Пример #1
 private void AtomizeAttributes(XsltAttribute[] attributes)
     for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
         attributes[i].name = _atoms.NameTable.Add(attributes[i].name);
Пример #2
        public ContextInfo GetAttributes(XsltAttribute[] attributes) {
            Debug.Assert(NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element);
            Debug.Assert(attributes.Length <= xsltAttributeNumber.Length);
            this.attributes = attributes;
            // temp hack to fix value? = new AttValue(records[values[?]].value);
            records[0].value = null;

            // Standard Attributes:
            int attExtension = 0;
            int attExclude   = 0;
            int attNamespace = 0;
            int attCollation = 0;
            int attUseWhen   = 0;

            bool isXslOutput = IsXsltNamespace() && IsKeyword(atoms.Output);
            bool SS = IsXsltNamespace() && (IsKeyword(atoms.Stylesheet) || IsKeyword(atoms.Transform));
            bool V2 = compiler.Version == 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++) {
                xsltAttributeNumber[i] = 0;

            if (SS || V2 && !isXslOutput) {
                for (int i = 1; MoveToAttributeBase(i); i++) {
                    if (IsNullNamespace() && IsKeyword(atoms.Version)) {
            if (compiler.Version == 0) {
                Debug.Assert(SS, "First we parse xsl:stylesheet element");
#if XSLT2
            V2 = compiler.Version == 2;
            int OptOrReq = V2 ? XsltLoader.V2Opt | XsltLoader.V2Req : XsltLoader.V1Opt | XsltLoader.V1Req;

            for (int attNum = 1; MoveToAttributeBase(attNum); attNum++) {
                if (IsNullNamespace()) {
                    string localName = LocalName;
                    int kwd;
                    for (kwd = 0; kwd < attributes.Length; kwd++) {
                        if (Ref.Equal(localName, attributes[kwd].name) && (attributes[kwd].flags & OptOrReq) != 0) {
                            xsltAttributeNumber[kwd] = attNum;

                    if (kwd == attributes.Length) {
                        if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.ExcludeResultPrefixes   ) && (SS || V2)) {attExclude   = attNum; } else
                        if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.ExtensionElementPrefixes) && (SS || V2)) {attExtension = attNum; } else
                        if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.XPathDefaultNamespace   ) && (      V2)) {attNamespace = attNum; } else
                        if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.DefaultCollation        ) && (      V2)) {attCollation = attNum; } else
                        if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.UseWhen                 ) && (      V2)) {attUseWhen   = attNum; } else {
                            ReportError(/*[XT0090]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidAttribute, QualifiedName, records[0].QualifiedName);
                } else if (IsXsltNamespace()) {
                    ReportError(/*[XT0090]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidAttribute, QualifiedName, records[0].QualifiedName);
                } else {
                    // Ignore the attribute.
                    // An element from the XSLT namespace may have any attribute not from the XSLT namespace,
                    // provided that the expanded-name of the attribute has a non-null namespace URI.
                    // For example, it may be 'xml:space'.

            attributesRead = true;

            // Ignore invalid attributes if forwards-compatible behavior is enabled. Note that invalid
            // attributes may encounter before ForwardCompatibility flag is set to true. For example,
            // <xsl:stylesheet unknown="foo" version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"/>

            InsertExNamespaces(attExtension, ctxInfo, /*extensions:*/ true );
            InsertExNamespaces(attExclude  , ctxInfo, /*extensions:*/ false);
            if (attUseWhen != 0) {

            // Report missing mandatory attributes
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i ++) {
                if (xsltAttributeNumber[i] == 0) {
                    int flags = attributes[i].flags;
                    if (
                        compiler.Version == 2 && (flags & XsltLoader.V2Req) != 0 ||
                        compiler.Version == 1 && (flags & XsltLoader.V1Req) != 0 && (!ForwardCompatibility || (flags & XsltLoader.V2Req) != 0)
                    ) {
                        ReportError(/*[XT_001]*/Res.Xslt_MissingAttribute, attributes[i].name);

            return ctxInfo;