public static List <ZodiacSign> GetZodiacSigns()
            zodiacSigns = new List <ZodiacSign>();

            var ci = new CultureInfo("et-EE");

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                DateTime endDate;
                DateTime startDate = DateTime.ParseExact(zodiacSignsStartDateStrings[i], @"dd.MM", ci);
                if (i == 11)
                    endDate = DateTime.ParseExact(zodiacSignsStartDateStrings[0], @"dd.MM", ci) - TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                    endDate = DateTime.ParseExact(zodiacSignsStartDateStrings[i + 1], @"dd.MM", ci) - TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                ZodiacSign zodiacSign = new ZodiacSign()
                    Title       = zodiacSignsTitles[i],
                    Description = LoadText(i),
                    StartDate   = startDate,
                    EndDate     = endDate, // TODO: Fill DateTimes to array or file
                    Picture     = ImageSource.FromFile(zodiacSignsPaths[i] + ".png")
        private void UpdateLabelsAndPrediction()
            //Changes today's horocope - display random prediction for the sign of the user.
            if (Settings.Default.Birthday != null)
                User user = new User()
                    UserName = Settings.Default.NameOfUser,
                    Birthday = Settings.Default.Birthday,
                    Avatar   = Settings.Default.Avatar
                _lblNameOutput.Text     = user.UserName;
                _lblBirthdayOutput.Text = user.Birthday.ToShortDateString();

                ZodiacSign zodiac = _horoscope.GetZodiacSign(user);

                if (zodiac != null)
                    _lblZodiacOutput.Text = zodiac.Sign;
                    _rtbPrediction.Text   = zodiac.PredictionList.GetRandomPrediction();

                    // display user picture or zodiac
                    if (user.Avatar != "")
                        _ptbUserPhoto.Image = Image.FromFile(user.Avatar);
                        _ptbUserPhoto.Image = Image.FromFile(zodiac.ImagePath);
Пример #3
 public DailyHoroscope(ZodiacSign zodiacSign, string love = null, string erotic = null, string business = null)
     ZodiacSign = zodiacSign;
     Love       = love;
     Erotic     = erotic;
     Business   = business;
Пример #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("id,Name,Description")] ZodiacSign zodiacSign)
            if (id != zodiacSign.Id)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!ZodiacSignExists(zodiacSign.Id))
Пример #5
        public ZodiacSignAdapter(string i_Birthday)
            string[] dateFormat = i_Birthday.Split('/');
            int      month      = int.Parse(dateFormat[0]);
            int      day        = int.Parse(dateFormat[1]);

            m_RealZodiacSign = new ZodiacSign(month, day);
Пример #6
 public MySim(string name, Gender gender, ZodiacSign zodiacSign, string imageFilePath)
     Name          = name ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("'name' is required.");
     Gender        = gender;
     ZodiacSign    = zodiacSign;
     Bitmap        = ImportImage(imageFilePath);
     ImageFileName = GenerateUniqueFileName(Name);
 private void _cmbSign_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     _currentZodiagSign = _cmbSign.SelectedItem as ZodiacSign;
     if (_currentZodiagSign != null)
         _ptbSign.Image = Image.FromFile(_currentZodiagSign.ImagePath);
Пример #8
        public void GetGetZodiacSignTest()
            ZodiacSign newZodiac = new ZodiacSign(1973, 4, 24, 14, 25, 5.0f, 0.4, 0.3);

            var ZodiacSign = newZodiac.GetZodiacSign();

            Assert.AreEqual(ZodiacSign.Degrees, 14.24f);
Пример #9
        private DailyHoroscope GetDailyHoroscope(ZodiacSign zodiacSign)
            if (IsUpdatedNeeded())
            var horoscope = _dailyHoroscopes.Find(x => x.ZodiacSign == zodiacSign);

Пример #10
        public ZodiacResult ObtainResult(ZodiacSign sign, TimeSign time)
            ZodiacResult zodiacResult = new ZodiacResult();
            string       customURL    = string.Format(url + "/" + sign.ToString().ToLower() + "/" + time.ToString() + "/");
            var          client       = new RestClient(customURL);
            var          response     = client.Execute <List <ZodiacResult> >(new RestRequest());

            zodiacResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ZodiacResult>(response.Content);

 public IActionResult GetZodiacSign(ZodiacSign zodiacSign)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         return(RedirectToAction("Details", zodiacSign));
Пример #12
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("id,Name,Description")] ZodiacSign zodiacSign)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Пример #13
        public void GetLongitudeAtZodiacSignTest()
            //TEST 190 = 10 in Libra
            var libra10 = new ZodiacSign(ZodiacName.Libra, Angle.FromDegrees(10));
            var longitude = AstronomicalCalculator.GetLongitudeAtZodiacSign(libra10);
            var testSign = AstronomicalCalculator.GetZodiacSignAtLongitude(longitude);

            var expected = libra10.GetDegreesInSign().TotalDegrees;
            var actual = testSign.GetDegreesInSign().TotalDegrees;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #14
        public static IActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(req.Query["dateOfBirth"], out DateTime dateOfBirth))
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Please pass a dateOfBirth in the query string."));

            ZodiacSign sign = GetSign(dateOfBirth);

            return(new OkObjectResult($"Hello, your sign is {sign}"));
Пример #15
        public ZodiacSign GetZodiacSign(CustomerDate date)
            string[] formattedDate = date.Date.Split('/');
            string   day           = formattedDate[1];
            string   month         = formattedDate[0];
            var      zodiacSign    = new ZodiacSign();
            string   line;

                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath);
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] words              = line.Split(' ');
                    string   startDateSign      = words[1];
                    string[] formattedStartDate = startDateSign.Split('/');
                    string   startMonth         = formattedStartDate[0];
                    string   startDay           = formattedStartDate[1];
                    string   endDateSign        = words[2];
                    string[] formattedEndDate   = endDateSign.Split('/');
                    string   endMonth           = formattedEndDate[0];
                    string   endDay             = formattedEndDate[1];
                    if (month.Contains(startMonth) || month.Contains(endMonth))
                        if ((Convert.ToInt32(day)) > Convert.ToInt32(startDay))
                            zodiacSign.SignName = words[0];
                    if (month.Contains(endMonth))
                        if ((Convert.ToInt32(day)) < Convert.ToInt32(endDay))
                            zodiacSign.SignName = words[0];
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Executing finally block.");
Пример #16
        private void updateHoroscopeTabInfo(string i_Birthday)
            m_UserZodiacSign = ZodiacSignFactory.GetZodiacSignByDate(i_Birthday);
            setControlText(ZodiacSignLabel, "Zodiac Sign: " + m_UserZodiacSign.SignName);

            if (SignPictureBox.InvokeRequired)
                Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => SignPictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(m_UserZodiacSign.SignPhotoUrl)));
                SignPictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(m_UserZodiacSign.SignPhotoUrl);
Пример #17
 public void ReadFromFile()
     string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Misu\Documents\CNA\Tema2CNA\Server\ZodiacPrinter\Resources\spring.txt");
     for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length / 5; i++)
         ZodiacSign sign = new ZodiacSign();
         sign.StartDay   = Int32.Parse(lines[i * 5]);
         sign.StartMonth = Int32.Parse(lines[i * 5 + 1]);
         sign.EndDay     = Int32.Parse(lines[i * 5 + 2]);
         sign.EndMonth   = Int32.Parse(lines[i * 5 + 3]);
         sign.SignName   = lines[i * 5 + 4];
Пример #18
        public ZodiacSign GetValideSign(CustomerDate date)
            var    response            = new ZodiacSign();
            string invalideDateMessage = "The date is not valide!";

            response.SignName = invalideDateMessage;
            if (ValidateDate(date) == true)
                response = GetZodiacSign(date);
Пример #19
        public override Task <ZodiacSign> GetZodiacSign(ZodiacSignRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
            var sign    = new ZodiacSign();
            var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("https://localhost:5001");

            var match = pattern.Match(request.Date);
            int month = int.Parse(match.Value.Substring(0, match.Length - 1));

            if (month == 1 || month == 2 || month == 12)
                var winterClient = new WinterZodiacSigns.WinterZodiacSignsClient(channel);
                sign.Sign = winterClient.GetWinterZodiacSign(new WinterZodiacSignRequest {
                    Date = request.Date
            else if (month > 2 && month < 6)
                var springClient = new SpringZodiacSigns.SpringZodiacSignsClient(channel);
                sign.Sign = springClient.GetSpringZodiacSign(new SpringZodiacSignRequest {
                    Date = request.Date
            else if (month > 5 && month < 9)
                var summerClient = new SummerZodiacSigns.SummerZodiacSignsClient(channel);
                sign.Sign = summerClient.GetSummerZodiacSign(new SummerZodiacSignRequest {
                    Date = request.Date
            else if (month > 8 && month < 12)
                var autumnClient = new AutumnZodiacSigns.AutumnZodiacSignsClient(channel);
                sign.Sign = autumnClient.GetAutumnZodiacSign(new AutumnZodiacSignRequest {
                    Date = request.Date
                sign.Sign = "err";

Пример #20
        public static ZodiacSign GetZodiacSignByDate(string i_Birthday)
            ZodiacSign sign = null;

            string[] birthdayDate = i_Birthday.Split(new char[] { '/' });
            int      day          = int.Parse(birthdayDate[1]);
            int      month        = int.Parse(birthdayDate[0]);

            switch (month)
            case 1:
                if (day <= 19)
                    sign = new CapricornSign();
                    sign = new AquariusSign();


            case 2:
                if (day <= 18)
                    sign = new AquariusSign();
                    sign = new PiscesSign();


            case 3:
                if (day <= 20)
                    sign = new PiscesSign();
                    sign = new AriesSign();


            case 4:
                if (day <= 19)
                    sign = new AriesSign();
                    sign = new TaurusSign();


            case 5:
                if (day <= 20)
                    sign = new TaurusSign();
                    sign = new GeminiSign();


            case 6:
                if (day <= 21)
                    sign = new GeminiSign();
                    sign = new CancerSign();


            case 7:
                if (day <= 22)
                    sign = new CancerSign();
                    sign = new LeoSign();


            case 8:
                if (day <= 22)
                    sign = new LeoSign();
                    sign = new VirgoSign();


            case 9:
                if (day <= 22)
                    sign = new VirgoSign();
                    sign = new LibraSign();


            case 10:
                if (day <= 22)
                    sign = new LibraSign();
                    sign = new ScorpioSign();


            case 11:
                if (day <= 21)
                    sign = new ScorpioSign();
                    sign = new SagittarusSign();


            case 12:
                if (day <= 21)
                    sign = new SagittarusSign();
                    sign = new CapricornSign();


Пример #21
        public static ZodiacSign GetZodiacSignBySign(string i_Sign)
            ZodiacSign sign = null;

            switch (i_Sign.ToLower())
            case "capricorn":
                sign = new CapricornSign();

            case "aquarius":
                sign = new AquariusSign();

            case "pisces":
                sign = new PiscesSign();

            case "aries":
                sign = new AriesSign();

            case "taurus":
                sign = new TaurusSign();

            case "gemini":
                sign = new GeminiSign();

            case "cancer":
                sign = new CancerSign();

            case "leo":
                sign = new LeoSign();

            case "virgo":
                sign = new VirgoSign();

            case "libra":
                sign = new LibraSign();

            case "scorpio":
                sign = new ScorpioSign();

            case "sagittarus":
                sign = new SagittarusSign();

Пример #22
 private ZodiacSignAdapter(ZodiacSign i_RealZodiacSign)
     m_RealZodiacSign = i_RealZodiacSign;
Пример #23
 public void UpdateBestMatchedSign()
     BestMatchedSign = new ZodiacSignAdapter(ZodiacSign.GetRandomSign());
        public IActionResult Details(ZodiacSign zodiacSign)
            //ZodiacSign zodiacSign1 = new ZodiacSign();
            switch (zodiacSign.Month)
            case 1:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 21)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Capricornio";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Acuario";

            case 2:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 19)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Acuario";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Pisis";

            case 3:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 21)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Pisis";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Aries";

            case 4:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 21)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Aries";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Tauro";

            case 5:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 21)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Tauro";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Geminis";

            case 6:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 25)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Géminis";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Cáncer";

            case 7:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 23)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Cáncer";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Leo";

            case 8:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 24)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Leo";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Virgo";

            case 9:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 24)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Virgo";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Libra";

            case 10:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 23)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Libra";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Escorpio";

            case 11:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 23)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Escorpio";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Sagitario";

            case 12:
                if (zodiacSign.Day < 22)
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Sagitario";
                    zodiacSign.Name = "Capricornio";
            //var rangeDate =  string.Concat(zodiacSign.Day, zodiacSign.Month);
            //var rangeDateParsed = int.Parse(rangeDate);
            //if (rangeDateParsed >= 201 && rangeDateParsed <= 1802)
            //    zodiacSign.Name = "Acuario";
            //    if (rangeDateParsed >= 192 && rangeDateParsed <= 203)
            //    {
            //        zodiacSign.Name = "Pisis";
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        if (rangeDateParsed >= 213 && rangeDateParsed <= 204)
            //        {
            //            zodiacSign.Name = "Aries";
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            if (rangeDateParsed >= 214 && rangeDateParsed <= 205)
            //            {
            //                zodiacSign.Name = "Tauro";
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                if (rangeDateParsed >= 215 && rangeDateParsed <= 246)
            //                {
            //                    zodiacSign.Name = "Géminis";
            //                }
            //                else
            //                {
            //                    if (rangeDateParsed >= 256 && rangeDateParsed <= 226)
            //                    {
            //                        zodiacSign.Name = "Cáncer";
            //                    }
            //                    else
            //                    {
            //                        if (rangeDateParsed >= 237 && rangeDateParsed <= 238)
            //                        {
            //                            zodiacSign.Name = "Leo";
            //                        }
            //                        else
            //                        {
            //                            if (rangeDateParsed >= 248 && rangeDateParsed <= 239)
            //                            {
            //                                zodiacSign.Name = "Vrigo";
            //                            }
            //                            else
            //                            {
            //                                if (rangeDateParsed >= 249 && rangeDateParsed <= 2210)
            //                                {
            //                                    zodiacSign.Name = "Libra";
            //                                }
            //                                else
            //                                {
            //                                    if (rangeDateParsed >= 2310 && rangeDateParsed <= 2211)
            //                                    {
            //                                        zodiacSign.Name = "Escorpio";
            //                                    }
            //                                    else
            //                                    {
            //                                        if (rangeDateParsed >= 2311 && rangeDateParsed <= 2112)
            //                                        {
            //                                            zodiacSign.Name = "Sagitario";
            //                                        }
            //                                        else
            //                                        {
            //                                            if (rangeDateParsed >= 2212 && rangeDateParsed <= 191)
            //                                            {
            //                                                zodiacSign.Name = "Capricornio";
            //                                            }
            //                                        }
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
Пример #25
 private void updateHoroscopeTabInfo(string i_Birthday)
     m_UserZodiacSign     = ZodiacSignFactory.GetZodiacSignByDate(i_Birthday);
     ZodiacSignLabel.Text = "Zodiac Sign: " + m_UserZodiacSign.SignName;
     SignPictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(m_UserZodiacSign.SignPhotoUrl);
 public UserInfo(DateTime birthDay)
     BirthDay             = birthDay;
     ChineseHoroscopeSign = GetChineseSign(birthDay);
     ZodiacSign           = GetZodiacSign(birthDay);
Пример #27
        public string GetBusinessHoroscope(ZodiacSign zodiacSign)
            var horoscope = GetDailyHoroscope(zodiacSign);

Пример #28
        public string GetEroticHoroscope(ZodiacSign zodiacSign)
            var horoscope = GetDailyHoroscope(zodiacSign);

Пример #29
        public static void Initialize(MarriageAgencyContext context)

            if (context.ZodiacSigns.Any())

            var zodiacsigns = new ZodiacSign[]
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Козерог", Description = "Земной знак"
                },                                                                 //1
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Водолей", Description = "Воздушный знак"
                },                                                                 //2
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Рыбы", Description = "Водный знак"
                },                                                                 //3
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Овен", Description = "Огненый знак"
                },                                                                 //4
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Телец", Description = "Земной знак"
                },                                                                 //5
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Близнецы", Description = "Воздушный знак"
                },                                                                  //6
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Рак", Description = "Водный знак"
                },                                                                 //7
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Лев", Description = "Огненый знак"
                },                                                                 //8
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Дева", Description = "Земной знак"
                },                                                                 //9
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Весы", Description = "Воздушный знак"
                },                                                                 //10
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Скорпион", Description = "Водный знак"
                },                                                                 //11
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Стрелец", Description = "Огненый знак"
                },                                                                 //12

            foreach (ZodiacSign c in zodiacsigns)

            if (context.Relations.Any())

            var relations = new Relation[]
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Холост", Description = "В Поисках Жены"
                },                                                                   //1
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Не замужем", Description = "В Поисках Семьи"
                },                                                                   //2
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Разведен", Description = "В Поисках Спутницы"
                },                                                                    //3
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Разведена", Description = "В Поисках Мужа"
                },                                                                   //4
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Свободный", Description = "Ищет Даму"
                },                                                                   //5
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Девушка", Description = "Ищет Молодого парня"
                },                                                                    //6
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Парень", Description = "Ищет Девушку"
                },                                                                   //7
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Дама", Description = "Ищет Мужчину"
                },                                                                   //8
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Мужчина", Description = "Ищет Даму"
                },                                                                   //9
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Пенсионер", Description = "В Поиске Дамы"
                }                                                                    //10

            foreach (Relation a in relations)

            if (context.Nationalities.Any())

            var nationalities = new Nationalitie[]
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Белорус", Description = "Добрый"
                },                                                                  //1
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Белоруска", Description = "Семейная"
                },                                                                  //2
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Русский", Description = "Хозяин"
                },                                                                  //3
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Русская", Description = "Хозяйка"
                },                                                                  //4
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Украинец", Description = "Руководитель"
                },                                                                  //5
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Украинка", Description = "Госпожа"
                },                                                                  //6
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Латыш", Description = "Спокойный"
                },                                                                  //7
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Латышка", Description = "Спокойная"
                },                                                                  //8
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Татарин", Description = "Восточный"
                },                                                                  //9
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Полька", Description = "Светлая"
                },                                                                  //10
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Поляк", Description = "Добряк"
                },                                                                  //11
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Еврей", Description = "Умный"
                },                                                                  //12
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Еврейка", Description = "Порядочная"
                }                                                                   //13

            foreach (Nationalitie i in nationalities)

            if (context.Clients.Any())

            var clients = new Client[]
            {                            //zodiacsigns.Single().ZodiacSignID,relations.Single().RelationID,nationalities.Single().NationalID
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Иванов Кирил Сергеевич", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-10-1987"),
                    Height          = 180, Weight = 75, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Игроман",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 10, RelationID = 1, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 48/21", Phone = "+375445685246", Passport = "АВ3645218"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Семенова Анна Ивановна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-07-1990"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 60, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Стройная",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 2,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 55/36", Phone = "+375297672234", Passport = "НВ3564376"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Андронов Антон Адамович", Age = 35, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-03-1985"),
                    Height          = 178, Weight = 69, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Спиртное", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 3, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 5,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Косарева. 57/36", Phone = "+375295384621", Passport = "НВ6254183"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Карпенко Марина Федоровна", Age = 26, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-02-1994"),
                    Height          = 163, Weight = 58, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Полная",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 2, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Советская. 68/12", Phone = "+375297672234", Passport = "НВ3564376"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Максимов Виктор Олегович", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-08-1983"),
                    Height          = 175, Weight = 75, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 9, NationalID = 9,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Победы 55/16", Phone = "+375297564329", Passport = "НВ7359456"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Полякова Татьяна Игоревна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-05-1991"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 58, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Шитье", Description = "Домоседка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул. Барыкина. 44/22", Phone = "+375291125479", Passport = "НВ31258964"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Гордеева Кира Ивановна", Age = 25, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("28-07-1995"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Домоседка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 2,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Космонавтов. 44/33", Phone = "+375295442122", Passport = "НВ7226142"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Еловой Виктор Иванович", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("16-09-1987"),
                    Height          = 180, Weight = 77, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Алкоголь", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Шатен",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 9, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Юбилейная. 57/36", Phone = "+375291345678", Passport = "НВ6549215"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Яблонский Сергей Витальевич", Age = 40, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("22-01-1980"),
                    Height          = 182, Weight = 78, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 1, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 7,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Лениена. 102/28", Phone = "+375447458943", Passport = "АВ3645218"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Алферова Катерина Федоровна", Age = 56, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-12-1964"),
                    Height          = 167, Weight = 78, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Вдова", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 12, RelationID = 8, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Некрасова. 51/58", Phone = "+375258956432", Passport = "АН6452371"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Чехова Анфиса Петровна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("18-04-1988"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Брюнетка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 4, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 6,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 28/62", Phone = "+375293365241", Passport = "НВ9412586"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Сидоров Адам Генадьевич", Age = 68, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-11-1952"),
                    Height          = 166, Weight = 75, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 11, RelationID = 10, NationalID = 5,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Коммисаров. 12/20", Phone = "+375448523456", Passport = "АВ3842653"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Денисов Владимир Евгеньевич", Age = 36, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("14-06-1984"),
                    Height          = 168, Weight = 78, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Электроника", Description = "Разработчик",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 6, RelationID = 3, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 45/27", Phone = "+375443542694", Passport = "АВ1258735"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Борисова Дана Петровна", Age = 28, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("18-05-1992"),
                    Height          = 160, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Девушка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 8,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 44/38", Phone = "+375297456325", Passport = "АЕ6452586"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Прокопеня Дмитрий Иванович", Age = 20, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-02-2000"),
                    Height          = 172, Weight = 60, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Парень", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Программинг", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 2, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 7,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Нагорная 66/33", Phone = "+375295425582", Passport = "АВ6238412"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Белый Александр Сергеевич", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-10-1987"),
                    Height          = 185, Weight = 78, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Женат", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Автомобиль", Description = "Блондин",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 10, RelationID = 1, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 48/21", Phone = "+375445685246", Passport = "АВ3645218"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Габдрахимова Лейла Самуиловна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("09-07-1990"),
                    Height          = 172, Weight = 66, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 13,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Коммисаров. 80/86", Phone = "+375295924682", Passport = "НВ7264193"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Полунин Генадий Адамович", Age = 35, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-03-1985"),
                    Height          = 178, Weight = 69, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Спиртное", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Инструктор",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 3, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 5,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Косарева. 41/32", Phone = "+375297384626", Passport = "НВ92434573"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Кириенко Лизавета Петровна", Age = 26, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-02-1994"),
                    Height          = 163, Weight = 58, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 2, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Советская. 38/19", Phone = "+375297315798", Passport = "НВ31499273"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Ермолаев Виктор Андреевич", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-07-1983"),
                    Height          = 175, Weight = 75, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Плавание", Description = "Спортсмен",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 8, RelationID = 9, NationalID = 9,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Замковая 52/76", Phone = "+3752976648852", Passport = "НВ9547632"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Михайлова Наталья Петровна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("16-05-1991"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 58, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Шитье", Description = "Умная",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул. 60 Лет БССР. 140/63", Phone = "+375291625274", Passport = "НВ19843514"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Фаддеева Сара Ивановна", Age = 25, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("25-07-1995"),
                    Height          = 167, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Молодая",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 13,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Космонавтов. 55/47", Phone = "+375295442843", Passport = "НВ16835468"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Сухоруков Виктор Иванович", Age = 39, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("06-09-1981"),
                    Height          = 180, Weight = 77, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Алкоголь", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 9, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Юбилейная. 94/26", Phone = "+375291259874", Passport = "НВ5732159"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Ивус Артем Витальевич", Age = 28, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("22-01-1992"),
                    Height          = 182, Weight = 78, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холостой", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Замкнутый",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 1, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 11,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Лениена. 102/28", Phone = "+375447458943", Passport = "АВ3645218"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Самойлова Тамара Федоровна", Age = 56, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-12-1964"),
                    Height          = 167, Weight = 78, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Вдова", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 12, RelationID = 8, NationalID = 13,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Некрасова. 51/58", Phone = "+375258956432", Passport = "АН6452371"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Морозова Елена Петровна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("10-04-1988"),
                    Height          = 164, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Кулинарка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 4, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 6,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 68/42", Phone = "+375259126524", Passport = "НВ6432576"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Горохов Евгений Олегович", Age = 68, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("01-11-1952"),
                    Height          = 162, Weight = 79, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 11, RelationID = 10, NationalID = 9,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Победителей. 61/25", Phone = "+375256721985", Passport = "АВ1687878"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Борисенко Владимир Викторович", Age = 36, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("11-06-1984"),
                    Height          = 169, Weight = 78, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Электроника", Description = "Разрабртчик",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 6, RelationID = 3, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 75/23", Phone = "+37544321473", Passport = "АВ3548526"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Ларусис Диана Анатольевна", Age = 28, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("17-05-1992"),
                    Height          = 168, Weight = 60, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Эрудирована",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 8,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Полесская. 64/27", Phone = "+375293354625", Passport = "АЕ7995426"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Адамов Дмитрий Абрамович", Age = 20, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-07-2000"),
                    Height          = 172, Weight = 60, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Парень", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Программинг", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 8, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 12,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Подгорная 99/33", Phone = "+375294125882", Passport = "АН6268492"
            };  //30

            foreach (Client s in clients)

            if (context.Positions.Any())

            var positions = new Position[]
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Менеджер", Salary = 1000, Responsibilitie = "Связи Клиентов", Requirement = "Психология"
                },                                                                                                                              //1  1-5
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Стилист", Salary = 800, Responsibilitie = "Подбор Образа", Requirement = "Профессионализм"
                },                                                                                                                              //2  6
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Фотограф", Salary = 900, Responsibilitie = "Фото и Видео", Requirement = "Профессионализм"
                },                                                                                                                              //3  7,8
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Администратор", Salary = 600, Responsibilitie = "Документация", Requirement = "Диплом Юриста"
                },                                                                                                                              //4  9
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Бухгалтер", Salary = 600, Responsibilitie = "Бух-учет", Requirement = "Знание финансов"
                },                                                                                                                              //5  10,11
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Директор", Salary = 2600, Responsibilitie = "Руководить", Requirement = "Быть Главным"
                },                                                                                                                              //6  12
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Психолог", Salary = 1200, Responsibilitie = "Подбор Клиентов", Requirement = "Коммуникабельность"
                },                                                                                                                               //7  13,14
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Программист", Salary = 1600, Responsibilitie = "Пр. Обеспечение", Requirement = "C#,1C,Phyton"
                } //8   15
            };    //8

            foreach (Position n in positions)

            if (context.Employees.Any())

            var employees = new Employee[]
            {                                                        //positions.Single().PositionID
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Петров Федор Сергеевич", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Кожара. 96/44",
                    Phone           = "+375298523121", Passport = "НВ2384521", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Козлов Алексей Леонидович", Age = 41, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 88/32",
                    Phone           = "+375336785216", Passport = "НВ3256494", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Змеев Андрей Аркадьевич", Age = 44, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Дынды. 12/37",
                    Phone           = "+375259613357", Passport = "НВ6529542", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Емелеин Олег Сергеевич", Age = 40, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Барыкина. 188/33",
                    Phone           = "+37533763168", Passport = "НВ16871353", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Загоруев Андрей Максимович", Age = 45, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Дынды. 17/57",
                    Phone           = "+375259613357", Passport = "НВ6942516", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Худякова Инна Сергевна", Age = 33, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Советская. 82/13",
                    Phone           = "+375298631254", Passport = "НВ6215478", PositionID = 2
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Смирнов Иван Абрамович", Age = 47, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Песина. 100/51",
                    Phone           = "+375296598732", Passport = "НВ6652712", PositionID = 3
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Томилин Адам Абрамович", Age = 46, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Песина. 102/58",
                    Phone           = "+37529128645", Passport = "НВ7321561", PositionID = 3
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Ефимова Светлана Андреевна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Б.Хмельницкого 196/53",
                    Phone           = "+375256341258", Passport = "НВ7214596", PositionID = 4
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Гурская Елена Константиновна", Age = 45, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Барыкина. 34/41",
                    Phone           = "+375293254197", Passport = "НВ5643281", PositionID = 5
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Грошева Светлана Андреевна", Age = 47, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Бондарева. 35/41",
                    Phone           = "+375297459855", Passport = "НВ7995413", PositionID = 5
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Артемов Василий Иванович", Age = 59, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Зои-Космодемьянской. 196/106",
                    Phone           = "+375298523121", Passport = "НВ2384521", PositionID = 6
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Кудинова Алла Сергевна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Севастопольская. 80/16",
                    Phone           = "+37529816498", Passport = "НВ8552661", PositionID = 7
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Курагина Светлана Викторовна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Гер.Подпольщиков 16/50",
                    Phone           = "+375258526347", Passport = "НВ4569237", PositionID = 7
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Кондратович Иван Иванович", Age = 27, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Кожара. 106/67",
                    Phone           = "+375299823913", Passport = "НВ17985852", PositionID = 8
            };  //15

            foreach (Employee e in employees)

            if (context.Services.Any())

            var servise = new Service[]
            {                                     //employees.Single().EmployeeID//clients.Single().ClientID,
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 5, EmployeeID = 14
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 10, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 12
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 60, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 18, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 160, ClientID = 27, EmployeeID = 10
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 210, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 5
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 7, EmployeeID = 14
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 8, EmployeeID = 12
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 360, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 10, ClientID = 18, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("11-07-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 26, EmployeeID = 13
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 210, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 5
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-08-2019"), Cost = 290, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 12
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-08-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-08-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 15, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-08-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 13
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-08-2019"), Cost = 200, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-08-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 15, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 75, ClientID = 9, EmployeeID = 12
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 11
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("26-09-2019"), Cost = 30, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("26-09-2019"), Cost = 140, ClientID = 26, EmployeeID = 13
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("24-09-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 29, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 12, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("17-10-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("17-10-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-10-2019"), Cost = 40, ClientID = 10, EmployeeID = 6
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-10-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-10-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("11-10-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 11, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 320, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 25, ClientID = 14, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 13
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 28, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 21, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 140, ClientID = 5, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 6
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 7, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 55, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 14
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("17-11-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-11-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 320, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 60, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 6
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 9, EmployeeID = 2
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 35, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 7
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-12-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-12-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-12-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 24, EmployeeID = 5
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 2
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 7
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 29, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 130, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 10
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 2
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 7
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 130, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 10
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 35, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 7
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("17-02-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 2
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 24, EmployeeID = 6
            };  //72

            foreach (Service d in servise)
Пример #30
        public string GetLoveHoroscope(ZodiacSign zodiacSign)
            var horoscope = GetDailyHoroscope(zodiacSign);
