public override void OptionTwo() { // TODO : Fill with method to show all animals. ClearDetailsScreen(); Print(12, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 30), "Animals"); Print(15, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 20), "Animal type // Specimen"); int currentRow = 1; foreach (AnimalSpeciesType animalType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(AnimalSpeciesType))) { Print(15 + currentRow, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 20), String.Format("{0,-15} {1,7}", animalType, ZooManagement.CountAnimalsByType(animalType))); currentRow++; } Console.ReadKey(); }
public override void OptionThree() { // TODO : Fill with method to show all employees. ClearDetailsScreen(); Print(12, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 30), "Employees"); Print(15, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 20), "Position // Count"); int currentRow = 1; foreach (Position position in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Position))) { Print(15 + currentRow, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 20), String.Format("{0,-15} {1,7}", position, ZooManagement.CountEmployeesByPosition(position))); currentRow++; } Console.ReadKey(); }
public override void OptionOne() { // TODO : Fill with method to show empty cages. ClearDetailsScreen(); Print(12, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 30), "Empy cages"); Print(15, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 20), "Cage type // Available"); int currentRow = 1; foreach (HabitatType habitat in Enum.GetValues(typeof(HabitatType))) { Print(15 + currentRow * 3, (Console.WindowWidth / 2 + 20), String.Format("{0,-15} {1,5}", habitat, ZooManagement.CountCagesByTypeAndOccupation(habitat, 0))); currentRow++; } Console.ReadKey(); }