Пример #1
 void Wirteini()
     try {
         string file = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Archselect.ini");
         Writeini.Fileini = file;
         Writeini.Wirteini("username", "user", txtUser.Text.Trim());
     } catch { }
Пример #2
 void Readini()
         string file = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Archselect.ini");
         Writeini.Fileini = file;
         string user = Writeini.Readini("username", "user");
         txtUser.Text = user;
Пример #3
        private void toolStripDouGotoP_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string file = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "ScanConfig.ini");

            Writeini.Fileini = file;
            string sj = Writeini.Readini("ImageConten", "GoPage").ToString();

            if (sj.Trim().Length > 0)
                int  p;
                bool b = int.TryParse(sj, out p);
                if (!b || p <= 0)
                p += Clscheck.CrrentPage;
                if (p <= Clscheck.MaxPage)
Пример #4
        public void LoadServerMenu()

            ToolStripMenuItem AboutME;
            AboutME = AddContextMenu("关于", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

            AboutME.Click += AboutMe_Click;

            string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            string iniFilePath = path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini";

            Writeini writeini = new Writeini();

            ToolStripMenuItem StartupSystem;
            StartupSystem = AddContextMenu("随系统启动", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

            StartupSystem.Click += RebootSystem_Click;

            ToolStripMenuItem CheckedUpdate;
            CheckedUpdate = AddContextMenu("检查更新", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

            CheckedUpdate.Click += CheckUpdate_Click;

            string IsFirstRun = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "FirstRun");

            //  string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            //  string IsFirstRun = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "FirstRun", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

            if (IsFirstRun == "1")


                // MessageBox.Show("第一次运行");
                ToolStripMenuItem ProxyMode;
                ProxyMode = AddContextMenu("代理模式", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);
                ProxyMode1 = AddContextMenu("全局代理", ProxyMode.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(GlobalWriteInIClicked));
                ProxyMode2 = AddContextMenu("智能代理", ProxyMode.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(SmartWriteINIClicked));

                ToolStripMenuItem subItem;
                subItem = AddContextMenu("服务器", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

                string ServerindexString = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "index");

                //  string ServerindexString = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "index", path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                //  MessageBox.Show(ServerindexString);

                int ServerindexInt = int.Parse(ServerindexString);

                int j = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < ServerindexInt; i++)

                    j = j + 1;

                    string ServerAddress = writeini.GetSetting("User", "Server" + j.ToString());

                    //   string ServerAddress = ReadINI("User", "Server" + j.ToString(), path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                    //   MessageBox.Show(ServerAddress);

                    //   EditServer.listBox1.Items.Add(ServerAddress);

                    AddContextMenu(ServerAddress, subItem.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(MenuClicked));


                AddContextMenu("编辑服务器", subItem.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(EditServer));

                //EditServer form2 = new EditServer();

                ////   form2.DisableButton += new EventHandler(form2_DisableButton);

                //form2.DisableButton += new EventHandler(LoadSetting);




                //  MessageBox.Show("第二次运行");
                ToolStripMenuItem ProxyMode;
                ProxyMode = AddContextMenu("代理模式", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);
                ProxyMode1 = AddContextMenu("全局代理", ProxyMode.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(GlobalWriteInIClicked));
                ProxyMode2 = AddContextMenu("智能代理", ProxyMode.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(SmartWriteINIClicked));

                ToolStripMenuItem subItem;
                subItem = AddContextMenu("服务器", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

                string ServerindexString = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "index");

                //  string ServerindexString = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "index", path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                //  MessageBox.Show(ServerindexString);

                int ServerindexInt = int.Parse(ServerindexString);

                int j = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < ServerindexInt; i++)

                    j = j + 1;

                    string ServerAddress = writeini.GetSetting("User", "Server" + j.ToString());

                    //   string ServerAddress = ReadINI("User", "Server" + j.ToString(), path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                    //   MessageBox.Show(ServerAddress);

                    //   EditServer.listBox1.Items.Add(ServerAddress);

                    AddContextMenu(ServerAddress, subItem.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(MenuClicked));


                AddContextMenu("编辑服务器", subItem.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(EditServer));


            //   contextMenuStrip1.Items.Clear();
            //  contextMenuStrip1.Items.Clear();

            // subItem.DropDownItems.Clear();

            string GlobalStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Global");

            string SmartStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Smart");

            //   string GlobalStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Global", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");
            //   string SmartStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Smart", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

            if (GlobalStatus == "1")


                ((ToolStripMenuItem)ProxyMode1).Checked = true;

                string DefaultServer = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

                //   string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                string PacURL = DefaultServer;



                string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 全局" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + globalURL;
                char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));

            else if (SmartStatus == "1")


                ((ToolStripMenuItem)ProxyMode2).Checked = true;

                string DefaultServer = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

                //  string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 智能" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + DefaultServer;
                char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));


            ToolStripMenuItem subItem1;
            subItem1 = AddContextMenu("-", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

            subItem1 = AddContextMenu("退出", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

            subItem1.Click += tested;
Пример #5
        void LoadSetting(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ToolStripMenuItem AboutME;
            AboutME = AddContextMenu("关于", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

            AboutME.Click += AboutMe_Click;

            ToolStripMenuItem StartupSystem;
            StartupSystem = AddContextMenu("随系统启动", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

            StartupSystem.Click += RebootSystem_Click;

            ToolStripMenuItem CheckedUpdate;
            CheckedUpdate = AddContextMenu("检查更新", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

            CheckedUpdate.Click += CheckUpdate_Click;

            //ToolStripMenuItem subItem2;
            //subItem2 = AddContextMenu("重新加载配置", contextMenuStrip1.Items, new EventHandler(LoadSetting));\

            string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            string iniFilePath = path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini";

            Writeini writeini = new Writeini();


            string IsFirstRun = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "FirstRun");

            //   string IsFirstRun = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "FirstRun", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

            if (IsFirstRun == "1")





                ToolStripMenuItem ProxyMode;

                ToolStripMenuItem subItem;

                ProxyMode = AddContextMenu("代理模式", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);
                ProxyMode1 = AddContextMenu("全局代理", ProxyMode.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(GlobalWriteInIClicked));
                ProxyMode2 = AddContextMenu("智能代理", ProxyMode.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(SmartWriteINIClicked));


                subItem = AddContextMenu("服务器", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

                ToolStripMenuItem subItem1;
                subItem1 = AddContextMenu("-", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

                subItem1 = AddContextMenu("退出", contextMenuStrip1.Items, null);

                subItem1.Click += tested;

                string ServerindexString = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "index");

                //string ServerindexString = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "index", path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                //  MessageBox.Show(ServerindexString);

                int ServerindexInt = int.Parse(ServerindexString);

                int j = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < ServerindexInt; i++)

                    j = j + 1;

                    string inipath = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

                    //  Writeini writeini = new Writeini();

                    string ServerAddress = writeini.GetSetting("User", "Server" + j.ToString());
                    //   MessageBox.Show(ServerAddress);

                    //string ServerAddress = ReadINI("User", "Server" + j.ToString(), path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                    //   MessageBox.Show(ServerAddress);

                    //   EditServer.listBox1.Items.Add(ServerAddress);

                    AddContextMenu(ServerAddress, subItem.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(MenuClicked));


                AddContextMenu("编辑服务器", subItem.DropDownItems, new EventHandler(EditServer));


            //   contextMenuStrip1.Items.Clear();
            //  contextMenuStrip1.Items.Clear();

            // subItem.DropDownItems.Clear();
            //   SetSquidProxy1((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text);

            string GlobalStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Global");
            string SmartStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Smart");

            //string GlobalStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Global", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");
            //string SmartStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Smart", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

            if (GlobalStatus == "1")


                string DefaultServer = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

              //  string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                string PacURL = DefaultServer;



                string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 全局" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + globalURL;
                char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));

                ((ToolStripMenuItem)ProxyMode1).Checked = true;

            else if (SmartStatus == "1")

                ((ToolStripMenuItem)ProxyMode2).Checked = true;

                string DefaultServer = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

                string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 智能" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + DefaultServer;
                char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));

                // MessageBox.Show("test");

                ////   string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                //string path1 = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

                //string ServerindexString1 = @path1 + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini";

                //byte[] buffer = new byte[65535];
                //int rel = GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA(buffer, buffer.GetUpperBound(0), ServerindexString1);
                //int iCnt, iPos;
                //System.Collections.ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                //string tmp;
                //if (rel > 0)
                //    iCnt = 0; iPos = 0;
                //    for (iCnt = 0; iCnt < rel; iCnt++)
                //    {
                //        if (buffer[iCnt] == 0x00)
                //        {
                //            tmp = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(buffer, iPos, iCnt - iPos).Trim();
                //            iPos = iCnt + 1;
                //            if (tmp != "")
                //                arrayList.Add(tmp);
                //            // MessageBox.Show(tmp);
                //        }
                //    }

                //bool exists = ((IList)arrayList).Contains("User");
                //if (exists)

                //    string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 智能" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + DefaultServer;
                //    char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                //    SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));

                //    // MessageBox.Show("test");
                //    SetSquidProxy1(DefaultServer);

                //// 存在
                //// 不存在
                //    //  MessageBox.Show("no exists");

                //    notifyIcon1.Text = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 智能" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器: 未加入";

Пример #6
        void GlobalWriteInIClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            string iniFilePath = path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini";
            Writeini writeini = new Writeini();

            writeini.AddSetting("ProxyMode", "Global", "1");
            writeini.AddSetting("ProxyMode", "Smart", "0");


            //IniWriteValue("ProxyMode", "Global", "1");
            //IniWriteValue("ProxyMode", "Smart", "0");

            //   SetSquidProxy1((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text);

            string GlobalStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Global");
            string SmartStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Smart");

            //string GlobalStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Global", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");
            //string SmartStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Smart", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

            if (GlobalStatus == "1")


                //for (int dlint = 0; dlint< 2; dlint++)



                        string Downloadfilename = "GFWlist.pac";

                        string DefaultServer = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

                        //  string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                        string PacURL = DefaultServer;

                        //     RegularURL(PacURL);

                        string url = PacURL;

                        // MessageBox.Show(url);

                        WebClient client = new WebClient();
                        ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 512;
                        client.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy(System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
                        //  client.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(client_DownloadProgressChanged);
                        client.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(downloader_DownloadFileCompleted);

                        // Starts the download

                        client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(url), @path + "\\" + Downloadfilename);


                    catch (Exception SquidError)
                        MessageBox.Show(SquidError.Message.ToString(), "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                 //   System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000);


            else if (SmartStatus == "1")


                string DefaultServer = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

                //   string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");


                string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 智能" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + DefaultServer;
                char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));


            LoadServerMenu();// LoadServerMenu
Пример #7
        public void ReadSections()
            string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            string ServerindexString = @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini";

            if (File.Exists(ServerindexString))

                //   MessageBox.Show("存在ini");



                //  MessageBox.Show("不存在ini");

                Writeini writeini = new Writeini();
                writeini.AddSetting("DefaultStartup", "index", "0");
                writeini.AddSetting("DefaultStartup", "FirstRun", "1");
                writeini.AddSetting("ProxyMode", "Global", "0");
                writeini.AddSetting("ProxyMode", "Smart", "1");


                //EditServer form2 = new EditServer();

                ////   form2.DisableButton += new EventHandler(form2_DisableButton);

                //form2.DisableButton += new EventHandler(LoadSetting);


Пример #8
        void SmartWriteINIClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            string iniFilePath = path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini";
            Writeini writeini = new Writeini();

            writeini.AddSetting("ProxyMode", "Global", "0");
            writeini.AddSetting("ProxyMode", "Smart", "1");

            //IniWriteValue("ProxyMode", "Global", "0");
            //IniWriteValue("ProxyMode", "Smart", "1");

            //   SetSquidProxy1((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text);

            string GlobalStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Global");
            string SmartStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Smart");

            //string GlobalStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Global", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");
            //string SmartStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Smart", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

            if (GlobalStatus == "1")


                string DefaultServer = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

                //   string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                string PacURL = DefaultServer;



                string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 全局" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + globalURL;
                char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));

            else if (SmartStatus == "1")

                string DefaultServer = writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

                //    string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");


                string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 智能" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + DefaultServer;
                char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));


            LoadServerMenu();// LoadServerMenu
Пример #9
        void MenuClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            string iniFilePath = path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini";

            Writeini writeini = new Writeini();


            //    MessageBox.Show(((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text));

            //   SetSquidProxy1((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text);
            string GlobalStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Global");

            string SmartStatus = writeini.GetSetting("ProxyMode", "Smart");

            //string GlobalStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Global", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");
            //string SmartStatus = ReadINI("ProxyMode", "Smart", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

            if (GlobalStatus == "1")



                    string Downloadfilename = "GFWlist.pac";

                    string DefaultServer= writeini.GetSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server");

                 //   string DefaultServer = ReadINI("DefaultStartup", "Server", @path + "\\" + "SquidConfig.ini");

                    string PacURL = DefaultServer;

                    //     RegularURL(PacURL);

                    string url = PacURL;

                    WebClient client = new WebClient();
                    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 512;

                    //  client.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(client_DownloadProgressChanged);
                    client.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(downloader_DownloadFileCompleted);

                    // Starts the download

                    client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(url), @path + "/" + Downloadfilename);


                catch (Exception SquidError)
                    MessageBox.Show(SquidError.Message.ToString(), "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //  RegularURL(PacURL);

                //   AdslSetSquidProxy(globalURL);

                //   string path = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
                //  string Downloadfilename = "GFWlist.pac";

                //System.IO.StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("c:\\1.pac", Encoding.Default);

                //string tempstr = null;
                //int count = 0;
                //while ((tempstr = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                //    count++;
                //    if (count == 3)
                //    {
                //        string[] StrArray = tempstr.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                //        string newsquidproxy = StrArray[4];

                //        string str = newsquidproxy;
                //        int i = 6;

                //        string StrServerIP = str.Substring(0, str.Length - i); // or str=str.Remove(str.Length-i,i);
                //                                                               // MessageBox.Show(StrServerIP);
                //        AdslSetSquidProxy(StrServerIP);

                //        string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 全局" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + StrServerIP;
                //        char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                //        SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));

                //    }


                //sr.Close(); // release Resources

            else if (SmartStatus == "1")

                //    MessageBox.Show(((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text));
                SetSquidProxy1((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text);

                string NotifyShowContent = "Squid V2.0.0.17" + Environment.NewLine + "代理模式: 智能代理" + Environment.NewLine + "服务器:" + ((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text);
                char[] myChar = NotifyShowContent.ToCharArray();

                SetNotifyIconText(notifyIcon1, new string(myChar));


            writeini.AddSetting("DefaultStartup", "Server", ((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text));


            //    IniWriteValue("DefaultStartup", "Server", ((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Text));