Пример #1
        // The ADIF file format stores its times in UTC. We will leave any conversion to the parent program.
        DateTime GetTimeFromRecord(_Field record)
            if (record._header.Length != 6 && record._header.Length != 4)
                return(new DateTime());

            string temp = string.Empty;

            int hours   = 0;
            int minutes = 0;
            int seconds = 0;

            hours   = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(0, 2));
            minutes = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(2, 2));

            if (record._data.Length == 6)
                seconds = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(4, 2));

            // The time and date are stored separately. So we will set the date here to 1/1/1500.
            // This date is such so we can know if the date needs to be updated when merging the
            // date and time.
            return(new DateTime(1500, 1, 1, hours, minutes, seconds, DateTimeKind.Utc));
Пример #2
        // General line parser.
        private List <_Field> ParseLine(string line)
            string sub = string.Empty;

            int index = 0;

            _Field record = new _Field();

            List <_Field> results = new List <_Field>();

            // Multiple fields can be on one line. Thus we must make sure all are accounted for.
            while (line.IndexOf("<", index) != -1 && line.IndexOf(">", index) != -1)
                // Separate and pass just the header.
                record._header = ParseFieldHeader(line.Substring(index, (line.IndexOf(">", index) - index) + 1));

                // Separate and pass the field.
                record._data = GetFieldDataFromWithHeader(record._header, line.Substring(index, (line.IndexOf(">", index) - index) + record._header.Length + 1));

                // Place record in a list in case there are multiple per line.

                // Keep the index upto date on what has been parsed.
                index = line.IndexOf(">", index) + record._header.Length + 1;

Пример #3
        // The ADIF file format stores its date with respect to the UTC time.
        private DateTime GetDateFromRecord(_Field record)
            if (record._header.Length != 8)
                return(new DateTime());

            int year  = 0;
            int month = 0;
            int day   = 0;

            year  = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(0, 4));
            month = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(4, 2));
            day   = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(6, 2));

            return(new DateTime(year, month, day));
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Сохранить поле.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="field">Поле.</param>
 /// <param name="currentUserId">Идентификатор текущего пользователя.</param>
 /// <returns>Поле.</returns>
 public _FieldBase Save(_FieldBase field, int currentUserId)
         Argument.Require(currentUserId != 0, "Текущий пользователь не определен.");
         Argument.Require(field != null, "Поле пустое.");
         Argument.Require(field._EntityId > 0, "Идентификатор сущности пустой.");
         using (var uow = this.CreateAdminUnitOfWork())
             if (field.IsIdentity)
                 List <_Field> entityFields = uow._FieldRepository.Query(entityId: field._EntityId);
                 _Field        identity     = entityFields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.IsIdentity);
                 Argument.Require(identity == null || identity.Id == field.Id,
                                  $"У сущности должно быть единственное поле-идентификатор. " +
                                  $"В сущности \"{identity._EntityName}\" поле-идентификатор \"{identity.Name}\".");
Пример #5
        public _GenericEntity GetEntityById(int entityId, int entityInstanceId)
            Argument.Require(entityId > 0, "Идентификатор сущности пустой.");
            Argument.Require(entityInstanceId > 0, "Идентификатор экземпляра сущности пустой.");

            using (var uow = this.CreateAdminUnitOfWork())
                List <_Field> fields        = uow._FieldRepository.Query(entityId: entityId);
                _Field        identityField = fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.IsIdentity);
                Argument.Require(identityField != null, "В сущности не найдено поле-идентификатор.");

                           _entityId: entityId,
                           pageSize: 1,
                           filters: new List <_GenericEntityFieldFilter>()
                    new _GenericEntityFieldFilter()
                        _FieldId = identityField.Id, Value = entityInstanceId.ToString()
Пример #6
        // The ADIF file format stores its date with respect to the UTC time.
        private DateTime GetDateFromRecord(_Field record)
            if (record._header.Length != 8)
                return new DateTime();

            int year = 0;
            int month = 0;
            int day = 0;

            year = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(0, 4));
            month = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(4, 2));
            day = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(6, 2));

            return new DateTime(year, month, day);
Пример #7
        // General line parser.
        private List<_Field> ParseLine(string line)
            string sub = string.Empty;

            int index = 0;

            _Field record = new _Field();

            List<_Field> results = new List<_Field>();

            // Multiple fields can be on one line. Thus we must make sure all are accounted for.
            while (line.IndexOf("<", index) != -1 && line.IndexOf(">", index) != -1)

                // Separate and pass just the header.
                record._header = ParseFieldHeader(line.Substring(index, (line.IndexOf(">", index) - index) + 1));

                // Separate and pass the field.
                record._data = GetFieldDataFromWithHeader(record._header, line.Substring(index, (line.IndexOf(">", index) - index) + record._header.Length + 1));

                // Place record in a list in case there are multiple per line.

                // Keep the index upto date on what has been parsed.
                index = line.IndexOf(">", index) + record._header.Length + 1;

            return results;
Пример #8
        // The ADIF file format stores its times in UTC. We will leave any conversion to the parent program.
        DateTime GetTimeFromRecord(_Field record)
            if (record._header.Length != 6 && record._header.Length != 4)
                return new DateTime();

            string temp = string.Empty;

            int hours = 0;
            int minutes = 0;
            int seconds = 0;

            hours = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(0, 2));
            minutes = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(2, 2));

            if (record._data.Length == 6)
                seconds = Convert.ToInt32(record._data.Substring(4, 2));

            // The time and date are stored separately. So we will set the date here to 1/1/1500.
            // This date is such so we can know if the date needs to be updated when merging the
            // date and time.
            return new DateTime(1500, 1, 1, hours, minutes, seconds, DateTimeKind.Utc);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Получить список экземпляров сущности.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_entityId">Идентификатор сущности.</param>
        /// <param name="sort_FieldId">Идентификатор поля для сортировки.</param>
        /// <param name="sortDirection">Идентификатор направления сортировки.</param>
        /// <param name="filters">Фильтры.</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Размер страницы.</param>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">Номер страницы.</param>
        /// <returns>Список обобщенных сущностей.</returns>
        public List <_GenericEntity> GetEntitiesList(
            int _entityId,
            int?sort_FieldId                         = null,
            SortDirections sortDirection             = SortDirections.Ascending,
            List <_GenericEntityFieldFilter> filters = null,
            int pageSize   = 1000,
            int pageNumber = 0)
            using (var uow = this.CreateAdminUnitOfWork())
                _Entity       entity    = uow._EntityRepository.GetById(_entityId);
                List <_Field> fields    = uow._FieldRepository.Query(entityId: _entityId);
                _Field        sortField = fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == sort_FieldId) ?? fields.First();

                IEnumerable <string> selectList = fields.Select(f =>
                    switch (f._FieldTypeId)
                    case (int)_FieldTypes.Integer:
                    case (int)_FieldTypes.Decimal:
                        return($"CAST({f.DatabaseName} AS TEXT) AS f_{f.Id}");

                    case (int)_FieldTypes.DateTime:
                        return($"TO_CHAR({f.DatabaseName}, '{SQL_DATE_TIME_FORMAT}') AS f_{f.Id}");

                        return($"{f.DatabaseName} AS f_{f.Id}");

                filters = filters ?? new List <_GenericEntityFieldFilter>();
                IEnumerable <string> filterList = filters.Select(f =>
                    var field = fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == f._FieldId);
                    Argument.Require(field != null, "Не найдено поле сущности для фильтра.");
                    object deserializedValue = _DeserializeField(f.Value, field._FieldTypeId);
                    string sqlValue          = _ToSqlField(deserializedValue, field._FieldTypeId);
                    return($"{field.DatabaseName} = {sqlValue}");

                string query =
                    $"SELECT " +
                    $"{Environment.NewLine}{string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}, ", selectList)} " +
                    $"{Environment.NewLine}FROM {entity.DatabaseScheme}.\"{entity.DatabaseName}\" " +
                    (!filterList.Any() ? "" : $"{Environment.NewLine}WHERE {string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine} AND ", filterList)} ") +
                    $"{Environment.NewLine}ORDER BY {sortField.DatabaseName} {sortDirection.GetDescription()} " +
                    $"{Environment.NewLine}OFFSET {pageNumber} * {pageSize} LIMIT {pageSize};";

                List <_GenericEntity> result = uow._DynamicRepository.Sql(query)
                                               .Select(e =>
                    var ent = new _GenericEntity()
                        EntityId = _entityId
                    ent.Fields = e
                                 .Select(f =>
                        var fieldId = Int32.Parse(f.Key.Replace("f_", ""));
                        var field   = fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == fieldId);

                        return(new _GenericEntityField()
                            FieldId = fieldId,
                            _FieldTypeId = field._FieldTypeId,
                            Value = f.Value as string
Пример #10
        public int SaveEntity(_GenericEntity genericEntity, int userId)
            Argument.Require(genericEntity != null, "Сущность пустая.");
            Argument.Require(userId > 0, "Идентификатор пользователя пустой.");
            Argument.Require(genericEntity.EntityId > 0, "Идентификатор сущности пустой.");

            using (var uow = this.CreateAdminUnitOfWork())
                _Entity entity = uow._EntityRepository.GetById(genericEntity.EntityId);
                Argument.Require(entity != null, "Сущность не найдена.");

                List <_Field> fields = uow._FieldRepository.Query(entityId: entity.Id);

                _Field identityField = fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.IsIdentity);
                Argument.Require(identityField != null, "В сущности не найдено поле-идентификатор.");

                var identityFieldWithValue = genericEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(e => e.FieldId == identityField.Id);
                Argument.Require(identityFieldWithValue != null, "Не найдено значение поля-идентификатора в сохраняемых данных.");

                bool isEdit = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(identityFieldWithValue.Value) &&
                              Int32.TryParse(identityFieldWithValue.Value, out int id) && id != 0;

                if (isEdit)
                    _GenericEntity existingEntityInstance = this.GetEntitiesList(
                        _entityId: entity.Id,
                        filters: new List <_GenericEntityFieldFilter>()
                        new _GenericEntityFieldFilter()
                            _FieldId = identityField.Id, Value = identityFieldWithValue.Value
                        pageSize: 1).FirstOrDefault();
                    Argument.Require(existingEntityInstance != null, "Обновляемая сущность не найдена.");

                Dictionary <int, string> fieldSqlValues = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                foreach (var field in fields)
                    _GenericEntityField fieldWithValue = genericEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FieldId == field.Id);
                    object deserializedValue           = _DeserializeField(fieldWithValue?.Value, field._FieldTypeId);
                    string sqlValue = _ToSqlField(deserializedValue, field._FieldTypeId);
                    fieldSqlValues[field.Id] = sqlValue;

                string fieldNames  = string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}, ", fields.Where(f => !f.IsIdentity).Select(f => f.DatabaseName));
                string fieldValues = string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}, ", fields.Where(f => !f.IsIdentity).Select(f => fieldSqlValues[f.Id]));

                string upsertQuery = null;
                if (isEdit)
                    upsertQuery =
                        $"UPDATE  {entity.DatabaseScheme}.\"{entity.DatabaseName}\" " +
                        "SET (" +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}{fieldNames}" +
                        ")" +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}= ({fieldValues})" +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}WHERE {identityField.DatabaseName} = {fieldSqlValues[identityField.Id]};";
                    upsertQuery =
                        $"INSERT INTO  {entity.DatabaseScheme}.\"{entity.DatabaseName}\" " +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}(" +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}{fieldNames}" +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}) VALUES (" +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}{fieldValues}" +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}) " +
                        $"{Environment.NewLine}RETURNING {identityField.DatabaseName};";
                var result    = uow._DynamicRepository.Sql(upsertQuery);
                var resultRow = result.FirstOrDefault();
                if (resultRow == null || resultRow.Values.Count == 0)

                int newId = (result.FirstOrDefault().Values.FirstOrDefault() as int?) ?? 0;