public SteamVRController(string name, int index, InputTransform inputTransform) : base(name) { m_Index = (uint)index; m_InputTransform = inputTransform; // Write the controller's properties XDevicePlugin.SetBool(handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_IsAbsRotation, true); }
protected virtual void OnVRContextInited(VRContext context) { // if ((XDevicePlugin.GetInt(XDevicePlugin.ID_CONTEXT, XDevicePlugin.kField_CtxDeviceVersionInt, 0) & 0xF000) != 0x4000) { Destroy(this); Ximmerse.Log.w("TrackedHead", "TrackedHead only works in Outside-in!!!"); return; } else { VRDevice vrDevice = context.vrDevice; if (vrDevice.outsideInMarkPose.position != { markTransform.localPosition = vrDevice.outsideInMarkPose.position; } } // if (eyeContainer == null) { eyeContainer = new GameObject("Rotate-Pivot").transform; eyeContainer.SetParent(transform); // eyeContainer.localPosition =; eyeContainer.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; eyeContainer.localScale =; // if (context.vrDevice != null && != "Dummy") { markTransform.localPosition = markTransform.localPosition + context.vrDevice.neckToEye; eyeContainer.localPosition = context.vrDevice.neckToEye; #if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor features. if (m_Gizmos.Length > 0 && m_Gizmos[0] != null) { m_Gizmos[0].transform.localPosition = m_Gizmos[0].transform.localPosition + context.vrDevice.neckToEye; } #endif } } // for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Transform eye = context.GetAnchor(VRNode.LeftEye + i, null); if (eye != null) { eye.SetParent(eyeContainer, false); } } // switch (PlayerPrefsEx.GetInt("XimmerseDevice.type", 0)) { // No head tracking. case 0x1010: source = ControllerType.None; m_ControllerInput = null; break; } }
private void Update() { XDevicePlugin.UpdateInputState(m_trackingCameraHandle); XDevicePlugin.UpdateInputState(m_leftControllerHandle); XDevicePlugin.UpdateInputState(m_rightControllerHandle); UpdateLeftController(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public SixenseController(SixenseControllerManager manager, string name, int index) : base(name) { this.manager = manager; this.index = index; this.inputTransform = this.manager.inputTransforms.Length == 1?this.manager.inputTransforms[0]:this.manager.inputTransforms[index]; this.rawData = new SixensePluginLite.sixenseControllerData(); // Write the controller's properties XDevicePlugin.SetBool(handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_IsAbsRotation, true); }
// public override int GetInputState(ref XDevicePlugin.ControllerState state) { if (m_Device.connected) { Vector2 v2; // v2 = m_Device.GetAxis(EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis1); state.axes[(int)ControllerAxis.PrimaryTrigger] = v2.x; v2 = m_Device.GetAxis(EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis0); state.axes[(int)ControllerAxis.PrimaryThumbX] = v2.x; state.axes[(int)ControllerAxis.PrimaryThumbY] = v2.y; // state.buttons = 0; if (m_Device.GetHairTrigger()) { state.buttons |= (uint)XimmerseButton.Trigger; } if (m_Device.GetPress(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Grip)) { state.buttons |= (uint)XimmerseButton.Grip; } if (m_Device.GetTouch(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad)) { state.buttons |= (uint)XimmerseButton.Touch; } if (m_Device.GetPress(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad)) { state.buttons |= (uint)XimmerseButton.Click; } if (m_Device.GetPress(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.ApplicationMenu)) { state.buttons |= (uint)XimmerseButton.App; } if (m_Device.GetPress(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.System)) { state.buttons |= (uint)XimmerseButton.Home; } // TrackedDevicePose_t pose = m_UseOnNewPoses?m_Pose:m_Device.GetPose(); XDevicePlugin.SetInt(handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_TrackingResultInt, (int)(pose.bPoseIsValid?TrackingResult.PoseTracked:TrackingResult.NotTracked)); SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform rt = new SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform(pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking); Vector3 v3 = rt.pos; state.position[0] = v3.x; state.position[1] = v3.y; state.position[2] = -v3.z; Quaternion q = rt.rot; state.rotation[0] = -q.x; state.rotation[1] = -q.y; state.rotation[2] = q.z; state.rotation[3] = q.w; // } return(0); }
protected virtual void Awake() { m_FadeUiRoot = uiRoot.GetComponent <Ximmerse.UI.UIFade>(); // XDevicePlugin.Init(); for (int i = 0, imax = devices.Length; i < imax; ++i) { devices[i].Awake(); } }
public void setHMDRotation() { Quaternion qua = Quaternion.identity; if (main != null) { qua = (s_Main.vrDevice == null)?Quaternion.identity:s_Main.vrDevice.GetRotation(); } //Debug.Log("setHMDRotation:"+qua); XDevicePlugin.setHMDRotation(qua); }
public override void Launch(bool checkOthers) { // XDevicePlugin.Init(); XDevicePlugin.SetInt(-1, XDevicePlugin.kField_CtxDeviceVersion, 0x3000); // base.Launch(checkOthers); // Create control points in runtime. Transform trackingSpace = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.TrackingSpace); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (docks[i] != null) { GameObject go = Instantiate(docks[i]); Transform t = docks[i].transform; Transform newT = go.transform; // = docks[i].name; newT.SetParent(trackingSpace); newT.localPosition = t.localPosition; newT.localRotation = t.localRotation; newT.localScale = t.localScale; // docks[i] = go; } } // Initialize play area. m_PlayAreaRenderer = docks[2].GetComponentInChildren <PlayAreaRenderer>(); if (m_PlayAreaRenderer != null) { m_PlayArea = m_PlayAreaRenderer.transform; m_BoundaryPtr = NativeMethods.Boundary_Alloc(-1, 4, -2.0f, 2.0f); for (int i = 0, imax = m_PlayAreaRenderer.corners.Length; i < imax; ++i) { NativeMethods.Boundary_SetCorner(m_BoundaryPtr, i, m_PlayAreaRenderer.corners[i].x, -m_PlayAreaRenderer.corners[i].z ); } } // Transform head = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.Head); if (head != null) { TrackedHead trackedHead = head.GetComponent <TrackedHead>(); if (trackedHead != null) { trackedHead.markTransform.localPosition = head.InverseTransformPoint(anchor.position); } } }
/// <summary> /// Center tracking to the current position and orientation of the HMD. /// </summary> public virtual void Recenter() { // if (XDevicePlugin.GetBool(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_IsAbsRotationBool, false)) { return; } // if (useUnityVR) { UnityEngine.VR.InputTracking.Recenter(); } }
public void OnApplicationPause(bool isPause) { #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_IOS if (isPause) { XDevicePlugin.OnPause(); } else { XDevicePlugin.OnResume(); } #else XDevicePlugin.OnPauseUnity(isPause); #endif }
public override bool InitAllControllers() { #if GOOGLE_VR_SDK bool ret = base.InitAllControllers(); if (ret) { controllers = new DaydreamController[1] { new DaydreamController(this, "DaydreamController-0") }; } return(ret); #else XDevicePlugin.RemoveInputDeviceAt(XDevicePlugin.GetInputDeviceHandle("DaydreamController-0")); return(false); #endif }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public override bool InitAllControllers() { // if (m_IsInited) { return(false); } m_IsInited = true; // int ret; ret = XDevicePlugin.Init(); if (ret != 0) { return(false); } ret = SixensePluginLite.sixenseInit(); if (ret != 0) { return(false); } // if (maxControllers <= 0) { maxControllers = SixensePluginLite.sixenseGetMaxControllers(); } if (controllers == null) { if (inputTransforms.Length == 0) { inputTransforms = new InputTransform[1] { null }; } controllers = new SixenseController[maxControllers]; for (int i = 0; i < maxControllers; ++i) { controllers[i] = new SixenseController( this, string.Format(controllerFormat, i), i ); } } // m_Result = 0; return(true); }
public virtual void CheckBounds() { // if (m_TrackerHandle == -1 || XDevicePlugin.GetInt(m_TrackerHandle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionStateInt, 0) != (int)DeviceConnectionState.Connected ) { return; } // BoundaryTestResult hitInfo = new BoundaryTestResult(); Vector3 position =; float minDistance = float.MaxValue; int intRet; for (int i = 0, imax = trackedNodes.Length; i < imax; ++i) { intRet = NativeMethods.XDeviceTestNode(m_TrackerHandle, trackedNodes[i], ref hitInfo); if (intRet >= 0) { if (intRet == 0) // False => outside { if (hitInfo.distance != float.MaxValue && hitInfo.distance > 0.0f) { hitInfo.distance *= -1; } } if (hitInfo.distance < minDistance) { minDistance = hitInfo.distance; } } } if (m_PlayArea != null) { float alpha = 1.0f - Mathf.Clamp01(minDistance / warningDistance); // m_PlayArea.groundAlpha = m_GroundAlpha; m_PlayArea.wallAlpha = alpha * m_WallAlpha; m_PlayArea.planeAlpha = alpha * m_PlaneAlpha; } }
public override int GetInputState(ref XDevicePlugin.ControllerState state) { int ret = manager.impl.XInputGetState(dwUserIndex, ref xinputState); if (ret == 0) { state.handle = this.handle; ++state.timestamp; ResetStatePose(ref state); // if (manager.impl.XInputGetBatteryInformation != null) { manager.impl.XInputGetBatteryInformation(dwUserIndex, 0, ref xinputBatteryInformation); XDevicePlugin.SetInt(handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_BatteryLevel, (xinputBatteryInformation.BatteryType == XInputPlugin.XINPUT_BATTERY_TYPE.BATTERY_TYPE_DISCONNECTED || xinputBatteryInformation.BatteryType == XInputPlugin.XINPUT_BATTERY_TYPE.BATTERY_TYPE_UNKNOWN)? -1: (int)(100f * (float)xinputBatteryInformation.BatteryLevel / (float)XInputPlugin.XINPUT_BATTERY_LEVEL.BATTERY_LEVEL_FULL) ); } // if (inputTransform == null) { state.buttons = (uint)xinputState.Gamepad.wButtons; } else { state.buttons = inputTransform.TransformButtons((uint)xinputState.Gamepad.wButtons); } // state.axes[(int)ControllerRawAxis.LeftTrigger] = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, MathUtil.Normalize(0, 255, xinputState.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger)); state.axes[(int)ControllerRawAxis.RightTrigger] = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, MathUtil.Normalize(0, 255, xinputState.Gamepad.bRightTrigger)); state.axes[(int)ControllerRawAxis.LeftThumbX] = Mathf.Lerp(-1f, 1f, MathUtil.Normalize(-32767, 32767, xinputState.Gamepad.sThumbLX)); state.axes[(int)ControllerRawAxis.LeftThumbY] = Mathf.Lerp(-1f, 1f, MathUtil.Normalize(-32767, 32767, xinputState.Gamepad.sThumbLY)); state.axes[(int)ControllerRawAxis.RightThumbX] = Mathf.Lerp(-1f, 1f, MathUtil.Normalize(-32767, 32767, xinputState.Gamepad.sThumbRX)); state.axes[(int)ControllerRawAxis.RightThumbY] = Mathf.Lerp(-1f, 1f, MathUtil.Normalize(-32767, 32767, xinputState.Gamepad.sThumbRY)); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the touch-pad. /// Center point = 0. /// left top = -0.5, /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if touch pad was gotten, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="touchPad">Touch pad.</param> public static bool GetTouchPad(out Vector2 touchPad, int controllerIndex = 0) { //NOT supported: if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer) { touchPad =; return(false); } XDevicePlugin.ActParam_TouchpadState tpad_st = new XDevicePlugin.ActParam_TouchpadState(); int tpad_act_rs = XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.GetController(controllerIndex), XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_Get_TouchPadState, ref tpad_st); if (tpad_act_rs >= 0 && tpad_st.pressed) { touchPad = new Vector2((tpad_st.x - 0.5f) / 0.5f, ((tpad_st.y - 0.5f) * -1) / 0.5f); return(true); } else { touchPad =; return(false); } }
public virtual void TransformState(ref XDevicePlugin.ControllerState state) { // state.buttons = GetButtons(); // int i = 0; state.axes[i++] = Input.GetAxis(; state.axes[i++] = Input.GetAxis(; state.axes[i++] = Input.GetAxis(; state.axes[i++] = Input.GetAxis(; state.axes[i++] = Input.GetAxis(; state.axes[i++] = Input.GetAxis(; // Vector3 pos = InputTracking.GetLocalPosition(node); Quaternion rot = InputTracking.GetLocalRotation(node); // TrackingResult trackingResult = TrackingResult.NotTracked; if (pos != { trackingResult |= TrackingResult.PositionTracked; } if (rot != Quaternion.identity) { trackingResult |= TrackingResult.RotationTracked; } XDevicePlugin.SetInt(state.handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_TrackingResult, (int)trackingResult); // i = 0; state.position[i] = pos[i]; ++i; state.position[i] = pos[i]; ++i; state.position[i] = -pos[i]; ++i; i = 0; state.rotation[i] = -rot[i]; ++i; state.rotation[i] = -rot[i]; ++i; state.rotation[i] = rot[i]; ++i; state.rotation[i] = rot[i]; ++i; }
public void Update() { if (handle < 0) { return; } // XDevicePlugin.UpdateInputState(handle); // DeviceConnectionState s = (DeviceConnectionState)XDevicePlugin. GetInt(handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionState, 0); if (connectionState != s) { connectionState = s; // for (int i = 0, imax = connectUI.Length; i < imax; ++i) { if (connectUI[i] != null) { connectUI[i].SetActive(i == (int)s); } } } // int b = XDevicePlugin. GetInt(handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_BatteryLevel, 0); if (battImage != null) { //battImage.sprite=battSprites[(int)s]; } if (battText != null) { battText.text = (b == -1)?"?":(b + "%"); } }
public Controller(ControllerIndex Index) { if (Index == ControllerIndex.Controller01) { ctrlHandle = DevicerHandle.Controller01; indexInt = 0; } else { ctrlHandle = DevicerHandle.Controller02; indexInt = 1; } m_state = (DeviceConnectionState)XDevicePlugin.GetInt(this.ctrlHandle, XDevicePlugin.XVpuAttributes.kXVpuAttr_Int_ConnectionState, (int)DeviceConnectionState.Disconnected); //Add LLAPI event listener: XDevicePlugin.RegisterObserver(ctrlHandle, XDevicePlugin.XControllerAttributes.kXCAttr_Int_ConnectionState, new XDevicePlugin.XDeviceConnectStateChangeDelegate(LLAPIConnectionStateChange), ctrlHandle); if (sAllButtons == null) { var controllerButtons = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(ControllerButton)); sAllButtons = new ControllerButton[controllerButtons.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < controllerButtons.Length; i++) { sAllButtons[i] = (ControllerButton)controllerButtons.GetValue(i); } } foreach (var button in sAllButtons) { buttonStates.Add(button, new ButtonState()); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public override bool DeinitAllControllers() { if (!m_IsInited) { return(false); } m_IsInited = false; // int ret; ret = SixensePluginLite.sixenseExit(); if (ret != 0) { return(false); } ret = XDevicePlugin.Exit(); if (ret != 0) { return(false); } // m_Result = 0; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Stops pairing. /// </summary> public static void StopPairing() { int ret = XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_StopPairingController); Debug.LogFormat("Stop pairing result : {0}", ret); }
/// <summary> /// Disconnect the controller at the index. /// </summary> /// <param name="Index">Index.</param> public static void Disconnect(int Index) { XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_DisconnectControllerByIndex, Index); }
public static void DisconnectAll() { int result = XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_DisconnectAllControllers); Debug.LogFormat("Disconnect result: {0}", result); }
/// <summary> /// Connects all paired device. /// </summary> public static void ConnectAll() { int result = XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_ConnectAllPairedControllers); Debug.LogFormat("Connect-All result: {0}", result); }
/// <summary> /// Gets paired device count. /// </summary> /// <param name="PairedNumber">Paired number.</param> public static int GetPairedDeviceCount() { int PairedNumber = XDevicePlugin.GetInt(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XVpuAttributes.kXVpuAttr_Int_PairedNumber, 0); return(PairedNumber); }
/// <summary> /// Starts pairing. /// </summary> public static void StartPairing(XDevicePlugin.XControllerTypes controllerType) { XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_StartPairingController, (int)controllerType); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the controller01 rotation. /// </summary> /// <returns>The controller01 rotation.</returns> public static Quaternion GetController01Rotation() { XDevicePlugin.ActParam_ControllerState state = new XDevicePlugin.ActParam_ControllerState(); XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.Controller01, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_GetControllerState, ref state); return(new Quaternion(state.rotation[0], state.rotation[1], state.rotation[2], state.rotation[3])); }
/// <summary> /// Unpair the specified controllerIndex. /// </summary> /// <param name="controllerIndex">Controller index.</param> public static void Unpair(int controllerIndex) { var ret = XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_UnpairController, controllerIndex); Debug.LogFormat("Unpair controller: {0}, result: {1}", controllerIndex, ret); }
/// <summary> /// Unpairs all. /// </summary> public static void UnpairAll() { int ret3 = XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_UnpairAllControllers); Debug.LogFormat("Unpair all controllers: {0}", ret3); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize this device. /// </summary> public virtual void InitDevice(VRContext context) { m_Handle = XDevicePlugin.GetInputDeviceHandle("VRDevice"); }
public virtual void OnTrackerRecenter() { if (m_PlayArea != null) { Transform t = m_PlayArea.transform; float yaw = 180.0f + m_Transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y; t.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, yaw, 0.0f); Vector3 newPos = m_Transform.localPosition - t.localRotation * new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, XDevicePlugin.GetFloat(m_TrackerHandle, XDevicePlugin.kField_TrackerDepth, 0f)); newPos.y = t.localPosition.y; t.localPosition = newPos; } UpdateModel(); }