Пример #1
        // sequencer for uncompressed data

        public void sequencer(ref _VOICE_SET vs)
            short    j;
            byte     b;
            SeqEntry se;

                se            = seq.seqs[vs.seq_current].seq[vs.seq_index];
                vs.seq_index += 1;
                switch (se.note)
                case -1:

                case 0xFF:
                    // --- Track-Interpeter ---

                    if (PlayMode == Mode.PlaySeq)
                        vs.track_note  = 0;
                        vs.track_shape = 0;
                        vs.seq_current = 0;
                        vs.seq_index   = 0;
                        //Form1.WaveGen.PlayFlag = false;

                    if (vs.nr == 0)
                        vs.track_count -= 1;
                        if (vs.track_count < 0)
                            if (PlayMode == Mode.PlayTrackOnce)
                                vs.track_note  = 0;
                                vs.track_shape = 0;
                                vs.seq_current = 0;
                                vs.seq_index   = 0;
                                //Form1.WaveGen.PlayFlag = false;

                            vs.track_count          = track_length;
                            VoiceSet[0].track_index = 0;
                            VoiceSet[1].track_index = 0;
                            VoiceSet[2].track_index = 0;

                    j              = (short)(vs.track_current + vs.track_index);
                    trackPos       = j;
                    vs.track_note  = track.GetNote(vs.nr, j);
                    vs.track_shape = track.GetInstr(vs.nr, j);
                    b              = track.GetCmd(vs.nr, j);
                    if ((b & 0xF0) == 0xF0)
                        vs.track_reduce = (short)(b & 0xF);
                    else if ((b & 0xE0) == 0xE0)
                        play_speed = (short)(b & 0xF);
                    vs.seq_current  = track.GetSeq(vs.nr, j);
                    vs.seq_index    = 0;
                    vs.track_index += 1;

                    vs.seq_note  = (byte)se.note;
                    b            = se.shape;
                    vs.seq_shape = b;
                    if ((b & 0xE0) > 0)
                        vs.seq_instr = se.xtra;
                    vs.bend_var = 0;
                    if ((vs.seq_note & 0x80) == 0)
                        b                  = (byte)((vs.seq_shape & 0x1F) + vs.track_shape);
                        vs.shape_time      = shape.shape_set[b].para1;
                        vs.shape_time_init = shape.shape_set[b].para1;
                        vs.delta_f         = shape.shape_set[b].para3;
                        vs.flags           = 0x40;
                        vs.mod_f_work      = shape.shape_set[b].para4;
                        vs.mod_f_max       = shape.shape_set[b].para4;
                        vs.tfmx_count      = shape.shape_set[b].para5;
                        vs.shape_current   = b;
                        vs.shape_index     = 0;
                        if ((vs.seq_shape & 0x40) > 0)
                            b = vs.seq_instr;
                            b = shape.shape_set[b].para2;
                        vs.instr_current = b;
                        vs.instr_count   = 0;
                        vs.instr_index   = 0;
                        vs.shape_count   = 0;

            }while (true)// nix tun// end of sequence// seq 0 must be always "pause"// seq 0 must be always "pause"// play it again// Tonh�he// hkurve// Instrument
Пример #2
        //public void tick(ref WaveGen._YM ym)
        //    short i;
        //    short ym_div;
        //    byte amplitude;
        //    byte b;

        //    // ym.eshape = &HFF

        //    for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
        //    {
        //        VoiceSet[i].triangle_fine = 0xFF;
        //        VoiceSet[i].triangle_restart = false;

        //        work_voice(ref VoiceSet[i], ref ym_div, ref amplitude);
        //        ym.chn(i).coars = ym_div >> 8;
        //        ym.chn(i).fine = ym_div & 0xFF;
        //        ym.chn(i).volume = amplitude;

        //        if (VoiceSet[i].triangle_fine != 0xFF)
        //            ym.efine = VoiceSet[i].triangle_fine;

        //        if (VoiceSet[i].triangle_restart)
        //        {
        //            ym.ecoars = 0;
        //            ym.eshape = 10;      // Triangle
        //            ym.shape.counter = 0;    // Restart
        //        }

        //        // ---SID on Channel A

        //        if (i == 0)
        //        {
        //            b = VoiceSet[0].sid_mode;
        //            switch (b)
        //            {
        //                case 0:
        //                    {
        //                        ym.sidvol = 0xFF;                // SID OFF
        //                        break;
        //                    }

        //                case 4:
        //                    {
        //                        ym.sidvol = amplitude;
        //                        break;
        //                    }

        //                case 1:
        //                case 2:
        //                    {
        //                        ym_div = VoiceSet[b - 1].div;
        //                        if (ym_div <= 16)
        //                            ym.sidvol = 0xFF;                // SID OFF
        //                        else
        //                            ym.sidfreq = ym_div;
        //                        break;
        //                    }
        //            }
        //        }

        //        // --- Digi-Drum on Channel C
        //        if (i == 2)
        //        {
        //            if (VoiceSet[i].digi_drum >= 0)
        //            {
        //                ym.digidrum = VoiceSet[i].digi_drum;
        //                VoiceSet[i].digi_drum = -1;
        //                ym.digipos = 0;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    ym.enable = ym_enable;
        //    ym.noisep = ym_noise_f;

        //    if (PlayMode != Mode.PlayShape)
        //    {
        //        play_speed_count -= 1;
        //        if (play_speed_count == 0)
        //        {
        //            play_speed_count = play_speed;
        //            for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
        //                sequencer(ref VoiceSet[i]);
        //        }
        //    }

        public void work_voice(ref _VOICE_SET vs, ref short ym_div, ref byte amplitude)
            byte  b;
            short note;
            int   bender;
            short f_max, f_work;
            byte  flag;
            short i;
            int   l1, l2;

            if (vs.instr_count > 0)
                vs.instr_count -= 1;
                i  = vs.instr_index;
                b  = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                i += 1;
                if (b < 0xE0)
                    vs.instr_note   = b;
                    vs.instr_index += 1;
                    switch (b)
                    case 0xE0:       // absolute JMP
                        vs.instr_index = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xE1:                                                             // End
                        vs.instr_note = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i - 2]; // stay on last note

                    case 0xE2:     // reset shape index
                        vs.shape_index  = 0;
                        vs.shape_time   = 1;
                        vs.instr_index += 1;
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xE3:     // parameters for f modulation
                        vs.delta_f      = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        i              += 1;
                        vs.mod_f_max    = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        i              += 1;
                        vs.instr_index += 3;
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xE4:       // noise & tune on
                        vs.tune_noise = 0;
                        vs.noise_freq = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        vs.instr_index += 2;
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xE5:       // noise on, tune off
                        vs.tune_noise   = 1;
                        vs.instr_index += 1;
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xE6:       // noise off, tune on
                        vs.tune_noise   = 2;
                        vs.instr_index += 1;
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xE7:       // select instr group
                        vs.instr_index += 2;
                        // MsgBox("InstrGroup")
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xE8:     // set instr counter
                        vs.instr_count  = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        vs.instr_index += 2;
                        goto icount;

                    case 0xE9:       // triangle evelope
                        vs.triangle_fine    = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        vs.triangle_restart = true;
                        vs.instr_index     += 2;
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xEA:       // ???
                        vs.seq_shape    = 0x20;
                        vs.seq_instr    = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        vs.instr_index += 2;
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xEB:           // shape vibrato
                        vs.shape_sync = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        vs.instr_index += 2;
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xEC:          // digi drum
                        vs.digi_drum    = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        vs.tune_noise   = 3;         // noise off, tune off
                        vs.instr_index += 4;         // 4
                        goto next_i;

                    case 0xEE:           // sid mode
                        vs.sid_mode = instr.instruments[vs.instr_current].script[i];
                        vs.instr_index += 2;
                        goto next_i;

            // --- Shape handling ---

            if (vs.shape_count > 0)
                vs.shape_count -= 1;
                vs.shape_time -= 1;
                if (vs.shape_time == 0)
                    vs.shape_time = vs.shape_time_init;
                    i  = vs.shape_index;
                    b  = shape.shape_set[vs.shape_current].data[i];
                    i += 1;
                    if (b < 0xE0)
                        vs.shape_amplitude = b;
                        vs.shape_index    += 1;
                        switch (b)
                        case 0xE0:                                         // absolute JMP
                            i = shape.shape_set[vs.shape_current].data[i]; // dest
                            vs.shape_index = i;
                            goto next_s;

                        case 0xE1:                                                              // end
                            vs.shape_amplitude = shape.shape_set[vs.shape_current].data[i - 2]; // stay on last amplitude

                        case object _ when 0xE2 <= b && b <= 0xE7:       // not supported

                        case 0xE8:       // set shape_counter
                            vs.shape_count  = shape.shape_set[vs.shape_current].data[i];
                            vs.shape_index += 2;
                            goto scount;

            // --- divider for ym freq ---

            note = vs.instr_note;
            if ((note & 0x80) == 0)
                note += (short)(vs.seq_note + vs.track_note);

            note   = (short)(note & 0x7F);
            ym_div = div[note];

            // --- Tune/Noise on/off ---

            switch (vs.tune_noise)
            case 0:                                                  // tune & noise on
                ym_enable = (byte)(ym_enable & mask[2 * vs.nr]);     // tune on
                ym_enable = (byte)(ym_enable & mask[2 * vs.nr + 1]); // noise on

            case 1:                                                      // tune off, noise on
                ym_enable     = (byte)(ym_enable | ~mask[2 * vs.nr]);    // tune off
                ym_enable     = (byte)(ym_enable & mask[2 * vs.nr + 1]); // noise on
                vs.noise_freq = vs.seq_note;
                note          = vs.instr_note;
                if ((note & 0x80) > 0)
                    note = (short)(note | 0xFF00);
                if (note < 0)
                    vs.noise_freq = (byte)(note & 0x7F);
                    vs.noise_freq += (byte)note;

            case 2:                                                   // tune on, noise off
                ym_enable = (byte)(ym_enable & mask[2 * vs.nr]);      // tune on
                ym_enable = (byte)(ym_enable | ~mask[2 * vs.nr + 1]); // noise off

            if (vs.noise_freq != 0)
                ym_noise_f = (byte)((~vs.noise_freq) & 0x1F);

            // --- TFMX ---

            if (ftype == _fType.TFMX)
                if (vs.tfmx_count == 0)
                    flag = vs.flags;

                    f_max = vs.mod_f_max;

                    // Wertebereich mod_f_max: 0...127   entspricht 0...254 in 2er Schritten
                    // 128...255 entspricht 0... 127

                    if ((f_max & 0x80) == 0x80)
                        f_max = (short)(f_max & 0x7F);
                        f_max *= 2;

                    f_work = vs.mod_f_work;
                    if (((flag & 0x80) == 0x0) | ((flag & 0x81) == 0x80))
                        if ((flag & 0x20) == 0)
                            // b5=0, subtract
                            f_work -= vs.delta_f;
                            if (f_work < 0)
                                f_work = 0;
                                flag   = (byte)(flag | 0x20); // b5=1 -> add
                            // b5=1, add
                            f_work += vs.delta_f;
                            if (f_work > f_max)
                                f_work = f_max;
                                flag   = (byte)(flag & ~0x20); // b5=0 -> sub
                        vs.mod_f_work = f_work;

                    f_work -= (short)(f_max / 2);

                    while (note < 4 * 12)
                        f_work += f_work;
                        note   += 12;
                    ym_div  += f_work;
                    vs.flags = (byte)(flag ^ 1);
                    vs.tfmx_count -= 1;

                // freq-bender

                if ((vs.seq_shape & 0x20) == 0x20)
                    bender  = vs.seq_instr;
                    bender *= 4096;
                    if ((bender & 0x80000) > 0)
                        bender = (int)(bender | 0xFFF00000);
                    bender     += vs.bend_var;
                    vs.bend_var = bender;
                    ym_div     -= (short)(bender / 65536);

                // --- amplitude ---

                i  = vs.shape_amplitude;
                i -= vs.track_reduce;
                i -= vs.reduce;
                if (i < 0)
                    i = 0;
                amplitude = (byte)i;
                // --- MMME ---------------------------------------------------------

                if (vs.tfmx_count == 0)
                    flag  = vs.flags;
                    f_max = vs.mod_f_max;

                    f_work = vs.mod_f_work;
                    if ((flag & 0x20) == 0x0)
                        f_work += vs.delta_f;
                        if (f_work > 2 * f_max)
                            f_work = (short)(2 * f_max);
                            flag   = (byte)(flag | 0x20);   // auf Sub umschalten
                        f_work -= vs.delta_f;
                        if (f_work < 0)
                            f_work = 0;
                            flag   = (byte)(flag & 0xDF);  // auf Add umschalten
                    vs.mod_f_work = f_work;
                    vs.flags      = flag;

                    l1      = f_work - f_max;        // convert Short to Integer
                    l1      = (l1 * ym_div) >> 10;
                    ym_div += (short)l1;
                    vs.tfmx_count -= 1;

                // --- Bender
                if ((vs.seq_shape & 0x20) == 0x20)
                    b  = vs.seq_instr;          // convert unsigned Byte to Integer
                    l2 = b;
                    if ((b & 0x80) > 0)
                        l2 -= 256;
                    vs.bend_var += l2;
                    l1           = ym_div;
                    ym_div       = (short)(l1 - ((l1 * vs.bend_var) >> 10));

                // --- amplitude ---

                i  = vs.shape_amplitude;
                i -= vs.track_reduce;
                i -= vs.reduce;
                if (i < 0)
                    i = 0;
                amplitude = (byte)i;

                // --- shapeform sync

                b = vs.shape_sync;
                if (b != 0)
                    if ((b & 0x80) > 0)
                        vs.triangle_restart = true;

                    if ((b & 0x2) > 0)
                        ym_div = 0;// Ton aus
                    if ((b & 0x8) > 0)
                        vs.triangle_fine = (byte)(ym_div / 8);
                        vs.triangle_fine = (byte)(ym_div / 16);
            vs.div = ym_div;