Пример #1
        public BoundingBox Transform(float scale, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(rotation), "Reviewed");

            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  = this.center;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            XMVector vectorScale = XMVector.Replicate(scale);

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Пример #2
        public BoundingBox Transform(XMMatrix m)
            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  = this.center;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Transform(corner, m);

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Transform(corner, m);

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Пример #3
        public static BoundingBox CreateFromPoints(XMFloat3[] points)
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");

            if (points.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("points");

            // Find the minimum and maximum x, y, and z
            XMVector v_min, v_max;

            v_min = v_max = points[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                XMVector point = points[i];

                v_min = XMVector.Min(v_min, point);
                v_max = XMVector.Max(v_max, point);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((v_min + v_max) * 0.5f, (v_max - v_min) * 0.5f));
Пример #4
        public static BoundingBox CreateFromPoints(XMVector pt1, XMVector pt2)
            XMVector min = XMVector.Min(pt1, pt2);
            XMVector max = XMVector.Max(pt1, pt2);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Пример #5
        public static BoundingBox CreateMerged(BoundingBox b1, BoundingBox b2)
            XMVector b1_Center  = b1.center;
            XMVector b1_Extents = b1.extents;

            XMVector b2_Center  = b2.center;
            XMVector b2_Extents = b2.extents;

            XMVector min = XMVector.Subtract(b1_Center, b1_Extents);

            min = XMVector.Min(min, XMVector.Subtract(b2_Center, b2_Extents));

            XMVector max = XMVector.Add(b1_Center, b1_Extents);

            max = XMVector.Max(max, XMVector.Add(b2_Center, b2_Extents));

            Debug.Assert(XMVector3.LessOrEqual(min, max), "Reviewed");

            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Пример #6
        public bool Intersects(XMVector v0, XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
            XMVector zero = XMGlobalConstants.Zero;

            // Load the box.
            XMVector v_center  = this.center;
            XMVector v_extents = this.extents;

            XMVector boxMin = v_center - v_extents;
            XMVector boxMax = v_center + v_extents;

            // Test the axes of the box (in effect test the AAB against the minimal AAB
            // around the triangle).
            XMVector triMin = XMVector.Min(XMVector.Min(v0, v1), v2);
            XMVector triMax = XMVector.Max(XMVector.Max(v0, v1), v2);

            // for each i in (x, y, z) if a_min(i) > b_max(i) or b_min(i) > a_max(i) then disjoint
            XMVector disjoint = XMVector.OrInt(XMVector.Greater(triMin, boxMax), XMVector.Greater(boxMin, triMax));

            if (Internal.XMVector3AnyTrue(disjoint))

            // Test the plane of the triangle.
            XMVector normal = XMVector3.Cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0);
            XMVector dist   = XMVector3.Dot(normal, v0);

            // Assert that the triangle is not degenerate.
            Debug.Assert(!XMVector3.Equal(normal, zero), "Reviewed");

            // for each i in (x, y, z) if n(i) >= 0 then v_min(i)=b_min(i), v_max(i)=b_max(i)
            // else v_min(i)=b_max(i), v_max(i)=b_min(i)
            XMVector normalSelect = XMVector.Greater(normal, zero);
            XMVector v_min        = XMVector.Select(boxMax, boxMin, normalSelect);
            XMVector v_max        = XMVector.Select(boxMin, boxMax, normalSelect);

            // if n dot v_min + d > 0 || n dot v_max + d < 0 then disjoint
            XMVector minDist = XMVector3.Dot(v_min, normal);
            XMVector maxDist = XMVector3.Dot(v_max, normal);

            XMVector noIntersection = XMVector.Greater(minDist, dist);

            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(maxDist, dist));

            // Move the box center to zero to simplify the following tests.
            XMVector tV0 = v0 - v_center;
            XMVector tV1 = v1 - v_center;
            XMVector tV2 = v2 - v_center;

            // Test the edge/edge axes (3*3).
            XMVector e0 = tV1 - tV0;
            XMVector e1 = tV2 - tV1;
            XMVector e2 = tV0 - tV2;

            // Make w zero.
            e0.W = zero.W;
            e1.W = zero.W;
            e2.W = zero.W;

            XMVector axis;
            XMVector p0, p1, p2;
            XMVector min, max;
            XMVector radius;

            //// Axis == (1,0,0) x e0 = (0, -e0.z, e0.y)
            axis = new XMVector(e1.W, -e0.Z, e1.Y, e1.X);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            //// p1 = XMVector3Dot( V1, Axis ); // p1 = p0;
            p2             = XMVector3.Dot(tV2, axis);
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p2);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p2);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            //// Axis == (1,0,0) x e1 = (0, -e1.z, e1.y)
            axis = new XMVector(e1.W, -e1.Z, e1.Y, e1.X);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            p1   = XMVector3.Dot(tV1, axis);
            //// p2 = XMVector3Dot( V2, Axis ); // p2 = p1;
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p1);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p1);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            //// Axis == (1,0,0) x e2 = (0, -e2.z, e2.y)
            axis = new XMVector(e2.W, -e2.Z, e2.Y, e2.X);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            p1   = XMVector3.Dot(tV1, axis);
            //// p2 = XMVector3Dot( V2, Axis ); // p2 = p0;
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p1);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p1);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            //// Axis == (0,1,0) x e0 = (e0.z, 0, -e0.x)
            axis = new XMVector(e0.Z, e0.W, -e0.X, e0.Y);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            //// p1 = XMVector3Dot( V1, Axis ); // p1 = p0;
            p2             = XMVector3.Dot(tV2, axis);
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p2);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p2);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            //// Axis == (0,1,0) x e1 = (e1.z, 0, -e1.x)
            axis = new XMVector(e1.Z, e1.W, -e1.X, e1.Y);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            p1   = XMVector3.Dot(tV1, axis);
            //// p2 = XMVector3Dot( V2, Axis ); // p2 = p1;
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p1);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p1);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            //// Axis == (0,0,1) x e2 = (e2.z, 0, -e2.x)
            axis = new XMVector(e2.Z, e2.W, -e2.X, e2.Y);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            p1   = XMVector3.Dot(tV1, axis);
            //// p2 = XMVector3Dot( V2, Axis ); // p2 = p0;
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p1);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p1);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            //// Axis == (0,0,1) x e0 = (-e0.y, e0.x, 0)
            axis = new XMVector(-e0.Y, e0.X, e0.W, e0.Z);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            //// p1 = XMVector3Dot( V1, Axis ); // p1 = p0;
            p2             = XMVector3.Dot(tV2, axis);
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p2);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p2);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            //// Axis == (0,0,1) x e1 = (-e1.y, e1.x, 0)
            axis = new XMVector(-e1.Y, e1.X, e1.W, e1.Z);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            p1   = XMVector3.Dot(tV1, axis);
            //// p2 = XMVector3Dot( V2, Axis ); // p2 = p1;
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p1);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p1);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            //// Axis == (0,0,1) x e2 = (-e2.y, e2.x, 0)
            axis = new XMVector(-e2.Y, e2.X, e2.W, e2.Z);
            p0   = XMVector3.Dot(tV0, axis);
            p1   = XMVector3.Dot(tV1, axis);
            //// p2 = XMVector3Dot( V2, Axis ); // p2 = p0;
            min            = XMVector.Min(p0, p1);
            max            = XMVector.Max(p0, p1);
            radius         = XMVector3.Dot(v_extents, axis.Abs());
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(min, radius));
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Less(max, -radius));

            return(XMVector4.NotEqualInt(noIntersection, XMVector.TrueInt));