internal void WriteOutputMessage(string message) { if (XSettings.EnableQuickInfoLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.DisplayOutputMessage("XSharp.QuickInfoSource :" + message); } }
private void OnTextViewMouseHover(object sender, MouseHoverEventArgs e) { if (XSharpProjectPackage.Instance.DebuggerIsRunning) { return; } try { //find the mouse position by mapping down to the subject buffer SnapshotPoint?point = m_textView.BufferGraph.MapDownToFirstMatch (new SnapshotPoint(m_textView.TextSnapshot, e.Position), PointTrackingMode.Positive, snapshot => m_subjectBuffers.Contains(snapshot.TextBuffer), PositionAffinity.Predecessor); if (point.HasValue && point.Value.Position != lastPointPosition) { lastPointPosition = point.Value.Position; if (!m_provider.QuickInfoBroker.IsQuickInfoActive(m_textView)) { ITrackingPoint triggerPoint = point.Value.Snapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(point.Value.Position, PointTrackingMode.Positive); m_session = m_provider.QuickInfoBroker.TriggerQuickInfo(m_textView, triggerPoint, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { XSettings.DisplayOutputMessage("XSharpQuickInfo.OnTextViewMouseHover failed"); XSettings.DisplayException(ex); } }
internal void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableParameterLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("XSharp.ParameterInfo:" + strMessage); } }
public static List <InvoiceAttachment> ConvertPdfToPng(string pathToDocument, string folderPath) { XSettings.InstallLicense(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ABCPdfKey"]); pathToDocument = LocalizePath(pathToDocument); var convertedFileName = string.Empty; var convertedAttachments = new List <InvoiceAttachment>(); var pdfToConvert = new Doc(); pdfToConvert.Read(pathToDocument); // loop through the pages var n = pdfToConvert.PageCount; for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { pdfToConvert.PageNumber = i; pdfToConvert.Rect.String = pdfToConvert.CropBox.String; convertedFileName = $"{folderPath}\\{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathToDocument)}{i}.png"; pdfToConvert.Rendering.Save(convertedFileName); var newDoc = new InvoiceAttachment { DocumentPath = convertedFileName }; convertedAttachments.Add(newDoc); newDoc = null; } pdfToConvert.Clear(); return(convertedAttachments); }
void WriteOutputMessage(string sMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableBraceMatchLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.DisplayOutputMessage("Brace Matching: " + sMessage); } }
internal void AddVarInfo(List <Inline> list, IXVariable var) { Run temp; var name = var.Name; var hasValue = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(var.Value); if (var.Kind == Kind.DbField) { if (hasValue) { name = var.Value + "->" + name; } } temp = new Run(name + " "); temp.Foreground = txtBrush; list.Add(temp); if (hasValue && var.Kind != Kind.DbField) // default value { temp = new Run(" := " + var.Value + " "); temp.Foreground = txtBrush; list.Add(temp); } temp = new Run(XSettings.FormatKeyword(var.ParamTypeDesc) + " "); temp.Foreground = this.kwBrush; list.Add(temp); temp = new Run(var.TypeName); temp.Foreground = this.txtBrush; list.Add(temp); if (var.IsArray) { temp = new Run("[] "); temp.Foreground = this.txtBrush; list.Add(temp); } }
internal void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableCodeCompletionLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.DisplayOutputMessage(strMessage); } }
internal void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableCodeCompletionLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("XSharp.Completion:" + strMessage); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //not working XSettings.Register(); XSettings.InstallLicense("cd9b5c07db69df2bf57c0a04d9bca58b10c44889c9fb197984e592f49addfce5ec5fe85d7b9205bc"); XSettings.InstallSystemLicense("cd9b5c07db69df2bf57c0a04d9bca58b10c44889c9fb197984e592f49addfce5ec5fe85d7b9205bc"); XSettings.InstallRedistributionLicense("cd9b5c07db69df2bf57c0a04d9bca58b10c44889c9fb197984e592f49addfce5ec5fe85d7b9205bc"); XSettings.InstallTrialLicense("cd9b5c07db69df2bf57c0a04d9bca58b10c44889c9fb197984e592f49addfce5ec5fe85d7b9205bc"); XSettings.Register(); Doc theDoc = new Doc(); theDoc.FontSize = 72; theDoc.AddTextStyled("<b>Gallia</b> est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt <b>Belgae</b>, aliam <b>Aquitani</b>, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua <b>Celtae</b>, nostra <b>Galli</b> appellantur."); theDoc.Save("../../testingC.pdf"); //need licence theDoc.Clear(); Signature theSig = (Signature)theDoc.Form["Signature"]; theSig.Location = "here"; theSig.Reason = "test"; //pfx + password theSig.Sign("../../../test.pfx", "123456"); theDoc.Save("../../testingC signed.pdf"); }
internal static void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableCodeCompletionLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage(strMessage); } }
void WriteOutputMessage(string sMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableBraceMatchLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("Keyword Matching: " + sMessage); } }
internal void Debug(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableParameterLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage(strMessage); } }
internal void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("XSharp.LightBulb:" + strMessage); } }
/// <devdoc> /// Please use this "approved" method to compare file names. /// </devdoc> public static bool IsSamePath(string file1, string file2) { if (file1 == null || file1.Length == 0) { return(file2 == null || file2.Length == 0); } Uri uri1 = null; Uri uri2 = null; try { if (!Uri.TryCreate(file1, UriKind.Absolute, out uri1) || !Uri.TryCreate(file2, UriKind.Absolute, out uri2)) { return(false); } if (uri1 != null && uri1.IsFile && uri2 != null && uri2.IsFile) { return(0 == String.Compare(uri1.LocalPath, uri2.LocalPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } return(file1 == file2); } catch (UriFormatException e) { XSettings.LogException(e, "IsSamePath"); } return(false); }
private bool FindMatchingOpenTag(List <ClassificationSpan> sortedTags, int indexTag, ITextSnapshot snapshot, out SnapshotSpan pairSpan) { pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, 1, 1); try { ClassificationSpan currentTag = sortedTags[indexTag]; ITextSnapshotLine line = currentTag.Span.Start.GetContainingLine(); int lineNumber = line.LineNumber; int nested = 0; for (int i = indexTag - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var openTag = sortedTags[i]; if (openTag.ClassificationType.IsOfType(ColorizerConstants.XSharpKwOpenFormat)) { nested--; if (nested < 0) { pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, openTag.Span); return(true); } } else { nested++; } } } catch (Exception e) { XSettings.LogException(e, "FindMatchingOpenTag failed"); } return(false); }
internal XSharpLibraryProject(XProject prj, IVsHierarchy hierarchy) : base(prj.Name, LibraryNodeType.Package, prj.FileName) { this.ownerHierarchy = hierarchy; // //this.displayData.hImageList = XSharpProjectNode.ImageList.Handle; //this.displayData.Image = (ushort)XSharpProjectNode.XSharpProjectImageName.Project; //this.displayData.SelectedImage = (ushort)XSharpProjectNode.XSharpProjectImageName.Project; // this.NodeType = LibraryNodeType.Package; // //prj.ProjectNode this._defaultNameSpace = prj.ProjectNode.RootNameSpace; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this._defaultNameSpace)) { this._defaultNameSpace = "Default Namespace"; } // XSharpLibraryNode defaultNS = new XSharpLibraryNode(_defaultNameSpace, LibraryNodeType.Namespaces, ""); defaultNS.displayData.Image = (ushort)IconImageIndex._Namespace; defaultNS.displayData.SelectedImage = (ushort)IconImageIndex._Namespace; this.AddNode(defaultNS); XSettings.LogMessage("Added LibraryProject " + prj.Name); // }
private void Textbuffer_Changing(object sender, TextContentChangingEventArgs e) { if (XSettings.DebuggerIsRunning) { XSettings.ShowMessageBox("Cannot edit source code while debugging"); e.Cancel(); } }
public virtual int OpenChildren() { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); IVsSolution solution = this.GetService(typeof(IVsSolution)) as IVsSolution; Debug.Assert(solution != null, "Could not retrieve the solution from the services provided by this project"); if (solution == null) { return(VSConstants.E_FAIL); } IntPtr iUnKnownForSolution = IntPtr.Zero; int returnValue = VSConstants.S_OK; // be optimistic. try { this.DisableQueryEdit = true; this.EventTriggeringFlag = ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerHierarchyEvents | ProjectNode.EventTriggering.DoNotTriggerTrackerEvents; iUnKnownForSolution = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(solution); // notify SolutionEvents listeners that we are about to add children IVsFireSolutionEvents fireSolutionEvents = Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(iUnKnownForSolution, typeof(IVsFireSolutionEvents)) as IVsFireSolutionEvents; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(fireSolutionEvents.FireOnBeforeOpeningChildren(this)); this.AddVirtualProjects(); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(fireSolutionEvents.FireOnAfterOpeningChildren(this)); } catch (Exception e) { // Exceptions are digested by the caller but we want then to be shown if not a ComException and if not in automation. if (!(e is COMException) && !Utilities.IsInAutomationFunction(this.Site)) { string title = null; VS.MessageBox.ShowError(title, e.Message); } XSettings.LogException(e, "OpenChildren"); throw; } finally { this.DisableQueryEdit = false; if (iUnKnownForSolution != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.Release(iUnKnownForSolution); } this.EventTriggeringFlag = ProjectNode.EventTriggering.TriggerAll; } return(returnValue); }
int IVsLanguageDebugInfo.GetProximityExpressions(IVsTextBuffer pBuffer, int iLine, int iCol, int cLines, out IVsEnumBSTR ppEnum) { ppEnum = null; var file = getFile(pBuffer); var list = new List <String>(); XElement member; // We use our orignal syntax here (so SELF and ":"). The expression compiler // in the debugger takes care of translating SELF to this and ':' to '.' if (file != null) { member = file.FindMemberAtRow(iLine); switch (member.Kind) { case Kind.Method: case Kind.Access: case Kind.Assign: case Kind.Property: case Kind.Event: case Kind.Field: case Kind.Constructor: case Kind.Destructor: case Kind.Operator: if (!member.Modifiers.HasFlag(Modifiers.Static)) { list.Add(XSettings.FormatKeyword("SELF")); } break; } var buffer = _editorAdaptersFactoryService.GetDataBuffer(pBuffer); Dictionary <string, XVariable> locals = null; if (member != null) { if (member is XMemberDefinition) { locals = new Dictionary <string, XVariable>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var tm = member as XMemberDefinition; var vars = tm.GetLocals(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, iLine, file.Project.ParseOptions.Dialect); foreach (var v in vars) { locals.Add(v.Name, (XVariable)v); } foreach (var p in tm.Parameters) { locals.Add(p.Name, (XVariable)p); } } addtokens(buffer, iLine, list, file, locals); } } ppEnum = new VsEnumBSTR(list); return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
static void InternalTraceCall(int levels) { System.Diagnostics.StackFrame stack; stack = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(levels); System.Reflection.MethodBase method = stack.GetMethod(); if (method != null) { string name = method.Name + " \tin class " + method.DeclaringType.Name; XSettings.LogMessage("Call Trace: \t" + name); } }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } app.UseRouting(); app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapGet("/", async context => { context.Response.Clear(); try { // When running as an App Service we need to install the license in code otherwise you will // get a licensing exception. ABCpdf automatically installs a trial license if no license is // found. // Your trial license may be found by uncommenting the line below WHEN RUNNING ON YOUR LOCAL // COMPUTER. NB XSettings.Key returns an empty string for purchased licenses. // throw new Exception(XSettings.Key); // Paste either the ABCpdf 12 key provided at time of purchase, or the value obtained from // uncommenting the line above. This must be set correctly prior to running on Azure. XSettings.InstallLicense("PASTE YOUR LICENSE HERE"); using (Doc doc = new Doc()) { doc.HtmlOptions.Engine = EngineType.WebKit; doc.HtmlOptions.Media = MediaType.Screen; int id = doc.AddImageUrl(""); // AddImageUrl only adds the first page. The following code adds any additional pages: while (doc.Chainable(id)) { doc.Page = doc.AddPage(); id = doc.AddImageToChain(id); } // Compress output: for (int i = 1; i <= doc.PageCount; i++) { doc.PageNumber = i; doc.Flatten(); } // This will ensure page is served in a web-efficient manner: doc.SaveOptions.Linearize = true; // Finally serve the page: context.Response.ContentType = "Application/Pdf"; await context.Response.BodyWriter.WriteAsync(doc.GetData()); } } catch (Exception ex) { await context.Response.WriteAsync(ex.Message); } await context.Response.CompleteAsync(); }); }); }
public override int OnAfterRenameProject(IVsHierarchy hierarchy) { if (hierarchy == null) { return(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG); } ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); try { List <ProjectReferenceNode> projectReferences = this.GetProjectReferencesContainingThisProject(hierarchy); // Collect data that is needed to initialize the new project reference node. string projectRef; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.Solution.GetProjrefOfProject(hierarchy, out projectRef)); object nameAsObject; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(hierarchy.GetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Name, out nameAsObject)); string projectName = (string)nameAsObject; string projectPath = String.Empty; IVsProject3 project = hierarchy as IVsProject3; if (project != null) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(project.GetMkDocument(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out projectPath)); projectPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath); } // Remove and re add the node. foreach (ProjectReferenceNode projectReference in projectReferences) { ProjectNode projectMgr = projectReference.ProjectMgr; IReferenceContainer refContainer = projectMgr.GetReferenceContainer(); projectReference.Remove(false); VSCOMPONENTSELECTORDATA selectorData = new VSCOMPONENTSELECTORDATA(); selectorData.type = VSCOMPONENTTYPE.VSCOMPONENTTYPE_Project; selectorData.bstrTitle = projectName; selectorData.bstrFile = projectPath; selectorData.bstrProjRef = projectRef; refContainer.AddReferenceFromSelectorData(selectorData); } } catch (COMException e) { XSettings.LogException(e, "OnAfterRenameProject"); return(e.ErrorCode); } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
int IVsLanguageDebugInfo.GetProximityExpressions(IVsTextBuffer pBuffer, int iLine, int iCol, int cLines, out IVsEnumBSTR ppEnum) { ppEnum = null; var file = getFile(pBuffer); var list = new List <String>(); XSourceEntity member; // We use our original syntax here (so SELF and ":"). The expression compiler // in the debugger takes care of translating SELF to this and ':' to '.' if (file != null) { member = file.FindMemberAtRow(iLine); if (member.Kind.IsClassMember(file.Project.ParseOptions.Dialect)) { if (!member.Modifiers.HasFlag(Modifiers.Static)) { list.Add(XSettings.FormatKeyword("SELF")); } } var buffer = _editorAdaptersFactoryService.GetDataBuffer(pBuffer); Dictionary <string, IXVariableSymbol> locals = null; if (member != null) { if (member is XSourceMemberSymbol tm) { locals = new Dictionary <string, IXVariableSymbol>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var location = new XSharpSearchLocation(tm.File, tm, buffer.CurrentSnapshot, iLine); var vars = tm.GetLocals(location); foreach (var v in vars) { if (!locals.ContainsKey(v.Name)) { locals.Add(v.Name, v); } } foreach (var p in tm.Parameters) { if (!locals.ContainsKey(p.Name)) { locals.Add(p.Name, p); } } } addtokens(buffer, iLine, list, file, locals); } } ppEnum = new VsEnumBSTR(list); return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
static public bool GetMemberParameters(IXMember member, XProject project, IList <string> names, IList <string> descriptions) { if (member == null) { return(false); } if (member is XMemberDefinition) { var xdef = (XMemberDefinition)member; var xml = xdef.XmlComments; var xfile = XSharpXMLDocTools.firstfile; if (xfile != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml)) { getParameterInfo(xfile, xml, names, descriptions); return(true); } return(false); } if (!(member is XMemberReference)) { return(false); } var xmember = (XMemberReference)member; var declarationAssembly = xmember.Assembly; var file = XSharpXMLDocTools.GetXmlDocFile(declarationAssembly, project); if (file == null) { return(false); } try { var sig = xmember.XMLSignature; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sig)) { uint id = 0; string xml = ""; var result = file.ParseMemberSignature(sig, out id); result = file.GetMemberXML(id, out xml); getParameterInfo(file, xml, names, descriptions); } } catch (Exception e) { XSettings.DisplayOutputMessage("Exception in XSharpXMLDocMember.GetDocSummary"); XSettings.DisplayException(e); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to move dependant items from the main level (1st level below project node) to /// and make them children of the modules they belong to. /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal bool AddDependant(HierarchyNode child) { // If the file is not a XSharpFileNode then drop it and create a new XSharpFileNode XSharpFileNode dependant; String fileName = child.Url; try { child.Remove(false); } catch (Exception e) { XSettings.LogException(e, "AddDependant failed"); } dependant = (XSharpFileNode)ProjectMgr.CreateDependentFileNode(fileName); // Like the C# project system we do not put a path in front of the parent name, even when we are in a subfolder // but we do put a path before the parent name when the parent is in a different folder // In that case the path is the path from the base project folder string parent = this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Include); parent = Path.GetFileName(parent); if (!this.IsNonMemberItem) { string parentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(this.Url)); string childPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(dependant.Url)); if (String.Equals(parentPath, childPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { dependant.ItemNode.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.DependentUpon, parent); } else { string projectPath = this.ProjectMgr.ProjectFolder; Uri projectFolder = new Uri(projectPath); Uri relative = projectFolder.MakeRelativeUri(new Uri(parentPath)); parentPath = relative.ToString() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; dependant.ItemNode.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.DependentUpon, parentPath + parent); } } // Make the item a dependent item dependant.HasParentNodeNameRelation = true; // Insert in the list of children dependant.NextSibling = this.FirstChild; this.FirstChild = dependant; ProjectMgr.OnItemsAppended(this); this.OnItemAdded(this, dependant); // Set parent and inherit the NonMember Status dependant.Parent = this; dependant.IsDependent = true; dependant.IsNonMemberItem = this.IsNonMemberItem; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// This function asks to the QueryEditQuerySave service if it is possible to /// edit the file. /// </summary> protected bool CanEditFile(string documentMoniker) { XSettings.LogMessage(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "\t**** CanEditFile called ****")); // Check the status of the recursion guard if (this.gettingCheckoutStatus) { return(false); } try { // Set the recursion guard this.gettingCheckoutStatus = true; ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); // Get the QueryEditQuerySave service IVsQueryEditQuerySave2 queryEditQuerySave = (IVsQueryEditQuerySave2)this.projectMgr.GetService(typeof(SVsQueryEditQuerySave)); // Now call the QueryEdit method to find the edit status of this file string[] documents = { documentMoniker }; uint result; uint outFlags; // Note that this function can popup a dialog to ask the user to checkout the file. // When this dialog is visible, it is possible to receive other request to change // the file and this is the reason for the recursion guard. int hr = queryEditQuerySave.QueryEditFiles( 0, // Flags 1, // Number of elements in the array documents, // Files to edit null, // Input flags null, // Input array of VSQEQS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA out result, // result of the checkout out outFlags // Additional flags ); if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr) && (result == (uint)tagVSQueryEditResult.QER_EditOK)) { // In this case (and only in this case) we can return true from this function. return(true); } } finally { this.gettingCheckoutStatus = false; } return(false); }
public void AugmentPeekSession(IPeekSession session, IList <IPeekableItem> peekableItems) { try { XSharpModel.ModelWalker.Suspend(); if (!string.Equals(session.RelationshipName, PredefinedPeekRelationships.Definitions.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } // var tp = session.GetTriggerPoint(_textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot); if (!tp.HasValue) { return; } // var triggerPoint = tp.Value; IToken stopToken; // // Check if we can get the member where we are XMemberDefinition member = XSharpLanguage.XSharpTokenTools.FindMember(triggerPoint.GetContainingLine().LineNumber, _file); XTypeDefinition currentNamespace = XSharpLanguage.XSharpTokenTools.FindNamespace(triggerPoint.Position, _file); var lineNumber = triggerPoint.GetContainingLine().LineNumber; var snapshot = _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot; List <String> tokenList = XSharpTokenTools.GetTokenList(triggerPoint.Position, lineNumber, snapshot, out stopToken, true, _file, false, member); // LookUp for the BaseType, reading the TokenList (From left to right) CompletionElement gotoElement; String currentNS = ""; if (currentNamespace != null) { currentNS = currentNamespace.Name; } CompletionType cType = XSharpLanguage.XSharpTokenTools.RetrieveType(_file, tokenList, member, currentNS, stopToken, out gotoElement, snapshot, lineNumber, _file.Project.Dialect); // if ((gotoElement != null) && (gotoElement.IsSourceElement)) { peekableItems.Add(new XSharpDefinitionPeekItem(gotoElement.SourceElement, _peekResultFactory)); } } catch (Exception ex) { XSettings.DisplayOutputMessage("XSharpPeekItemSource.AugmentPeekSession failed : "); XSettings.DisplayException(ex); } finally { ModelWalker.Resume(); } }
private IList <ClassificationSpan> BuildRegionTags(IList <XSourceEntity> entities, IList <XSourceBlock> blocks, ITextSnapshot snapshot, IClassificationType _, IClassificationType _1) { if (XSettings.DisableRegions) { return(new List <ClassificationSpan>()); } XSettings.LogMessage("-->> XSharpClassifier.BuildRegionTags()"); var regions = new List <ClassificationSpan>(); foreach (var entity in entities) { if (entity is XSourceMemberSymbol member) { if (member.SingleLine) { continue; } } var startPos = entity.Interval.Start; var endPos = entity.Interval.Stop; AddRegionSpan(regions, snapshot, startPos, endPos); } foreach (var block in blocks) { var startPos = block.Token1.StartIndex; var endPos = block.Last.Token2.StopIndex; AddRegionSpan(regions, snapshot, startPos, endPos); if (block.Children.Count > 1) { var lastline = block.Token1.Line; foreach (var child in block.Children) { if (child.Token1.Line > lastline + 1 && child.Token1.Line >= 2) { // the child is a line with CASE, ELSE, ELSEIF CATCH etc. // we want the last token of the previous like to be the end of the previous block endPos = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(child.Token1.Line - 2).End; AddRegionSpan(regions, snapshot, startPos, endPos); } startPos = child.Token1.StartIndex; lastline = child.Token1.Line; } } } XSettings.LogMessage("<<-- XSharpClassifier.BuildRegionTags()"); return(regions); }
protected override void GotoSource(VSOBJGOTOSRCTYPE gotoType) { // We do not support the "Goto Reference" if (gotoType == VSOBJGOTOSRCTYPE.GS_REFERENCE) { return; } // if (this.CanGoToSource && this.editorInfo != null) { // Need to retrieve the Project, then the File... var file = XSolution.FindFile(editorInfo.FileName); XSettings.OpenDocument(file.FullPath, editorInfo.Line, editorInfo.Column, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an assembly reference node from a project element. /// </summary> protected virtual AssemblyReferenceNode CreateAssemblyReferenceNode(ProjectElement element) { AssemblyReferenceNode node = null; try { node = new AssemblyReferenceNode(this.ProjectMgr, element); } catch (Exception e) { XSettings.LogException(e, "CreateAssemblyReferenceNode"); } return(node); }