Пример #1
        static RuleSet CreateRuleset(string rulesetName)
            // create a simple rule
            // IF MySampleBusinessObject.MyValue != XMLdocument.ID
            // THEN MySampleBusinessObject.MySampleMethod1(5)

            //Creating the XML bindings on the SampleSchema XSD

            //Document Binding that binds to the schema name and specifies the selector
            XPathPair          xp_root = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root']", "Root");
            XMLDocumentBinding xdb     = new XMLDocumentBinding("SampleSchema", xp_root);

            //DocumentField Bindings that bind to the fields in the schema that need to be used in rule defintion
            XPathPair xp_ID = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root']/*[local-name()='ID']", "ID");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xfb1 = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.Int32"), xp_ID, xdb);

            //Creating .NET class (property and member) bindings

            // Class Bindings to bind to the class defintions whose properties and memebers will be used in rule defintion
            ClassBinding cb = new ClassBinding(typeof(Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.BusinessRulesHelloWorld2.HelloWorld2Library.HelloWorld2LibraryObject));

            // Member Bindings to bind to the properties and members in the MySampleBusinessObject class that need to be used in rule definition
            ClassMemberBinding myValue = new ClassMemberBinding("MyValue", cb);

            ArgumentCollection argList = new ArgumentCollection();

            argList.Add(new Constant(5));
            ClassMemberBinding method1 = new ClassMemberBinding("MySampleMethod", cb, argList);

            // create IF part
            LogicalExpression condition = new NotEqual(new UserFunction(myValue), new UserFunction(xfb1));

            // create then part
            ActionCollection actions = new ActionCollection();

            actions.Add(new UserFunction(method1));

            // create the rule
            Rule rule1 = new Rule("rule1", 0, condition, actions);

            //create the verion information and ruleset description

            DateTime    time  = new DateTime(System.DateTime.Now.Year, System.DateTime.Now.Month, System.DateTime.Now.Day);
            VersionInfo vinf1 = new VersionInfo("Sample RuleSet to demonstrate the use of the Policy object", time, "BizRules", 1, 0);

            // create the ruleset
            RuleSet rs1 = new RuleSet(rulesetName, vinf1);

Пример #2
        public void CreatePolicy()
            //Creating XML document bindings on the Case XSD schema

            //Document Binding that binds to the schema name and specifies the selector

            XPathPair          xp_root = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']", "Root");
            XMLDocumentBinding xmlCase = new XMLDocumentBinding("Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.LoansProcessor.Case", xp_root);

            //DocumentField Bindings that bind to the fields int the schema that are used in the defintion of "Income Rule" and the associated negation rule (the ELSE part)

            XPathPair xp_basicSalary = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='Income']/*[local-name()='BasicSalary']", "Income/BasicSalary");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_basicSalary = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding((Type.GetType("System.Int32")), xp_basicSalary, xmlCase);

            XPathPair xp_otherIncome = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='Income']/*[local-name()='OtherIncome']", "Income/OtherIncome");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_otherIncome = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.Int32"), xp_otherIncome, xmlCase);

            Constant c1 = new Constant("Income status is valid");

            XPathPair xp_incomeStatus = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='IncomeStatus']", "IncomeStatus");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_incomeStatus = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_incomeStatus, xmlCase, c1);

            Constant c1_1 = new Constant("Income status is not valid");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_incomeStatusNegation = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_incomeStatus, xmlCase, c1_1);

            // Wrapping the XML bindings as User Functions

            UserFunction uf_basicSalary          = new UserFunction(xmlCase_basicSalary);
            UserFunction uf_otherIncome          = new UserFunction(xmlCase_otherIncome);
            UserFunction uf_incomeStatus         = new UserFunction(xmlCase_incomeStatus);
            UserFunction uf_incomeStatusNegation = new UserFunction(xmlCase_incomeStatusNegation);

            // Condition 1: IF Basic Salary and Other Income > 0

            Constant    zero = new Constant(0);
            GreaterThan ge1  = new GreaterThan(uf_basicSalary, zero);
            GreaterThan ge2  = new GreaterThan(uf_otherIncome, zero);

            LogicalExpressionCollection andList4 = new LogicalExpressionCollection();

            LogicalAnd la4 = new LogicalAnd(andList4);

            //Action 1 - THEN set Income Status in the incoming Case document to be Valid

            ActionCollection actionList1 = new ActionCollection();


            /*  Name: Income Rule
             *      Description:
             *      IF Basic Salary and Other Income > 0
             *      THEN set Income Status in the incoming Case document to be Valid

            Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule r1 = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule("Income Status Rule", la4, actionList1);

            //Negation of Income Rule

            LogicalNot ln1 = new LogicalNot(la4);

            ActionCollection actionList1_1 = new ActionCollection();


            Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule r1_1 = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule("Negation of Income Status Rule", ln1, actionList1_1);

            //Creating DB bindings on the NorthWind DB -> CustInfo table

            // DataRow Binding to bind to the Data Table, and provide the Data Set name (defaulting here to the DB name)

            DataConnectionBinding drb_CustInfo = new DataConnectionBinding("CustInfo", "Northwind");

            // Column bindings to bind to the columns in the Data Table that need to be used in the Commitments Status Rule

            DatabaseColumnBinding col_ID = new DatabaseColumnBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), "ID", drb_CustInfo);
            DatabaseColumnBinding col_creditCardBalance = new DatabaseColumnBinding(Type.GetType("System.Int32"), "CreditCardBalance", drb_CustInfo);

            // Creating the XML Document Field Bindings required in rule defintion

            XPathPair xp_ID = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='ID']", "ID");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_ID = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_ID, xmlCase);

            Constant c3 = new Constant("Compute Commitments");

            XPathPair xp_commitmentsStatus = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='CommitmentsStatus']", "CommitmentsStatus");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_commitmentsStatus = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_commitmentsStatus, xmlCase, c3);

            // Wrapping the DB and XML bindings as User Functions

            UserFunction uf_xmlID             = new UserFunction(xmlCase_ID);
            UserFunction uf_commitmentsStatus = new UserFunction(xmlCase_commitmentsStatus);
            UserFunction uf_dbID    = new UserFunction(col_ID);
            UserFunction uf_balance = new UserFunction(col_creditCardBalance);

            //Condition 2 : IF the ID in the XML document is equal to the ID in the DB record, and the Credit Card Balance for that record is > 500

            Equal       eq2         = new Equal(uf_dbID, uf_xmlID);
            Constant    c2          = new Constant(500);
            GreaterThan greaterThan = new GreaterThan(uf_balance, c2);

            LogicalExpressionCollection andList2 = new LogicalExpressionCollection();

            LogicalAnd la2 = new LogicalAnd(andList2);

            //Action 2 Set the Commitments Status field to "Compute Commitments"

            ActionCollection actionList2 = new ActionCollection();


            /* Rule 2 -
             *                              Name: Commitments Rule
             *                               IF the ID in the Document is = to the ID column in the DB
             *                               AND
             *                               IF Credit Card Balance > 500
             *                               Set Commitments Status in the XML document to be equal to "Compute Commitments"

            Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule r2 = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule("Commitments Status Rule", la2, actionList2);

            //Negation of Commitments Status Rule (the ELSE part)

            LogicalNot ln2 = new LogicalNot(greaterThan);

            LogicalExpressionCollection andList2negation = new LogicalExpressionCollection();

            LogicalAnd la2negation = new LogicalAnd(andList2negation);

            // Creating the XML Document Field Bindings required in rule defintion

            Constant ignore_string = new Constant("Ignore Commitments");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_commitmentsStatusNegation = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_commitmentsStatus, xmlCase, ignore_string);
            UserFunction            uf_commitmentsStatusNegation      = new UserFunction(xmlCase_commitmentsStatusNegation);

            ActionCollection actionList2_1 = new ActionCollection();


            Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule r2_1 = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule("Negation of Commitments Rule", la2negation, actionList2_1);

            // Creating the XML Document Field Bindings required in the Employment Status rule

            XPathPair xp_employmentTime = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='EmploymentType']/*[local-name()='TimeInMonths']", "EmploymentType/TimeInMonths");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_employmentTime = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.Int32"), xp_employmentTime, xmlCase);

            UserFunction uf_employmentTime = new UserFunction(xmlCase_employmentTime);
            Constant     action3           = new Constant("Employment Status is valid");

            XPathPair xp_employmentStatus = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='EmploymentStatus']", "EmploymentStatus");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_employmentStatus = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_employmentStatus, xmlCase, action3);

            UserFunction uf_employmentStatus = new UserFunction(xmlCase_employmentStatus);

            // Condition 3: IF Employment Time > 18 months

            Constant         lengthOfEmployment = new Constant(18);
            GreaterThanEqual greaterThanEqual1  = new GreaterThanEqual(uf_employmentTime, lengthOfEmployment);

            //Action 3 - THEN set Employment Status in the incoming Case document to be Valid

            ActionCollection actionList3 = new ActionCollection();


            /*  Name: Employment Status Rule
             *      Description:
             *      IF Time of Employment > 18 months
             *      THEN set Employment Status in the incoming Case document to be Valid

            Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule r3 = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule("Employment Status Rule", greaterThanEqual1, actionList3);

            // Negation of EmploymentStatus Rule (the ELSE part)

            LogicalNot ln3 = new LogicalNot(greaterThanEqual1);

            Constant empStatus_invalid = new Constant("Employment Status is Invalid");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_employmentStatusInvalid = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_employmentStatus, xmlCase, empStatus_invalid);
            UserFunction            uf_employmentStatusInvalid      = new UserFunction(xmlCase_employmentStatusInvalid);

            ActionCollection actionList3_1 = new ActionCollection();


            Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule r3_1 = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule("Negation of Employment Status Rule", ln3, actionList3_1);

            // Creating the XML Document Field Bindings required in the Residence Status rule

            XPathPair xp_timeinResidence = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='PlaceOfResidence']/*[local-name()='TimeInMonths']", "PlaceOfResidence/TimeInMonths");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_timeinResidence = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.Int32"), xp_timeinResidence, xmlCase);

            UserFunction uf_timeinResidence = new UserFunction(xmlCase_timeinResidence);
            Constant     lengthOfResidence  = new Constant(3);

            Constant residencyStatus_valid = new Constant("Residency Status is valid");

            XPathPair xp_residencyStatus = new XPathPair("/*[local-name()='Root' and namespace-uri()='http://LoansProcessor.Case']/*[local-name()='ResidencyStatus']", "ResidencyStatus");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_residencyStatus = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_residencyStatus, xmlCase, residencyStatus_valid);
            UserFunction            uf_residencyStatus      = new UserFunction(xmlCase_residencyStatus);

            // Condition 4: IF Time of residence >= 3 years

            GreaterThanEqual greaterThanEqual2 = new GreaterThanEqual(uf_timeinResidence, lengthOfResidence);

            //Action 3 - THEN set Resdiency Status in the incoming Case document to be Valid

            ActionCollection actionList4 = new ActionCollection();


            /*  Name: Residency Status Rule
             *      Description:
             *      IF Time of Residency > 3 years
             *      THEN set Residency Status in the incoming Case document to be Valid

            Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule r4 = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule("Residency Status Rule", greaterThanEqual2, actionList4);

            // Negation of Residency Status Rule

            LogicalNot ln4 = new LogicalNot(greaterThanEqual2);

            Constant residencyStatus_Invalid = new Constant("Residency Status is Invalid");
            XMLDocumentFieldBinding xmlCase_residencyStatusInvalid = new XMLDocumentFieldBinding(Type.GetType("System.String"), xp_residencyStatus, xmlCase, residencyStatus_Invalid);
            UserFunction            uf_residencyStatusInvalid      = new UserFunction(xmlCase_residencyStatusInvalid);

            ActionCollection actionList4_1 = new ActionCollection();


            Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule r4_1 = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Rule("Negation of Residency Status Rule", ln4, actionList4_1);

            // Creation of the rule-set (policy) and saving it into the file rulestore

            // Creating configuration information (date, version, description, creator, policy name, and fact retriever used to retrieve the required datasets at runtime)

            DateTime    time  = new DateTime(System.DateTime.Today.Year, System.DateTime.Today.Month, System.DateTime.Today.Day);
            VersionInfo vinf1 = new VersionInfo("Rules to process Loan applications", time, "BizRules", 1, 0);
            RuleSet     rs1   = new RuleSet("LoanProcessing", vinf1);
            RuleSetExecutionConfiguration rec1 = new RuleSetExecutionConfiguration();

            Type factRetriever = typeof(myFactRetriever.DbFactRetriever);
            RuleEngineComponentConfiguration recc1 = new RuleEngineComponentConfiguration(factRetriever.Assembly.FullName, factRetriever.FullName);

            rec1.FactRetriever         = recc1;
            rs1.ExecutionConfiguration = rec1;

            // Adding rules to the rule-set


            // Saving the rule-set (policy) to an XML file in the current directory

            FileRuleStore frs1 = new FileRuleStore("LoanProcessing.xml");


            // Publish and deploy the ruleset to rulestore