Пример #1
        public async Task <BaseResponse <bool> > CreateRangeAsync(List <YachtAttributeValuesCreateModel> modelCreate)
                var createItems = new List <YachtAttributeValues>();
                foreach (var item in modelCreate)
                    var createItem = new YachtAttributeValues();
                    createItem.BasedAffective   = false;
                    createItem.LastModifiedBy   = GetUserGuidId();
                    createItem.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                if (createItems.Count() > 0)
                    await _context.YachtAttributeValues.AddRangeAsync(createItems);

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return(BaseResponse <bool> .Success(true));
                return(BaseResponse <bool> .NoContent());
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(BaseResponse <bool> .InternalServerError(message : ex.Message, fullMsg : ex.StackTrace));
Пример #2
        public async Task <BaseResponse <bool> > CreateAsync(YachtAttributeValuesCreateModels modelCreate)
                var createItem = new YachtAttributeValues();
                createItem.BasedAffective   = false;
                createItem.LastModifiedBy   = GetUserGuidId();
                createItem.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                await _context.YachtAttributeValues.AddAsync(createItem);

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(BaseResponse <bool> .Success());
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(BaseResponse <bool> .InternalServerError(message : ex.Message, fullMsg : ex.StackTrace));
Пример #3
        public async Task <BaseResponse <bool> > UpdateAttributeValueRangeAsync(YachtAttributeValuesUpdateRangeModel updateModel)
                var userId = GetUserGuidId();
                if (updateModel == null || updateModel.ListAttributeId == null || updateModel.ListAttributeValue == null)
                    return(BaseResponse <bool> .BadRequest());
                if (_context.YachtAttributeValues.AsNoTracking().Any(k => k.AttributeCategoryFid == updateModel.AttributeCategoryFid && k.YachtFid == updateModel.YachtFid))
                    if (updateModel.ListAttributeId.Count() == 0 && updateModel.ListAttributeValue.Count() == 0)
                        var data = _context.YachtAttributeValues.Where(k => k.AttributeCategoryFid == updateModel.AttributeCategoryFid && k.YachtFid == updateModel.YachtFid);
                        return(BaseResponse <bool> .Success(true));
                        // step 1 : remove all current attribute of Yacht in db
                        var data = _context.YachtAttributeValues.Where(k => k.AttributeCategoryFid == updateModel.AttributeCategoryFid && k.YachtFid == updateModel.YachtFid);

                        // step 2: add new all attribute to db
                        if (updateModel.ListAttributeId.Count() > 0 && updateModel.ListAttributeValue.Count() > 0 && updateModel.ListAttributeId.Count() == updateModel.ListAttributeValue.Count())
                            var listAttributeId    = updateModel.ListAttributeId;
                            var listAtrributeValue = updateModel.ListAttributeValue;
                            var lstattribute       = new List <YachtAttributeValues>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < listAttributeId.Count; i++)
                                var attributeValue = new YachtAttributeValues()
                                    YachtFid             = updateModel.YachtFid,
                                    AttributeCategoryFid = updateModel.AttributeCategoryFid,
                                    AttributeFid         = listAttributeId[i],
                                    AttributeValue       = listAtrributeValue[i].ToString(),
                                    EffectiveDate        = DateTime.Now,
                                    LastModifiedBy       = userId,
                                    LastModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now
                                // add to list
                            if (lstattribute.Count > 0)
                                await _context.YachtAttributeValues.AddRangeAsync(lstattribute);

                                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                                return(BaseResponse <bool> .Success(true));

                        return(BaseResponse <bool> .NoContent(false));
                    if (updateModel.ListAttributeId.Count() > 0 && updateModel.ListAttributeValue.Count() > 0 && updateModel.ListAttributeId.Count() == updateModel.ListAttributeValue.Count())
                        var listAttributeId    = updateModel.ListAttributeId;
                        var listAtrributeValue = updateModel.ListAttributeValue;

                        var lstattribute = new List <YachtAttributeValues>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < listAttributeId.Count; i++)
                            var attributeValue = new YachtAttributeValues()
                                YachtFid             = updateModel.YachtFid,
                                AttributeCategoryFid = updateModel.AttributeCategoryFid,
                                AttributeFid         = listAttributeId[i],
                                AttributeValue       = listAtrributeValue[i].ToString(),
                                EffectiveDate        = DateTime.Now,
                                LastModifiedBy       = userId,
                                LastModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now
                            // add to list
                        if (lstattribute.Count > 0)
                            await _context.YachtAttributeValues.AddRangeAsync(lstattribute);

                            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                            return(BaseResponse <bool> .Success(true));

                    return(BaseResponse <bool> .NoContent(false));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(BaseResponse <bool> .InternalServerError(message : ex.Message, fullMsg : ex.StackTrace));
Пример #4
        public BaseResponse <bool> CreateYacht(YachtCreateModel model)
            using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    var userId = GetUserGuidId();
                    //Add yacht
                    var yacht = new Yachts();
                    yacht                  = _mapper.Map <YachtCreateModel, Yachts>(model, yacht);
                    yacht.UniqueId         = UniqueIDHelper.GenarateRandomString(12);
                    yacht.Deleted          = false;
                    yacht.CreatedBy        = userId;
                    yacht.CreatedDate      = DateTime.Now;
                    yacht.LastModifiedBy   = userId;
                    yacht.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    var result = _context.SaveChanges();

                    var listYachtAttrVal = new List <YachtAttributeValues>();
                    //Add yacht attributevalue accomodations
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ListAccomodation))
                        var attrAccomodations = model.ListAccomodation.Split(",");
                        foreach (var item in attrAccomodations)
                            var yachtAttributeValue = new YachtAttributeValues
                                AttributeCategoryFid = (int)YachtAttributeEnum.Accomodations,
                                AttributeFid         = item.Split("_")[0].ToInt32(),
                                AttributeValue       = item.Split("_")[1],
                                YachtFid             = yacht.Id,
                                LastModifiedBy       = userId,
                                LastModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now


                    //Add yacht port
                    if (model.PortLocationId > 0)
                        var portInfo = _context.PortLocations.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.Id == model.PortLocationId && x.Deleted == false).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (portInfo != null)
                            var yachtPort = new YachtPorts
                                YachtFid      = yacht.Id,
                                PortFid       = portInfo.Id,
                                PortName      = portInfo.PickupPointName,
                                IsActivated   = true,
                                Deleted       = false,
                                CreatedBy     = userId,
                                CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now,
                                EffectiveDate = DateTime.Now

                            //update location for yacht
                            yacht.Country = portInfo.Country;
                            yacht.City    = portInfo.City;


                    //Add yacht attributevalue amenities
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ListAmenities))
                        var attrAmenities = model.ListAmenities.Split(",");
                        foreach (var item in attrAmenities)
                            var yachtAttributeValue = new YachtAttributeValues
                                AttributeCategoryFid = (int)YachtAttributeEnum.Ametities,
                                AttributeFid         = item.Split("_")[0].ToInt32(),
                                AttributeValue       = item.Split("_")[1],
                                YachtFid             = yacht.Id,
                                LastModifiedBy       = userId,
                                LastModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now


                    if (listYachtAttrVal.Count > 0)

                    //Add yacht non bussinessday
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ListNonBusinessDay))
                        var listNonBizDay      = model.ListNonBusinessDay.Split(",");
                        var listYachtNonBizDay = new List <YachtNonOperationDays>();
                        foreach (var item in listNonBizDay)
                            var date     = item.Replace(".", "-");
                            var dateTime = (date + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year).ToNullDateTime();
                            if (dateTime != null)
                                var yachtNonBizDay = new YachtNonOperationDays
                                    YachtFid         = yacht.Id,
                                    Recurring        = false,
                                    Remark           = "",
                                    StartDate        = dateTime.Value,
                                    EndDate          = dateTime.Value,
                                    CreatedBy        = userId,
                                    CreatedDate      = DateTime.Now,
                                    LastModifiedBy   = userId,
                                    LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now


                    //Add yachtCounter
                    var yachtCounter = new YachtCounters
                        YachtId              = yacht.Id,
                        YachtUniqueId        = yacht.UniqueId,
                        TotalViews           = 0,
                        TotalBookings        = 0,
                        TotalSuccessBookings = 0,
                        TotalReviews         = 0,
                        TotalRecommendeds    = 0,
                        TotalNotRecommendeds = 0

                    result = _context.SaveChanges();

                    return(BaseResponse <bool> .Success());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(BaseResponse <bool> .InternalServerError(message : ex.Message, fullMsg : ex.StackTrace));