public async Task QueueSong(string query, SocketUser usr, IMessageChannel channel, IGuild guild, SocketUserMessage usrmsg) { if ((usr as IVoiceState).VoiceChannel == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(usr.Mention + " você não está conectado em nenhum canal de voz"); return; } Video video = YTVideoOperation.YoutubeSearch(query); if (video == null) { var embedL = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(240, 230, 231)) .WithDescription("Nenhum resultado encontrado para: " + query); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedL); return; } //Attempts to get the audio URI either by YoutubeExplode or youtube-dl //First attempt is with YoutubeExplode string uri = YTVideoOperation.GetVideoURIExplode(video.Id).Result; if (uri == null) { uri = YTVideoOperation.GetVideoAudioURI("" + video.Id); } YTSong song = new YTSong(video, uri, query, SongOrder(), usr); mp.Enqueue(song); var embedQueue = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(240, 230, 231)) .WithTitle("#" + song.Order + " " + song.Title) .WithDescription("Busca: " + query) .WithUrl(song.Url) .WithImageUrl(song.DefaultThumbnailUrl) .WithFooter(new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText(song.RequestAuthor.Username + " | " + song.Duration)); var msg = await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedQueue); await Task.Delay(6000); await usrmsg.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await msg.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task QueuePlaylist(string playlistUrl, SocketUser usr, IMessageChannel channel, IGuild guild, IVoiceChannel target) { if ((usr as IVoiceState).VoiceChannel == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(usr.Mention + " você não está conectado em nenhum canal de voz"); return; } PlaylistItem[] songs = YTVideoOperation.PlaylistSearch(YTVideoOperation.TryParsePlaylistID(playlistUrl).ID); string[] audioURIs = new string[songs.Length]; var embedA = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(240, 230, 231)) .WithDescription("Carregando playlist..."); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedA); int unavailableVids = 0; int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < songs.Length; i++) { try { //Video video = YTVideoOperation.SearchVideoByID(songs[i].Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId); if (cancelPlaylist) { break; } var song = songs[i]; string uri = YTVideoOperation.GetVideoURIExplode(songs[i].Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId).Result; if (uri == null) { uri = YTVideoOperation.GetVideoAudioURI("" + songs[i].Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId); } if (uri == null || uri == "") { unavailableVids++; } else { YTSong playlistSong = new YTSong(song.Snippet.Title, song.Snippet.Thumbnails.Default__.Url, song.Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId, uri, "playlist", SongOrder(), usr, YTVideoOperation.GetVideoDuration(song.Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId)); mp.Enqueue(playlistSong); x++; } if (cancelPlaylist) { break; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Console.WriteLine("QUEUE PLAYLIST CANCELED"); //cancelPlaylist = true; //Playing = false; } if (!mp.Playing) { StartMusicPlayer(guild, target, usr, channel); } } if (cancelPlaylist) { mp.Clear(); cancelPlaylist = false; return; } if (unavailableVids == 0) { var embedAll = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(240, 230, 231)) .WithDescription("Playlist carregada \n\n`Todos os videos carregados (" + x + ")`"); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedAll); } else { var embedB = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(240, 230, 231)) .WithDescription("Playlist carregada \n\n`✔ Videos carregados: " + x + " ❌ Videos indisponiveis: " + unavailableVids); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedB); } }