Пример #1
        protected override void Expand()
            // Build a selector of table values which were non-empty
            int[] indices = new int[_assignedIndices.Length];

            byte[] metadata = this.Metadata;
            int    count    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i)
                if (metadata[i] != 0)
                    indices[count++] = i;

            // Save the old keys, ranks, and row indices in arrays
            XArray[] keyArrays = new XArray[_keys.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < _keys.Length; ++i)
                keyArrays[i] = XArray.All(_keys[i].Values).Reselect(ArraySelector.Map(indices, count));

            XArray indicesArray = XArray.All(_assignedIndices).Reselect(ArraySelector.Map(indices, count));

            // Expand the table

            // Add items to the enlarged table
            FindOrAdd(keyArrays, indicesArray);
Пример #2
        public void Function_Coalesce_DifferingColumnTypesShouldFail()
            string[]   nameValues     = { "Bob", "Sue", "Joseph", "Marty", "Samantha", "" };
            int[]      ageValues      = { 50, 23, 42, 0, 0, 0 };
            bool[]     ageNullRows    = { false, false, false, true, true, true };
            bool[]     birthdayNulls  = { false, true, true, false, false, false };
            DateTime[] birthdayValues =
                new DateTime(2017, 12, 01, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                new DateTime(2017, 12, 02, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                new DateTime(2017, 12, 03, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                new DateTime(2017, 12, 04, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                new DateTime(2017, 12, 05, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                new DateTime(2017, 12, 05, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),

            XArray names     = XArray.All(nameValues, nameValues.Length);
            XArray ages      = XArray.All(ageValues, ageValues.Length, ageNullRows);
            XArray birthdays = XArray.All(birthdayValues, birthdayValues.Length, birthdayNulls);

            Action query = () => TableTestHarness.DatabaseContext.FromArrays(nameValues.Length)
                           .WithColumn(new ColumnDetails("Name", typeof(string)), names)
                           .WithColumn(new ColumnDetails("Age", typeof(int)), ages)
                           .WithColumn(new ColumnDetails("Birthday", typeof(DateTime)), birthdays)
                           .Query("select Coalesce([Age], [Name], [Birthday])", TableTestHarness.DatabaseContext);

            Assert.ThrowsException <UsageException>(query);
        private XArray Convert(XArray xarray1, XArray xarray2)
            int count = xarray1.Count;

            if (count != xarray2.Count)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("SimpleTwoArgumentFunction must get the same number of rows from each argument.");

            // Allocate for results
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _buffer, count);
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _isNull, count);

            // Convert each non-null value
            bool areAnyNull = false;

            T[] array1 = (T[])xarray1.Array;
            U[] array2 = (U[])xarray2.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                int index1 = xarray1.Index(i);
                int index2 = xarray2.Index(i);

                bool rowIsNull = (xarray1.HasNulls && xarray1.NullRows[index1]) || (xarray2.HasNulls && xarray2.NullRows[index2]);
                areAnyNull |= rowIsNull;

                _isNull[i] = rowIsNull;
                _buffer[i] = (rowIsNull ? default(V) : _function(array1[index1], array2[index2]));

            return(XArray.All(_buffer, count, (areAnyNull ? _isNull : null)));
Пример #4
        public XArray GetChosenRows(int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive, int startIndexInSet)
            // Allocate a buffer to hold matching rows in the range
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _rowBuffer, endIndexExclusive - startIndexInclusive);

            // If we haven't converted best rows to a vector, do so (one time)
            if (_bestRowVector == null)

            // Get rows matching the query and map them from global row IDs to XArray-relative indices
            // Likely better than BitVector.Page because we can't ask it to subtract or to stop by endIndex.
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = startIndexInclusive; i < endIndexExclusive; ++i)
                if (_bestRowVector[i])
                    _rowBuffer[count++] = i - startIndexInSet;

            // Return the matches
            return(XArray.All(_rowBuffer, count));
Пример #5
        public void Function_Coalesce()
            int[] ageValues     = { 50, 23, 42, 0, -99, 0 };
            int[] salaryValues  = { 5, 0, 12, -3, 13, 0 };
            int[] siblingValues = { -8, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2 };

            bool[] ageNullRows     = { false, false, false, true, true, true };
            bool[] salaryNullRows  = { false, true, false, true, false, true };
            bool[] siblingNullRows = { true, true, true, false, true, false };

            XArray ages     = XArray.All(ageValues, ageValues.Length, ageNullRows);
            XArray salaries = XArray.All(salaryValues, salaryValues.Length, salaryNullRows);
            XArray siblings = XArray.All(siblingValues, siblingValues.Length, siblingNullRows);

            int[]   expectedValues = { 50, 23, 42, 1, 13, 2 };
            IXTable expected       = TableTestHarness.DatabaseContext.FromArrays(ageValues.Length)
                                     .WithColumn("Coalesce", expectedValues);

            IXTable resultTable = TableTestHarness.DatabaseContext.FromArrays(ageValues.Length)
                                  .WithColumn(new ColumnDetails("Age", typeof(int)), ages)
                                  .WithColumn(new ColumnDetails("Salary", typeof(int)), salaries)
                                  .WithColumn(new ColumnDetails("Siblings", typeof(int)), siblings)
                                  .Query("select Coalesce([Age], [Salary], [Siblings])", TableTestHarness.DatabaseContext);

            TableTestHarness.AssertAreEqual(expected, resultTable, 2);
Пример #6
        public static void RunQueryAndVerify(Array values, string inputColumnName, Array expected, string outputColumnName, string queryText)
            XArray inputxarray    = XArray.All(values, values.Length);
            XArray expectedxarray = XArray.All(expected, expected.Length);

            RunQueryAndVerify(inputxarray, inputColumnName, expectedxarray, outputColumnName, queryText);
Пример #7
        public XArray Values()
            bool[] nulls = null;
            if (_nullItemIndex != -1)
                nulls = new bool[this.Metadata.Length];
                nulls[_nullItemIndex] = true;

            int[] indicesInOrder = new int[this.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Metadata.Length; ++i)
                if (this.Metadata[i] != 0)
                    indicesInOrder[_values[i]] = i;

            // Build an indexed XArray pointing to the keys in insertion order
            XArray keysInOrder = XArray.All(_keys, this.Count, nulls).Reselect(ArraySelector.Map(indicesInOrder, this.Count));

            // Convert it to a contiguous, 0-based XArray
            T[]    contiguousCopy   = null;
            bool[] contiguousIsNull = null;
            return(keysInOrder.ToContiguous <T>(ref contiguousCopy, ref contiguousIsNull));
Пример #8
        private static void RoundTrip(string columnName, int[] array, int batchSize = 128)
            XDatabaseContext context = new XDatabaseContext();

            string columnPath   = Path.Combine("VariableIntegerReaderWriterTests", columnName);
            string columnPrefix = Path.Combine(columnPath, "Vl");


            XArray values = XArray.All(array, array.Length);

            using (IColumnWriter writer = new VariableIntegerWriter(context.StreamProvider, columnPrefix))
                ArraySelector page = ArraySelector.All(0).NextPage(array.Length, batchSize);
                while (page.Count > 0)
                    page = page.NextPage(array.Length, batchSize);

            XArray returned = default(XArray);

            using (IColumnReader reader = new VariableIntegerReader(context.StreamProvider, columnPrefix, CachingOption.AsConfigured))
                returned = reader.Read(ArraySelector.All(array.Length));

            TableTestHarness.AssertAreEqual(values, returned, array.Length);

Пример #9
        public void Append(XArray xarray)
            // If we already had too many values, we're just writing them out normally
            if (_dictionary == null)
                _rowCountWritten += xarray.Count;

            // Otherwise, find the index of each value added
            if (_dictionary.Add(xarray, ref _currentArrayIndices))
                // If we're still under 256 values, write the indices
                _rowIndexWriter.Append(XArray.All(_currentArrayIndices, xarray.Count));
                _rowCountWritten += xarray.Count;
                // If we went over 256 values, convert to writing the values directly
                _rowCountWritten += xarray.Count;
Пример #10
        public XArray Read(ArraySelector selector)
            if (selector.Indices != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // Return the previous xarray if re-requested
            if (selector.Equals(_currentSelector))

            // Allocate the result array
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _array, selector.Count);

            // Read items in pages of 64k
            int byteStart = _bytesPerItem * selector.StartIndexInclusive;
            int byteEnd   = _bytesPerItem * selector.EndIndexExclusive;
            int bytesRead = 0;

            for (int currentByteIndex = byteStart; currentByteIndex < byteEnd; currentByteIndex += ReadPageSize)
                int    currentByteEnd = Math.Min(byteEnd, currentByteIndex + ReadPageSize);
                XArray bytexarray     = _byteReader.Read(ArraySelector.All(int.MaxValue).Slice(currentByteIndex, currentByteEnd));
                Buffer.BlockCopy(bytexarray.Array, 0, _array, bytesRead, bytexarray.Count);
                bytesRead += currentByteEnd - currentByteIndex;

            // Cache and return the current xarray
            _currentArray    = XArray.All(_array, selector.Count);
            _currentSelector = selector;
Пример #11
        // Return an XArray with two empty array elements before and after the valid portion and indices pointing to the valid portion
        public static XArray Pad(XArray values)
            Array modifiedArray = null;

            bool[] nulls = null;
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref modifiedArray, values.Array.Length + 4, values.Array.GetType().GetElementType());

            if (values.HasNulls)
                nulls = new bool[values.Array.Length + 4];

            int[] indices = new int[modifiedArray.Length];

            // Copy values shifted over two (so, two default values at the beginning and two at the end)
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Array.Length; ++i)
                indices[i] = i + 2;
                modifiedArray.SetValue(values.Array.GetValue(values.Index(i)), indices[i]);

                if (values.HasNulls)
                    nulls.SetValue(values.NullRows.GetValue(values.Index(i)), indices[i]);

            // Return an XArray with the padded array with the indices and shorter real length
            int[] remapArray = null;
            return(XArray.All(modifiedArray, values.Count, nulls).Select(ArraySelector.Map(indices, values.Count), ref remapArray));
Пример #12
        private XArray ReadIndices(ArraySelector selector)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _resultArray, selector.Count);

            // Read all string positions
            XArray positions = _positionsReader.Read(ArraySelector.All(_positionsReader.Count));

            int[] positionArray = (int[])positions.Array;

            // Read all raw string bytes
            XArray bytes = _bytesReader.Read(ArraySelector.All(_bytesReader.Count));

            byte[] textArray = (byte[])bytes.Array;

            // Update the String8 array to point to them
            for (int i = 0; i < selector.Count; ++i)
                int rowIndex   = selector.Index(i);
                int valueStart = (rowIndex == 0 ? 0 : positionArray[rowIndex - 1]);
                int valueEnd   = positionArray[rowIndex];
                _resultArray[i] = new String8(textArray, valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart);

            // Cache the xarray and return it
            _currentArray    = XArray.All(_resultArray, selector.Count);
            _currentSelector = selector;
Пример #13
        private void BuildChooseDictionary(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            XArray[] keyarrays  = new XArray[_keyColumnGetters.Length];
            int[]    rowIndices = new int[XTableExtensions.DefaultBatchSize];

            int totalSoFar = 0;
            int count;

            while ((count = _source.Next(XTableExtensions.DefaultBatchSize, cancellationToken)) != 0)
                // Get the rank and key column arrays
                XArray rankArray = _rankColumnGetter();
                for (int i = 0; i < keyarrays.Length; ++i)
                    keyarrays[i] = _keyColumnGetters[i]();

                // Build a row index xarray for these global row IDs
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    rowIndices[i] = totalSoFar + i;
                XArray rowIndexArray = XArray.All(rowIndices, count);
                totalSoFar += count;

                // Add these to the choose dictionary
                _dictionary.Add(keyarrays, rankArray, rowIndexArray);
Пример #14
        private static void Comparer_VerifyWhereAll <T>(T[] left, T[] right, T value) where T : IComparable <T>
            // Try operations between array and single value
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.Single(new T[1] {
            }, left.Length), CompareOperator.Equal);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.Single(new T[1] {
            }, left.Length), CompareOperator.NotEqual);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.Single(new T[1] {
            }, left.Length), CompareOperator.GreaterThan);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.Single(new T[1] {
            }, left.Length), CompareOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.Single(new T[1] {
            }, left.Length), CompareOperator.LessThan);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.Single(new T[1] {
            }, left.Length), CompareOperator.LessThanOrEqual);

            // Try operations between two arrays
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.All(right, right.Length), CompareOperator.Equal);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.All(right, right.Length), CompareOperator.NotEqual);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.All(right, right.Length), CompareOperator.GreaterThan);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.All(right, right.Length), CompareOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.All(right, right.Length), CompareOperator.LessThan);
            Comparer_VerifyWhere <T>(XArray.All(left, left.Length), XArray.All(right, right.Length), CompareOperator.LessThanOrEqual);
Пример #15
        public static void RunQueryAndVerify(Array left, Array right, Array expected, string queryText)
            XArray leftXArray     = XArray.All(left, left.Length);
            XArray rightXArray    = XArray.All(right, right.Length);
            XArray expectedXArray = XArray.All(expected, expected.Length);

            RunQueryAndVerify(leftXArray, rightXArray, expectedXArray, queryText);
Пример #16
        public SchemaTransformer(IXTable source) : base(source)
            _columns    = new ArrayColumn[2];
            _columns[0] = new ArrayColumn(XArray.All(_source.Columns.Select((col) => col.ColumnDetails.Name).ToArray()), new ColumnDetails("Name", typeof(string)));
            _columns[1] = new ArrayColumn(XArray.All(_source.Columns.Select((col) => col.ColumnDetails.Type.Name.ToString()).ToArray()), new ColumnDetails("Type", typeof(string)));

            _enumerateSelector = ArraySelector.All(0);
Пример #17
        public void Function_AsOfDate()
            int[]      values   = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).ToArray();
            DateTime[] expected = new DateTime[] { TestAsOfDateTime, TestAsOfDateTime, TestAsOfDateTime, TestAsOfDateTime, TestAsOfDateTime };

            // Can't try other scenarios with AsOfDate because it doesn't care of the inputs are null or indirect
            RunAndCompare(XArray.All(values), "RowNumber", XArray.All(expected), "Result", "set [Result] AsOfDate()");
Пример #18
        public void Function_IsNull()
            int[]  values = new int[] { 1, 2, 0, 3, 4 };
            bool[] nulls  = new bool[] { false, false, true, false, false };

            XArray input    = XArray.All(values, values.Length, nulls);
            XArray expected = XArray.All(nulls, nulls.Length);

            RunQueryAndVerify(input, "Name", expected, "Name", "set [Name] IsNull([Name])");
Пример #19
        public void Append(XArray xarray)
            // Write the values (without the null markers; we're writing those here)

            // Track the row count written so we know how many null=false values to write when we first see a null
            _rowCountWritten += xarray.Count;

            // If there are no nulls in this set and none previously, no null markers need to be written
            if (!xarray.HasNulls && _nullWriter == null)

            if (_nullWriter == null)
                // Check whether any rows in the set are actually null; the source may contain nulls but the filtered rows might not
                bool areAnyNulls = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count && !areAnyNulls; ++i)
                    areAnyNulls |= xarray.NullRows[xarray.Index(i)];

                // If there are not actually any null rows in this set, don't write null output yet
                if (!areAnyNulls)

                // Open a new file to write IsNull booleans
                string nullsPath = Path.Combine(_columnPath, "Vn.b8.bin");
                _nullWriter = new PrimitiveArrayWriter <bool>(_streamProvider.OpenWrite(nullsPath));

                // Write false for every value so far
                int previousCount = _rowCountWritten - xarray.Count;
                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _falseArray, 1024);
                for (int i = 0; i < previousCount; i += 1024)
                    int rowCount = Math.Min(1024, previousCount - i);
                    _nullWriter.Append(XArray.All(_falseArray, rowCount));

            if (!xarray.HasNulls)
                // If this xarray doesn't have any nulls, write false for every value in this page
                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _falseArray, xarray.Count);
                _nullWriter.Append(XArray.All(_falseArray, xarray.Count));
                // Write the actual true/false values for this page
Пример #20
        private void PostSortAndFilter(XArray groups, XArray counts, int totalRowCount, bool wasAllRows)
            int[] finalIndices = new int[groups.Count];
            int[] finalCounts  = new int[groups.Count];

            int groupCount = 0;

            // Filter to counts over the minimum percentage threshold
            int[] countsArray = (int[])counts.Array;
            if (countsArray != null)
                int threshold = (int)(totalRowCount * MinimumPercentageToReport);
                for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; ++i)
                    int count = countsArray[counts.Index(i)];
                    if (count >= threshold)
                        finalIndices[groupCount] = i;
                        finalCounts[groupCount]  = count;

            // Sort the values by count descending
            Array.Sort <int, int>(finalCounts, finalIndices, 0, groupCount, new ReverseComparer());

            // Limit to the top N if needed
            if (groupCount > MaximumCountToReturn)
                groupCount = MaximumCountToReturn;

            // Set the distinct count (now that it's known)
            _distinctCount = groupCount;

            // Set the output values
            int[]  groupsRemap  = null;
            XArray finalCountsX = XArray.All(finalCounts, groupCount);

            _columns[0].SetValues(groups.Select(ArraySelector.Map(finalIndices, groupCount), ref groupsRemap));

            if (wasAllRows)
                _columns[2].SetValues(PercentageAggregator.ToPercentageStrings(finalCountsX, totalRowCount, PercentageAggregator.TwoSigFigs));
                _columns[2].SetValues(PercentageAggregator.ToPercentageStrings(finalCountsX, totalRowCount, PercentageAggregator.WholePercentage));
Пример #21
        public XArray Concatenate(IList <XArray> columns)

            int count = columns.First().Count;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _buffer, count);
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _isNull, count);

            bool couldBeNulls = columns.Any((col) => col.HasNulls);
            bool areAnyNulls  = false;

            String8[][] arrays = columns.Select((xarray) => (String8[])xarray.Array).ToArray();

            if (!couldBeNulls)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    String8 result = String8.Empty;

                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columns.Count; ++columnIndex)
                        int rowIndex = columns[columnIndex].Index(i);
                        result = _block.Concatenate(result, String8.Empty, arrays[columnIndex][rowIndex]);

                    _buffer[i] = result;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    String8 result = String8.Empty;
                    bool    isNull = false;

                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columns.Count; ++columnIndex)
                        int rowIndex = columns[columnIndex].Index(i);
                        isNull |= columns[columnIndex].HasNulls && columns[columnIndex].NullRows[rowIndex];
                        result  = _block.Concatenate(result, String8.Empty, arrays[columnIndex][rowIndex]);

                    _buffer[i]   = result;
                    _isNull[i]   = isNull;
                    areAnyNulls |= isNull;

            return(XArray.All(_buffer, count, (areAnyNulls ? _isNull : null)));
Пример #22
        public XArray Read(ArraySelector selector)
            if (selector.Indices != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _array, selector.Count);

            _stream.Seek(selector.StartIndexInclusive, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            _stream.Read(_array, 0, selector.Count);

            return(XArray.All(_array, selector.Count));
Пример #23
        public void Append(XArray xarray)
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _positionsBuffer, xarray.Count);

            String8[] array = (String8[])xarray.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Count; ++i)
                String8 value = array[xarray.Index(i)];
                _position          += value.Length;
                _positionsBuffer[i] = _position;

            _positionsWriter.Append(XArray.All(_positionsBuffer, xarray.Count));
Пример #24
        public static XArray ToPercentageStrings(XArray counts, int total, Func <int, int, string> formatter)
            int[] countArray = (int[])counts.Array;

            String8Block block = new String8Block();

            String8[] percentages = new String8[counts.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < counts.Count; ++i)
                // Convert to a percentage, string, and then String8
                percentages[i] = block.GetCopy(formatter(countArray[counts.Index(i)], total));

            return(XArray.All(percentages, counts.Count));
Пример #25
        public static Func <XArray, XArray> NegatedTryConvertToConverter(NegatedTryConvert negatedTryConvert, string errorContextMessage, ValueKinds errorOn = ValueKindsDefaults.ErrorOn, ValueKinds changeToDefault = ValueKindsDefaults.ChangeToDefault)
            if (negatedTryConvert == null)

            Array result;

            bool[] couldNotConvert;
            bool[] buffer = null;

            if (changeToDefault == ValueKinds.None)
                // Invalid/Null/Empty -> Null, so couldNotConvert becomes IsNull
                return((values) =>
                    couldNotConvert = negatedTryConvert(values, out result);
                    ErrorWhenSpecified(errorOn, values, couldNotConvert, errorContextMessage);
                    return XArray.All(result, values.Count, MergeNulls(values, couldNotConvert, ref buffer), values.Selector.IsSingleValue);
            else if (changeToDefault == ValueKinds.Invalid)
                // Invalid -> Default, so keep nulls from source
                return((values) =>
                    couldNotConvert = negatedTryConvert(values, out result);
                    ErrorWhenSpecified(errorOn, values, couldNotConvert, errorContextMessage);
                    return XArray.All(result, values.Count, XArray.RemapNulls(values, ref couldNotConvert), values.Selector.IsSingleValue);
            else if (changeToDefault == ValueKinds.InvalidOrNull)
                // Invalid/Null/Empty -> Default, so negate all nulls
                return((values) =>
                    couldNotConvert = negatedTryConvert(values, out result);
                    ErrorWhenSpecified(errorOn, values, couldNotConvert, errorContextMessage);
                    return XArray.All(result, values.Count, null, values.Selector.IsSingleValue);
                throw new NotImplementedException(changeToDefault.ToString());
Пример #26
        // Return an XArray with nulls inserted for every other value
        public static XArray Nulls(XArray values)
            Array modifiedArray = null;

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref modifiedArray, values.Array.Length * 2, values.Array.GetType().GetElementType());
            bool[] nulls = new bool[modifiedArray.Length];

            // Every other value is null
            for (int i = 0; i < modifiedArray.Length; ++i)
                nulls[i] = (i % 2 == 0);
                modifiedArray.SetValue(values.Array.GetValue(values.Index(i / 2)), i);

            // Return an XArray with the doubled length and alternating nulls
            return(XArray.All(modifiedArray, modifiedArray.Length, nulls));
Пример #27
        public XArray Read(ArraySelector selector)
            if (selector.Indices != null)
            if (selector.Count == 0)
                return(XArray.All(_resultArray, 0));

            // Return previous xarray if re-requested
            if (selector.Equals(_currentSelector))

            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _resultArray, selector.Count);
            bool includesFirstString = (selector.StartIndexInclusive == 0);

            // Read the string positions and bytes

            // Update the String8 array to point to them
            byte[] textArray        = (byte[])_currentRaw.Bytes.Array;
            int[]  positionArray    = (int[])_currentRaw.Positions.Array;
            int    firstStringStart = (includesFirstString ? 0 : positionArray[_currentRaw.Positions.Index(0)]);
            int    positionOffset   = _currentRaw.Positions.Index((includesFirstString ? 0 : 1));
            int    textOffset       = firstStringStart - _currentRaw.Bytes.Index(0);

            int previousStringEnd = firstStringStart - textOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < selector.Count; ++i)
                int valueEnd = positionArray[i + positionOffset] - textOffset;
                _resultArray[i]   = new String8(textArray, previousStringEnd, valueEnd - previousStringEnd);
                previousStringEnd = valueEnd;

            // Cache the xarray and return it
            _currentArray    = XArray.All(_resultArray, selector.Count);
            _currentSelector = selector;
Пример #28
        public XArray Read(ArraySelector selector)
            // Return the cached xarray if re-requested
            if (selector.Equals(_currentSelector))

            // Read the values themselves
            XArray values = _valueReader.Read(selector);

            // Read the null markers
            XArray nulls = _nullReader.Read(selector);

            // Cache and return the values and null markers together
            _currentArray    = XArray.All(values.Array, -1, (bool[])nulls.Array).Reselect(values.Selector);
            _currentSelector = selector;
Пример #29
        private static void RunJoinAndVerify(Array joinTo, Array joinFrom, Array expected)
            Type t = joinTo.GetType().GetElementType();

            // Build a table with padded nulls to join from (so we see nulls are also filtered out)
            XArray  joinFromxarray = TableTestHarness.Nulls(XArray.All(joinFrom));
            IXTable joinFromTable  = TableTestHarness.DatabaseContext.FromArrays(joinFromxarray.Count)
                                     .WithColumn(new ColumnDetails("ServerID", t), joinFromxarray);

            // Build the table to join to
            IXTable joinToTable = TableTestHarness.DatabaseContext.FromArrays(joinTo.Length)
                                  .WithColumn(new ColumnDetails("ID", t), XArray.All(joinTo));

            // Run the join - verify the expected values without padding are found
            IXTable       result   = new Join(joinFromTable, "ServerID", joinToTable, "ID", "Server.");
            Func <XArray> serverID = result.Columns.Find("Server.ID").CurrentGetter();

            IXTable expectedTable = TableTestHarness.DatabaseContext.FromArrays(expected.Length).WithColumn("Server.ID", expected);

            TableTestHarness.AssertAreEqual(expectedTable, result, 2);
Пример #30
        public XArray[] DistinctKeys()
            // Build a map from each assigned index to the hash bucket containing it
            int[] indicesInOrder = new int[Count];

            byte[] metadata = this.Metadata;
            for (int i = 0; i < metadata.Length; ++i)
                if (metadata[i] != 0)
                    indicesInOrder[_assignedIndices[i]] = i;

            // Get the array for each key and reselect into assigned order
            XArray[] keyArrays = new XArray[_keys.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < _keys.Length; ++i)
                keyArrays[i] = XArray.All(_keys[i].Values).Reselect(ArraySelector.Map(indicesInOrder, Count));
