Пример #1
        internal Wxmedia_updownlog GetMarkedAndNotdeallog(string weixin, int clientuptypemark)
            string sql = "select top 1 * from wxmedia_updownlog where isfinish=0 and operweixin='" + weixin + "' and clientuptypemark=" + clientuptypemark + " order by id desc";
            var    cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);

            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                Wxmedia_updownlog m = null;
                if (reader.Read())
                    m = new Wxmedia_updownlog
                        id               = reader.GetValue <int>("id"),
                        mediaid          = reader.GetValue <string>("mediaid"),
                        mediatype        = reader.GetValue <string>("mediatype"),
                        savepath         = reader.GetValue <string>("savepath"),
                        created_at       = reader.GetValue <string>("created_at"),
                        createtime       = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("createtime"),
                        opertype         = reader.GetValue <string>("opertype"),
                        operweixin       = reader.GetValue <string>("operweixin"),
                        clientuptypemark = reader.GetValue <int>("clientuptypemark"),
                        comid            = reader.GetValue <int>("comid"),
                        relativepath     = reader.GetValue <string>("relativepath"),
                        txtcontent       = reader.GetValue <string>("txtcontent"),
                        isfinish         = reader.GetValue <int>("isfinish"),
                        materialid       = reader.GetValue <int>("materialid"),
                        remarks          = reader.GetValue <string>("remarks")
Пример #2
 public int Edituploadlog(Wxmedia_updownlog udlog)
     using (var helper = new SqlHelper())
         int r = new InternalWxmedia_updownlog(helper).Edituploadlog(udlog);
Пример #3
        internal Wxmedia_updownlog GetWxmedia_updownlogbymaterialid(int materialid)
            string sql = @"SELECT  top 1   [id]
                          FROM  [wxmedia_updownlog] where  materialid=@materialid and opertype='down' order by id desc";
            var    cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);

            cmd.AddParam("@materialid", materialid);

            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                Wxmedia_updownlog m = null;
                if (reader.Read())
                    m = new Wxmedia_updownlog
                        id               = reader.GetValue <int>("id"),
                        mediaid          = reader.GetValue <string>("mediaid"),
                        mediatype        = reader.GetValue <string>("mediatype"),
                        savepath         = reader.GetValue <string>("savepath"),
                        created_at       = reader.GetValue <string>("created_at"),
                        createtime       = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("createtime"),
                        opertype         = reader.GetValue <string>("opertype"),
                        operweixin       = reader.GetValue <string>("operweixin"),
                        clientuptypemark = reader.GetValue <int>("clientuptypemark"),
                        comid            = reader.GetValue <int>("comid"),
                        relativepath     = reader.GetValue <string>("relativepath"),
                        txtcontent       = reader.GetValue <string>("txtcontent"),
                        isfinish         = reader.GetValue <int>("isfinish"),
                        materialid       = reader.GetValue <int>("materialid"),
                        remarks          = reader.GetValue <string>("remarks")
Пример #4
 internal Wxmedia_updownlog GetWxmedia_updownlog(string weixin, int clientuptypemark, int comid)
         string sql = @"select top 1 * from wxmedia_updownlog 
                         where comid=@comid and  
                         (select weixin from b2b_crm where com_id=@comid 
                          and phone=(select mobile from member_channel where com_id=@comid  and id=(select issuecard from member_card where cardcode=(select idcard from b2b_crm where weixin=@weixin)))) 
                          and mediaid!='' and clientuptypemark=@clientuptypemark and opertype='down' 
                            order by id desc";
         var    cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);
         cmd.AddParam("@comid", comid);
         cmd.AddParam("@weixin", weixin);
         cmd.AddParam("@clientuptypemark", clientuptypemark);
         using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
             Wxmedia_updownlog m = null;
             if (reader.Read())
                 m = new Wxmedia_updownlog
                     id               = reader.GetValue <int>("id"),
                     mediaid          = reader.GetValue <string>("mediaid"),
                     mediatype        = reader.GetValue <string>("mediatype"),
                     savepath         = reader.GetValue <string>("savepath"),
                     created_at       = reader.GetValue <string>("created_at"),
                     createtime       = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("createtime"),
                     opertype         = reader.GetValue <string>("opertype"),
                     operweixin       = reader.GetValue <string>("operweixin"),
                     clientuptypemark = reader.GetValue <int>("clientuptypemark"),
                     comid            = reader.GetValue <int>("comid"),
                     relativepath     = reader.GetValue <string>("relativepath"),
                     txtcontent       = reader.GetValue <string>("txtcontent"),
                     isfinish         = reader.GetValue <int>("isfinish"),
                     materialid       = reader.GetValue <int>("materialid"),
                     remarks          = reader.GetValue <string>("remarks")
Пример #5
        internal int Edituploadlog(Wxmedia_updownlog m)
                if (m.remarks == null)
                    m.remarks = "";
                if (m.materialid == null)
                    m.materialid = 0;

                if (m.id > 0)//编辑操作
                    string sql = @"UPDATE [wxmedia_updownlog]
   SET [mediaid] = @mediaid
      ,[mediatype] = @mediatype
      ,[savepath] = @savepath
      ,[created_at] = @created_at
      ,[createtime] = @createtime
      ,[opertype] = @opertype
      ,[operweixin] = @operweixin
      ,[clientuptypemark] = @clientuptypemark
      ,[comid] = @comid
 WHERE id=@id";

                    var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);
                    cmd.AddParam("@id", m.id);
                    cmd.AddParam("@mediaid", m.mediaid);
                    cmd.AddParam("@mediatype", m.mediatype);
                    cmd.AddParam("@savepath", m.savepath);
                    cmd.AddParam("@created_at", m.created_at);
                    cmd.AddParam("@createtime", m.createtime);
                    cmd.AddParam("@opertype", m.opertype);
                    cmd.AddParam("@operweixin", m.operweixin);
                    cmd.AddParam("@clientuptypemark", m.clientuptypemark);
                    cmd.AddParam("@comid", m.comid);
                    cmd.AddParam("@relativepath", m.relativepath);
                    cmd.AddParam("@txtcontent", m.txtcontent);
                    cmd.AddParam("@isfinish", m.isfinish);
                    cmd.AddParam("@remarks", m.remarks);
                    cmd.AddParam("@materialid", m.materialid);

                else //添加操作
                    string sql = @"INSERT INTO [wxmedia_updownlog]
           ,@materialid);select @@identity;";

                    var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);

                    cmd.AddParam("@mediaid", m.mediaid);
                    cmd.AddParam("@mediatype", m.mediatype);
                    cmd.AddParam("@savepath", m.savepath);
                    cmd.AddParam("@created_at", m.created_at);
                    cmd.AddParam("@createtime", m.createtime);
                    cmd.AddParam("@opertype", m.opertype);
                    cmd.AddParam("@operweixin", m.operweixin);
                    cmd.AddParam("@clientuptypemark", m.clientuptypemark);
                    cmd.AddParam("@comid", m.comid);
                    cmd.AddParam("@relativepath", m.relativepath);
                    cmd.AddParam("@txtcontent", m.txtcontent);
                    cmd.AddParam("@isfinish", m.isfinish);
                    cmd.AddParam("@remarks", m.remarks);
                    cmd.AddParam("@materialid", m.materialid);

                    object o = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    return(o == null ? 0 : int.Parse(o.ToString()));
Пример #6
        public static void Sendweixinchient(string openid, int comid)
            WeiXinBasic basic = new WeiXinBasicData().GetWxBasicByComId(comid);

            string company     = "";
            string channelname = "";
            string name        = "";

            WxMessageLogData messagelogdata = new WxMessageLogData();
            //var messageinfo = messagelogdata.GetWxMessageLogSendTime(comid, openid);//查询2小时内是否给渠道发送过消息

            //if (messageinfo == 0)

            MemberCardData carddata = new MemberCardData();
            var            userdata = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = userdata.GetB2bCrm(openid, comid);

            if (userinfo != null)
                name = userinfo.Name;

            var cardinfo = carddata.GetMemberCardByOpenId(openid);

            if (cardinfo != null)
                var channeldata = new MemberChannelData();
                var channelinfo = channeldata.GetChannelDetail(int.Parse(cardinfo.IssueCard.ToString()));
                if (channelinfo != null)
                    channelname = channelinfo.Name; //渠道名称

                    if (channelinfo.Companyid == 0) //内部渠道
                        B2bCompanyData comdata = new B2bCompanyData();
                        var            cominfo = comdata.GetCompanyBasicById(comid);
                        if (cominfo != null)
                            company = cominfo.Com_name;
                    { //外部合作单位,调取合作单位名称
                        var channelcompanydata = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                        var channelcominfo     = channelcompanydata.GetChannelCompany(channelinfo.Companyid.ToString());
                        if (channelcominfo != null)
                            company = channelcominfo.Companyname;

            if (channelname != "" && channelname != "默认渠道" && channelname != "微信注册" && channelname != "网站注册")
                //微信客服 文本消息
                string data = SendWxMsg(comid, openid, 1, "", name + "你好,我是您的服务顾问" + company + "的 " + channelname + "  ,\n请直接在微信上给我语音或文字留言,我会在手机微信上看到留言并很快回复。您不信? 现在就试试…", "", basic.Weixinno);

                new Weixin_tmplmsgManage().WxTmplMsg_SubscribeActReward(comid, openid, name + "你好,我是您的服务顾问" + company + "的 " + channelname + "  , \\n请直接在微信上给我语音或文字留言,我会在手机微信上看到留言并很快回复。您不信? 现在就试试…\\n", "向《我的服务顾问:" + channelname + "》微信咨询", DateTime.Now.ToString(), "");
                WxMessageLog messagelog = new WxMessageLog();
                messagelog.Comid  = comid;
                messagelog.Weixin = openid;
                var messageedit = messagelogdata.EditWxMessageLog(messagelog);//插入日志

                //顾问录入的 问候语音
                int isreplymediasuc = 0;//发送语音消息状态:0失败;1成功

                WXAccessToken m_accesstoken = WeiXinManage.GetAccessToken(basic.Comid, basic.AppId, basic.AppSecret);
                Wxmedia_updownlog udlog = new Wxmedia_updownlogData().GetWxmedia_updownlog(openid, (int)Clientuptypemark.DownGreetVoice, basic.Comid);
                if (udlog == null)
                    isreplymediasuc = 0;
                    string media_id = new WxUploadDownManage().UploadMultimedia(m_accesstoken.ACCESS_TOKEN, "voice", udlog.savepath);
                    if (media_id != "")
                        Wxmedia_updownlog uplog = new Wxmedia_updownlog
                            id               = 0,
                            mediaid          = media_id,
                            mediatype        = "voice",
                            savepath         = udlog.savepath,
                            created_at       = ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now).ToString(),
                            createtime       = DateTime.Now,
                            opertype         = "up",
                            operweixin       = openid,
                            clientuptypemark = (int)Clientuptypemark.DownGreetVoice,//上传多媒体信息
                            comid            = basic.Comid,
                            relativepath     = udlog.relativepath,
                            txtcontent       = "",
                            isfinish         = 1
                        int uplogresult = new Wxmedia_updownlogData().Edituploadlog(uplog);
                        if (uplogresult == 0)
                            isreplymediasuc = 0;
                            //resxml = "<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[" + requestXML.FromUserName + "]]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[" + requestXML.ToUserName + "]]></FromUserName><CreateTime>" + ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now) + "</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[voice]]></MsgType><Voice><MediaId><![CDATA[" + media_id + "]]></MediaId></Voice></xml>";
                            isreplymediasuc = 1;
                            SendWxMsg(comid, openid, 2, "", "", media_id, basic.Weixinno);
                        isreplymediasuc = 0;

                //if (isreplymediasuc == 0)