private void button_LaunchPriorConfig_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if ((directoryPath != "") || (label_CurrentFileName.Text != "No file currently loaded..."))

                //Make sure the files can be accessed despite the current privileges.
                File.SetAttributes("configfile.xml", FileAttributes.Normal);
                File.SetAttributes(directoryPath, FileAttributes.Normal);
                File.SetAttributes(directoryPathNoFile, FileAttributes.Normal);

                File.Copy(directoryPath, "configfile.xml", true);                                                                               //Copy the file the user gave and use it to overwrite the config made by the program in the root location.

                MessageBox.Show("Config import successful. Re-launch in order for changes to take effect.\n\nEnjoy,\n-The Flatline DDNS Team"); //Welcome the user.
                Application.Exit();                                                                                                             //Close app so changes can take effect.
                MessageBox.Show("No config file has been loaded in.");
 private void button_LaunchNewConfig_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.Close(); //Close form and continue to app.