Пример #1
	void reciveZDB(ZDB newZoom){// add new ZDB to the queue
		Activate ();
 void reciveZDB(ZDB newZoom)     // add new ZDB to the queue
    void Deactivate()            // deactivate current ZDB
        if (zoomList.Count != 0) // make sure we have a zoom to deactivate first
        //ZDB temp = zoomQueue.Peek() as ZDB;// use the latest zoom
            ZDB temp = zoomList[zoomList.Count - 1];
            if (temp.uses_puzzel)
                if (temp.current_manager != null)
                    temp.current_manager.Active(false);                            // activate the current pussel-manager
                    //Debug.LogError("Pussel-manager couldn't be activated");
            GameObject.Find(temp.name).GetComponent <GUI_Parent>().Activate(false);             // activates the GUI-components of the current zoom.

            if (zoomList.Count == 1)
                //Debug.Log("You left the zoom");
                GameObject.Find("MasterMind").SendMessage("SetIsPuzzle", false);                                                // Let the input manager know we are in a puzzel.
            //cam_ref.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled		= true;
            //temp.zoom_cam.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled	= false;
            temp.zoom_cam.gameObject.SetActive(false);            //        = false;
            CameraChangePos messenger = new CameraChangePos();    /* Change the camera position and let it know we are in puzzel mode   */
            //messenger.pos                 = temp.deactive_pos;	0,			/*  Uses a struct with a position and a bool as a data messenger		*/
            messenger.pos      = Camera.main.transform.position;
            messenger.isPuzzle = (zoomList.Count == 1 ? false : true);                                                                                  /*																		*/

            //cam_ref.SendMessage("SetPos", false);					// the new camera position is set.
            //cam_ref.SendMessage("SetZoom", false);					// the new camera position is set.
            DeacitivateCurrent();               // remove the deactive zoom from the manager.
            if (zoomList.Count != 0)            // if there is another
                //Debug.Log ("Can't deactivate the zoom because the is no zoom active (the queue is empty)");
Пример #4
	ZDB Create_ZDB()//  creates a ZoomDataBlock
		ZDB zoom = new ZDB();
		zoom.deactive_pos	= Camera.main.transform.position;
		zoom.active_pos		= childObject.transform.position;
		zoom.name 			= name;
		zoom.zoom_cam 		= Puzzel_cam;
		zoom.uses_puzzel	= uses_puzzel;
		if(current_Manager != null){
			zoom.current_manager= current_Manager;
			//Debug.LogWarning("puzzel_Manager not used");
		return zoom;
Пример #5
    ZDB Create_ZDB()    //  creates a ZoomDataBlock
        ZDB zoom = new ZDB();

        zoom.deactive_pos = Camera.main.transform.position;
        zoom.active_pos   = childObject.transform.position;
        zoom.name         = name;
        zoom.zoom_cam     = Puzzel_cam;
        zoom.uses_puzzel  = uses_puzzel;
        if (current_Manager != null)
            zoom.current_manager = current_Manager;
            //Debug.LogWarning("puzzel_Manager not used");

    /*void ShiftFocus(){// set focus to the current ZDB (set camera etc)
     * }*/
    //*************************** Look over the camera shifting with the new way of creating cameras. *******************************************
    void Activate()              // activate current ZDB
        if (zoomList.Count == 1) // we only need to say we are in a puzzel the firt time we enter one, not when we go deeper into the puzzel/zoom
        //Debug.Log("You entered the zoom");
            GameObject.Find("MasterMind").SendMessage("SetIsPuzzle", true);                                     // Let the input manager know we are in a puzzel.
        //ZDB temp = zoomQueue.Peek() as ZDB;// use the latest zoom
        ZDB temp = zoomList[zoomList.Count - 1];

        temp.zoom_cam.gameObject.SetActive(true);                       // ! might need a more solid approch but for now this works !
        //temp.zoom_cam.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = true;
        //cam_ref.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = false;
        cam_ref.gameObject.SetActive(false);        // = false;
        //CameraChangePos messenger     = new CameraChangePos();			/* Change the camera position and let it know we are in puzzel mode     */
        //messenger.pos                 = temp.active_pos;					/* Uses a struct with a position and a bool as a data messenger			*/
        //messenger.pos                 = Camera.main.transform.position;
        //messenger.isPuzzle            = true;								/*																		*/

        //cam_ref.SendMessage("SetPos", true);					// the new camera position is set.
        //cam_ref.SendMessage("SetZoom", true);					// the new camera position is set.
        GameObject.Find(temp.name).GetComponent <GUI_Parent>().Activate(true);          // activates the GUI-components of the current zoom.
        if (temp.uses_puzzel)
            if (temp.current_manager != null)
                temp.current_manager.Active(true);                // activate the current pussel-manager
                //Debug.LogError("Pussel-manager couldn't be activated");
Пример #7
	void Activate(){
		zoomInfo = Create_ZDB();

Пример #8
 void Activate()
     zoomInfo = Create_ZDB();
     childObject.transform.parent.SendMessage("ActivateStuff", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);