Пример #1
        private YammerUser GetYammerUser(JToken user)
            var yammerUser = new YammerUser();

            yammerUser.Id          = Convert.ToInt32(GetToken(user, "id"));
            yammerUser.UserName    = GetToken(user, "name");
            yammerUser.FirstName   = GetToken(user, "first_name");
            yammerUser.LastName    = GetToken(user, "last_name");
            yammerUser.FullName    = GetToken(user, "full_name");
            yammerUser.Email       = GetToken(user, "email");
            yammerUser.JobTitle    = GetToken(user, "job_title");
            yammerUser.Department  = GetToken(user, "department");
            yammerUser.Timezone    = GetToken(user, "timezone");
            yammerUser.NetworkId   = Convert.ToInt32(GetToken(user, "network_id"));
            yammerUser.NetworkName = GetToken(user, "network_name");
            yammerUser.Url         = GetToken(user, "web_url");
            var activatedAt = user["activated_at"];

            yammerUser.ActivatedAt = activatedAt.Type == JTokenType.Null ? DateTime.MinValue : (DateTime)user["activated_at"];

            var phoneNumbers = new List <string>();
            var numbers      = user["contact"]["phone_numbers"];

            foreach (var number in numbers)
            yammerUser.PhoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;

Пример #2
        private WebPartEntity CreateYammerWebPart(string feedType, YammerUser user, string yammerGroupName, string title)
            YammerGroup group;
            string      groupId;

            // Notice that in general we do not recommend of matching Yammer group for each site to avoid "group pollution" in Yammer
            if (feedType == "Group")
                // Get Yammer Group - Creates if does not exist. Let's create these as public by default.
                group = YammerUtility.CreateYammerGroup(yammerGroupName, false, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YammerAccessToken"]);
                // Get Yammer web part
                return(YammerUtility.GetYammerGroupDiscussionPart(user.network_name, group.id, false, false));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(YammerExistingGroups.SelectedValue))
                    group   = YammerUtility.GetYammerGroupByName(YammerExistingGroups.SelectedValue, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YammerAccessToken"]);
                    groupId = group.id.ToString();
                    groupId = "";

                // Get OpenGrap object for using that as the discussion feed
                return(YammerUtility.GetYammerOpenGraphDiscussionPart(user.network_name, Request["SPHostUrl"] + "/" + txtUrl.Text,
                                                                      false, false, "SharePoint Site Feed - " + title, "", groupId));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Actual sub site creation and modification logic. Calls Core component methods to make things work
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hostWeb"></param>
        /// <param name="url"></param>
        /// <param name="template"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        /// <param name="feedType"></param>
        /// <param name="yammerGroupName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CreateSubSite(Web hostWeb, string url, string template,
                                  string title, string description, string feedType, string yammerGroupName)
            // Create new sub site
            Web newWeb = hostWeb.CreateWeb(title, url, description, template, 1033);

            // Set theme for the site
            newWeb.SetThemeToSubWeb(hostWeb, "Orange");

            //Remove the out of the box "NewsFeed" web part
            newWeb.DeleteWebPart("SitePages", "Site feed", "home.aspx");

            // Let's first get the details on the Yammer network using the access token
            WebPartEntity wpYammer;
            YammerUser    user = YammerUtility.GetYammerUser(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YammerAccessToken"]);

            // Created Yammer web part with needed configuration
            wpYammer = CreateYammerWebPart(feedType, user, yammerGroupName, title);

            // Add Yammer web part to the page
            newWeb.AddWebPartToWikiPage("SitePages", wpYammer, "home.aspx", 2, 1, false);

            // Add theme to the site and apply that
            ApplyThemeToSite(hostWeb, newWeb);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Actual sub site creation and modification logic. Calls Core component methods to make things work
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hostWeb"></param>
        /// <param name="url"></param>
        /// <param name="template"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        /// <param name="feedType"></param>
        /// <param name="yammerGroupName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CreateSubSite(Web hostWeb, string url, string template,
                                  string title, string description, string feedType, string yammerGroupName)
            // Create new sub site
            Web newWeb = hostWeb.CreateSite(title, url, description, template, 1033);

            // Set theme for the site
            newWeb.SetThemeToSubWeb(hostWeb, "Orange");

            //Remove the out of the box "NewsFeed" web part
            newWeb.DeleteWebPart("SitePages", "Site feed", "home.aspx");

            // Let's first get the details on the Yammer network using the access token
            WebPartEntity wpYammer;
            YammerUser    user = YammerUtility.GetYammerUser(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YammerAccessToken"]);

            // Notice that in general we do not recommend of matching Yammer group for each site to avoid "group pollution" in Yammer
            if (feedType == "Group")
                // Get Yammer Group - Creates if does not exist. Let's create these as public by default.
                YammerGroup group =
                    YammerUtility.CreateYammerGroup(yammerGroupName, false, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YammerAccessToken"]);
                // Get Yammer web part
                wpYammer = YammerUtility.GetYammerGroupDiscussionPart(user.network_name, group.id, false, false);
                // Get OpenGrap object for using that as the discussion feed
                wpYammer = YammerUtility.GetYammerOpenGraphDiscussionPart(user.network_name, Request["SPHostUrl"] + "/" + txtUrl.Text,
                                                                          false, false, "SharePoint Site Feed - " + title);
            // Add Yammer web part to the page
            newWeb.AddWebPartToWikiPage("SitePages", wpYammer, "home.aspx", 2, 1, false);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns Yammer groups based on the access token. All groups are returned for registered apps.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessToken">accessToken will have all the required permissions to update or retrieve data to Yammer on behalf of the user</param>
        /// <returns>All groups in the network</returns>
        public static List <YammerGroup> GetYammerGroups(string accessToken)
            // Get user
            YammerUser user = GetYammerUser(accessToken);

            //get the users groups to check for the group
            var response = GetYammerJson($"https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/groups/for_user/{user.id}.json", accessToken);
            List <YammerGroup> groups = JsonUtility.Deserialize <List <YammerGroup> >(response);

            // Updated network information to the group data
            foreach (var item in groups)
                item.network_id   = user.network_id;
                item.network_name = user.network_name;

        public void Publish(EarnedBadgeItemDTO earnedBadge)
            //Get the user that earned the badge
            string userEmail = string.Format("{0}@magenic.com", earnedBadge.EmployeeADName);
            string userUrl   = GetUserUrl(userEmail);

                var        response   = MakeGetRequest(userUrl, Token);
                YammerUser yammerUser = YammerUser.GetInstanceFromJson(response.Substring(1, response.Length - 2));

                //let's post a message now to this group
                bool broadcastToAll = false;

                string msg = string.Format(YammerMessageText,

                //try adding the message
                response = MakePostRequest(msg, MessageUrl, Token);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                    YammerMessage newMsg = YammerMessage.GetInstanceFromJson(response);
            catch (WebException ex)
                var httpResponse = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                    Logger.Warn <YammerPublisher>(string.Format("Problem getting Yammer information for URL: {0}.  Most likely cause is the user was not setup in Yammer, continuing to process.", userUrl));
Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
                string yammerVerifiedAdminToken = "q0GDG1ayUuRat4Vp8H8LA";
                string yammerClientId           = "y6S4FgjV2faSL0zGigXSQ";
                string yammerUserId             = string.Empty; // = "1554119433";
                string yammerTokenEndpoint      = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/oauth/tokens.json";
                string userEmail = "*****@*****.**";

                // Get Yammer user by email
                string            yammerUserEndpointByEmail = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/users/by_email.json";
                string            userInfo = MakeGetRequest(string.Format("{0}?email={1}", yammerUserEndpointByEmail, userEmail), yammerVerifiedAdminToken);
                List <YammerUser> users    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <YammerUser> >(userInfo);

                if (users.Count > 0)
                    yammerUserId = users[0].UserID;

                // Get Yammer user access token
                string             tokenInfo = MakeGetRequest(string.Format("{0}?user_id={1}&consumer_key={2}", yammerTokenEndpoint, yammerUserId, yammerClientId), yammerVerifiedAdminToken);
                List <YammerToken> tokens    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <YammerToken> >(tokenInfo);

                if (tokens.Count > 0)
                    string yammerUserAccessToken = tokens[0].AccessToken;

                    string tokenInfoMsg = MakeGetRequest("https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages.json", yammerUserAccessToken);

                    YammerMessages messages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <YammerMessages>(tokenInfoMsg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred in Main:  " + ex.Message);


                const string CLIENT_ID     = "lajdsfljdsaflkjdsaf";
                const string CLIENT_SECRET = "alsjasdfljadslkjdsaf";
                const string REDIR_URL     = "http://sppdxwin8";

                string userName = "******";
                string pwd      = "asdfasdfa";

                string permUrl  = "https://www.yammer.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=" + CLIENT_ID + "&redirect_uri=" + REDIR_URL;
                string authUrl1 = "https://www.yammer.com/session?client_id=" + CLIENT_ID;
                string authUrl2 = "https://www.yammer.com/contoso.com/oauth2/" + CLIENT_ID +
                                  "/authorize?client_id=" + CLIENT_ID + "&display=page&redirect_uri=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(REDIR_URL) +

                string accTokenUrl = "https://www.yammer.com/oauth2/access_token.json?client_id=" +
                                     CLIENT_ID + "&client_secret=" + CLIENT_SECRET + "&code=";


                string graphPostUrl   = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/activity.json";
                string messageUrl     = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages";
                string currentUserUrl = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/users/current.json";
                string allUsersUrl    = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/users.json";
                string allGroupsUrl   = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/groups.json";
                string oneUserUrl     = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/users/[:id].json";


                //string activityUrl = "https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/streams/activities.json?access_token=adsfasdfasdf";

                string qsCode      = string.Empty;
                string accessToken = "";
                string postResults = string.Empty;
                string response    = string.Empty;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                    while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qsCode))
                        response = MakeGetRequest(permUrl);

                        //look for authenticity token
                        string authToken = GetAuthenticityToken(response);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken))
                            //POST /session?client_id=zdpOzrUurBtvHhoTJ00wQ HTTP/1.1

                            //sample post body:
                            //utf8=%E2%9C%93&authenticity_token=bP%2Bh0zNGkeL7z%2Bj5stJ%2FPsyZb1O75SPmS5RpkXfSFgo%3D&network_permalink=&[email protected]&password=asdfadsf&remember_me=on
                            //string foo = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode("bP+h0zNGkeL7z+j5stJ/PsyZb1O75SPmS5RpkXfSFgo="); //.net recommends UrlEncode

                            //need to abstract the post calls to a generic function
                            string postBody = "utf8=%E2%9C%93&authenticity_token=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(authToken) + "&network_permalink=&login="******"&password="******"&remember_me=on";

                            //make the first post for code
                            postResults = MakePostRequest(postBody, authUrl1);

                            //get the next auth token that was returned and can be used to get an access code
                            string preCodeToken = GetAuthenticityToken(postResults);

                            //REMOVED 12/17/2013 TO REFLECT CHANGES YAMMER MADE IN AUTH PROCEDURE
                            ////POST /contoso.com/oauth2/adsfasdfsadf/authorize?client_id=asdfasdfasdf&display=page&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fsppdxwin8&response_type=code HTTP/1.1
                            ////sample post body:

                            //postBody = "authenticity_token=" + preCodeToken + "&_method=post";

                            ////make the next post
                            //postResults = MakePostRequest(postBody, authUrl2);

                            //ADDED 12/17/2013 TO REFLECT CHANGES YAMMER MADE IN AUTH PROCEDURE
                            response = MakeGetRequest(permUrl, string.Empty, true);

                        //now look for the query string
                        qsCode = wResp.ResponseUri.Query;

                    if (qsCode.IndexOf("code") > -1)
                        string accessCode = qsCode.Substring(qsCode.IndexOf("=") + 1);

                        response = MakeGetRequest(accTokenUrl + accessCode);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                            YammerAccessToken jat = YammerAccessToken.GetInstanceFromJson(response);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jat.TokenResponse.Token))
                                accessToken = jat.TokenResponse.Token;

                YammerAction action = YammerAction.ReadAllMessages;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                    if (action == YammerAction.PostToApp)
                        #region Post To An App Page using Object Graph
                        //create a new object to write to the graph

                        YammerGraphObject go = new YammerGraphObject();
                        go.Activity.Action  = "create";
                        go.Activity.Actor   = new YammerActor("Steve Peschka", "*****@*****.**");
                        go.Activity.Message = "Hey can we finally get this crazy write stuff working??";

                        go.Activity.Users.Add(new YammerActor("Anne Wallace", "*****@*****.**"));
                        go.Activity.Users.Add(new YammerActor("Garth Fort", "*****@*****.**"));

                        YammerGraphObjectInstance jo = new YammerGraphObjectInstance();
                        jo.Url   = "http://www.vbtoys.com";
                        jo.Title = "yammo objectola";

                        go.Activity.Object = jo;

                        string postData = go.ToString();

                        #region Working Sample Post Data
                        //                            postData = @"{
                        //    ""activity"": {
                        //        ""actor"": {
                        //            ""name"": ""Steve Peschka"",
                        //            ""email"": ""*****@*****.**""
                        //        },
                        //        ""action"": ""create"",
                        //        ""object"": {
                        //            ""url"": ""http://*****:*****@contoso.com"",""name"":""Anne Wallace""},{""email"":""*****@*****.**"",""name"":""Garth Fort""}]
                        //    }";

                        response = MakePostRequest(postData, graphPostUrl, accessToken, "application/json");
                    else if (action == YammerAction.ReadAllMessages)
                        #region Read All Messages
                        response = MakeGetRequest(messageUrl + ".json", accessToken);
                        YammerMessages yms = YammerMessages.GetInstanceFromJson(response);

                        foreach (YammerMessage ym in yms.Messages)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ym.MessageContent.PlainText))
                                Console.WriteLine("Message:  " + ym.MessageContent.PlainText + Environment.NewLine);
                                Console.WriteLine("Message ID " + ym.ID + "had no message in the body.");
                    else if (action == YammerAction.PostMessage)
                        #region Post A New Message
                        //get info about the current user so you can see the group memberships
                        response = MakeGetRequest(currentUserUrl, accessToken);
                        YammerUser yu = YammerUser.GetInstanceFromJson(response);

                        //get only the groups out of there
                        var groups = from YammerGroupsAndFeeds y in yu.SettingsAndFeedsAndGroups.GroupsAndFeeds
                                     where y.Type == "group"
                                     select y;

                        List <YammerGroupsAndFeeds> myGroups = groups.ToList <YammerGroupsAndFeeds>();

                        //enumerate all the groups
                        //foreach (YammerGroupsAndFeeds y in myGroups)
                        //    Console.WriteLine(y.GroupID);

                        //just as an example, getting the IT Support group
                        var itGroup = from YammerGroupsAndFeeds yg in myGroups
                                      where yg.Name == "IT Support"
                                      select yg;

                        YammerGroupsAndFeeds it = itGroup.First <YammerGroupsAndFeeds>();

                        if (it != null)
                            //let's post a message now to this group
                            bool broadcastToAll = false;

                            //form POST - these are the variables:
                            //body - The text of the message body.
                            //group_id - The ID of the group to which the message should be posted.
                            //replied_to_id - The message ID this message is in reply to.
                            //direct_to_id - Send a private message directly to the user indicated.
                            //broadcast=true - This message should be broadcast to all users. The access token should belong to a verified admin user in paid Yammer networks.
                            //topicn - Topics to apply to the message. Can use topic1 through topic20.

                            //Console.WriteLine("Type in the message you want posted to the Yammer IT Group then press enter:");
                            //string myMessage = Console.ReadLine();

                            //string msg = "body=" + myMessage + "&group_id=" +
                            //    it.GroupID + "&broadcast=" + broadcastToAll.ToString();

                            string msg = "body=Thanks [[user:1504829560]] for your big sale!" + "&group_id=3095986" +
                                         "&broadcast=" + broadcastToAll.ToString();

                            //try adding the message
                            response = MakePostRequest(msg, messageUrl + ".json", accessToken);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                                YammerMessages newMsg = YammerMessages.GetInstanceFromJson(response);
                                Console.WriteLine("message sent: " + newMsg.Messages[0].MessageContent.PlainText);
                    else if (action == YammerAction.GetAllUsers)
                        #region Get All Users
                        ////get info about the current user so you can see the group memberships
                        //response = MakeGetRequest(allUsersUrl, accessToken);
                        //List<YammerUser> users = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<YammerUser>>(response);
                        List <YammerUser> users = GetPagedData <YammerUser>(allUsersUrl, accessToken);

                        //you could take each user though and emit Xml where
                        //you have email, UserID, JobTitle, FullName, FirstName, Lastname, Department and
                        //a semi-colon delimited list of group and feed IDs

                        //when they authenticate, you could lookup into Xml based on their email claim (identity claim)
                        //and get JobTitle, Department and list of group IDs, and then lookup each group in the Xml
                        //and add a role claim

                        //the JobTitle and Department are probably useful claims for granting rights, but the
                        //email, FullName, FirstName and LastName probably just good for finding a person, and
                        //then you grant rights to the associated email address

                        ////returns null
                        //YammerUser steve = users.Where(e =>
                        //    e.ContactInfo.EmailAddresses.Contains(
                        //    new YammerEmailAddresses("*****@*****.**", "primary"))).FirstOrDefault<YammerUser>();

                        //foreach (YammerUser user in users)
                        //    Console.WriteLine(user.FullName);
                    else if (action == YammerAction.GetAllGroups)
                        #region Get All Groups
                        //Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                        //total groups:  18616
                        List <YammerGroup> groups = GetPagedData <YammerGroup>(allGroupsUrl, accessToken);

                        //total public groups:  9791
                        List <YammerGroup> publicGroups = groups.Where(p => p.PrivacyLevel == "public").ToList <YammerGroup>();

                        //time to filter in where loop:  509184 ms
                        //time to filter once after data's returned:  509205 ms
                        //total time approx 8.48 minutes

                    else if (action == YammerAction.GetOnePerson)
                        #region Get One User
                        //1504829560 - anne wallace
                        //get info about the current user so you can see the group memberships
                        response = MakeGetRequest(oneUserUrl.Replace("[:id]", "1504829560"), accessToken);
                        YammerUser yu = YammerUser.GetInstanceFromJson(response);
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get access token!");

                //close our response object
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred in Main:  " + ex.Message);