public void TestAlertWithConnectionAndNoHosts() { XenServerVersion ver = new XenServerVersion("1.2.3", "name", true, false, "http://url", new List <XenServerPatch>(), new List <XenServerPatch>(), new DateTime(2011, 4, 1).ToString(), "123", "", false, ""); var alert = new XenServerVersionAlert(ver); alert.IncludeConnection(connA.Object); alert.IncludeConnection(connB.Object); IUnitTestVerifier validator = new VerifyGetters(alert); validator.Verify(new AlertClassUnitTestData { AppliesTo = "ConnAName, ConnBName", FixLinkText = "Go to Web Page", HelpID = "XenServerUpdateAlert", Description = "name is now available. Download the latest at the " + XenAdmin.Branding.COMPANY_NAME_SHORT + " website.", HelpLinkText = "Help", Title = "name is now available", Priority = "Priority5" }); Assert.IsFalse(alert.CanIgnore); VerifyConnExpectations(Times.Once); VerifyHostsExpectations(Times.Never); }
public HotfixEligibilityAlert(IXenConnection connection, XenServerVersion version) { Connection = connection; this.Version = version; pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); _timestamp = DateTime.Now; }
public static bool IsAlertNeeded(hotfix_eligibility hotfixEligibility, XenServerVersion version, bool licensed) { if (version == null) { return(false); } switch (hotfixEligibility) { // all + the EOL date is known -> "Approaching EOL" alert case hotfix_eligibility.all when version.EolDate != DateTime.MinValue: return(true); // premium + unlicensed host -> "EOL for express customers" alert case hotfix_eligibility.premium when !licensed: return(true); // premium + licensed host and the EOL date is known -> "Approaching EOL" alert case hotfix_eligibility.premium when version.EolDate != DateTime.MinValue: return(true); // cu -> "EOL for express customers" / "CU for licensed customers" alert case return(true); // none -> EOL alert case hotfix_eligibility.none: return(true); // everything else -> no alert default: return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a patch alert /// </summary> /// <param name="patch">The patch</param> /// <param name="newServerVersion">The version that the patch installs, or null if the patch doesn't update the server version</param> public XenServerPatchAlert(XenServerPatch patch, XenServerVersion newServerVersion = null) { Patch = patch; NewServerVersion = newServerVersion; if (NewServerVersion != null) { RequiredXenCenterVersion = Updates.GetRequiredXenCenterVersion(NewServerVersion); } _priority = patch.Priority; _timestamp = Patch.TimeStamp; }
private static List <XenServerVersion> GetAVersionWithGivenNumberOfPatches(int numberOfPatches) { var serverVersions = new List <XenServerVersion>(); var version = new XenServerVersion("7.0.0", "XenServer Test 7", true, false, "", new List <XenServerPatch>(), new List <XenServerPatch>(), DateTime.MinValue.ToString(), "buildNo", "", false, ""); for (int ii = 0; ii < numberOfPatches; ii++) { var patch = new XenServerPatch("patch_uuid_" + ii, "patch name " + ii, "patch description" + ii, "", "", "1.0", "", "", "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "", "1000", "1000"); version.Patches.Add(patch); version.MinimalPatches.Add(patch); } serverVersions.Add(version); return(serverVersions); }
private void DateSanityCheck(XenServerVersion version) { if (version.HotfixEligibility == hotfix_eligibility.none && version.EolDate == DateTime.MinValue) { Results.Add("Missing or wrong eol-date field on: " + version.Name); } if (version.HotfixEligibility == hotfix_eligibility.premium && version.HotfixEligibilityPremiumDate == DateTime.MinValue) { Results.Add("Missing or wrong hotfix-eligibility-premium-date field on: " + version.Name); } if (version.HotfixEligibility == && version.HotfixEligibilityNoneDate == DateTime.MinValue) { Results.Add("Missing or wrong hotfix-eligibility-none-date field on: " + version.Name); } if (version.HotfixEligibility == && version.HotfixEligibilityPremiumDate == DateTime.MinValue) { Results.Add("Missing or wrong hotfix-eligibility-premium-date field on: " + version.Name); } }
public void TestAlertWithNoConnectionAndNoHosts() { XenServerVersion ver = new XenServerVersion("1.2.3", "name", true, false, "http://url", new List <XenServerPatch>(), new List <XenServerPatch>(), new DateTime(2011, 4, 1).ToString(), "123", "", false, "", "", "", "", ""); var alert = new XenServerVersionAlert(ver); ClassVerifiers.VerifyGetters(alert, new AlertClassUnitTestData { AppliesTo = string.Empty, FixLinkText = "Go to Web Page", HelpID = "XenServerUpdateAlert", Description = "name is now available. Download the latest at the " + BrandManager.COMPANY_NAME_SHORT + " website.", HelpLinkText = "Help", Title = "name is now available", Priority = "Priority5" }); Assert.IsTrue(alert.CanIgnore); VerifyConnExpectations(Times.Never); VerifyHostsExpectations(Times.Never); }
public IgnoreServerAction(IXenConnection connection, XenServerVersion version) : base(connection, "ignore_patch", "ignore_patch", true) { Version = version; }
public XenServerVersionAlert(XenServerVersion version) { Version = version; _timestamp = version.TimeStamp; }
public VSwitchControllerCheck(Host host, XenServerVersion newVersion) : base(host) { _newVersion = newVersion; _pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(Host?.Connection); }
public XenCenterVersionCheck(XenServerVersion newServerVersion) { _newServerVersion = newServerVersion; }
public PoolLegacySslCheck(Host host, XenServerVersion newVersion) : base(host) { _newVersion = newVersion; _pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(Host?.Connection); }
public PowerOniLoCheck(Host host, XenServerVersion newVersion) : base(host) { _newVersion = newVersion; }
public XenServerUpdateAlert(XenServerVersion version) { Version = version; _timestamp = version.TimeStamp; canIgnore = true; }
protected virtual List <CheckGroup> GenerateCommonChecks(List <Host> applicableServers) { var groups = new List <CheckGroup>(); //HostLivenessCheck checks var livenessChecks = new List <Check>(); foreach (Host host in applicableServers) { livenessChecks.Add(new HostLivenessCheck(host)); } groups.Add(new CheckGroup(Messages.CHECKING_HOST_LIVENESS_STATUS, livenessChecks)); //HA checks var haChecks = new List <Check>(); foreach (Host host in SelectedServers) { if (Helpers.HostIsMaster(host)) { haChecks.Add(new HAOffCheck(host)); } } groups.Add(new CheckGroup(Messages.CHECKING_HA_STATUS, haChecks)); //PBDsPluggedCheck var pbdChecks = new List <Check>(); foreach (Host host in applicableServers) { SR uploadSr = null; if (PoolUpdate != null && SrUploadedUpdates != null) { foreach (var dict in SrUploadedUpdates) { if (dict.Key.uuid == PoolUpdate.uuid && dict.Value.ContainsKey(host)) { uploadSr = dict.Value[host]; break; } } } pbdChecks.Add(new PBDsPluggedCheck(host, uploadSr)); } groups.Add(new CheckGroup(Messages.CHECKING_STORAGE_CONNECTIONS_STATUS, pbdChecks)); XenServerVersion highestNewVersion = null; //Disk space, reboot required and can evacuate host checks for automated and version updates if (WizardMode != WizardMode.SingleUpdate) { var diskChecks = new List <Check>(); var rebootChecks = new List <Check>(); var evacuateChecks = new List <Check>(); foreach (Pool pool in SelectedPools) { //if any host is not licensed for automated updates bool automatedUpdatesRestricted = pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Any(Host.RestrictBatchHotfixApply); var minimalPatches = WizardMode == WizardMode.NewVersion ? Updates.GetMinimalPatches(UpdateAlert, ApplyUpdatesToNewVersion && !automatedUpdatesRestricted) : Updates.GetMinimalPatches(pool.Connection); if (minimalPatches == null) { continue; } var us = new Dictionary <Host, List <XenServerPatch> >(); var hosts = pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts; Array.Sort(hosts); foreach (var h in hosts) { var ps = Updates.GetPatchSequenceForHost(h, minimalPatches); if (ps != null) { us[h] = ps; } } log.InfoFormat("Minimal patches for {0}: {1}", pool.Name(), string.Join(",", minimalPatches.Select(p => p.Name))); // we check the contains-livepatch property of all the applicable patches to determine if a host will need to be rebooted after patch installation, // because the minimal patches might roll-up patches that are not live-patchable var allPatches = WizardMode == WizardMode.NewVersion ? Updates.GetAllPatches(UpdateAlert, ApplyUpdatesToNewVersion && !automatedUpdatesRestricted) : Updates.GetAllPatches(pool.Connection); foreach (Host host in us.Keys) { diskChecks.Add(new DiskSpaceForAutomatedUpdatesCheck(host, us)); if (us[host] != null && us[host].Count > 0) { var allApplicablePatches = Updates.GetPatchSequenceForHost(host, allPatches); var restartHostPatches = allApplicablePatches != null ? allApplicablePatches.Where(p => p.after_apply_guidance == after_apply_guidance.restartHost).ToList() : new List <XenServerPatch>(); rebootChecks.Add(new HostNeedsRebootCheck(host, restartHostPatches)); if (restartHostPatches.Any(p => !p.ContainsLivepatch)) { evacuateChecks.Add(new AssertCanEvacuateCheck(host)); } foreach (var p in us[host]) { var newVersion = Updates.XenServerVersions.FirstOrDefault(v => v.PatchUuid != null && v.PatchUuid.Equals(p.Uuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (newVersion != null && (highestNewVersion == null || newVersion.Version > highestNewVersion.Version)) { highestNewVersion = newVersion; } } } } } groups.Add(new CheckGroup(Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_PRECHECKPAGE_CHECKING_DISK_SPACE, diskChecks)); if (rebootChecks.Count > 0) { groups.Add(new CheckGroup(Messages.CHECKING_SERVER_NEEDS_REBOOT, rebootChecks)); } if (evacuateChecks.Count > 0) { groups.Add(new CheckGroup(Messages.CHECKING_CANEVACUATE_STATUS, evacuateChecks)); } } //XenCenter version check if (highestNewVersion != null || UpdateAlert?.NewServerVersion != null) { // add XenCenter version check as the first group groups.Insert(0, new CheckGroup(Messages.CHECKING_XENCENTER_VERSION, new List <Check> { new XenCenterVersionCheck(highestNewVersion ?? UpdateAlert.NewServerVersion) })); } //GFS2 check for version updates if (WizardMode == WizardMode.NewVersion) { var gfs2Checks = new List <Check>(); foreach (Pool pool in SelectedPools.Where(p => Helpers.KolkataOrGreater(p.Connection) && !Helpers.LimaOrGreater(p.Connection))) { Host host = pool.Connection.Resolve(pool.master); gfs2Checks.Add(new PoolHasGFS2SR(host)); } if (gfs2Checks.Count > 0) { groups.Add(new CheckGroup(Messages.CHECKING_CLUSTERING_STATUS, gfs2Checks)); } } return(groups); }
public XenServerVersionAlert(XenServerVersion version) { Version = version; RequiredXenCenterVersion = Updates.GetRequiredXenCenterVersion(Version); _timestamp = version.TimeStamp; }
public XenCenterVersionCheck(XenServerVersion newServerVersion) : base(null) { _newServerVersion = newServerVersion; }