Пример #1
        public void Handle(YodleeLoginUserCommand handledCommand)
            InfoAccumulator info = new InfoAccumulator();

            if (!ValidateModel(handledCommand, info))
                SendReply(info, handledCommand);

            YodleeLoginUser3dPartyCommand commandToSend = CreateLoginUserCommand(handledCommand);

            SendCommand(ThirdPartyService.Address, commandToSend, handledCommand);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the login user command.
        /// First goes to DB to fetch available account and then populates command with fetched parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handledCommand">The handled command.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private YodleeLoginUser3dPartyCommand CreateLoginUserCommand(YodleeLoginUserCommand handledCommand)
            YodleeUserAccount userAccount = YodleeQueries.BookUserAccount(handledCommand.CustomerId);

            YodleeLoginUser3dPartyCommand commandToSend = new YodleeLoginUser3dPartyCommand
                PasswordEncrypted = userAccount.Password,
                UserName          = userAccount.Username,
                MessageId         = handledCommand.MessageId,
                CobrandToken      = handledCommand.CobrandToken,

                CustomerId = handledCommand.CustomerId, //stores 'state' to be able to book another user account if yodlee return error on login
                SiteId     = handledCommand.SiteId      //stores 'state' to be able to book another user account if yodlee return error on login

Пример #3
        public void Handle(YodleeLoginUser3dPartyCommandResponse handledResponse)
            //at this point command not failed but may get error (failed user login)
            if (handledResponse.IsLoginFailed)
                //recover state
                YodleeLoginUserCommand fakeCommand = new YodleeLoginUserCommand {
                    CustomerId = handledResponse.CustomerId, //recovers saved state
                    SiteId     = handledResponse.SiteId,     //recovers saved state

                YodleeLoginUser3dPartyCommand commandToSend = CreateLoginUserCommand(fakeCommand);

                //copies infrastructure related info, to insure proper error handling
                CopyHeaders(@from: handledResponse, to: commandToSend);
                Bus.Send(ThirdPartyService.Address, commandToSend);
                ReplyToOrigin(handledResponse, resp => {
                    resp.UserToken = handledResponse.UserToken;