private static ReorderableList CreateReorderableList(List <XNode.NodePort> instancePorts, SerializedProperty arrayData, Type type, SerializedObject serializedObject, XNode.NodePort.IO io, string label, XNode.ConnectionType connectionType = XNode.ConnectionType.Multiple) { bool hasArrayData = arrayData != null && arrayData.isArray; int arraySize = hasArrayData ? arrayData.arraySize : 0; var node = serializedObject.targetObject as XNode.INode; ReorderableList list = new ReorderableList(instancePorts, null, true, true, true, true); list.drawElementCallback = (Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) => { XNode.NodePort port = node.GetPort( + " " + index); if (hasArrayData) { if (arrayData.arraySize <= index) { EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Invalid element " + index); return; } SerializedProperty itemData = arrayData.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, itemData); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, port.fieldName); } Vector2 pos = rect.position + (port.IsOutput?new Vector2(rect.width + 6, 0) : new Vector2(-36, 0)); NodeEditorGUILayout.PortField(pos, port); }; list.elementHeightCallback = (int index) => { if (hasArrayData) { if (arrayData.arraySize <= index) { return(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); } SerializedProperty itemData = arrayData.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); return(EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(itemData)); } else { return(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); } }; list.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect rect) => { EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, label); }; list.onSelectCallback = (ReorderableList rl) => { reorderableListIndex = rl.index; }; list.onReorderCallback = (ReorderableList rl) => { // Move up if (rl.index > reorderableListIndex) { for (int i = reorderableListIndex; i < rl.index; ++i) { XNode.NodePort port = node.GetPort( + " " + i); XNode.NodePort nextPort = node.GetPort( + " " + (i + 1)); port.SwapConnections(nextPort); // Swap cached positions to mitigate twitching Rect rect = NodeEditorWindow.current.portConnectionPoints[port]; NodeEditorWindow.current.portConnectionPoints[port] = NodeEditorWindow.current.portConnectionPoints[nextPort]; NodeEditorWindow.current.portConnectionPoints[nextPort] = rect; } } // Move down else { for (int i = reorderableListIndex; i > rl.index; --i) { XNode.NodePort port = node.GetPort( + " " + i); XNode.NodePort nextPort = node.GetPort( + " " + (i - 1)); port.SwapConnections(nextPort); // Swap cached positions to mitigate twitching Rect rect = NodeEditorWindow.current.portConnectionPoints[port]; NodeEditorWindow.current.portConnectionPoints[port] = NodeEditorWindow.current.portConnectionPoints[nextPort]; NodeEditorWindow.current.portConnectionPoints[nextPort] = rect; } } // Apply changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); serializedObject.Update(); // Move array data if there is any if (hasArrayData) { arrayData.MoveArrayElement(reorderableListIndex, rl.index); } // Apply changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); serializedObject.Update(); NodeEditorWindow.current.Repaint(); EditorApplication.delayCall += NodeEditorWindow.current.Repaint; }; list.onAddCallback = (ReorderableList rl) => { // Add instance port postfixed with an index number string newName = + " 0"; int i = 0; while (node.HasPort(newName)) { newName = + " " + (++i); } if (io == XNode.NodePort.IO.Output) { node.AddInstanceOutput(type, connectionType, newName); } else { node.AddInstanceInput(type, connectionType, newName); } serializedObject.Update(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(node as UnityEngine.Object); if (hasArrayData) { arrayData.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(arraySize); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }; list.onRemoveCallback = (ReorderableList rl) => { int index = rl.index; // Clear the removed ports connections instancePorts[index].ClearConnections(); // Move following connections one step up to replace the missing connection for (int k = index + 1; k < instancePorts.Count(); k++) { for (int j = 0; j < instancePorts[k].ConnectionCount; j++) { XNode.NodePort other = instancePorts[k].GetConnection(j); instancePorts[k].Disconnect(other); instancePorts[k - 1].Connect(other); } } // Remove the last instance port, to avoid messing up the indexing node.RemoveInstancePort(instancePorts[instancePorts.Count() - 1].fieldName); serializedObject.Update(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(node as UnityEngine.Object); if (hasArrayData) { arrayData.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(index); arraySize--; // Error handling. If the following happens too often, file a bug report at if (instancePorts.Count <= arraySize) { while (instancePorts.Count <= arraySize) { arrayData.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(--arraySize); } Debug.LogWarning("Array size exceeded instance ports size. Excess items removed."); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); serializedObject.Update(); } }; if (hasArrayData) { int instancePortCount = instancePorts.Count; while (instancePortCount < arraySize) { // Add instance port postfixed with an index number string newName = + " 0"; int i = 0; while (node.HasPort(newName)) { newName = + " " + (++i); } if (io == XNode.NodePort.IO.Output) { node.AddInstanceOutput(type, connectionType, newName); } else { node.AddInstanceInput(type, connectionType, newName); } EditorUtility.SetDirty(node as UnityEngine.Object); instancePortCount++; } while (arraySize < instancePortCount) { arrayData.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(arraySize); arraySize++; } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); serializedObject.Update(); } if (onCreateReorderableList != null) { onCreateReorderableList(list); } return(list); }
/// <summary> Draw an editable list of instance ports. Port names are named as "[fieldName] [index]" </summary> /// <param name="fieldName">Supply a list for editable values</param> /// <param name="type">Value type of added instance ports</param> /// <param name="serializedObject">The serializedObject of the node</param> /// <param name="connectionType">Connection type of added instance ports</param> public static void InstancePortList(string fieldName, Type type, SerializedObject serializedObject, XNode.NodePort.IO io, XNode.ConnectionType connectionType = XNode.ConnectionType.Multiple) { var node = serializedObject.targetObject as XNode.INode; SerializedProperty arrayData = serializedObject.FindProperty(fieldName); Predicate <string> isMatchingInstancePort = x => { string[] split = x.Split(' '); if (split != null && split.Length == 2) { return(split[0] == fieldName); } else { return(false); } }; List <XNode.NodePort> instancePorts = node.InstancePorts.Where(x => isMatchingInstancePort(x.fieldName)).OrderBy(x => x.fieldName).ToList(); ReorderableList list = null; Dictionary <string, ReorderableList> rlc; if (reorderableListCache.TryGetValue(serializedObject.targetObject, out rlc)) { if (!rlc.TryGetValue(fieldName, out list)) { list = null; } } // If a ReorderableList isn't cached for this array, do so. if (list == null) { string label = serializedObject.FindProperty(fieldName).displayName; list = CreateReorderableList(instancePorts, arrayData, type, serializedObject, io, label, connectionType); if (reorderableListCache.TryGetValue(serializedObject.targetObject, out rlc)) { rlc.Add(fieldName, list); } else { reorderableListCache.Add(serializedObject.targetObject, new Dictionary <string, ReorderableList>() { { fieldName, list } }); } } list.list = instancePorts; list.DoLayoutList(); }
/// <summary> Make a field for a serialized property. Manual node port override. </summary> public static void PropertyField(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, XNode.NodePort port, bool includeChildren = true, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { if (property == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } // If property is not a port, display a regular property field if (port == null) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } else { Rect rect = new Rect(); float spacePadding = 0; SpaceAttribute spaceAttribute; if (NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedAttrib(port.node.GetType(),, out spaceAttribute)) { spacePadding = spaceAttribute.height; } // If property is an input, display a regular property field and put a port handle on the left side if (port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Input) { // Get data from [Input] attribute XNode.ShowBackingValue showBacking = XNode.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected; XNode.InputAttribute inputAttribute; bool instancePortList = false; if (NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedAttrib(port.node.GetType(),, out inputAttribute)) { instancePortList = inputAttribute.instancePortList; showBacking = inputAttribute.backingValue; } //Call GUILayout.Space if Space attribute is set and we are NOT drawing a PropertyField bool useLayoutSpace = instancePortList || showBacking == XNode.ShowBackingValue.Never || (showBacking == XNode.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected && port.IsConnected); if (spacePadding > 0 && useLayoutSpace) { GUILayout.Space(spacePadding); spacePadding = 0; } if (instancePortList) { Type type = GetType(property); XNode.ConnectionType connectionType = inputAttribute != null ? inputAttribute.connectionType : XNode.ConnectionType.Multiple; InstancePortList(, type, property.serializedObject, port.direction, connectionType); return; } switch (showBacking) { case XNode.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected: // Display a label if port is connected if (port.IsConnected) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName)); } // Display an editable property field if port is not connected else { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } break; case XNode.ShowBackingValue.Never: // Display a label EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName)); break; case XNode.ShowBackingValue.Always: // Display an editable property field EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; } rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position - new Vector2(16, -spacePadding); // If property is an output, display a text label and put a port handle on the right side } else if (port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Output) { // Get data from [Output] attribute XNode.ShowBackingValue showBacking = XNode.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected; XNode.OutputAttribute outputAttribute; bool instancePortList = false; if (NodeEditorUtilities.GetCachedAttrib(port.node.GetType(),, out outputAttribute)) { instancePortList = outputAttribute.instancePortList; showBacking = outputAttribute.backingValue; } //Call GUILayout.Space if Space attribute is set and we are NOT drawing a PropertyField bool useLayoutSpace = instancePortList || showBacking == XNode.ShowBackingValue.Never || (showBacking == XNode.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected && port.IsConnected); if (spacePadding > 0 && useLayoutSpace) { GUILayout.Space(spacePadding); spacePadding = 0; } if (instancePortList) { Type type = GetType(property); XNode.ConnectionType connectionType = outputAttribute != null ? outputAttribute.connectionType : XNode.ConnectionType.Multiple; InstancePortList(, type, property.serializedObject, port.direction, connectionType); return; } switch (showBacking) { case XNode.ShowBackingValue.Unconnected: // Display a label if port is connected if (port.IsConnected) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName), NodeEditorResources.OutputPort, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } // Display an editable property field if port is not connected else { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); } break; case XNode.ShowBackingValue.Never: // Display a label EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label != null ? label : new GUIContent(property.displayName), NodeEditorResources.OutputPort, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; case XNode.ShowBackingValue.Always: // Display an editable property field EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label, includeChildren, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); break; } rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); rect.position = rect.position + new Vector2(rect.width, spacePadding); } rect.size = new Vector2(16, 16); Color backgroundColor = new Color32(90, 97, 105, 255); Color tint; if (NodeEditorWindow.nodeTint.TryGetValue(port.node.GetType(), out tint)) { backgroundColor *= tint; } Color col = NodeEditorWindow.current.graphEditor.GetTypeColor(port.ValueType); DrawPortHandle(rect, backgroundColor, col); // Register the handle position Vector2 portPos =; if (NodeEditor.portPositions.ContainsKey(port)) { NodeEditor.portPositions[port] = portPos; } else { NodeEditor.portPositions.Add(port, portPos); } } }
public static void InstancePortList(string fieldName, Type type, SerializedObject serializedObject, XNode.ConnectionType connectionType = XNode.ConnectionType.Multiple) { InstancePortList(fieldName, type, serializedObject, XNode.NodePort.IO.Output, connectionType); }