Пример #1
        private static string GetTreeString(int Id, DataTable table, int todo, string returntxt)
            XHD.BLL.hr_post    hp   = new XHD.BLL.hr_post();
            XHD.BLL.Sys_online sol  = new XHD.BLL.Sys_online();
            DataRow[]          rows = table.Select(string.Format("parentid={0}", Id));

            if (rows.Length == 0)
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                str.Append("{id:" + (int)row["id"] + ",text:'" + (string)row["d_name"] + "',d_icon:'../" + (string)row["d_icon"] + "'");

                if (GetTreeString((int)row["id"], table, 0, returntxt).Length > 0)
                    if (todo == 1)
                        DataSet dsp = hp.GetList("dep_id=" + (int)row["id"]);
                        if (dsp != null && dsp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (int j = 0; j < dsp.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsp.Tables[0].Rows[j]["emp_name"].ToString()))
                                    DataSet dso      = sol.GetList("UserID=" + dsp.Tables[0].Rows[j]["emp_id"]);
                                    string  posticon = "images/icon/93.png";
                                    if (dso.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                        posticon = "images/icon/38.png";//95
                                    str.Append("{id:'p" + dsp.Tables[0].Rows[j]["post_id"].ToString() + "',text:'" + dsp.Tables[0].Rows[j]["emp_name"] + "',d_icon:'" + posticon + "'}");
                    str.Append(GetTreeString((int)row["id"], table, 1, returntxt));
                    if (todo == 1)
                        DataSet dsp = hp.GetList("dep_id=" + (int)row["id"] + " and " + returntxt);
                        if (dsp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (int j = 0; j < dsp.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsp.Tables[0].Rows[j]["emp_name"].ToString()))
                                    DataSet dso      = sol.GetList("UserID=" + dsp.Tables[0].Rows[j]["emp_id"]);
                                    string  posticon = "images/icon/93.png";
                                    if (dso.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                        posticon = "images/icon/38.png";//95
                                    str.Append("{id:'p" + dsp.Tables[0].Rows[j]["post_id"].ToString() + "',text:'" + dsp.Tables[0].Rows[j]["emp_name"] + "',d_icon:'" + posticon + "'},");
                                    //if (j < dsp.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1)
                                    //    str.Append(",");
                            if (str[str.Length - 1] == ',')
                                str.Remove(str.Length - 1, 1);
            return(str[str.Length - 1] == ',' ? str.ToString(0, str.Length - 1) : str.ToString());
Пример #2
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            HttpRequest request = context.Request;

            XHD.BLL.ssn_art_menu menu = new XHD.BLL.ssn_art_menu();

            XHD.BLL.sys_info info = new XHD.BLL.sys_info();

            var    cookie     = context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
            var    ticket     = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value);
            string CoockiesID = ticket.UserData;

            XHD.BLL.hr_employee emp = new XHD.BLL.hr_employee();
            int emp_id = int.Parse(CoockiesID);

            DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("id=" + emp_id);

            XHD.Model.hr_employee employeeModel = emp.GetModel(emp_id); //当前员工

            string empname    = string.Empty;
            string uid        = string.Empty;
            string depid      = string.Empty;
            string roletype   = string.Empty;
            string factory_Id = string.Empty;

            if (employeeModel != null)
                empname    = employeeModel.name;            //员工姓名
                uid        = employeeModel.uid;             //员工Uid
                depid      = employeeModel.d_id.ToString(); //员工所在部门
                factory_Id = employeeModel.factory_Id;      //员工所属工厂
                roletype   = employeeModel.roletype.ToString();

            #region GetSysApp
            if (request["Action"] == "GetSysApp")
                DataSet ds = null;

                int appid = int.Parse(request["appid"]);

                if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["uid"].ToString() == "admin")
                        ds = menu.GetList(0, "App_id=" + appid, "Menu_order");
                        DataSSN.SSN_GetAuthorityByUid getauth = new DataSSN.SSN_GetAuthorityByUid();
                        string menus = getauth.GetAuthority(emp_id.ToString(), "Menus");
                        //ds = menu.GetList(0, "App_id=" + appid + " and Menu_id in " + menus + " and menu_type='aft'", "Menu_order");
                        ds = menu.GetList(0, "App_id=" + appid + " and Id in " + menus + " ", "Menu_order");

                string strRe = string.Empty;

                strRe = "[" + GetTasksString(emp_id.ToString(), empname, factory_Id, 0, ds.Tables[0]) + "]";


            #region getUserTree
            else if (request["Action"] == "getUserTree")
                XHD.BLL.Sys_online   sol   = new XHD.BLL.Sys_online();
                XHD.Model.Sys_online model = new XHD.Model.Sys_online();

                model.UserName    = PageValidate.InputText(empname, 250);
                model.UserID      = emp_id;
                model.LastLogTime = DateTime.Now;

                DataSet ds1 = sol.GetList(" UserID=" + emp_id);

                if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    sol.Update(model, " UserID=" + emp_id);

                //2分钟用户失效,删除 --Robert 2015-11-24
                sol.Delete(" LastLogTime<date_sub(now(), interval 2 minute)");

                XHD.BLL.hr_department dep = new XHD.BLL.hr_department();
                XHD.BLL.hr_post       hp  = new XHD.BLL.hr_post();

                DataSet       ds  = dep.GetList(0, "factory_Id='" + factory_Id + "'", "d_order");
                StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
                str.Append(GetTreeString(0, ds.Tables[0], 1, "1=1"));
                str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1);

            #region GetUserInfo
            else if (request["Action"] == "GetUserInfo")
                string dt = XHD.Common.DataToJson.DataToJSON(dsemp);


            #region GetOnline
            else if (request["Action"] == "GetOnline")
                XHD.BLL.Sys_online   sol   = new XHD.BLL.Sys_online();
                XHD.Model.Sys_online model = new XHD.Model.Sys_online();

                model.UserName    = empname;
                model.UserID      = emp_id;
                model.LastLogTime = DateTime.Now;

                DataSet ds1 = sol.GetList(" UserID=" + emp_id);

                if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    sol.Update(model, " UserID=" + emp_id);

                //2分钟用户失效,删除 --Robert 2015-11-24
                sol.Delete(" LastLogTime<date_sub(now(), interval 2 minute)");


            #region getinfo
            else if (request["Action"] == "getinfo")
                DataSet ds = info.GetList(" id=2 or id=3");

            #region changepwd
            else if (request["Action"] == "changepwd")
                DataSet ds = emp.GetPWD(emp_id);
                XHD.Model.hr_employee model = new XHD.Model.hr_employee();
                string oldpwd = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(request["T_oldpwd"], "MD5");
                string newpwd = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(request["T_newpwd"], "MD5");

                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pwd"].ToString() == oldpwd)
                    model.pwd = newpwd;
                    model.ID  = (emp_id);

            #region form
            else if (request["Action"] == "form")
                string eid = PageValidate.InputText(request["id"], 50);

                if (eid == "epu")
                    eid = emp_id.ToString();

                DataSet ds = emp.GetList("id=" + int.Parse(eid));

                string dt = XHD.Common.DataToJson.DataToJSON(ds);


            #region PersonalUpdate保存修改信息
            else if (request["Action"] == "PersonalUpdate")
                XHD.Model.hr_employee model = new XHD.Model.hr_employee();
                model.email    = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_email"], 255);
                model.name     = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_name"], 255);
                model.birthday = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_birthday"], 255);
                model.sex      = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_sex"], 255);
                model.idcard   = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_idcard"], 255);
                model.tel      = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_tel"], 255);

                model.address      = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_Adress"], 255);
                model.schools      = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_school"], 255);
                model.education    = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_edu"], 255);
                model.professional = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_professional"], 255);
                model.remarks      = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_remarks"], 255);
                model.title        = PageValidate.InputText(request["headurl"], 255);

                DataRow dr = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                model.ID = emp_id;

                bool isup = emp.PersonalUpdate(model);

                if (isup)

                C_Sys_log log = new C_Sys_log();

                int    UserID     = emp_id;
                string UserName   = empname;
                string IPStreet   = request.UserHostAddress;
                string EventTitle = model.name;
                string EventType  = "个人信息修改";
                int    EventID    = emp_id;

                if (dr["email"].ToString() != request["T_email"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "邮箱", dr["email"].ToString(), request["T_email"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["name"].ToString() != request["T_name"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "员工姓名", dr["name"].ToString(), request["T_name"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["birthday"].ToString() != request["T_birthday"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "员工生日", dr["birthday"].ToString(), request["T_birthday"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["sex"].ToString() != request["T_sex"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "员工性别", dr["sex"].ToString(), request["T_sex"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["idcard"].ToString() != request["T_idcard"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "身份证", dr["idcard"].ToString(), request["T_idcard"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["tel"].ToString() != request["T_tel"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "手机", dr["tel"].ToString(), request["T_tel"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["address"].ToString() != request["T_Adress"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "地址", dr["address"].ToString(), request["T_Adress"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["schools"].ToString() != request["T_school"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "毕业学校", dr["schools"].ToString(), request["T_school"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["education"].ToString() != request["T_edu"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "学历", dr["education"].ToString(), request["T_edu"], factory_Id);

                if (dr["professional"].ToString() != request["T_professional"])
                    log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "专业", dr["professional"].ToString(), request["T_professional"], factory_Id);

            #region tree
            else if (request["Action"] == "tree")
                string serchtxt = " 1=1 and factory_Id = '" + factory_Id + "'";

                //string authtxt = PageValidate.InputText(request["auth"], 50);
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authtxt))
                //    Data.GetDataAuth dataauth = new Data.GetDataAuth();
                //    string txt = dataauth.GetDataAuthByid(authtxt, "Sys_add", emp_id.ToString(), factory_Id);
                //    string[] arr = txt.Split(':');
                //    switch (arr[0])
                //    {
                //        case "my":
                //        case "dep":
                //            string did = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_id"].ToString();
                //            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(did))
                //                did = "0";
                //            authtxt = did;
                //            break;
                //        case "all":
                //            authtxt = "0";
                //            break;
                //        case "depall":
                //            DataSet dsdep = dep.GetList("factory_Id='" + factory_Id + "'");
                //            string deptask = GetDepTask(int.Parse(arr[1]), dsdep.Tables[0]);
                //            string intext = arr[1] + "," + deptask;
                //            authtxt = intext.TrimEnd(',');
                //            break;
                //    }
                XHD.BLL.hr_department dep = new XHD.BLL.hr_department();
                DataSet       ds          = dep.GetList(0, serchtxt, " d_order");
                StringBuilder str         = new StringBuilder();
                str.Append(GetTreeString(0, ds.Tables[0], "0"));
                str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1);