Пример #1
 public void AddAttributeObject()
     var root = new XmlData("root");
     root.AddAttribute("attribute", DayOfWeek.Friday);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, root.Attributes.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual(new XmlAttribute("attribute", "Friday"), root.Attributes[0]);
Пример #2
 internal AutoAssign(XmlData dat)
     : base("autoId")
     this.dat = dat;
     nextSignedId = GetValue<ushort>("nextSigned", "24576"); //0x6000
     nextFullId = GetValue<ushort>("nextFull", "32768");     //0x8000
Пример #3
		public void Constructor()
			var root = new XmlData("name");
			Assert.AreEqual("name", root.Name);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, root.Children.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, root.Attributes.Count);
		private static Stream CreateMockCreepProperties()
			var xmlData = new XmlData("CreepProperties");
			return new XmlFile(xmlData).ToMemoryStream();
		public static void CreateImageAndContentMetaData(string filePath, Size pixelSize,
			XmlData image)
			CreateImage(filePath, pixelSize);
			image.AddAttribute("FileSize", new FileInfo(filePath).Length);
			image.AddAttribute("PixelSize", pixelSize.ToString());
		private static Stream CreateMockGroupProperties()
			var xmlData = new XmlData("Groups");
			xmlData.AddChild(CreateTestGroup("Paper2", "Paper, Paper"));
			xmlData.AddChild(CreateTestGroup("Cloth3", "Cloth, Cloth, Cloth"));
			return new XmlFile(xmlData).ToMemoryStream();
Пример #7
		private static XmlData CreateTestXmlData()
			var root = new XmlData("Root");
			return root;
Пример #8
		private static void AddChild1(XmlData root)
			var child1 = new XmlData("Child1");
			child1.AddAttribute("Attr1", "Value with space");
			child1.AddAttribute("Attr2", "Value2");
Пример #9
 protected override void LoadData(Stream fileData)
     var glyph1 = new XmlData("Glyph");
     glyph1.AddAttribute("Character", ' ');
     glyph1.AddAttribute("UV", "0 0 1 16");
     glyph1.AddAttribute("AdvanceWidth", "7.34875");
     glyph1.AddAttribute("LeftBearing", "0");
     glyph1.AddAttribute("RightBearing", "4.21875");
     var glyph2 = new XmlData("Glyph");
     glyph2.AddAttribute("Character", 'a');
     glyph2.AddAttribute("UV", "0 0 1 16");
     glyph2.AddAttribute("AdvanceWidth", "7.34875");
     glyph2.AddAttribute("LeftBearing", "0");
     glyph2.AddAttribute("RightBearing", "4.21875");
     var glyphs = new XmlData("Glyphs").AddChild(glyph1).AddChild(glyph2);
     var kerningPair = new XmlData("Kerning");
     kerningPair.AddAttribute("First", " ");
     kerningPair.AddAttribute("Second", "a");
     kerningPair.AddAttribute("Distance", "1");
     var kernings = new XmlData("Kernings");
     var bitmap = new XmlData("Bitmap");
     bitmap.AddAttribute("Name", "Verdana12Font");
     bitmap.AddAttribute("Width", "128");
     bitmap.AddAttribute("Height", "128");
     Data = new XmlData("Font");
     Data.AddAttribute("Family", "Verdana");
     Data.AddAttribute("Size", "12");
     Data.AddAttribute("Style", "AddOutline");
     Data.AddAttribute("LineHeight", "16");
Пример #10
		public FontDescription(XmlData data)
			this.data = data;
			GlyphDictionary = new Dictionary<char, Glyph>();
			converter = new TextConverter(GlyphDictionary, PixelLineHeight);
Пример #11
		private string GetAppPackageFilePath(XmlData appInfoData)
			string fileName = appInfoData.GetAttributeValue(XmlAttributeNameOfFileName);
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
				throw new AppInfoDataMissing(XmlAttributeNameOfFileName); // ncrunch: no coverage
			return Path.Combine(StorageDirectory, fileName);
Пример #12
 private static void Main(string[] args)
     if (args.Length < 2 || args.Length > 3)
         Console.WriteLine("usage: Json2wmapConv.exe jsonfile wmapfile");
         Console.WriteLine("       Json2wmapConv.exe wmapfile jsonfile decompile");
         var dta = new XmlData();
         var fi = new FileInfo(args[0]);
         if (fi.Exists)
             if (args.Length == 3 && args[2] == "decompile")
                 terrain.Json2Wmap.ConvertReverse(dta, args[0], args[1]);
                 terrain.Json2Wmap.Convert(dta, args[0], args[1]);
             Console.WriteLine("input file not found: " + fi.FullName);
     catch (Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + e);
Пример #13
        public Chars GetChars(string guid, string password, XmlData data)
            using (var db = new Database())
                Account a = db.Verify(guid, password, data);
                if (a != null)
                    if (a.Banned)
                        return null;

                Chars chrs = new Chars
                    Characters = new List<Char>(),
                    NextCharId = 2,
                    MaxNumChars = 1,
                    Account = a,
                db.GetCharData(chrs.Account, chrs);
                db.LoadCharacters(chrs.Account, chrs);
                chrs.News = db.GetNews(Program.GameData, chrs.Account);
                chrs.OwnedSkins = Utils.GetCommaSepString(chrs.Account.OwnedSkins.ToArray());
                return chrs;
Пример #14
		private void TryLoadAppFromStorageData(XmlData appInfoData)
			AppInfo app = AppInfoExtensions.CreateAppInfo(GetAppPackageFilePath(appInfoData),
				GetAppPlatform(appInfoData), GetAppGuid(appInfoData), GetAppBuildData(appInfoData));
			app.SolutionFilePath = GetAppSolutionFilePath(appInfoData);
Пример #15
		protected override Stream GetDevicesXmlStream()
			var devicesXmlData = new XmlData("Devices");
			return new XmlFile(devicesXmlData).ToMemoryStream();
Пример #16
        public static byte[] Convert(XmlData data, string json)
            var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<json_dat>(json);
            byte[] dat = ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(obj.data);

            var tileDict = new Dictionary<short, TerrainTile>();
            for (int i = 0; i < obj.dict.Length; i++)
                loc o = obj.dict[i];
                tileDict[(short) i] = new TerrainTile
                    TileId = o.ground == null ? (ushort) 0xff : data.IdToTileType[o.ground],
                    TileObj = o.objs == null ? null : o.objs[0].id,
                    Name = o.objs == null ? "" : o.objs[0].name ?? "",
                    Terrain = TerrainType.None,
                    Region =
                        o.regions == null
                            ? TileRegion.None
                            : (TileRegion) Enum.Parse(typeof (TileRegion), o.regions[0].id.Replace(' ', '_'))

            var tiles = new TerrainTile[obj.width, obj.height];
            using (var rdr = new NReader(new MemoryStream(dat)))
                for (int y = 0; y < obj.height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < obj.width; x++)
                        tiles[x, y] = tileDict[rdr.ReadInt16()];
            return WorldMapExporter.Export(tiles);
Пример #17
		protected override AgentData ParseData(XmlData boss)
			return new BossData((BossType)Enum.Parse(typeof(BossType), boss.GetAttributeValue("Type")),
				boss.GetAttributeValue("Name"), boss.GetAttributeValue("MaxHp", 0.0f),
				boss.GetAttributeValue("Speed", 0.0f), boss.GetAttributeValue("Resistance", 0.0f),
				boss.GetAttributeValue("Gold", 0), ParseTypeDamageModifier(boss));
 private static void AssertBasicContentMetaData(XmlData xmlMetaData, ContentMetaData metaData)
     AssertMinimumContentMetaData(xmlMetaData, metaData.Name, metaData.Type.ToString(),
     Assert.AreEqual(metaData.LocalFilePath, xmlMetaData.GetAttributeValue("LocalFilePath"));
     Assert.AreEqual(metaData.FileSize.ToString(), xmlMetaData.GetAttributeValue("FileSize"));
Пример #19
		private static Dictionary<TowerType, float> ParseTypeDamageModifier(XmlData boss)
					attribute => (TowerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TowerType), attribute.Name),
					attribute => attribute.Value.Convert<float>());
Пример #20
 private static Guid GetAppGuid(XmlData appInfoData)
     string appGuidString = appInfoData.GetAttributeValue(XmlAttributeNameOfAppGuid);
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(appGuidString))
         throw new AppInfoDataMissing(XmlAttributeNameOfAppGuid);
     return new Guid(appGuidString);
Пример #21
 public void GetChild()
     var root = new XmlData("root");
     new XmlData("child1", root);
     var child2 = new XmlData("child2", root);
     Assert.AreEqual(child2, root.GetChild("child2"));
Пример #22
 public void AddAttribute()
     var root = new XmlData("root");
     root.AddAttribute("attribute", "value");
     Assert.AreEqual(1, root.Attributes.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual(new XmlAttribute("attribute", "value"), root.Attributes[0]);
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo("log4net.config"));

            logger.Info("Starting Muledump Item Export");
            var sw = new Stopwatch();
            data = new XmlData();

            int items = 0;
            var sb = new StringBuilder("items = {\n");
            sb.Append("\t'-1': [\"empty slot\", 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],\n");

            foreach (var item in data.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => i.ObjectType))
            //foreach (var item in GameData.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => LanguageStrings[i.DisplayId.Replace("{", Empty).Replace("}", Empty)]))
            //foreach (var item in GameData.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => i.SlotType))
            //foreach (var item in GameData.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => i.ObjectId))
            //foreach (var item in GameData.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => i.Tier))                         // Different sort values, have not tested these
            //foreach (var item in GameData.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => XY[i.ObjectId].Item1))
            //foreach (var item in GameData.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => XY[i.ObjectId].Item2))
            //foreach (var item in GameData.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => i.FameBonus))
            //foreach (var item in GameData.Items.Values.OrderBy(i => i.FeedPower))
                logger.Info($"Adding item \"{item.ObjectId}\"");
                sb.Append($"\t{item.ObjectType}: [\"{LanguageStrings[item.DisplayId.Replace("{", Empty).Replace("}", Empty)] ?? item.ObjectId}\", {item.SlotType}, {item.Tier}, {XY[item.ObjectId].Item1}, {XY[item.ObjectId].Item2}, {item.FameBonus}, {item.FeedPower}],\n");

            logger.Info($"Added {items} items");
            logger.Info($"Completion time: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");

            /**var sb2 = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var item in Language)
                sb2.Append("            { \"" + item.Key + "\", \"" + item.Value + "\"},\n");

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter("dic.txt", false, Encoding.UTF8))
                writer.Write(sb2.ToString()); **/ // Generate new Language dictionary

            /**var sb3 = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var item in XY.OrderBy(i => i.Value.Item1).ThenBy(j => j.Value.Item2))
                sb3.Append("            { \"" + item.Key + "\", new Tuple<int, int>(" + item.Value.Item1 + ", " + item.Value.Item2 + ") },\n");

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter("dic2.txt", false, Encoding.UTF8))
                writer.Write(sb3.ToString());**/  // Generate new XY dictionary
            // Js function to grab current xy values
            //$.each(items, function() { ret += (" { \"" + $(this)[0] + "\", new Tuple<int, int>(" + $(this)[3] + ", " + $(this)[4] + ") },\n")})

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter("output.js", false, Encoding.UTF8))

            while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape) ;
Пример #24
		private static void SetCommand(XmlData root, string command, IEnumerable<Trigger> triggers)
			var child = new XmlData("Command");
			child.AddAttribute("Name", command);
			foreach (Trigger trigger in triggers)
				SetTrigger(trigger, child);
Пример #25
		public static Sprite GetSpriteFromXml(string filename)
			List<Monster> ret=new List<Monster>();

			XmlData monsterFile=new XmlData(filename);
			List<XmlNode> sprite=monsterFile.GetElements("sprite");
			return new Sprite(sprite[0]);	
Пример #26
		private static void AddChild2(XmlData root)
			var child2 = new XmlData("Child2");
			child2.AddAttribute("Attr3", "Value3");
			child2.AddAttribute("Attr4", "Value4");
			child2.AddChild(new XmlData("Grandchild"));
Пример #27
		protected override AgentData ParseData(XmlData creep)
				new CreepData((CreepType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CreepType), creep.GetAttributeValue("Type")),
					creep.GetAttributeValue("Name"), creep.GetAttributeValue("MaxHp", 0.0f),
					creep.GetAttributeValue("Speed", 0.0f), creep.GetAttributeValue("Resistance", 0.0f),
					creep.GetAttributeValue("Gold", 0), ParseTypeDamageModifier(creep));
Пример #28
		public void AddChildViaNameAndValueWillOnlyAddTheValueIfNotNull()
			var node = new XmlData("Root");
			Assert.IsNull(node.AddChild("Child", null).Value);
			Assert.IsEmpty(node.AddChild("Child", "").Value);
			Assert.AreEqual(4.ToString(), node.AddChild("Child", 4).Value);
Пример #29
		private static Dictionary<TowerType, float> ParseTypeDamageModifier(XmlData creep)
			var typeDamageModifier = new Dictionary<TowerType, float>();
			foreach (var attribute in creep.GetChild("Modifiers").Attributes)
				typeDamageModifier.Add((TowerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TowerType), attribute.Name),
			return typeDamageModifier;
Пример #30
		private static XmlData CreateDeepTestXmlData()
			XmlData root = CreateShallowTestXmlData();
			var grandchild = new XmlData("Grandchild");
			grandchild.AddAttribute("Attr5", "Value5");
			return root;
Пример #31
        //public List<Player> GuildMembersOf(string guild)
        //    return (from i in Worlds where i.Key != 0 from e in i.Value.Players where String.Equals(e.Value.Guild, guild, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) select e.Value).ToList();

        public void Initialize()
            if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn())
                Console.WriteLine("Initializing Realm Manager...");
            GameData  = new XmlData();
            Behaviors = new BehaviorDb(this);
            AddWorld(World.NEXUS_ID, Worlds[0] = new Nexus());
            AddWorld(World.MARKET, new ClothBazaar());
            AddWorld(World.TUT_ID, new Tutorial(true));
            AddWorld(World.FMARKET, new Market());
            Monitor = new RealmPortalMonitor(this);
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GameWorld.AutoName(1, true))
            .ContinueWith(_ => AddWorld(_.Result), TaskScheduler.Default);
            Chat     = new ChatManager(this);
            Commands = new CommandManager(this);
            if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn())
                Console.WriteLine("Realm Manager initialized.");
Пример #32
    private void InitData()
        //if (null != mRuleList)
        //	return;

        mRuleList = new List <RuleObject>();
        XmlData root = XmlTool.GetXmlData(ERuleParam4Editor.RuleConfigUrlForEditor);

        if (null == root)

        foreach (var data in root.Childs)
            RuleObject ruleObject = new RuleObject();
            if (!ruleObject.XmlDeserilize(data))

Пример #33
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            IntPoint p = new IntPoint
                X = pos.X - (Size / 2),
                Y = pos.Y - (Size / 2)

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (SetPiece[y, x] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + p.X, y + p.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Evil Water"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + p.X, y + p.Y] = tile;
Пример #34
        public void Insert_data_from_xml_into_db()
            //OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider = SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider.Instance;
            OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider = SqliteOrmLiteDialectProvider.Instance;

            var element2 = XElement.Parse(xml).AnyElement("Body").AnyElement("Element1").AnyElement("Element2");

            using (var db = ":memory:".OpenDbConnection())
                db.CreateTable <XmlData>(true);
                foreach (var element3 in element2.AllElements("Element3"))
                    var xmlData = new XmlData {
                        Day    = element2.AnyAttribute("day").Value,
                        Name   = element3.AnyAttribute("name").Value,
                        Time   = int.Parse(element3.FirstElement().AnyAttribute("time").Value),
                        Amount = int.Parse(element3.FirstElement().FirstElement().AnyAttribute("amount").Value),
                        Price  = decimal.Parse(element3.FirstElement().FirstElement().AnyAttribute("price").Value),
                db.Select <XmlData>().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(TypeSerializer.SerializeToString(x)));
Пример #35
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (SetPiece[y, x] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[DragonTileBlue];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                        Entity dragonwallred = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Dragon Wall Blue");
                        dragonwallred.Move(x + pos.X + 0.5f, y + pos.Y + 0.5f);
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[DragonTileBlue];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[DragonTileCream];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
Пример #36
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            IntPoint p = new IntPoint
                X = pos.X - (Size / 2),
                Y = pos.Y - (Size / 2)

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (SetPiece[y, x] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + p.X, y + p.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Red Quad"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + p.X, y + p.Y] = tile;

                    if (SetPiece[y, x] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + p.X, y + p.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Red Quad"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + p.X, y + p.Y] = tile;

                        Entity en = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Realm Portal");
                        en.Move(x + p.X + 0.5f, y + p.Y + 0.5f);
        //public List<Player> GuildMembersOf(string guild)
        //    return (from i in Worlds where i.Key != 0 from e in i.Value.Players where String.Equals(e.Value.Guild, guild, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) select e.Value).ToList();

        public void Initialize()
            log.Info("Initializing Realm Manager...");

            GameData  = new XmlData();
            Behaviors = new BehaviorDb(this);

            AddWorld(World.NEXUS_ID, Worlds[0] = new Nexus());
            AddWorld(World.MARKET, new ClothBazaar());
            AddWorld(World.SKIN_SHOP, new SkinShop());
            AddWorld(World.TEST_ID, new Test());
            AddWorld(World.TUT_ID, new Tutorial(true));
            AddWorld(World.DAILY_QUEST_ID, new DailyQuestRoom());
            Monitor = new RealmPortalMonitor(this);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GameWorld.AutoName(1, true)).ContinueWith(_ => AddWorld(_.Result), TaskScheduler.Default);

            Chat     = new ChatManager(this);
            Commands = new CommandManager(this);

            log.Info("Realm Manager initialized.");
Пример #38
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r  = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) + rand.NextDouble() * 4 - 2;
                    if (r <= 10)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity lord = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Phoenix Lord");

            lord.Move(pos.X + 15.5f, pos.Y + 15.5f);

            Container container = new Container(world.Manager, 0x0501, null, false);

            Item[] items = chest.GetLoots(world.Manager, 5, 8).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
            container.Move(pos.X + 15.5f, pos.Y + 15.5f);
Пример #39
        public static byte[] Convert(XmlData data, string json)
            var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <json_dat>(json);

            byte[] dat = ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(obj.data);

            var tileDict = new Dictionary <short, TerrainTile>();

            for (int i = 0; i < obj.dict.Length; i++)
                loc o = obj.dict[i];
                tileDict[(short)i] = new TerrainTile
                    TileId  = o.ground == null ? (ushort)0xff : data.IdToTileType[o.ground],
                    TileObj = o.objs == null ? null : o.objs[0].id,
                    Name    = o.objs == null ? "" : o.objs[0].name ?? "",
                    Terrain = TerrainType.None,
                    Region  =
                        o.regions == null
                            ? TileRegion.None
                            : (TileRegion)Enum.Parse(typeof(TileRegion), o.regions[0].id.Replace(' ', '_'))

            var tiles = new TerrainTile[obj.width, obj.height];

            using (var rdr = new NReader(new MemoryStream(dat)))
                for (int y = 0; y < obj.height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < obj.width; x++)
                        tiles[x, y] = tileDict[rdr.ReadInt16()];
Пример #40
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var          p     = new int[Size, Size];
            const double SCALE = 5.5;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++) //Lava
                double t  = (double)x / Size * Math.PI;
                double x_ = t / Math.Sqrt(2) - Math.Sin(t) / (SCALE * Math.Sqrt(2));
                double y1 = t / Math.Sqrt(2) - 2 * Math.Sin(t) / (SCALE * Math.Sqrt(2));
                double y2 = t / Math.Sqrt(2) + Math.Sin(t) / (SCALE * Math.Sqrt(2));
                y1 /= Math.PI / Math.Sqrt(2);
                y2 /= Math.PI / Math.Sqrt(2);

                var y1_ = (int)Math.Ceiling(y1 * Size);
                var y2_ = (int)Math.Floor(y2 * Size);
                for (int i = y1_; i < y2_; i++)
                    p[x, i] = 1;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++) //Floor
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (p[x, y] == 1 && rand.Next() % 5 == 0)
                        p[x, y] = 2;

            int r = rand.Next(0, 4); //Rotation

            for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
                p = SetPieces.rotateCW(p);
            p[20, 20] = 2;

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (p[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Lava];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (p[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Lava];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Floor];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity demon = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Red Demon");

            demon.Move(pos.X + 20.5f, pos.Y + 20.5f);

            var container = new Container(world.Manager, 0x0501, null, false);

            Item[] items = chest.GetLoots(world.Manager, 5, 8).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
            container.Move(pos.X + 20.5f, pos.Y + 20.5f);
Пример #41
 public XmlDocumentProvider(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger logger)
     logger.Debug("Loading XML data");
     XmlData = new XmlData(configuration.XmlDataPath, logger);
Пример #42
 public Wmap(XmlData dat)
     this.dat = dat;
Пример #43
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int[,] t = new int[27, 27];

            int[,] q = (int[, ])quarter.Clone();

            for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++) //Top left
                for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                    t[x, y] = q[x, y];

            q = SetPieces.reflectHori(q); //Top right
            for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                    t[13 + x, y] = q[x, y];

            q = SetPieces.reflectVert(q); //Bottom right
            for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                    t[13 + x, 13 + y] = q[x, y];

            q = SetPieces.reflectHori(q); //Bottom left
            for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                    t[x, 13 + y] = q[x, y];

            for (int y = 1; y < 4; y++) //Opening
                for (int x = 8; x < 19; x++)
                    t[x, y] = 2;
            t[12, 0] = t[13, 0] = t[14, 0] = 2;

            int r = rand.Next(0, 4); //Rotation

            for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);

            t[13 + 6, 13] = 3;

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.Resources.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < 27; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < 27; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Wall];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        Entity cyclops = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, 0x0928);
                        cyclops.Move(pos.X + x, pos.Y + y);
Пример #44
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int[,] t = new int[33, 33];

            for (int x = 0; x < 33; x++) //Grassing
                for (int y = 0; y < 33; y++)
                    if (Math.Abs(x - Size / 2) / (Size / 2.0) + rand.NextDouble() * 0.3 < 0.95 &&
                        Math.Abs(y - Size / 2) / (Size / 2.0) + rand.NextDouble() * 0.3 < 0.95)
                        t[x, y] = 1;

            for (int x = 12; x < 21; x++) //Outer
                for (int y = 4; y < 29; y++)
                    t[x, y] = 2;
            t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);
            for (int x = 12; x < 21; x++)
                for (int y = 4; y < 29; y++)
                    t[x, y] = 2;

            for (int x = 13; x < 20; x++) //Inner
                for (int y = 5; y < 28; y++)
                    t[x, y] = 4;
            t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);
            for (int x = 13; x < 20; x++)
                for (int y = 5; y < 28; y++)
                    t[x, y] = 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //Ext
                for (int x = 13; x < 20; x++)
                    for (int y = 5; y < 7; y++)
                        t[x, y] = 3;
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //Pillars
                t[13, 7]  = rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? 6 : 5;
                t[19, 7]  = rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? 6 : 5;
                t[13, 10] = rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? 6 : 5;
                t[19, 10] = rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? 6 : 5;
                t         = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);

            Noise noise = new Noise(Environment.TickCount); //Perlin noise

            for (int x = 0; x < 33; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 33; y++)
                    if (noise.GetNoise(x / 33f * 8, y / 33f * 8, .5f) < 0.2)
                        t[x, y] = 0;

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < 33; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < 33; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Grass];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[TileDark];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Tile];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 4)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Stone];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 5)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Stone];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[PillarA];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 6)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Stone];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[PillarB];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity skull = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Skull Shrine"); //Skulls!

            skull.Move(pos.X + Size / 2f, pos.Y + Size / 2f);
Пример #45
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int[,] t = new int[31, 40];

            for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) //Moats
                for (int y = 0; y < 13; y++)
                    if ((x == 0 && (y < 3 || y > 9)) ||
                        (y == 0 && (x < 3 || x > 9)) ||
                        (x == 12 && (y < 3 || y > 9)) ||
                        (y == 12 && (x < 3 || x > 9)))
                    t[x + 0, y + 0]  = t[x + 18, y + 0] = 2;
                    t[x + 0, y + 27] = t[x + 18, y + 27] = 2;
            for (int x = 3; x < 28; x++)
                for (int y = 3; y < 37; y++)
                    if (x < 6 || x > 24 || y < 6 || y > 33)
                        t[x, y] = 2;

            for (int x = 7; x < 24; x++) //Floor
                for (int y = 7; y < 33; y++)
                    t[x, y] = rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? 0 : 1;

            for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) //Perimeter
                for (int y = 0; y < 7; y++)
                    if ((x == 0 && y != 3) ||
                        (y == 0 && x != 3) ||
                        (x == 6 && y != 3) ||
                        (y == 6 && x != 3))
                    t[x + 3, y + 3]  = t[x + 21, y + 3] = 4;
                    t[x + 3, y + 30] = t[x + 21, y + 30] = 4;
            for (int x = 6; x < 25; x++)
                t[x, 6] = t[x, 33] = 4;
            for (int y = 6; y < 34; y++)
                t[6, y] = t[24, y] = 4;

            for (int x = 13; x < 18; x++) //Bridge
                for (int y = 3; y < 7; y++)
                    t[x, y] = 6;

            for (int x = 0; x < 31; x++) //Corruption
                for (int y = 0; y < 40; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1 || t[x, y] == 0)
                    double p = rand.NextDouble();
                    if (t[x, y] == 6)
                        if (p < 0.4)
                            t[x, y] = 0;

                    if (p < 0.1)
                        t[x, y] = 1;
                    else if (p < 0.4)
                        t[x, y]++;

            //Boss & Chest
            t[15, 27] = 7;
            t[15, 20] = 8;

            int r = rand.Next(0, 4);

            for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) //Rotation
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);
            int w = t.GetLength(0), h = t.GetLength(1);

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[WaterA];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[WaterB];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                    else if (t[x, y] == 4)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[WallA];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 5)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                        Entity wall = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, dat.IdToObjectType[WallB]);
                        wall.Move(x + pos.X + 0.5f, y + pos.Y + 0.5f);

                    else if (t[x, y] == 6)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Bridge];
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 7)
                        Container container = new Container(world.Manager, 0x0501, null, false);
                        Item[]    items     = chest.GetLoots(world.Manager, 5, 8).ToArray();
                        for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                            container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
                        container.Move(pos.X + x + 0.5f, pos.Y + y + 0.5f);
                    else if (t[x, y] == 8)
                        Entity cyclops = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Cyclops God");
                        cyclops.Move(pos.X + x, pos.Y + y);
Пример #46
    private void SerializeBonus(XmlData data, XmlDocument doc, Account acc, Char chr, int baseFame, bool firstBorn)
        double bonus = 0;

        if (chr.CharacterId < 2) //Ancestor
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.Ancestor";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.AncestorDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor(((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1) + 20)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + ((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1) + 20;
        //Legacy Builder???
        if (ShotsThatDamage == 0) //Pacifist
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.Pacifist";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.PacifistDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25;
        if (PotionsDrunk == 0) //Thirsty
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.Thirsty";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.ThirstyDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25;
        if (SpecialAbilityUses == 0) //Mundane
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.Mundane";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.MundaneDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25;
        if (Teleports == 0) //Boots on the Ground
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.BootsOnGround";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.BootsOnGroundDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25;
        if (PirateCavesCompleted > 0 &&
            UndeadLairsCompleted > 0 &&
            AbyssOfDemonsCompleted > 0 &&
            SnakePitsCompleted > 0 &&
            SpiderDensCompleted > 0 &&
            SpriteWorldsCompleted > 0 &&
            TombsCompleted > 0 &&
            TrenchesCompleted > 0 &&
            JunglesCompleted > 0 &&
            ManorsCompleted > 0) //Tunnel Rat
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.TunnelRat";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.TunnelRatDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)GodKills / (GodKills + MonsterKills) > 0.1) //Enemy of the Gods
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.GodEnemy";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.GodEnemyDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)GodKills / (GodKills + MonsterKills) > 0.5) //Slayer of the Gods
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.GodSlayer";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.GodSlayerDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (OryxKills > 0) //Oryx Slayer
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.OryxSlayer";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.OryxSlayerDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)ShotsThatDamage / Shots > 0.25) //Accurate
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.Accurate";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.AccurateDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)ShotsThatDamage / Shots > 0.5) //Sharpshooter
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.SharpShooter";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.SharpShooterDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)ShotsThatDamage / Shots > 0.75) //Sniper
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.Sniper";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.SniperDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (TilesUncovered > 1000000) //Explorer
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.Explorer";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.ExplorerDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.05)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.05;
        if (TilesUncovered > 4000000) //Cartographer
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.Cartographer";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.CartographerDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.05)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.05;
        if (LevelUpAssists > 100) //Team Player
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.TeamPlayer";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.TeamPlayerDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (LevelUpAssists > 1000) //Leader of Men
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.LeaderOfMen";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.LeaderOfMenDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (QuestsCompleted > 1000) //Doer of Deeds
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.DoerOfDeeds";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.DoerOfDeedsDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (CubeKills == 0) //Friend of the Cubes
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.CubeFriend";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.CubeFriendDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        double bo = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //Well Equipped
            if (chr.Equipment[i] == -1)
            int b;
            using (Database db = new Database())
                b = db.getSerialInfo(chr.Equipment[i], data).FameBonus;
            if (b > 0)
                bo += (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * b / 100;
        if (bo > 0)
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.WellEquipped";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.WellEquippedDescription";
            x.InnerText = ((int)bo).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + Math.Floor(bo);
        if (firstBorn)
            XmlElement   x      = doc.CreateElement("Bonus");
            XmlAttribute idAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
            idAttr.Value = "FameBonus.FirstBorn";
            XmlAttribute descAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("desc");
            descAttr.Value = "FameBonus.FirstBornDescription";
            x.InnerText = (Math.Floor((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1)).ToString();
            bonus       = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
Пример #47
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat            = world.Manager.GameData;
            int     DarkGrassradiu = 17;
            int     sandRadius     = 17;
            int     waterRadius    = 14;

            List <IntPoint> border = new List <IntPoint>();

            int[,] o = new int[Size, Size];
            int[,] t = new int[Size, Size];

            for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)      //Outer
                for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r  = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (r <= sandRadius)
                        t[x, y] = 2;
            for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)      //Water
                for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r  = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (r <= waterRadius)
                        t[x, y] = 3;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (((x > 5 && x < DarkGrassradiu) || (x < Size - 5 && x > Size - DarkGrassradiu) ||
                         (y > 5 && y < DarkGrassradiu) || (y < Size - 5 && y > Size - DarkGrassradiu)) &&
                        o[x, y] == 0 && t[x, y] == 1)
                        t[x, y] = 4;
            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.ObjId = dat.IdToObjectType[Tree];
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y]       = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Sand];
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y]       = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Water];
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y]       = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 4)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.ObjId = dat.IdToObjectType[Tree];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y]       = tile;

            Entity gship = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Ghost Ship");

            gship.Move(pos.X + Size / 2f, pos.Y + Size / 2f);

            Entity gshipanchor = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Ghost Ship Anchor");

            gshipanchor.Move(pos.X + Size / 2f, pos.Y + Size / 2f);
Пример #48
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int             outerRadius  = 13;
            int             waterRadius  = 10;
            int             islandRadius = 3;
            List <IntPoint> border       = new List <IntPoint>();

            int[,] t = new int[Size, Size];
            for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++) //Outer
                for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r  = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (r <= outerRadius)
                        t[x, y] = 1;

            for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++) //Water
                for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r  = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (r <= waterRadius)
                        t[x, y] = 2;
                        if (waterRadius - r < 1)
                            border.Add(new IntPoint(x, y));

            for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++) //Island
                for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r  = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (r <= islandRadius)
                        t[x, y] = 1;
                        if (islandRadius - r < 1)
                            border.Add(new IntPoint(x, y));

            HashSet <IntPoint> trees = new HashSet <IntPoint>();

            while (trees.Count < border.Count * 0.5)
                trees.Add(border[rand.Next(0, border.Count)]);

            foreach (IntPoint i in trees)
                t[i.X, i.Y] = 3;

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Water];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Tree];
                        tile.Name    = "size:" + (rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? 120 : 140);
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity giant = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Oasis Giant");

            giant.Move(pos.X + 15.5f, pos.Y + 15.5f);

            Container container = new Container(world.Manager, 0x0501, null, false);

            Item[] items = chest.GetLoots(world.Manager, 5, 8).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
            container.Move(pos.X + 15.5f, pos.Y + 15.5f);
Пример #49
    public int CalculateTotal(XmlData data, Account acc, Char chr, int baseFame, out bool firstBorn)
        double bonus = 0;

        if (chr.CharacterId < 2)            //Ancestor
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + ((baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1) + 20;
        //Legacy Builder???
        if (ShotsThatDamage == 0)           //Pacifist
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25;
        if (PotionsDrunk == 0)              //Thirsty
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25;
        if (SpecialAbilityUses == 0)        //Mundane
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25;
        if (Teleports == 0)                 //Boots on the Ground
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.25;
        if (PirateCavesCompleted > 0 &&
            UndeadLairsCompleted > 0 &&
            AbyssOfDemonsCompleted > 0 &&
            SnakePitsCompleted > 0 &&
            SpiderDensCompleted > 0 &&
            SpriteWorldsCompleted > 0 &&
            TombsCompleted > 0 &&
            TrenchesCompleted > 0 &&
            JunglesCompleted > 0 &&
            ManorsCompleted > 0)            //Tunnel Rat
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)GodKills / (GodKills + MonsterKills) > 0.1)   //Enemy of the Gods
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)GodKills / (GodKills + MonsterKills) > 0.5)   //Slayer of the Gods
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (OryxKills > 0)                  //Oryx Slayer
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)ShotsThatDamage / Shots > 0.25)     //Accurate
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)ShotsThatDamage / Shots > 0.5)      //Sharpshooter
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if ((double)ShotsThatDamage / Shots > 0.75)     //Sniper
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (TilesUncovered > 1000000)       //Explorer
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.05;
        if (TilesUncovered > 4000000)       //Cartographer
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.05;
        if (LevelUpAssists > 100)           //Team Player
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (LevelUpAssists > 1000)          //Leader of Men
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (QuestsCompleted > 1000)         //Doer of Deeds
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        if (CubeKills == 0)                 //Friend of the Cubes
            bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
        double eq = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)         //Well Equipped
            if (chr.Equipment[i] == -1)
            int b;
            using (Database db = new Database())
                b = db.getSerialInfo(chr.Equipment[i], data).FameBonus;
            if (b > 0)
                eq += (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * b / 100;
        bonus = Math.Floor(bonus) + Math.Floor(eq);
        if (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus) > acc.Stats.BestCharFame)   //First Born
            bonus     = Math.Floor(bonus) + (baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)) * 0.1;
            firstBorn = true;
            firstBorn = false;

        return((int)(baseFame + Math.Floor(bonus)));
Пример #50
 public Wmap(XmlData data)
     this.data = data;
Пример #51
        public void Load(string path, SerializationFormat expectedFormat, bool createBackup)
            var file        = new AmfFile(path);
            var dataVersion = file.GetString("version");

            if (file.Error != null)
                var box = new ExceptionBox();
                box.Title            = "Could not read file.";
                box.Message          = "TiTsEd could not read this file correctly. Maybe it was corrupted or generated by an old version of Flash. Continuing may make TiTsEd unstable or cause it to corrupt the file. It is strongly advised that you cancel this operation.";
                box.Path             = file.FilePath;
                box.ExceptionMessage = file.Error.Mesg;
                box.IsWarning        = true;
                var result = box.ShowDialog(ExceptionBoxButtons.Continue, ExceptionBoxButtons.Cancel);

                if (result != ExceptionBoxResult.Continue)
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataVersion))
                var box = new ExceptionBox();
                box.Title     = "File version too old.";
                box.Message   = "TiTsEd may not be able to read this file correctly as it was generated by an older version of T**s. Continuing may make TiTsEd unstable or cause it to corrupt the file. It is strongly advised that you cancel this operation.";
                box.IsWarning = true;
                var result = box.ShowDialog(ExceptionBoxButtons.Continue, ExceptionBoxButtons.Cancel);

                Logger.Error(String.Format("{0} T**s data version: {1}.", box.Title, dataVersion));
                if (result != ExceptionBoxResult.Continue)

            // I would like to test dataVersion here some day to ensure that it's not too old of a version,
            // however, as long as Fen keeps occasionally pushing crappy version strings (e.g.,
            // that can't happen.  Ideally, I'd like to see them switch to a segmented version system.

            // Sanity checks: see if the save can be re-saved as-is OR if any of the top-level property names are invalid as identifiers.
            if (!file.CanBeSaved(SerializationFormat.Slot) || HasBadPropertyNames(file))
                var box = new ExceptionBox();
                box.Title     = "File could not be read correctly.";
                box.Message   = "TiTsEd could not read this file correctly, it is likely corrupted. Cancelling this operation.";
                box.IsWarning = true;

                Logger.Error(String.Format("{0} T**s data version: {1}.", box.Title, dataVersion));

            // Sanity check: ensure the actual format matches the expected format (just a warning to the user about mixing up the formats).
            if (file.Format != expectedFormat)
                var box = new ExceptionBox();
                box.Title     = "File format different from expected format.";
                box.Message   = "The file is actually a " + (file.Format == SerializationFormat.Slot ? "\"Slot\"" : "\"Save to File\"") + " format save, but it was loaded as though it were a " + (expectedFormat == SerializationFormat.Slot ? "\"Slot\"" : "\"Save to File\"") + " format save.\n\nThe two formats are not compatible, so care should be taken to ensure you do not confuse the two, since T**s can only load each format in a specific way.  Attempting to load a \"Slot\" save as though it were a \"Save to File\" save, or vice versa, will cause T**s to think the save is corrupt, at best, or see the save deleted, at worse. Do not mix them up.";
                box.IsWarning = true;

            if (createBackup)
            _currentFile = file;

            Data = XmlData.Current;
            Game = new GameVM(_currentFile, Game);

            if (FileOpened != null)
                FileOpened(null, null);
Пример #52
 public void XmlFileData_WhenMultipleNotTyped_ExpectAllVisibleInTestExplorer(XmlData mySample, string expectedResult)
     Assert.Equal(typeof(SampleFakeObject), mySample.Data.GetType());
     Assert.Equal(expectedResult, (mySample.Data as SampleFakeObject)?.SampleProp);
Пример #53
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var t = new int[25, 26];

            for (int x = 2; x < 23; x++) //Floor
                for (int y = 1; y < 24; y++)
                    t[x, y] = rand.Next() % 10 == 0 ? 0 : 1;

            for (int y = 1; y < 24; y++) //Perimeters
                t[2, y] = t[22, y] = 2;
            for (int x = 2; x < 23; x++)
                t[x, 23] = 2;
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    t[x + 1, y] = t[x + 21, y] = 2;
            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                    if ((x == 0 && y == 0) ||
                        (x == 0 && y == 4) ||
                        (x == 4 && y == 0) ||
                        (x == 4 && y == 4))
                    t[x, y + 21] = t[x + 20, y + 21] = 2;

            for (int y = 0; y < 6; y++) //Pillars
                t[9, 4 + 3 * y] = t[15, 4 + 3 * y] = 4;

            for (int x = 0; x < 25; x++) //Corruption
                for (int y = 0; y < 26; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1 || t[x, y] == 0)
                    double p = rand.NextDouble();
                    if (p < 0.1)
                        t[x, y] = 1;
                    else if (p < 0.4)
                        t[x, y]++;

            int r = rand.Next(0, 4);

            for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) //Rotation
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);
            int w = t.GetLength(0), h = t.GetLength(1);

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[WallA];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                        Entity wall = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, dat.IdToObjectType[WallB]);
                        wall.Move(x + pos.X + 0.5f, y + pos.Y + 0.5f);
                    else if (t[x, y] == 4)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[PillarA];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 5)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[PillarB];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity lich = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Lich");

            lich.Move(pos.X + Size / 2, pos.Y + Size / 2);
Пример #54
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat = world.Manager.Resources.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (SetPiece[y, x] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Hanami Grass 1 Light"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 2)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Japanese Stone Path"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 3)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Hanami Grass 2 Dark"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 4)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Hanami Grass 3 Dark"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 5)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Dirt"];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType["Japanese Prayer Tree"];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 6)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Hanami Grass 3 Dark"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 7)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Hanami Grass 3 Dark"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                        Entity statue = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Encounter Altar");
                        statue.Move(pos.X + x + .5f, pos.Y + y + .5f);
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 8)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Hanami Grass 1 Light"];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType["Japanese Trees Pink"];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 9)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Japanese Rock"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                        Entity statue = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Jade Statue");
                        statue.Move(pos.X + x + .5f, pos.Y + y + .5f);
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 10)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Japanese Rock"];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                        Entity statue = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Garnet Statue");
                        statue.Move(pos.X + x + .5f, pos.Y + y + .5f);
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 11)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Japanese Rock"];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType["Japanese Temple Gate 1"];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 12)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Japanese Rock"];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType["Japanese Temple Gate 5"];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 13)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Japanese Rock"];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType["Japanese Temple Gate 4"];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 14)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Japanese Rock"];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType["Japanese Wall Outside 2"];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 15)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Hanami Grass 1 Light"];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType["Japanese Tree Mini Red"];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 16)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType["Japanese Rock"];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Gate3];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
Пример #55
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (SetPiece[y, x] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor1];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor2];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor3];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 4)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor4];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 5)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Middle];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 6)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Air];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 7)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Air2];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 8)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Air3];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 9)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Air4];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 10)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Middle];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                        Entity elemental = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Maurth the Succubus Queen");
                        elemental.Move(pos.X + Size / 2f, pos.Y + Size / 2f);
Пример #56
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var t = new int[81, 81];

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++) //Flooring
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r  = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) + rand.NextDouble() * 4 - 2;
                    if (r <= 35)
                        t[x, y] = 1;

            for (int x = 0; x < 17; x++) //Center
                for (int y = 0; y < 17; y++)
                    if (Center[x, y] != 0)
                        t[32 + x, 32 + y] = 2;

            t[36, 36] = t[44, 36] = t[36, 44] = t[44, 44] = 3; //Pillars
            t[30, 30] = t[50, 30] = t[30, 50] = t[50, 50] = 4;

            t[40, 26] = t[40, 27] = t[39, 27] = t[41, 27] = 4;
            t[40, 54] = t[40, 53] = t[39, 53] = t[41, 53] = 4;
            t[26, 40] = t[27, 40] = t[27, 39] = t[27, 41] = 4;
            t[54, 40] = t[53, 40] = t[53, 39] = t[53, 41] = 4;

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Central];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Central];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Pillar];
                        tile.Name    = ConnectionComputer.GetConnString((_x, _y) => t[x + _x, y + _y] == 3);
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 4)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Pillar];
                        tile.Name    = ConnectionComputer.GetConnString((_x, _y) => t[x + _x, y + _y] == 4);
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity sphinx = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Grand Sphinx");

            sphinx.Move(pos.X + 40.5f, pos.Y + 40.5f);
Пример #57
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int w = rand.Next(19, 22), h = rand.Next(19, 22);

            int[,] t = new int[w, h];
            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) //Perimeter
                t[x, 0]     = 1;
                t[x, h - 1] = 1;
            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                t[0, y]     = 1;
                t[w - 1, y] = 1;

            int midPtH = h / 2 + rand.Next(-2, 3); //Mid hori wall
            int sepH   = rand.Next(2, 4);

            if (rand.Next() % 2 == 0)
                for (int x = sepH; x < w; x++)
                    t[x, midPtH] = 1;
                for (int x = 0; x < w - sepH; x++)
                    t[x, midPtH] = 1;

            int begin, end;

            if (rand.Next() % 2 == 0)
                begin = 0;
                end   = midPtH;
                begin = midPtH;
                end   = h;

            int midPtV = w / 2 + rand.Next(-2, 3); //Mid vert wall
            int sepW   = rand.Next(2, 4);

            if (rand.Next() % 2 == 0)
                for (int y = begin + sepW; y < end; y++)
                    t[midPtV, y] = 1;
                for (int y = begin; y < end - sepW; y++)
                    t[midPtV, y] = 1;
            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) //Flooring
                for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 0)
                        t[x, y] = 2;

            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) //Corruption
                for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    if (rand.Next() % 2 == 0)
                        t[x, y] = 0;

            int rotation = rand.Next(0, 4); //Rotation

            for (int i = 0; i < rotation; i++)
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);
            w = t.GetLength(0);
            h = t.GetLength(1);

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.Resources.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Wall];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
Пример #58
        void Initialize()
            ExceptionBox box;

            foreach (string xmlFile in XmlData.Files.All)
                var xmlResult = XmlData.LoadXml(xmlFile);
                switch (xmlResult)
                case XmlLoadingResult.Success:

                case XmlLoadingResult.InvalidFile:
                    box         = new ExceptionBox();
                    box.Title   = "Fatal error";
                    box.Message = "The " + xmlFile + " file is out of date. Did you replace the bundled XML?";
                    box.Path    = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

                case XmlLoadingResult.MissingFile:
                    box         = new ExceptionBox();
                    box.Title   = "Fatal error";
                    box.Message = "The " + xmlFile + " file could not be found. Did you try to run the program from the archive without extracting all the files first?";
                    box.Path    = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

                case XmlLoadingResult.NoPermission:
                    box         = new ExceptionBox();
                    box.Title   = "Fatal error";
                    box.Message = "The " + xmlFile + " file was already in use or this application does not have permission to read from the folder where it is located.";
                    box.Path    = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            var directories = FileManager.GetDirectories().ToArray(); // Load all on startup to check for errors
            var result      = ExceptionBoxResult.Continue;

            switch (FileManager.Result)
            case FileEnumerationResult.NoPermission:
                box           = new ExceptionBox();
                box.Title     = "Could not scan some folders.";
                box.Message   = "TiTsEd did not get permission to read a folder or file.\nSome files will not be displayed in the Open/Save menus.";
                box.Path      = FileManager.ResultPath;
                box.IsWarning = true;
                result        = box.ShowDialog(ExceptionBoxButtons.Quit, ExceptionBoxButtons.Continue);

            case FileEnumerationResult.Unreadable:
                box           = new ExceptionBox();
                box.Title     = "Could not read some folders.";
                box.Message   = "TiTsEd could not read a folder or file.\nSome files will not be displayed in the Open/Save menus.";
                box.Path      = FileManager.ResultPath;
                box.IsWarning = true;
                result        = box.ShowDialog(ExceptionBoxButtons.Quit, ExceptionBoxButtons.Continue);
            if (result == ExceptionBoxResult.Quit)

            var file = AutoLoad(directories);
            //new AmfFile("e:\\plainObject.sol").TestSerialization();
            //new AmfFile("e:\\unicode.sol").TestSerialization();
        private void ApplyLicense(string licenseKey)
            LicenseExists = false;

            LicenseInfo.Key = licenseKey;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(licenseKey))
                FailureOccurred = false;
                ShowFailure     = false;


            var xmlList = _licenseService.LoadXmlFromLicense(LicenseInfo.Key);

            if (xmlList == null)
                FailureOccurred = false;
                ShowFailure     = false;

            xmlList.ForEach(x =>
                if (string.Equals(x.Name, "Expiration"))
                    x.Name = "Maintenance End Date";


            var validationContext = _licenseValidationService.ValidateLicense(licenseKey);

            if (validationContext.HasErrors)
                var xmlFirstError = _licenseValidationService.ValidateXml(licenseKey).GetBusinessRuleErrors().FirstOrDefault();
                if (xmlFirstError == null)
                    var normalFirstError = _licenseValidationService.ValidateLicense(LicenseInfo.Key).GetBusinessRuleErrors().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (normalFirstError != null)
                        ShowFailure    = true;
                        FailureMessage = normalFirstError.Message;
                    ShowFailure    = true;
                    FailureMessage = xmlFirstError.Message;
                FailureOccurred = false;
                ShowFailure     = false;

            LicenseExists = true;
Пример #60
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Setup info/error message placeholder
        if (MessagesPlaceHolder != null)
            MessagesPlaceHolder.UseRelativePlaceHolder = false;

        // Load default properties from XML
        XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();


        // Load UI element and element's page template (if any)
        mUIElementInfo = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo(QueryHelper.GetInteger("elementID", 0));

        if (mUIElementInfo != null)
            PageTemplateInfo pti = null;
            if (mUIElementInfo.ElementType == UIElementTypeEnum.PageTemplate)
                pti = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(mUIElementInfo.ElementPageTemplateID);

            form.Enabled = ((SystemContext.DevelopmentMode || mUIElementInfo.ElementIsCustom) && (!UIElementInfoProvider.AllowEditOnlyCurrentModule || (mUIElementInfo.ElementResourceID == QueryHelper.GetInteger("moduleId", 0))));

            // Create form info
            FormInfo fi = (pti != null) ? pti.PageTemplatePropertiesForm : PortalFormHelper.GetUIElementDefaultPropertiesForm(UIElementPropertiesPosition.Both);
            form.FormInformation = fi;

            // Load data row from properties
            DataRow dr = fi.GetDataRow();
            if ((mUIElementInfo == null) || !mUIElementInfo.IsApplication)

            XmlData customData = new XmlData();

            // Load element properties
            XmlData data = new XmlData();
            data.AllowMacros = true;

            form.MacroTable = data.MacroTable;

            // Fill template datarow with element's properties. If template does not contain such column, add it to custom
            foreach (String col in data.ColumnNames)
                if (col.StartsWith(UIContextData.CATEGORYNAMEPREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                        String           catName = col.Substring(UIContextData.CATEGORYNAMEPREFIX.Length);
                        FormCategoryInfo fci     = fi.GetFormCategory(catName);
                        if (fci != null)
                            fci.SetPropertyValue(FormCategoryPropertyEnum.CollapsedByDefault, ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(data[col], false).ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
                    if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(col))
                        DataHelper.SetDataRowValue(dr, col, data[col]);
                        customData[col] = data[col];

            dr["CustomProperties"] = customData.GetData();

            form.DataRow = dr;
            form.FormInformation = fi;

            // Master page style for margin
            CurrentMaster.PanelContent.CssClass = "WebpartProperties PageContent";

            form.OnAfterSave += form_OnAfterSave;
            EditedObject = null;