Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add constraints to ensure the function f can only be injective.
        /// Example:
        /// for function f : D1 x D2 -> R
        /// assert axioms
        ///   forall (x1 : D1, x2 : D2) x1 = inv1(f(x1,x2))
        ///   forall (x1 : D1, x2 : D2) x2 = inv2(f(x1,x2))
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        public void AssertInjective(Z3_func_decl f)
            uint    arity = Native.Z3_get_arity(nCtx, f);
            Z3_sort range = Native.Z3_get_range(nCtx, f);

            Z3_ast[]    vars  = new Z3_ast[arity];
            Z3_sort[]   sorts = new Z3_sort[arity];
            Z3_symbol[] names = new Z3_symbol[arity];
            for (uint i = 0; i < arity; ++i)
                Z3_sort domain = Native.Z3_get_domain(nCtx, f, i);
                vars[i]  = ntvContext.MkBound(arity - i - 1, domain);
                sorts[i] = domain;
                names[i] = Native.Z3_mk_int_symbol(nCtx, (int)i);
            Z3_ast app_f = IntPtr.Zero; // Context.MkApp(f, vars);

            for (uint i = 0; i < arity; ++i)
                Z3_sort      domain = Native.Z3_get_domain(nCtx, f, i);
                Z3_func_decl proj   = ntvContext.MkFreshFuncDecl("inv", new Z3_sort[] { range }, domain);
                Z3_ast       body   = ntvContext.MkEq(vars[i], ntvContext.MkApp(proj, app_f));
                Z3_ast       q      = ntvContext.MkForall(names, sorts, body);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new tuple sort.
        /// </summary>
        public Z3_sort MkTupleSort(Z3_symbol name, Z3_symbol[] fieldNames, Z3_sort[] fieldSorts, out Z3_func_decl constructor, Z3_func_decl[] projections)
            Debug.Assert(name != IntPtr.Zero);
            Debug.Assert(fieldNames != null);
            Debug.Assert(fieldNames.All(fn => fn != IntPtr.Zero));
            Debug.Assert(fieldSorts == null || fieldSorts.All(fs => fs != IntPtr.Zero));

            var numFields = (uint)(fieldNames?.Length ?? 0);

            constructor = IntPtr.Zero;
            return(Native.Z3_mk_tuple_sort(nCtx, name, numFields, fieldNames, fieldSorts, ref constructor, projections));