/* UPDATE ZLASTSYNC set lastSync = "23/01/2020 4:49:41 AM" * where Mapping_ID not in (SELECT ID FROM ZMAPPING WHERE TYPE IN ("API") ); * DELETE FROM ZQUEUE; */ public static bool RunSQLLiteCmd(string token, Zmapping cmd) { using (var db = new ZudelloContext()) { try { //Exceute the custom command db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(cmd.Body); db.SaveChanges(); //Remove custom command from database FK var lastSyncQuery = db.Zlastsync.Where(z => z.MappingId == cmd.Id).FirstOrDefault(); var mappingTbl = db.Zmapping.Where(z => z.uuid == cmd.uuid); foreach (Zmapping sqlQuery in mappingTbl) { //Dont need to remove as its never added into sync table // db.Remove(lastSyncQuery); // db.SaveChanges(); db.Remove(sqlQuery); db.SaveChanges(); //Send delete request to Zudello to remove from mappings table Console.WriteLine(ZudelloLogin.DeleteMapping(token, cmd.uuid)); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } } }