/// <summary>
        /// Clones and returns the setting object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentCategory">The parent category where the cloned setting should be placed.</param>
        /// <param name="ownerFirmware">The owner firmware of the cloned setting.</param>
        /// <returns>The cloned setting object.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="AbstractXBeeSetting"/>
        public new AbstractXBeeSetting CloneSetting(XBeeCategory parentCategory, XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware)
            XBeeSettingButton clonedSetting = (XBeeSettingButton)base.CloneSetting(parentCategory, ownerFirmware);

            // Clone the attributes of this object.
            clonedSetting.FunctionNumber = FunctionNumber;

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones and returns the setting object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentCategory">The parent category where the cloned setting should be placed.</param>
        /// <param name="ownerFirmware">The owner firmware of the cloned setting.</param>
        /// <returns>The cloned setting object.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="AbstractXBeeSetting"/>
        public new AbstractXBeeSetting CloneSetting(XBeeCategory parentCategory, XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware)
            XBeeSettingNoControl clonedSetting = (XBeeSettingNoControl)base.CloneSetting(parentCategory, ownerFirmware);

            // Clone the attributes of this object.
            clonedSetting.Format = Format;

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given XML element returning a list with the XBee settings found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settingsElement">The XML element to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parentCategory">The XBee category where the settings should be located.</param>
        /// <param name="ownerFirmware">The owner firmware of the settings to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A list with the XBee settings found.</returns>
        private static List <AbstractXBeeSetting> ParseSettings(XElement settingsElement, XBeeCategory parentCategory,
                                                                XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware)
            List <AbstractXBeeSetting> xbeeSettings = new List <AbstractXBeeSetting>();

            List <XElement> atSettingsList = new List <XElement>();

            foreach (XElement element in settingsElement.Elements())
                if (element.Name.ToString().Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_SETTING))
            List <XElement> bufferSettingsList = new List <XElement>();

            foreach (XElement element in settingsElement.Elements())
                if (element.Name.ToString().Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_BUFFER_SETTING))

            if ((atSettingsList == null || atSettingsList.Count == 0) &&
                (bufferSettingsList == null || bufferSettingsList.Count == 0))

            // We do not know if the AT and buffer settings can live in the same category, so suppose YES so
            // do it the hard way.
            // Parse all the AT settings.
            foreach (XElement settingElement in atSettingsList)
                AbstractXBeeSetting xbeeSetting = ParseATSetting(settingElement, parentCategory, ownerFirmware);
                if (xbeeSetting != null)

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the given setting element assuming it is an AT setting. Return the setting object
        /// corresponding to the XML element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settingElement">The XML element to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parentCategory">The parent category (where the setting will be placed).</param>
        /// <param name="ownerFirmware">The owner firmware of the settings to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>The setting object corresponding to the given XML element.</returns>
        private static AbstractXBeeSetting ParseATSetting(XElement settingElement, XBeeCategory parentCategory,
                                                          XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware)
            AbstractXBeeSetting xbeeSetting = null;

            // As this is an AT command setting, read the AT command.
            string atCommand = null;

            if (settingElement.Attribute(XMLFirmwareConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND) != null)
                atCommand = settingElement.Attribute(XMLFirmwareConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND).Value;

            string name         = null;
            string description  = null;
            string defaultValue = null;
            string controlType  = null;

            int numNetworks = 1;

            // Necessary items to parse and create an AT setting, if they are not defined, return a
            // null setting.
            if (settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_NAME) == null ||
                settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_DESCRIPTION) == null ||
                settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CONTROL_TYPE) == null)

            name        = settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_NAME).Value.Trim();
            description = settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_DESCRIPTION).Value.Trim();
            controlType = settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CONTROL_TYPE).Value.Trim();
            // Check if the setting has the number of networks field.
            if (settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_NETWORKS) != null)
                int.TryParse(settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_NETWORKS).Value.Trim(), out numNetworks);

            // There are settings that may not have a default value defined.
            if (settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_DEFAULT_VALUE) != null)
                defaultValue = settingElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_DEFAULT_VALUE).Value;
                if (defaultValue.ToLower().StartsWith("0x"))
                    defaultValue = defaultValue.Substring(2);

            // Only the button setting is allowed to not have an AT command associated, so
            // if the read AT command is <c>null</c>, return null.
            if (!controlType.Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.SETTING_TYPE_BUTTON) && atCommand == null)

            // Generate the setting object and fill it depending on the control type.
            if (controlType.Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.SETTING_TYPE_BUTTON))
                xbeeSetting = new XBeeSettingButton(name, description, parentCategory, ownerFirmware, numNetworks);
                FillButtonSetting(settingElement, (XBeeSettingButton)xbeeSetting);
            else if (controlType.Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.SETTING_TYPE_COMBO))
                xbeeSetting = new XBeeSettingCombo(atCommand, name, description, defaultValue, parentCategory, ownerFirmware, numNetworks);
                FillComboSetting(settingElement, (XBeeSettingCombo)xbeeSetting);
            else if (controlType.Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.SETTING_TYPE_NONE))
                xbeeSetting = new XBeeSettingNoControl(atCommand, name, description, defaultValue, parentCategory, ownerFirmware, numNetworks);
                FillNoControlSetting(settingElement, (XBeeSettingNoControl)xbeeSetting);
            else if (controlType.Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.SETTING_TYPE_NON_EDITABLE_STRING))
                xbeeSetting = new XBeeSettingNoControl(atCommand, name, description, defaultValue, parentCategory, ownerFirmware, numNetworks);
                FillNoControlSetting(settingElement, (XBeeSettingNoControl)xbeeSetting);
                ((XBeeSettingNoControl)xbeeSetting).Format = Format.ASCII;
            else if (controlType.Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.SETTING_TYPE_NUMBER))
                xbeeSetting = new XBeeSettingNumber(atCommand, name, description, defaultValue, parentCategory, ownerFirmware, numNetworks);
                FillNumberSetting(settingElement, (XBeeSettingNumber)xbeeSetting);
            else if (controlType.Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.SETTING_TYPE_TEXT))
                xbeeSetting = new XBeeSettingText(atCommand, name, description, defaultValue, parentCategory, ownerFirmware, numNetworks);
                FillTextSetting(settingElement, (XBeeSettingText)xbeeSetting);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given file and returns the XBee firmware objects found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">File to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="fullParse">Determines if the parsing process will also include the categories with
        /// settings and configuration commands (true) or will only parse the firmware's basic
        /// information (false).</param>
        /// <returns>A list with the XBee firmware objects found in the file, <c>null</c> if error.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ParsingException">If there is any problem parsing the firmware XML file.</exception>
        public static List <XBeeFirmware> ParseFile(FileInfo file, bool fullParse)
            List <XBeeFirmware> xbeeFirmwares = new List <XBeeFirmware>();

            XDocument document = XDocument.Load(file.FullName);

            // Verify if the file has the expected contents and there is any
            // XBee firmware defined inside.
            XElement firmwaresElement = document.Root;

            if (firmwaresElement == null || !firmwaresElement.Name.ToString().Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FIRMWARES))
                throw new ParsingException(string.Format(ERROR_INVALID_XML_CONTENTS, file.FullName, MSG_FIRMWARES_NOT_FOUND));

            List <XElement> firmwaresList = new List <XElement>();

            foreach (XElement element in firmwaresElement.Elements())
                if (element.Name.ToString().Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FIRMWARE))
            if (firmwaresList == null || firmwaresList.Count == 0)
                throw new ParsingException(ERROR_FIRMWARE_NOT_FOUND);

            foreach (XElement firmwareElement in firmwaresList)
                // This is the list of necessary items to define a firmware. If any of them is
                // not defined discard this firmware.
                string firmwareVersion = firmwareElement.Attribute(XMLFirmwareConstants.ATTRIBUTE_FW_VERSION).Value;
                if (firmwareVersion == null ||
                    firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FAMILY) == null ||
                    firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_PRODUCT_NAME) == null ||
                    firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_HW_VERSION) == null ||
                    firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_COMPATIBILITY_NUM) == null ||
                    firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CONFIG_BUFFER_LOC) == null ||
                    firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == null ||
                    firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CRC_BUFFER_LEN) == null ||
                    firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FUNCTION) == null)

                string family      = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FAMILY).Value;
                string productName = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_PRODUCT_NAME).Value;
                string hwVersion   = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_HW_VERSION).Value;
                if (!hwVersion.ToUpper().StartsWith(ParsingUtils.HEXADECIMAL_PREFIX))
                    if (!ParsingUtils.IsInteger(hwVersion))
                        hwVersion = MXIHardwareVersionDictionary.GetDictionaryValue(hwVersion.ToUpper());
                        string prefix = hwVersion.Length > 1 ? "0x" : "0x0";
                        hwVersion = prefix + hwVersion;
                string compatibilityNumber  = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_COMPATIBILITY_NUM).Value;
                string configBufferLocation = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CONFIG_BUFFER_LOC).Value;
                string flashPageSize        = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE).Value;
                string crcBufferLength      = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CRC_BUFFER_LEN).Value;
                string functionSet          = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FUNCTION).Value;

                // Check if Region item exists.
                string region = "99";
                if (firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_REGION) != null)
                    region = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_REGION).Value;

                // Generate the XBee firmware object.
                XBeeFirmware xbeeFirmware = new XBeeFirmware(family, productName, hwVersion,
                                                             compatibilityNumber, firmwareVersion, configBufferLocation, flashPageSize,
                                                             crcBufferLength, functionSet)
                    // Set the region of the firmware.
                    Region = region,

                    // Set the content of the firmware.
                    DefinitionFileContent = new StreamReader(file.OpenRead()).ReadToEnd()

                // Set the path of the definition file in the XBee firmware.

                // Check if Modem item exists.
                if (firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_MODEM) != null)
                    XElement modemElement = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_MODEM);
                    if (modemElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_MODEM_VERISON) != null)
                        xbeeFirmware.ModemVersion = modemElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_MODEM_VERISON).Value;
                        if (modemElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_MODEM_URL) != null)
                            xbeeFirmware.ModemUrl = modemElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_MODEM_URL).Value;

                // If a full parse is not needed, continue.
                if (!fullParse)

                xbeeFirmware.Initialized = true;

                // Parse and add the categories with their corresponding settings.
                XElement categoriesElement = firmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CATEGORIES);
                if (categoriesElement != null)
                    List <XBeeCategory> xbeeCategories = ParseCategories(categoriesElement, null, xbeeFirmware);
                    if (xbeeCategories != null && xbeeCategories.Count > 0)
                        xbeeFirmware.Categories = xbeeCategories;


Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given XML element returning a list with the XBee categories found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoriesElement">The XML element to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parentCategory">The XBee category where the categories should be located,
        /// <c>null</c> if they are root categories.</param>
        /// <param name="ownerFirmware">The owner firmware of the categories to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A list with the XBee categories found.</returns>
        private static List <XBeeCategory> ParseCategories(XElement categoriesElement, XBeeCategory parentCategory,
                                                           XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware)
            List <XBeeCategory> xbeeCategories = new List <XBeeCategory>();

            List <XElement> categoriesList = new List <XElement>();

            foreach (XElement element in categoriesElement.Elements())
                if (element.Name.ToString().Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CATEGORY))
            if (categoriesList == null || categoriesList.Count == 0)

            foreach (XElement categoryElement in categoriesList)
                string name        = categoryElement.Attribute(XMLFirmwareConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME).Value;
                string description = null;

                // Necessary items to parse and create an XBee category, if they are not defined
                // continue the parsing process.
                if (name == null || categoryElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_DESCRIPTION) == null)

                // Parse the possible categories inside a category.
                description = categoryElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_DESCRIPTION).Value;
                XBeeCategory xbeeCategory = new XBeeCategory(name, description, parentCategory, ownerFirmware);

                if (categoryElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_SETTINGS) != null)
                    List <AbstractXBeeSetting> settings = ParseSettings(categoryElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_SETTINGS),
                                                                        xbeeCategory, ownerFirmware);
                    if (settings != null && settings.Count > 0)
                        xbeeCategory.Settings = settings;
                // Parse the possible settings inside a category.
                if (categoryElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CATEGORIES) != null)
                    List <XBeeCategory> parsedCategories = ParseCategories(categoryElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CATEGORIES),
                                                                           xbeeCategory, ownerFirmware);
                    if (parsedCategories != null && parsedCategories.Count > 0)
                        xbeeCategory.Categories = parsedCategories;


            // Sort the categories list to put in first place the Special category (if the
            // list contains it).
            xbeeCategories.Sort(new XBeeCategoriesSorter());

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the XML firmware description file of the XBee firmware and fills the XBee categories
        /// and configuration commands of the XBee firmware object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xbeeFirmware">The XBee firmware to fill.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ParsingException">If there is any problem parsing the firmware contents.</exception>
        public static void ParseFirmwareContents(XBeeFirmware xbeeFirmware)
            xbeeFirmware.Initialized = true;

            XDocument document     = null;
            string    fullFileName = "";

            if (xbeeFirmware.DefinitionFileContent != null)
                document = XDocument.Parse(xbeeFirmware.DefinitionFileContent);
                FileInfo definitionFile = new FileInfo(xbeeFirmware.DefinitionFileLocation);
                document     = XDocument.Load(definitionFile.FullName);
                fullFileName = definitionFile.FullName;

            XElement firmwaresElement = document.Root;

            if (firmwaresElement == null || !firmwaresElement.Name.ToString().Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FIRMWARES))
                if (xbeeFirmware.DefinitionFileContent != null)
                    throw new ParsingException(string.Format(ERROR_INVALID_XML_CONTENTS_STRING, MSG_FIRMWARES_NOT_FOUND));
                    throw new ParsingException(string.Format(ERROR_INVALID_XML_CONTENTS, fullFileName, MSG_FIRMWARES_NOT_FOUND));

            List <XElement> firmwaresList = new List <XElement>();

            foreach (XElement element in firmwaresElement.Elements())
                if (element.Name.ToString().Equals(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_FIRMWARE))
            if (firmwaresList == null || firmwaresList.Count == 0)
                throw new ParsingException(ERROR_FIRMWARE_NOT_FOUND);

            XElement selectedFirmwareElement = null;

            foreach (XElement firmwareElement in firmwaresList)
                string firmwareVersion = firmwareElement.Attribute(XMLFirmwareConstants.ATTRIBUTE_FW_VERSION).Value;
                if (firmwareVersion.Equals(xbeeFirmware.FirmwareVersion))
                    selectedFirmwareElement = firmwareElement;
            if (selectedFirmwareElement == null)

            // Parse and add the categories with their corresponding settings.
            XElement categoriesElement = selectedFirmwareElement.Element(XMLFirmwareConstants.ITEM_CATEGORIES);

            if (categoriesElement != null)
                List <XBeeCategory> xbeeCategories = ParseCategories(categoriesElement, null, xbeeFirmware);
                if (xbeeCategories != null && xbeeCategories.Count > 0)
                    xbeeFirmware.Categories = xbeeCategories;
 /// <summary>
 /// Class constructor. Instantiates a new <see cref="XBeeSettingButton"/> object with the
 /// provided parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="atCommand">The AT command corresponding to the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="description">Description of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">Default value of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="category">Parent category of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="ownerFirmware">XBee firmware the setting belongs to.</param>
 /// <param name="numNetworks">The number of networks the setting can be configured for.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeCategory"/>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeFirmware"/>
 public XBeeSettingButton(string atCommand, string name, string description,
                          string defaultValue, XBeeCategory category, XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware, int numNetworks)
     : base(atCommand, name, description, defaultValue, category, ownerFirmware, numNetworks)
     Type = TYPE_BUTTON;
 /// <summary>
 /// Class constructor. Instantiates a new <see cref="XBeeSettingButton"/> object with the
 /// provided parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="atCommand">The AT command corresponding to the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="description">Description of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">Default value of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="category">Parent category of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="ownerFirmware">XBee firmware the setting belongs to.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeCategory"/>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeFirmware"/>
 public XBeeSettingButton(string atCommand, string name, string description,
                          string defaultValue, XBeeCategory category, XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware)
     : this(atCommand, name, description, defaultValue, category, ownerFirmware, 1)
 /// <summary>
 /// Class constructor. Instantiates a new <see cref="XBeeSettingButton"/> object with the
 /// provided parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="description">Description of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="category">Parent category of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="ownerFirmware">XBee firmware the setting belongs to.</param>
 /// <param name="numNetworks">The number of networks the setting can be configured for.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeCategory"/>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeFirmware"/>
 public XBeeSettingButton(string name, string description, XBeeCategory category,
                          XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware, int numNetworks)
     : this(null, name, description, null, category, ownerFirmware, numNetworks)
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Class constructor. Instantiates a new <see cref="XBeeSettingNoControl"/> object with the
 /// provided parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="atCommand">The AT command corresponding to the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="description">Description of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">Default value of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="category">Parent category of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="ownerFirmware">XBee firmware the setting belongs to.</param>
 /// <param name="numNetworks">The number of networks the setting can be configured for.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeCategory"/>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeFirmware"/>
 public XBeeSettingNoControl(string atCommand, string name, string description,
                             string defaultValue, XBeeCategory category, XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware, int numNetworks)
     : base(atCommand, name, description, defaultValue, category, ownerFirmware, numNetworks)
     Type = TYPE_NO_CONTROL;
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Class constructor. Instantiates a new <see cref="XBeeSettingNoControl"/> object with the
 /// provided parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="description">Description of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">Default value of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="category">Parent category of the setting.</param>
 /// <param name="ownerFirmware">XBee firmware the setting belongs to.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeCategory"/>
 /// <seealso cref="XBeeFirmware"/>
 public XBeeSettingNoControl(string name, string description,
                             string defaultValue, XBeeCategory category, XBeeFirmware ownerFirmware)
     : this(name, description, defaultValue, category, ownerFirmware, 1)