// This function is called by the Index method (see above). It contains examples of signature validation parameters.
        private static void setValidationParameters(XmlSignatureExplorer sigExplorer, int caseNumber)
            switch (caseNumber)
             *      Example #1: accept any valid XmlDSig signature as long as the signer has an ICP-Brasil certificate
             *      These parameters will only accept signatures made with ICP-Brasil certificates that comply with the
             *      minimal security features defined in the XmlDSig standard. The signatures need not, however,	follow
             *      the extra requirements defined in the ICP-Brasil signature policy documentation (DOC-ICP-15.03).
            case 1:
                // By omitting the accepted policies catalog and defining a default policy, we're telling Rest PKI to validate
                // all signatures in the file with the default policy -- even signatures with an explicit signature policy.
                sigExplorer.AcceptableExplicitPolicies = null;
                sigExplorer.DefaultSignaturePolicyId   = StandardXmlSignaturePolicies.XmlDSigBasic;
                // The XmlDSigBasic policy requires us to choose a security context
                sigExplorer.SecurityContextId = StandardSecurityContexts.PkiBrazil;

             *      Example #2: accept any valid XmlDSig signature as long as the signer is trusted by Windows
             *      Same case as example #1, but using the WindowsServer trust arbitrator
            case 2:
                sigExplorer.AcceptableExplicitPolicies = null;
                sigExplorer.DefaultSignaturePolicyId   = StandardXmlSignaturePolicies.XmlDSigBasic;
                sigExplorer.SecurityContextId          = StandardSecurityContexts.WindowsServer;
Пример #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string userfile)
            // Our action only works if a userfile is given to work with
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userfile))
            var filename = userfile.Replace("_", ".");
            // Note: we're receiving the userfile argument with "_" as "." because of limitations of
            // ASP.NET MVC.

            // Get an instance of the XmlSignatureExplorer class, used to open/validate XML signatures.
            var sigExplorer = new XmlSignatureExplorer(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Specify that we want to validate the signatures in the file, not only inspect them.
                Validate = true,
                // Specify the parameters for the signature validation:
                // Accept any valid XmlDSig signature as long as the signer has an ICP-Brasil certificate.
                DefaultSignaturePolicyId = StandardXmlSignaturePolicies.XmlDSigBasic,
                // We have encapsulated the security context choice on Util.cs.
                SecurityContextId = Util.GetSecurityContextId()

            // Set the XML file
            sigExplorer.SetSignatureFile(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + filename));

            // Call the Open() method, which returns a list of signatures found in the XML file
            var signatures = await sigExplorer.OpenAsync();

            // Render the signatures' information. (see file Views/OpenXmlSignature/Index.html for more
            // information on the information returned)
        public ActionResult Index(string userfile)
            // Our action only works if a userfile is given to work with
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userfile))
            var filename = userfile.Replace("_", ".");             // Note: we're passing the filename argument with "." as "_" because of limitations of ASP.NET MVC

            // Get an instance of the XmlSignatureExplorer class, used to open/validate XML signatures
            var sigExplorer = new XmlSignatureExplorer(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                Validate = true                 // Specify that we want to validate the signatures in the file, not only inspect them

            // Set the XML file
            sigExplorer.SetSignatureFile(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + filename));

            // Parameters for the signature validation. We have encapsulated this code in a method to include several
            // possibilities depending on the argument passed. Experiment changing the argument to see different validation
            // configurations. Once you decide which is best for your case, you can place the code directly here.
            setValidationParameters(sigExplorer, 1);
            // try changing this number ---------^ for different validation parameters

            // Call the Open() method, which returns a list of signatures found in the XML file
            var signatures = sigExplorer.Open();

            // Render the signatures' information (see file Views/OpenXmlSignature/Index.html for more information on the information returned)
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string userfile)
            // Our action only works if a userfile is given to work with.
            string userfilePath;

            if (!StorageMock.TryGetFile(userfile, out userfilePath))

            // Get an instance of the XmlSignatureExplorer class, used to open/validate XML signatures.
            var sigExplorer = new XmlSignatureExplorer(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Specify that we want to validate the signatures in the file, not only inspect them.
                Validate = true,
                // Specify the parameters for the signature validation:
                // Accept any valid XmlDSig signature as long as the signer has an ICP-Brasil certificate.
                DefaultSignaturePolicyId = StandardXmlSignaturePolicies.XmlDSigBasic,
                // Specify the security context to be used to determine trust in the certificate chain. We
                // have encapsulated the security context choice on Util.cs.
                SecurityContextId = Util.GetSecurityContextId()

            // Set the XML file.

            // Call the Open() method, which returns a list of signatures found in the XML file.
            var signatures = await sigExplorer.OpenAsync();

            // Render the signatures' information (see file OpenXmlSignature/Index.html for more
            // information on the information returned).
            return(View(new OpenXmlSignatureModel()
                Signatures = signatures