private void SetEngineMode() { XREngineConfiguration.SpecialExecutionMode engineMode = XREngineConfiguration.SpecialExecutionMode.NORMAL; if (remoteOnly) { engineMode = XREngineConfiguration.SpecialExecutionMode.REMOTE_ONLY; } else if (disableNativeAr) { engineMode = XREngineConfiguration.SpecialExecutionMode.DISABLE_NATIVE_AR_ENGINE; } var configMessageBuilder = new MessageBuilder(); var config = configMessageBuilder.initRoot(XRConfiguration.factory); config.getEngineConfiguration() .setMode(engineMode); bridge.CommitConfiguration(configMessageBuilder); xrEnvironment = XRNativeBridge.GetXREnvironment(); if (cam != null) { UpdateCameraProjectionMatrix(cam, origin, facing, scale); } }
StreamingSupport CheckStreamingSupport() { if (!enableRemote_) { return(StreamingSupport.UNSUPPORTED); } string assetFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, versionInfoPath); // In certain config, the auto-updater is unavailable if (File.Exists(assetFilePath)) { // Loading the version info from our asset UnityEngine.Object[] assetInfos = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath( Path.Combine("Assets", versionInfoPath)); if (assetInfos.Length > 0) { string version = null; foreach (var assetObj in assetInfos) { var versionField = assetObj.GetType().GetField("version"); if (versionField != null) { version = (string)versionField.GetValue(assetObj); break; } } if (version != null) { XREnvironment.Reader pluginEnv = GetXREnvironment(); if (pluginEnv.hasEngineInfo()) { string pluginVersion = pluginEnv.getEngineInfo().getXrVersion().ToString(); // When the build system doesn't inject the version number, we get if (!pluginVersion.Equals("") && (version != pluginVersion)) { // Version doesn't match up Debug.LogWarning("Restart Unity to re-enable 8th Wall remote in the " + "editor. XR version " + version + " doesn't match the version loaded by Unity " + pluginVersion); return(StreamingSupport.UNSUPPORTED); } } } } } var orientation = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultInterfaceOrientation; if (orientation == UnityEditor.UIOrientation.AutoRotation) { Debug.LogError( "For 8thWall XR, interface orientation must be fixed to portrait or landscape."); return(StreamingSupport.UNSUPPORTED); } return(StreamingSupport.SUPPORTED); }
// Awake is called first at app startup. void Awake() { running = false; bridge = new XRNativeBridge(enableRemote); bridge.Create(GetRenderingSystem()); if (EnableRemote()) { editorBridge = new XREditorBridge(); } xrEnvironment = XRNativeBridge.GetXREnvironment(); Application.targetFrameRate = 60; }
void Update() { if (!explicitlyPaused) { RunIfPaused(); } updateNumber++; if (EnableRemote()) { bridge.SetEditorAppInfo(editorBridge.EditorAppInfo()); bool firstConnect = false; if (!remoteConnected) { remoteConnected = bridge.IsRemoteConnected(); firstConnect = remoteConnected; } if (remoteConnected) { var remoteData = bridge.GetXRRemote(); if (firstConnect) { editorBridge.SetPlayerAspect(remoteData); xrEnvironment = XRNativeBridge.GetXREnvironment(); } editorBridge.SendDeviceInfo(remoteData); editorBridge.Update(); // Send camera aspect info to editor on every frame, in case the preview size changes. ConfigureXR(); } else { editorBridge.CheckADB(); } } var r = GetCurrentReality(); if (lastRealityMicros >= r.getEventId().getEventTimeMicros()) { return; } lastRealityMicros = r.getEventId().getEventTimeMicros(); }