private void frmQL_Kho_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'qL_DiscStoreDataSet2.SanPham' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.sanPhamTableAdapter.Fill(this.qL_DiscStoreDataSet2.SanPham); tblSanPham = new XL_SanPham(); LoadDGVSP(); txtMaSP.DataBindings.Add("text", tblSanPham, "MaSP", true); txtTenSP.DataBindings.Add("text", tblSanPham, "TenSP", true); txtTheLoai.DataBindings.Add("text", tblSanPham, "TheLoai", true); txtSoLuong.DataBindings.Add("text", tblSanPham, "SoLuong", true); DS = this.BindingContext[tblSanPham]; enableNutLenh(false); }
private void FormBanHangPhieu_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //hinhthucthanhtoan gridLookUpEditHinhThucThanhToan.Properties.DataSource = XL_HinhThucThanhToan.LayDuLieuHinhThucThanhToan(); gridLookUpEditHinhThucThanhToan.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaHinhThuc"; //nhanvien gridLookUpEditNhanVien.Properties.DataSource = XL_NhanVien.LayDuLieuNhanVien(); gridLookUpEditNhanVien.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaNV"; //dieu khoan gridLookUpEditDieuKhoanThanhToan.Properties.DataSource = XL_DieuKhoan.LayDuLieuDieuKhoan(); gridLookUpEditDieuKhoanThanhToan.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaDieuKhoan"; //khach hang gridLookUpEditMaKhachHang.Properties.DataSource = XL_KhachHang.LayDuLieuKhachHang(); gridLookUpEditMaKhachHang.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaKhachHang"; //datagrid sp MaSP.DataSource = XL_SanPham.LayDuLieuSanPham(); MaSP.DisplayMember = "MaSP"; sp = XL_SanPham.ChuyenDoiDTOSanPham(XL_SanPham.LayDuLieuSanPham()); // ct phieu xuat ctpx = XL_CTPhieuXuat.ChuyenDoiDTOCTPhieuXuat(XL_CTPhieuXuat.LayCTPhieuXuat()); }
private void FormMuaHangPhieu_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //hinhthucthanhtoan gridLookUpEditHinhThucThanhToan.Properties.DataSource = XL_HinhThucThanhToan.LayDuLieuHinhThucThanhToan(); gridLookUpEditHinhThucThanhToan.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaHinhThuc"; //nhanvien gridLookUpEditNhanVien.Properties.DataSource = XL_NhanVien.LayDuLieuNhanVien(); gridLookUpEditNhanVien.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaNV"; //kho gridLookUpEditKho.Properties.DataSource = XL_KhoHang.LayDuLieuKhoHang(); gridLookUpEditKho.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaKho"; //dieu khoan gridLookUpEditDieuKhoanThanhToan.Properties.DataSource = XL_DieuKhoan.LayDuLieuDieuKhoan(); gridLookUpEditDieuKhoanThanhToan.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaDieuKhoan"; //ncc gridLookUpEditNCC.Properties.DataSource = XL_NhaCungCap.LayDuLieuNhaCungCap(); gridLookUpEditNCC.Properties.DisplayMember = "MaNhaCungCap"; //datagridn sp MaSP.DataSource = XL_SanPham.LayDuLieuSanPham(); MaSP.DisplayMember = "MaSP"; sp = XL_SanPham.ChuyenDoiDTOSanPham(XL_SanPham.LayDuLieuSanPham()); // ct phieu nhap ctpn = XL_CTPhieuNhap.ChuyenDoiDTOCTPhieuNhap(XL_CTPhieuNhap.LayCTPhieuNhap()); }
private void buttonThem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //load du lieu loadPhieuXuat(XL_PhieuXuat.LayDuLieuPhieuXuat()); //co hieu int cohieu = 1; //phieu nhap string maphieuxuat = textBoxMaPhieuXuat.Text; string ngayxuat = dateTimePickerNgayXuat.Value.ToString(); string manhanvien = gridLookUpEditNhanVien.Text; string khachang = gridLookUpEditMaKhachHang.Text; string dieukhoan = gridLookUpEditDieuKhoanThanhToan.Text; string hinhthucthanhtoan = gridLookUpEditHinhThucThanhToan.Text; string hanthanhtoan = dateTimePickerHanThanhToan.Value.ToString(); string tientratruoc = textBoxTienTraTruoc.Text; string ngaygiao = dateTimePickerNgayGiao.Value.ToString(); //tien double TongTien = 0; int soluong; float gia; for (int i = 0; i < dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows.Count; i++) { //object m = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat["SoLuong", i].Value; //object n = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat["GiaLucNhap", i].Value; object n = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[i].Cells["GiaLucNhap"].Value; object m = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[i].Cells["SoLuong"].Value; if (m != null && n != null) { soluong = int.Parse(m.ToString()); gia = float.Parse(n.ToString()); double thue = (soluong * gia) * 0.1; TongTien += ((soluong * gia) + thue); } } textBoxTongTien.Text = TongTien.ToString(); //xet ma px for (int i = 0; i < px.Count; i++) { if (maphieuxuat == px[i].MaPhieuXuat) { cohieu = 0; break; } } //phieunhap if (maphieuxuat != "" && cohieu == 1 && ngayxuat != "" && hanthanhtoan != "" && manhanvien != "" && ngaygiao != "" && TongTien != 0 && khachang != "" && dieukhoan != "" && hinhthucthanhtoan != "" && tientratruoc != "" && dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows.Count - 1 != 0) { bool ThemPhieuXuat = XL_PhieuXuat.ThemPhieuXuat(maphieuxuat, ngayxuat, manhanvien, khachang, hinhthucthanhtoan, dieukhoan, TongTien, hanthanhtoan, tientratruoc, ngaygiao); if (ThemPhieuXuat == true) { List <bool> ThemCTPhieuXuat = new List <bool>(); int lengt = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows.Count; //ct phieu nhap int sl = ctpx.Count; for (int i = 0; i < lengt; i++) { // object m = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[i].Cells["MaSP"].Value; object n = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[i].Cells["GiaLucNhap"].Value; object o = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[i].Cells["SoLuong"].Value; object makho = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[i].Cells["MaKho"].Value; if (m != null && n != null && o != null) { CTPhieuXuat temp = new CTPhieuXuat(); //cap phat ma ct phieu xuat tu dong sl += 1; temp.MaChiTietXuat = string.Format("CTPX" + sl.ToString()); temp.MaPhieuXuat = maphieuxuat; temp.MaSP = m.ToString(); temp.MaKho = makho.ToString(); temp.DonGiaSP = float.Parse(n.ToString()); temp.SoLuongMua = int.Parse(o.ToString()); float thue = 0.1f; temp.Thue = thue; //tien moi loai sp float soluongsp = int.Parse(o.ToString()); float giasp = float.Parse(n.ToString()); double tienthue = (soluongsp * giasp * 0.1); double tien = ((soluongsp * giasp) + tienthue); temp.ThanhTien = float.Parse(tien.ToString()); bool Them = XL_CTPhieuXuat.ThemCTPhieuXuat(temp.MaChiTietXuat, temp.MaPhieuXuat, temp.MaSP, temp.MaKho, temp.DonGiaSP, temp.ThanhTien, temp.Thue, temp.SoLuongMua); bool Sua = XL_SanPham.CapNhatSanPham(temp.MaKho, temp.MaSP, temp.SoLuongMua); // ThemCTPhieuNhap.Add(Them); } } //bien dem xem co luu dc tat ca k int dem = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ThemCTPhieuXuat.Count; i++) { if (ThemCTPhieuXuat[i] == true) { dem++; } } if (dem == ThemCTPhieuXuat.Count) { MessageBox.Show("Thêm thành công!"); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Thêm thất bại!"); this.Close(); } } } }
private void dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell.OwningColumn .Name == "SoLuong") { //Tới vị trí ô số lượng dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell.RowIndex] .Cells["MaSP"]; } //Khi nhập liệu xong else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell.OwningColumn.Name == "MaSP") { var o_hien_tai = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell; var o_phia_tren = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1].Cells[0]; string masp = o_phia_tren.Value.ToString(); //sosanh for (int i = 0; i < sp.Count; i++) { if (dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1].Cells["MaSP"].Value.ToString() == sp[i].MaSP) { dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1] .Height = 100; //Thể hiện lên lưới dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1] .Cells["TenSP"] .Value = sp[i].TenSP; string maspk = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1].Cells["MaSP"].Value.ToString(); MaKho.DataSource = XL_SanPham.LayDuLieuSanPhamTheoSP(maspk); MaKho.DisplayMember = "MaKho"; dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1] .Cells["MaDonViTinh"] .Value = sp[i].MaDonViTinh; dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1] .Cells["GiaLucNhap"] .Value = sp[i].GiaLucNhap; dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1] .Cells["HinhAnh"] .Value = Image.FromFile("C:/Users/Huu Nghia/Desktop/1560299_1560318_1560360_1560373_1560379/imgSP/" + sp[i].HinhAnh); } } //Tới vị trí ô số lượng dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1] .Cells["MaKho"]; } //Khi nhập liệu xong else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell.OwningColumn.Name == "MaKho") { var o_hien_tai = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell; var o_phia_tren = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1].Cells[0]; //Tới vị trí ô số lượng dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.CurrentCell = dataGridViewCTPhieuXuat.Rows[o_hien_tai.RowIndex - 1] .Cells["SoLuong"]; } }