeS.ActualAccount) { curr_node.Style = _file_style; } else { curr_node.Style = _folder_style; } _account = null; buttonclose.PerformClick(); } if (m_action == action_type.update) { if (curr_node != null && curr_node.Tag != null) { var _folder = curr_node.Tag as ic.accountC; if (_folder != null) { using (var xd = new xing()) { if (datam.DuplicateAccountName(textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(), xd, _folder.account_id)) { MessageBox.Show("The Account Name You Have Entered Already Exists", "Duplicate Account Name"); buttonclose.PerformClick(); return; } xd.SingleUpdateCommandALL("accounts_tb", new string[] { "account_name", "account_id" }, new object[] { textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(), _folder.account_id }, 1); xd.CommitTransaction(); } _folder.account_name = textBox1.Text.Trim().ToProperCase(); curr_node.Text = _folder.account_name; buttonclose.PerformClick(); } } } }
private void createSMSFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_action = action_type.create; m_object = object_type.Account; CreateDummyNode(); }
public void on_action(action_type action) { switch (action) { case action_type.home: case action_type.end: case action_type.pageup: case action_type.pagedown: case action_type.arrow_up: case action_type.arrow_down: case action_type.shift_arrow_down: case action_type.shift_arrow_up: break; default: Debug.Assert(false); return; } edit.clear_sel(); int sel = sel_row_idx; int count = item_count; if (sel < 0 && count > 0) sel = 0; // assume we start from the top var visible_rows = visible_row_indexes(); int rows_per_page = visible_rows.Item2 - visible_rows.Item1; int height = list.Height - list.HeaderControl.ClientRectangle.Height; switch (action) { case action_type.home: sel = 0; break; case action_type.end: sel = count - 1; break; case action_type.pageup: if (sel >= 0) { int new_sel = sel - rows_per_page; sel = new_sel >= 0 ? new_sel : 0; } break; case action_type.pagedown: if (sel < count - 1) { int new_sel = sel + rows_per_page; sel = new_sel <= count - 1 ? new_sel : count - 1; } break; case action_type.arrow_up: if ( sel > 0) --sel; break; case action_type.arrow_down: if ( sel < count - 1) ++sel; break; // default list behavior is wrong, we need to override case action_type.shift_arrow_up: if (sel > 0) { int existing = selected_indices_array().Min(); if (existing > 0) { list.SelectedIndices.Add(existing - 1); ensure_row_visible(existing); } return; } break; // default list behavior is wrong, we need to override case action_type.shift_arrow_down: if (sel < count - 1) { int existing = selected_indices_array().Max(); if (existing < count - 1) { list.SelectedIndices.Add(existing + 1); ensure_row_visible(existing); } return; } break; } if (sel >= 0 && sel_row_idx != sel) { select_row_idx( sel, select_type.notify_parent); ensure_row_visible(sel); } edit.update_sel(); }
public async Task<JukeBoxStatut> jukeboxControl(action_type action, string index = null, string offset = null, string id = null, string gain = null) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("action", action.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(index)) parameters.Add("index", index); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) parameters.Add("id", id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gain)) parameters.Add("gain", gain); Stream theStream = await this.MakeGenericRequest("jukeboxControl", parameters); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(theStream); string result = sr.ReadToEnd(); result = result.Replace(responseHead, "").Replace(responseFoot, ""); XElement Xel = XElement.Parse(result); JukeBoxStatut jbs = new JukeBoxStatut(); jbs.CurrentIndex = (string)Xel.Attribute("currentIndex"); jbs.Playing = (string)Xel.Attribute("playing"); jbs.gain = (string)Xel.Attribute("gain"); jbs.position = (string)Xel.Attribute("position"); jbs.Entry.AddRange((from nm in Xel.Elements("entry") select new Song { Id = (string)nm.Attribute("id"), Name = (string)nm.Attribute("title"), Album = (string)nm.Attribute("album"), Artist = (string)nm.Attribute("artist"), Parent = (string)nm.Attribute("parent"), CoverArt = (string)nm.Attribute("coverArt"), Created = (string)nm.Attribute("created"), Duration = (string)nm.Attribute("duration"), BitRate = (string)nm.Attribute("bitRate"), Track = (string)nm.Attribute("track"), Year = (string)nm.Attribute("year"), Genre = (string)nm.Attribute("genre"), Size = (string)nm.Attribute("size"), Suffix = (string)nm.Attribute("suffix"), ContentType = (string)nm.Attribute("contentType"), AlbumId = (string)nm.Attribute("albumId"), ArtistId = (string)nm.Attribute("artistId") }).ToList()); return jbs; }
private void handle_action(action_type action) { int sel = viewsTab.SelectedIndex; var lv = selected_view(); switch (action) { case var searcher = new search_form(); if (searcher.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { search_for_text_ =; // remove focus from the Filters tab, just in case (otherwise, search prev/next would end up working on that) unfocus_filter_panel(); if ( search_for_text_.mark_lines_with_color) lv.mark_text(search_for_text_.text, search_for_text_.fg,; lv.search_for_text_first(search_for_text_.text); } break; case action_type.search_prev: search_prev(); break; case action_type.search_next: search_next(); break; case action_type.clear_search: if (selected_view() != null) selected_view().unmark(); search_for_text_ = null; break; case action_type.next_view: { int prev_idx = viewsTab.SelectedIndex; int next_idx = viewsTab.TabCount > 0 ? (sel + 1) % viewsTab.TabCount : -1; if (next_idx >= 0) { viewsTab.SelectedIndex = next_idx; log_view_for_tab(next_idx).on_selected(); } if ( prev_idx >= 0) log_view_for_tab(prev_idx).update_x_of_y(); } break; case action_type.prev_view: { int prev_idx = viewsTab.SelectedIndex; int next_idx = viewsTab.TabCount > 0 ? (sel + viewsTab.TabCount - 1) % viewsTab.TabCount : -1; if (next_idx >= 0) { viewsTab.SelectedIndex = next_idx; log_view_for_tab(next_idx).on_selected(); } if ( prev_idx >= 0) log_view_for_tab(prev_idx).update_x_of_y(); } break; case action_type.home: case action_type.end: case action_type.pageup: case action_type.pagedown: case action_type.arrow_up: case action_type.arrow_down: if ( lv != null) lv.on_action(action); break; case action_type.toggle_filters: toggleFilters_Click(null,null); break; case action_type.toggle_fulllog: toggleFullLog_Click(null,null); break; case action_type.toggle_source: toggleSource_Click(null,null); break; case action_type.copy_to_clipboard: if (lv != null) lv.copy_to_clipboard(); break; case action_type.copy_full_line_to_clipboard: if (lv != null) lv.copy_full_line_to_clipboard(); break; case action_type.toggle_bookmark: int line_idx = lv != null ? lv.sel_line_idx : -1; if (line_idx >= 0) { if (bookmarks_.Contains(line_idx)) bookmarks_.Remove(line_idx); else bookmarks_.Add(line_idx); save_bookmarks(); notify_views_of_bookmarks(); } break; case action_type.clear_bookmarks: bookmarks_.Clear(); save_bookmarks(); notify_views_of_bookmarks(); break; case action_type.next_bookmark: if (lv != null) lv.next_bookmark(); break; case action_type.prev_bookmark: if (lv != null) lv.prev_bookmark(); break; case action_type.pane_next: switch_pane(true); break; case action_type.pane_prev: switch_pane(false); break; case action_type.toggle_history_dropdown: if (logHistory.DroppedDown) logHistory.DroppedDown = false; else { var panes = this.panes(); if (panes.Contains(focused_ctrl())) pane_to_focus_ = focused_ctrl(); logHistory.Focus(); logHistory.DroppedDown = true; } break; case action_type.new_log_wizard: newView_Click(null,null); break; case action_type.show_preferences: settingsCtrl_Click(null,null); break; case action_type.increase_font: foreach (log_view view in all_log_views_and_full_log()) view.increase_font(1); break; case action_type.decrease_font: foreach (log_view view in all_log_views_and_full_log()) view.increase_font(-1); break; case action_type.toggle_show_msg_only: if (lv != null) lv.toggle_show_msg_only(); break; case action_type.scroll_up: if (lv != null) lv.scroll_up(); break; case action_type.scroll_down: if (lv != null) lv.scroll_down(); break; case action_type.go_to_line: if (lv != null) { var dlg = new go_to_line_time_form(); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.is_number()) { if ( dlg.has_offset != '\0') lv.offset_closest_line(dlg.number, dlg.has_offset == '+'); else lv.go_to_closest_line(dlg.number - 1, log_view.select_type.notify_parent); } else if (dlg.has_offset != '\0') lv.offset_closest_time(dlg.time_milliseconds, dlg.has_offset == '+'); else lv.go_to_closest_time(dlg.normalized_time); } } break; case action_type.refresh: refreshFilter_Click(null,null); break; case action_type.toggle_title: toggle_title(); break; case action_type.toggle_view_tabs: break; case action_type.none: break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } }
private void createSubDepartmentToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_action = action_type.create; m_object = object_type.SubDepartment; CreateDummyNode(); }
private void handle_action(action_type action) { int sel = viewsTab.SelectedIndex; var lv = selected_view(); Debug.Assert(lv != null); switch (action) { case if (lv.item_count < 1) { set_status("Can't search - nothing to search", status_ctrl.status_type.err); break; } var searcher = new search_form(this, lv, lv.smart_edit_sel_text); if (searcher.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // remove focus from the Filters tab, just in case (otherwise, search prev/next would end up working on that) unfocus_filter_panel(); lv.search_for_text(; lv.search_for_text_first(); } break; case action_type.default_search: // remove focus from the Filters tab, just in case (otherwise, search prev/next would end up working on that) unfocus_filter_panel(); var search = search_form.default_search; var sel_text = lv.smart_edit_sel_text; if (sel_text != "") { search.text = sel_text; search.type = 1; // text } lv.search_for_text(search); lv.search_next(); break; case action_type.search_prev: lv.search_prev(); break; case action_type.search_next: lv.search_next(); break; case action_type.escape: if (logHistory.DroppedDown) close_history_dropdown(); else lv.escape(); break; case action_type.right_click_via_key: lv.do_right_click_via_key(); break; case action_type.next_view: { int prev_idx = viewsTab.SelectedIndex; int next_idx = viewsTab.TabCount > 0 ? (sel + 1) % viewsTab.TabCount : -1; if (next_idx >= 0) { viewsTab.SelectedIndex = next_idx; log_view_for_tab(next_idx).on_selected(); } if (prev_idx >= 0) log_view_for_tab(prev_idx).update_x_of_y(); } break; case action_type.prev_view: { int prev_idx = viewsTab.SelectedIndex; int next_idx = viewsTab.TabCount > 0 ? (sel + viewsTab.TabCount - 1) % viewsTab.TabCount : -1; if (next_idx >= 0) { viewsTab.SelectedIndex = next_idx; log_view_for_tab(next_idx).on_selected(); } if (prev_idx >= 0) log_view_for_tab(prev_idx).update_x_of_y(); } break; case action_type.home: case action_type.end: case action_type.pageup: case action_type.pagedown: case action_type.arrow_up: case action_type.arrow_down: case action_type.shift_arrow_down: case action_type.shift_arrow_up: lv.on_action(action); break; case action_type.toggle_filters: toggle_filters(); break; case action_type.toggle_notes: toggle_notes(); break; case action_type.toggle_fulllog: toggle_full_log(); break; case action_type.toggle_source: toggle_source(); break; case action_type.copy_to_clipboard: lv.copy_to_clipboard(); set_status("Lines copied to Clipboard, as text and html"); break; case action_type.copy_full_line_to_clipboard: lv.copy_full_line_to_clipboard(); set_status("Full Lines copied to Clipboard, as text and html"); break; case action_type.toggle_bookmark: int line_idx = lv.sel_line_idx; if (line_idx >= 0) { if (bookmarks_.Contains(line_idx)) bookmarks_.Remove(line_idx); else bookmarks_.Add(line_idx); save_bookmarks(); notify_views_of_bookmarks(); } break; case action_type.clear_bookmarks: bookmarks_.Clear(); save_bookmarks(); notify_views_of_bookmarks(); break; case action_type.next_bookmark: lv.next_bookmark(); break; case action_type.prev_bookmark: lv.prev_bookmark(); break; case action_type.pane_next: switch_pane(true); break; case action_type.pane_prev: switch_pane(false); break; case action_type.toggle_history_dropdown: if (logHistory.DroppedDown) close_history_dropdown(); else { logHistory.Visible = true; logHistory.Focus(); logHistory.DroppedDown = true; } break; case action_type.new_log_wizard: new log_wizard( ).Show(); break; case action_type.show_preferences: whatsupPreferences_Click(null, null); break; case action_type.increase_font: foreach (log_view view in all_log_views_and_full_log()) view.increase_font(1); break; case action_type.decrease_font: foreach (log_view view in all_log_views_and_full_log()) view.increase_font(-1); break; case action_type.scroll_up: lv.scroll_up(); break; case action_type.scroll_down: lv.scroll_down(); break; case action_type.go_to_line: var dlg = new go_to_line_time_form(this); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.is_number()) { if (dlg.has_offset != '\0') lv.offset_closest_line(dlg.number, dlg.has_offset == '+'); else lv.go_to_closest_line(dlg.number - 1, log_view.select_type.notify_parent); } else if (dlg.has_offset != '\0') lv.offset_closest_time(dlg.time_milliseconds, dlg.has_offset == '+'); else lv.go_to_closest_time(dlg.normalized_time); } break; case action_type.refresh: refreshToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null); break; case action_type.toggle_title: toggle_title(); break; case action_type.toggle_status: toggle_status(); break; case action_type.toggle_view_tabs: toggle_view_tabs(); break; case action_type.toggle_view_header: toggle_view_header(); break; case action_type.toggle_details: toggle_details(); break; case action_type.open_in_explorer: if (text_ != null) util.open_in_explorer(; break; case action_type.none: break; case action_type.goto_position_1: toggle_custom_ui(0); break; case action_type.goto_position_2: toggle_custom_ui(1); break; case action_type.goto_position_3: toggle_custom_ui(2); break; case action_type.goto_position_4: toggle_custom_ui(3); break; case action_type.goto_position_5: toggle_custom_ui(4); break; case action_type.goto_position_6: toggle_custom_ui(5); break; case action_type.goto_position_7: toggle_custom_ui(6); break; case action_type.goto_position_8: toggle_custom_ui(7); break; case action_type.goto_position_9: toggle_custom_ui(8); break; case action_type.goto_position_10: toggle_custom_ui(9); break; case action_type.toggle_enabled_dimmed: filtCtrl.toggle_enabled_dimmed(); break; case action_type.export_notes: export_notes_to_logwizard_file(); break; case action_type.undo: if (global_ui.show_filter) filtCtrl.undo(); else if (global_ui.show_notes) notes.undo(); break; case action_type.toggle_filter_view: lv.set_filter( !lv.filter_view, lv.show_full_log); break; case action_type.toggle_show_full_log: { lv.set_filter(lv.filter_view, !lv.show_full_log); var old = global_ui.view(; global_ui.view(, new ui_info.view_info(old.column_positions, !old.show_full_log) ); } break; case action_type.open_log: whatsupOpen_Click(null, null); break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } }
private void toolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_action = action_type.create; m_object = object_type.GroupAccount; CreateDummyNode(); }