Пример #1
        protected void AddOrderToDB(CartItem ci, int order_code)
            XhDataContext db    = new XhDataContext();
            XhOrder       order = new XhOrder();

            //get current user
            order.cust_id       = db.XhCustomers.Single(c => c.cust_mail.Equals(User.Identity.Name)).cust_id;
            order.ord_code      = order_code;
            order.ord_date      = DateTime.Now;
            order.ord_delivered = false;
            order.ord_quantity  = ci.Quantity;
            order.prod_id       = ci.ProductId;


            XhProduct product = db.XhProducts.Single(p => p.prod_id == ci.ProductId);

            //substract <quantity> units from stock for this product
            //we can't have negative values in stock!
            int tempstock = product.prod_stock - order.ord_quantity;

            if (product.prod_stock > 0 && tempstock > 0)
                product.prod_stock = tempstock;

            //write changes
        internal static void MailOrderDetails(string emailaddress)
            XhOrder      order = new XhOrder();
            ShoppingCart cart  = ShoppingCart.GetShoppingCart();

            string subj = "Order Confirmation";
            string body = "X-Hardware.notld order confirmation" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Thank you for purchasing with us!" + Environment.NewLine
                          + "This e-mail confirms your order with us. Please keep this mail for further reference." + Environment.NewLine
                          + Environment.NewLine + "Orders:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            double total = 0;

            foreach (CartItem ci in cart.Items)
                //Make changes to mailbody
                double subtotal = ci.Quantity * ci.UnitPrice;
                body  += "+ " + ci.Quantity + " x \"" + ci.Manufacter + " " + ci.Name + " " + ci.Model + "\" @ " + ci.UnitPrice + " EUR/item = " + subtotal + " EUR subtotal." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                total += subtotal;

            body += "Total Price: " + total + " EUR" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                    + "The following methods of payment are accepted:" + Environment.NewLine
                    + "* By cash payment on delivery" + Environment.NewLine + "* By bank transfer no more than 5 days after delivery." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                    + "If you choose to work by bank transfer, please use the following information:" + Environment.NewLine
                    + "* International Bank Account Number: IBEN XX98 7654 3210 0123" + Environment.NewLine
                    + "* Comment: Payment for Order Number " + (GetNextOrderId() - 1).ToString();

            SendMail(emailaddress, "*****@*****.**", subj, body);