Пример #1
        //07. Categories By Products Count
        public static string GetCategoriesByProductsCount(ProductShopContext context)
            //Get all categories.
            //For each category select its name,
            //the number of products,
            //the average price of those products
            //and the total revenue(total price sum) of those products(regardless if they have a buyer or not).
            //Order them by the number of products(descending) then by total revenue.

            var categories = context.Categories
                             .Select(x => new ExportCategoryDto
                Name         = x.Name,
                Count        = x.CategoryProducts.Count,
                AveragePrice = x.CategoryProducts.Average(p => p.Product.Price),
                TotalRevenue = x.CategoryProducts.Where(b => b.Product.BuyerId != 0).Sum(p => p.Product.Price)
                             .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count)
                             .ThenBy(x => x.TotalRevenue)

            var root = "Categories";

            var xmlcategories = XMLConverter.Serialize(categories, root);

Пример #2
        //06. Sold Products
        public static string GetSoldProducts(ProductShopContext context)
            var user = context.Users
                       .Where(x => x.ProductsSold.Any())
                       .Select(x => new ExportUsersDto
                FirstName    = x.FirstName,
                LastName     = x.LastName,
                SoldProducts = x.ProductsSold.Select(s => new ProductDto
                    Name  = s.Name,
                    Price = s.Price
                       .OrderBy(x => x.LastName)
                       .ThenBy(x => x.FirstName)

            var root = "Users";

            var xmlUserProducts = XMLConverter.Serialize(user, root);

Пример #3
        //Query 7. Categories By Products Count
        public static string GetCategoriesByProductsCount(ProductShopContext context)
            //var productsInRange = GetCategoriesByProductsCount(context);

            //if (!Directory.Exists(ResultDirectoryPath))
            //    Directory.CreateDirectory(ResultDirectoryPath);

            //File.WriteAllText("../../../Datasets/Results/categories-by-products.xml", productsInRange);

            const string rootElement = "Categories";

            var exportUserSoldProductDtos = context.Categories
                                            .Select(p => new ExportCategoriesByProductCountDto
                Name         = p.Name,
                Count        = p.CategoryProducts.Count(),
                AveragePrice = p.CategoryProducts.Average(pr => pr.Product.Price),
                TotalRevenue = p.CategoryProducts.Sum(pr => pr.Product.Price)
                                            .OrderByDescending(p => p.Count)
                                            .ThenBy(p => p.TotalRevenue)

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(exportUserSoldProductDtos, rootElement);

Пример #4
        // ******* Task 6 - Export Sold Products *******
        public static string GetSoldProducts(ProductShopContext context)
            const string rootElement = "Users";

            var users = context.Users
                        .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Any())
                        .Select(x => new ExportUserSoldProductsDto
                FirstName    = x.FirstName,
                LastName     = x.LastName,
                SoldProducts = x.ProductsSold
                               .Select(p => new SoldProduct
                    Name  = p.Name,
                    Price = p.Price
                        .OrderBy(l => l.LastName)
                        .ThenBy(f => f.FirstName)

            string result = XMLConverter.Serialize(users, rootElement);

Пример #5
        //Query 15. Cars from make BMW
        public static string GetCarsFromMakeBmw(CarDealerContext context)
            //var carsMakeBmw = GetCarsFromMakeBmw(context);

            //if (!Directory.Exists(ResultDirectoryPath))

            //File.WriteAllText("../../../Datasets/Results/bmw-cars.xml", carsMakeBmw);

            const string rootElement = "cars";

            var carsBmw = context.Cars
                          .Where(c => c.Make.ToLower() == "bmw")
                          .Select(c => new ExportCarBmwDto
                Id                = c.Id,
                Model             = c.Model,
                TravelledDistance = c.TravelledDistance
                          .OrderBy(c => c.Model)
                          .ThenByDescending(c => c.TravelledDistance)

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(carsBmw, rootElement);

        public static string GetSoldProducts(ProductShopContext context)
            const string xmlRoot = "Users";

            var users = context
                        .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Any(p => p.Buyer != null))
                        .Select(u => new ExportUserSoldProductDto
                FirstName    = u.FirstName,
                LastName     = u.LastName,
                SoldProducts = u
                               .Select(p => new ProductDto
                    Name  = p.Name,
                    Price = p.Price

            var xml = XMLConverter.Serialize(users, xmlRoot);

Пример #7
        //Query 18. Total Sales by Customer
        public static string GetTotalSalesByCustomer(CarDealerContext context)
            //var totalSales = GetTotalSalesByCustomer(context);

            //if (!Directory.Exists(ResultDirectoryPath))

            //File.WriteAllText("../../../Datasets/Results/customers-total-sales.xml", totalSales);

            const string rootElement = "customers";

            var customerWithCars = context.Sales
                                   .Where(s => s.Car.Sales.Any())
                                   .Select(s => new ExportTotalSalesCustomersDto
                FullName   = s.Customer.Name,
                BoughtCars = s.Customer.Sales.Count,
                SpentMoney = s.Car.PartCars.Sum(p => p.Part.Price)
                                   .OrderByDescending(c => c.SpentMoney)

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(customerWithCars, rootElement);

Пример #8
        public static string GetCarsWithTheirListOfParts(CarDealerContext context)
            var cars = context
                       .Select(c => new ExportCarsWithPartsDTO
                Make              = c.Make,
                Model             = c.Model,
                TravelledDistance = c.TravelledDistance,
                Parts             = c.PartCars.Select(pc => new ExportPartsDTO
                    Name  = pc.Part.Name,
                    Price = pc.Part.Price
                                    .OrderByDescending(x => x.Price)
                       .OrderByDescending(c => c.TravelledDistance)
                       .ThenBy(c => c.Model)

            var root   = "cars";
            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(cars, root);

Пример #9
        //Query 19. Sales with Applied Discount
        public static string GetSalesWithAppliedDiscount(CarDealerContext context)
            //var discountSales = GetSalesWithAppliedDiscount(context);

            //if (!Directory.Exists(ResultDirectoryPath))

            //File.WriteAllText("../../../Datasets/Results/sales-discounts.xml", discountSales);

            const string rootElement = "sales";

            var discountSales = context.Sales
                                .Select(s => new ExportDicountSalesDto
                Car = new CarDto
                    Make              = s.Car.Make,
                    Model             = s.Car.Model,
                    TravelledDistance = s.Car.TravelledDistance,
                Discount          = s.Discount,
                CustomerName      = s.Customer.Name,
                Price             = s.Car.PartCars.Sum(p => p.Part.Price),
                PriceWithDiscount = s.Car.PartCars.Sum(p => p.Part.Price) - s.Car.PartCars.Sum(p => p.Part.Price) * s.Discount / 100

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(discountSales, rootElement);

Пример #10
        public static string GetSoldProducts(ProductShopContext context)
            var usersProducts = context
                                .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Any())
                                .Select(u => new ExportUsersProductsDTO
                FirstName    = u.FirstName,
                LastName     = u.LastName,
                soldProducts = u.ProductsSold
                               .Select(p => new ExportProductDTO
                    Name  = p.Name,
                    Price = p.Price
                                .OrderBy(x => x.LastName)
                                .ThenBy(x => x.FirstName)

            var root   = "Users";
            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(usersProducts, root);

Пример #11
        public static string GetSalesWithAppliedDiscount(CarDealerContext context)
            //Get all sales with information about the car, customer and price of the sale with and without discount.

            var sales = context
                        .Select(s => new ExportSalesDTO
                Car = new ExportCarDTO
                    Make              = s.Car.Make,
                    Model             = s.Car.Model,
                    TravelledDistance = s.Car.TravelledDistance
                Discount          = s.Discount,
                CusomerName       = s.Customer.Name,
                Price             = s.Car.PartCars.Sum(pc => pc.Part.Price),
                PriceWithDiscount = s.Car.PartCars.Sum(pc => pc.Part.Price) - s.Car.PartCars.Sum(pc => pc.Part.Price) * s.Discount / 100M

            var root   = "sales";
            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(sales, root);

        //6. Export Sold Products
        public static string GetSoldProducts(ProductShopContext context)
            const string rootElement = "Users";

            var users = context
                        .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Count > 0)
                        .Select(u => new ExportUserWithSoldProductDto
                FirstName    = u.FirstName,
                LastName     = u.LastName,
                SoldProducts = u.ProductsSold
                               .Select(p => new ExportSoldProductDto
                    Name  = p.Name,
                    Price = p.Price
                        .OrderBy(u => u.LastName)
                        .ThenBy(u => u.FirstName)

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(users, rootElement);

Пример #13
        // Problem 06
        public static string GetSoldProducts(ProductShopContext context)
            const string rootElement = "Users";

            var soldProducts = context
                               .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Count >= 1)
                               .Select(u => new ExportUserProductInfoDto
                FirstName    = u.FirstName,
                LastName     = u.LastName,
                SoldProducts = u.ProductsSold.Select(p => new UserProductDto
                    Name  = p.Name,
                    Price = p.Price
                               .OrderBy(u => u.LastName)
                               .ThenBy(u => u.FirstName)

            var xmlOutput = XMLConverter.Serialize(soldProducts, rootElement);

Пример #14
        public static string GetSoldProducts(ProductShopContext context)
            string rootElement = "Users";

            List <ExportUserSoldProductDto> usersWithProducts = context
                                                                .Where(up => up.ProductsSold.Any())
                                                                .Select(up => new ExportUserSoldProductDto
                FirstName    = up.FirstName,
                LastName     = up.LastName,
                SoldProducts = up.ProductsSold
                               .Select(p => new UserProductDto
                    Name  = p.Name,
                    Price = p.Price
                                                                .OrderBy(u => u.LastName)
                                                                .ThenBy(u => u.FirstName)

            string xml = XMLConverter.Serialize(usersWithProducts, rootElement);

Пример #15
        //17. Cars with Their List of Parts
        public static string GetCarsWithTheirListOfParts(CarDealerContext context)
            var cars = context.Cars
                       .Select(x => new ExportCarsWithTheirListOfPartsDto
                CarMake           = x.Make,
                Model             = x.Model,
                TravelledDistance = x.TravelledDistance,
                Parts             = x.PartCars.Select(p => new PartsDto
                    Name  = p.Part.Name,
                    Price = p.Part.Price
                }).OrderByDescending(p => p.Price)
                       .OrderByDescending(x => x.TravelledDistance)
                       .ThenBy(x => x.Model)

            var root = "cars";
            var xml  = XMLConverter.Serialize(cars, root);

Пример #16
        //Query 5. Products In Range

        public static string GetProductsInRange(ProductShopContext context)
            //var productsInRange = GetProductsInRange(context);

            //if (!Directory.Exists(ResultDirectoryPath))
            //    Directory.CreateDirectory(ResultDirectoryPath);

            //File.WriteAllText("../../../Datasets/Results/products-in-range.xml", productsInRange);

            const string rootElement = "Products";

            var products = context.Products
                           .Where(p => p.Price >= 500 && p.Price <= 1000)
                           .Select(p => new ExportProductDto
                Name  = p.Name,
                Price = p.Price,
                Buyer = p.Buyer.FirstName + " " + p.Buyer.LastName
                           .OrderBy(p => p.Price)

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(products, rootElement);

Пример #17
        //Query 16. Local Suppliers
        public static string GetLocalSuppliers(CarDealerContext context)
            //var localSuppliers = GetLocalSuppliers(context);

            //if (!Directory.Exists(ResultDirectoryPath))

            //File.WriteAllText("../../../Datasets/Results/local-suppliers.xml", localSuppliers);

            const string rootElement = "suppliers";

            var localSupppliersResult = context.Suppliers
                                        .Where(s => s.IsImporter == false)
                                        .Select(s => new ExportLocalSuppliersDto
                Id         = s.Id,
                Name       = s.Name,
                PartsCount = s.Parts.Count

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(localSupppliersResult, rootElement);

Пример #18
        //Query 14. Cars With Distance
        public static string GetCarsWithDistance(CarDealerContext context)
            //var carsWithDistance = GetCarsWithDistance(context);

            //if (!Directory.Exists(ResultDirectoryPath))

            //File.WriteAllText("../../../Datasets/Results/cars.xml", carsWithDistance);

            const string rootElement = "cars";

            var carsWithDistance = context.Cars
                                   .Where(c => c.TravelledDistance > 2000000)
                                   .Select(c => new ExportCarsWithDistance
                Make              = c.Make,
                Model             = c.Model,
                TravelledDistance = c.TravelledDistance
                                   .OrderBy(c => c.Make)
                                   .ThenBy(c => c.Model)

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(carsWithDistance, rootElement);

Пример #19
        public void AuthorizeUser(string name, string password)
            Console.WriteLine("Engine: AuthorizeUser");
            AuthorizeUserRequest request = new AuthorizeUserRequest();

            request.UserName = name;
            request.Password = password;
            MemoryStream xmlMessage = XMLConverter.Serialize(request);

Пример #20
        //Query 8. Users and Products
        public static string GetUsersWithProducts(ProductShopContext context)
            //var productsInRange = GetUsersWithProducts(context);

            //if (!Directory.Exists(ResultDirectoryPath))
            //    Directory.CreateDirectory(ResultDirectoryPath);

            //File.WriteAllText("../../../Datasets/Results/users-and-products.xml", productsInRange);

            const string rootElement = "Users";

            var uasersAndProducts = context.Users
                                    .Where(u => u.ProductsSold.Any())
                                    .Select(u => new ExportUserDto
                FirstName   = u.FirstName,
                LastName    = u.LastName,
                Age         = u.Age,
                SoldProduct = new ExportProductCountDto
                    Count    = u.ProductsSold.Count(),
                    Products = u.ProductsSold.Select(cp => new ExportCountedProductDto
                        Name  = cp.Name,
                        Price = cp.Price
                               .OrderByDescending(p => p.Price)
                                    .OrderByDescending(p => p.SoldProduct.Count)

            var resultCount = new ExporUsersCount
                Count = context.Users.Count(u => u.ProductsSold.Any()),
                Users = uasersAndProducts

            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(resultCount, rootElement);

Пример #21
        //16. Local Suppliers
        public static string GetLocalSuppliers(CarDealerContext context)
            var suppliers = context.Suppliers
                            .Where(x => !x.IsImporter)
                            .Select(x => new ExportLocalSuppliersDto
                Id         = x.Id,
                Name       = x.Name,
                PartsCount = x.Parts.Count(p => p.Quantity > 0)

            var root = "suppliers";
            var xml  = XMLConverter.Serialize(suppliers, root);

Пример #22
        public static string GetLocalSuppliers(CarDealerContext context)
            var suppliers = context
                            .Where(s => s.IsImporter == false)
                            .Select(s => new ExportLocalSuppliersDTO
                Id         = s.Id,
                Name       = s.Name,
                PartsCount = s.Parts.Count

            var root   = "suppliers";
            var result = XMLConverter.Serialize(suppliers, root);

Пример #23
        //07. Export Categories By Products Count
        public static string GetCategoriesByProductsCount(ProductShopContext context)
            var categoriesDTO = context.Categories
                                .Select(x => new ExportCatecoryDTO
                Name         = x.Name,
                Count        = x.CategoryProducts.Count(),
                AveragePrice = x.CategoryProducts.Average(y => y.Product.Price),
                TotalRevenue = x.CategoryProducts.Sum(y => y.Product.Price)
                                .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count)
                                .ThenBy(x => x.TotalRevenue)

            var rootAttributeName = "Categories";

            return(XMLConverter.Serialize(categoriesDTO, rootAttributeName));
Пример #24
        //05. Export Products In Range
        public static string GetProductsInRange(ProductShopContext context)
            var productsDTO = context.Products
                              .Where(x => 500 <= x.Price && x.Price <= 1000)
                              .OrderBy(x => x.Price)
                              .Select(x => new ExportProductsDTO
                Name  = x.Name,
                Price = x.Price,
                Buyer = $"{x.Buyer.FirstName} {x.Buyer.LastName}"

            var rootAttributeName = "Products";

            return(XMLConverter.Serialize(productsDTO, rootAttributeName));
Пример #25
        //18. Total Sales by Customer
        public static string GetTotalSalesByCustomer(CarDealerContext context)
            var customers = context.Customers
                            .Where(c => c.Sales.Count() > 0)
                            .Select(x => new ExportTotalSalesByCustomerDto
                FullName   = x.Name,
                BoughtCars = x.Sales.Count(),
                SpentMoney = x.Sales.Sum(s => s.Car.PartCars.Sum(pc => pc.Part.Price))
                            .OrderByDescending(c => c.SpentMoney)
                            .ThenByDescending(c => c.BoughtCars)

            var root = "customers";
            var xml  = XMLConverter.Serialize(customers, root);

Пример #26
        //15. Export Cars From Make BMW
        public static string GetCarsFromMakeBmw(CarDealerContext context)
            var result = context
                         .Where(x => x.Make == "BMW")
                         .Select(x => new GetCarsFromMakeBmw
                Id       = x.Id,
                Model    = x.Model,
                Distance = x.TravelledDistance
                         .OrderBy(x => x.Model)
                         .ThenByDescending(x => x.Distance)

            var xmlResult = XMLConverter.Serialize(result, "cars");

Пример #27
        public static string GetLocalSuppliers(CarDealerContext context)
            string rootName = "suppliers";

            List <ExportLocalSupplierDto> suppliers = context
                                                      .Where(s => !s.IsImporter)
                                                      .Select(s => new ExportLocalSupplierDto
                Id         = s.Id,
                Name       = s.Name,
                PartsCount = s.Parts.Count

            string xml = XMLConverter.Serialize(suppliers, rootName);

Пример #28
        //15. Cars from make BMW
        public static string GetCarsFromMakeBmw(CarDealerContext context)
            var cars = context.Cars
                       .Where(c => c.Make == "BMW")
                       .Select(c => new ExportCarsFromMakeBMWDto
                Id                = c.Id,
                Model             = c.Model,
                TravelledDistance = c.TravelledDistance
                       .OrderBy(c => c.Model)
                       .ThenByDescending(c => c.TravelledDistance)

            var root = "cars";
            var xml  = XMLConverter.Serialize(cars, root);

Пример #29
        public static string ExportTopCustomers(CinemaContext context, int age)
            var targetCustomers = context.Customers
                                  .Where(x => x.Age >= age)
                                  .Select(x => new ExportCustomerDto
                FirstName  = x.FirstName,
                LastName   = x.LastName,
                SpentMoney = x.Tickets.Sum(t => t.Price).ToString("0.00"),
                SpentTime  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(x.Tickets.Sum(t => t.Projection.Movie.Duration.TotalSeconds)).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")
                                  .OrderByDescending(x => decimal.Parse(x.SpentMoney))

            var resultXml = XMLConverter.Serialize(targetCustomers, "Customers");

        public static string GetProductsInRange(ProductShopContext context)
            const string xmlRoot  = "Products";
            var          products = context
                                    //.Where(p => p.Price >= 500 && p.Price <= 100)
                                    .Select(p => new ExportProductDto
                Name  = p.Name,
                Price = p.Price,
                Buyer = p.Buyer.FirstName + " " + p.Buyer.LastName
                                    .OrderBy(p => p.Price)
            var xml = XMLConverter.Serialize(products, xmlRoot);
