/** * Internal function invoked by WritableSheetImpl called when shared data * validation is removed */ public void removeCellFeatures() { /* * // Remove the comment * features.removeComment(); * * // Remove the data validation * features.removeDataValidation(); */ features = null; }
/** * Constructor used when creating a writable cell from a read-only cell * (when copying a workbook) * * @param c the cell to clone * @param t the type of this cell */ protected CellValue(Type t, Cell c) : this(t, c.getColumn(), c.getRow()) { copied = true; format = (XFRecord)c.getCellFormat(); if (c.getCellFeatures() != null) { features = new WritableCellFeatures(c.getCellFeatures()); features.setWritableCell(this); } }
/** * Copy constructor * * @param c the column * @param t the cell type * @param r the row * @param cv the value to copy */ protected CellValue(Type t, int c, int r, CellValue cv) : base(t) { row = r; column = c; format = cv.format; referenced = false; copied = false; // used during a deep copy, so the cell features need // to be added again if (cv.features != null) { features = new WritableCellFeatures(cv.features); features.setWritableCell(this); } }
/** * Adds a cell to this row, growing the array of cells as required * * @param cv the cell to add */ public void addCell(CellValue cv) { int col = cv.getColumn(); if (col >= maxColumns) { //logger.warn("Could not add cell at " + // CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(cv.getRow(), // cv.getColumn()) + // " because it exceeds the maximum column limit"); return; } // Grow the array if needs be if (col >= cells.Length) { CellValue[] oldCells = cells; cells = new CellValue[System.Math.Max(oldCells.Length + growSize, col + 1)]; System.Array.Copy(oldCells, 0, cells, 0, oldCells.Length); oldCells = null; } // Remove any cell features from the cell being replaced if (cells[col] != null) { WritableCellFeatures wcf = cells[col].getWritableCellFeatures(); if (wcf != null) { wcf.removeComment(); // if the cell is part of a shared data validation,then don't remove // the validation if (wcf.getDVParser() != null && !wcf.getDVParser().extendedCellsValidation()) { wcf.removeDataValidation(); } } } cells[col] = cv; numColumns = System.Math.Max(col + 1, numColumns); }
/** * Sets the cell features * * @param cf the cell features */ public void setCellFeatures(WritableCellFeatures cf) { if (features != null) { //logger.warn("current cell features for " + // CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(this) + // " not null - overwriting"); // Check to see if the features include a shared data validation if (features.hasDataValidation() && features.getDVParser() != null && features.getDVParser().extendedCellsValidation()) { DVParser dvp = features.getDVParser(); //logger.warn("Cannot add cell features to " + // CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(this) + // " because it is part of the shared cell validation " + // "group " + // CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(dvp.getFirstColumn(), // dvp.getFirstRow()) + // "-" + // CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(dvp.getLastColumn(), // dvp.getLastRow())); return; } } features = cf; cf.setWritableCell(this); // If the cell is already on the worksheet, then add the cell features // to the workbook if (referenced) { addCellFeatures(); } }
/** * If the inputFile was the test spreadsheet, then it modifies certain fields * of the writable copy * * @param w */ private void modify(WritableWorkbook w) { Console.WriteLine("Modifying..."); WritableSheet sheet = w.getSheet("modified"); WritableCell cell = null; CellFormat cf = null; Label l = null; WritableCellFeatures wcf = null; // Change the format of cell B4 to be emboldened cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 3); WritableFont bold = new WritableFont(WritableFont.ARIAL, WritableFont.DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE, WritableFont.BOLD); cf = new WritableCellFormat(bold); cell.setCellFormat(cf); // Change the format of cell B5 to be underlined cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 4); WritableFont underline = new WritableFont(WritableFont.ARIAL, WritableFont.DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE, WritableFont.NO_BOLD, false, UnderlineStyle.SINGLE); cf = new WritableCellFormat(underline); cell.setCellFormat(cf); // Change the point size of cell B6 to be 10 point cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 5); WritableFont tenpoint = new WritableFont(WritableFont.ARIAL, 10); cf = new WritableCellFormat(tenpoint); cell.setCellFormat(cf); // Change the contents of cell B7 to read "Label - mod" cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 6); if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL) { Label lc = (Label)cell; lc.setString(lc.getString() + " - mod"); } // Change cell B10 to display 7 dps cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 9); NumberFormat sevendps = new NumberFormat("#.0000000"); cf = new WritableCellFormat(sevendps); cell.setCellFormat(cf); // Change cell B11 to display in the format 1e4 cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 10); NumberFormat exp4 = new NumberFormat("0.####E0"); cf = new WritableCellFormat(exp4); cell.setCellFormat(cf); // Change cell B12 to be normal display cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 11); cell.setCellFormat(WritableWorkbook.NORMAL_STYLE); // Change the contents of cell B13 to 42 cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 12); if (cell.getType() == CellType.NUMBER) { Number n2 = (Number)cell; n2.setValue(42); } // Add 0.1 to the contents of cell B14 cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 13); if (cell.getType() == CellType.NUMBER) { Number n3 = (Number)cell; n3.setValue(n3.getValue() + 0.1); } // Change the date format of cell B17 to be a custom format cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 16); DateFormat df = new DateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"); cf = new WritableCellFormat(df); cell.setCellFormat(cf); // Change the date format of cell B18 to be a standard format cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 17); cf = new WritableCellFormat(DateFormats.FORMAT9); cell.setCellFormat(cf); // Change the date in cell B19 to be 18 Feb 1998, 11:23:28 cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 18); if (cell.getType() == CellType.DATE) { // TODO: fix this.... //DateTime dt = (DateTime)cell; //Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); //cal.set(1998, 1, 18, 11, 23, 28); //Date d = cal.getTime(); //dt.setDate(d); } // Change the value in B23 to be 6.8. This should recalculate the // formula cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 22); if (cell.getType() == CellType.NUMBER) { Number n1 = (Number)cell; n1.setValue(6.8); } // Change the label in B30. This will have the effect of making // the original string unreferenced cell = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 29); if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL) { l = (Label)cell; l.setString("Modified string contents"); } // Insert a new row (number 35) sheet.insertRow(34); // Delete row 38 (39 after row has been inserted) sheet.removeRow(38); // Insert a new column (J) sheet.insertColumn(9); // Remove a column (L - M after column has been inserted) sheet.removeColumn(11); // Remove row 44 (contains a hyperlink), and then insert an empty // row just to keep the numbers consistent sheet.removeRow(43); sheet.insertRow(43); // Modify the hyperlinks WritableHyperlink[] hyperlinks = sheet.getWritableHyperlinks(); for (int i = 0; i < hyperlinks.Length; i++) { WritableHyperlink wh = hyperlinks[i]; if (wh.getColumn() == 1 && wh.getRow() == 39) { try { // Change the hyperlink that begins in cell B40 to be a different API wh.setURL(new Uri("http://www.andykhan.com/jexcelapi/index.html")); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } else if (wh.getColumn() == 1 && wh.getRow() == 40) { wh.setFile(new FileInfo("../jexcelapi/docs/overview-summary.html")); } else if (wh.getColumn() == 1 && wh.getRow() == 41) { wh.setFile(new FileInfo("d:/home/jexcelapi/docs/jxl/package-summary.html")); } else if (wh.getColumn() == 1 && wh.getRow() == 44) { // Remove the hyperlink at B45 sheet.removeHyperlink(wh); } } // Change the background of cell F31 from blue to red WritableCell c = sheet.getWritableCell(5, 30); WritableCellFormat newFormat = new WritableCellFormat(c.getCellFormat()); newFormat.setBackground(Colour.RED); c.setCellFormat(newFormat); // Modify the contents of the merged cell l = new Label(0, 49, "Modified merged cells"); sheet.addCell(l); // Modify the chart data Number n = (Number)sheet.getWritableCell(0, 70); n.setValue(9); n = (Number)sheet.getWritableCell(0, 71); n.setValue(10); n = (Number)sheet.getWritableCell(0, 73); n.setValue(4); // Add in a cross sheet formula Formula f = new Formula(1, 80, "ROUND(COS(original!B10),2)"); sheet.addCell(f); // Add in a formula from the named cells f = new Formula(1, 83, "value1+value2"); sheet.addCell(f); // Add in a function formula using named cells f = new Formula(1, 84, "AVERAGE(value1,value1*4,value2)"); sheet.addCell(f); // Copy sheet 1 to sheet 3 // w.copySheet(0, "copy", 2); // Use the cell deep copy feature Label label = new Label(0, 88, "Some copied cells", cf); sheet.addCell(label); label = new Label(0, 89, "Number from B9"); sheet.addCell(label); WritableCell wc = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 9).copyTo(1, 89); sheet.addCell(wc); label = new Label(0, 90, "Label from B4 (modified format)"); sheet.addCell(label); wc = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 3).copyTo(1, 90); sheet.addCell(wc); label = new Label(0, 91, "Date from B17"); sheet.addCell(label); wc = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 16).copyTo(1, 91); sheet.addCell(wc); label = new Label(0, 92, "Boolean from E16"); sheet.addCell(label); wc = sheet.getWritableCell(4, 15).copyTo(1, 92); sheet.addCell(wc); label = new Label(0, 93, "URL from B40"); sheet.addCell(label); wc = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 39).copyTo(1, 93); sheet.addCell(wc); // Add some numbers for the formula copy for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Number number = new Number(1, 94 + i, i + 1 + i / 8.0); sheet.addCell(number); } label = new Label(0, 100, "Formula from B27"); sheet.addCell(label); wc = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 26).copyTo(1, 100); sheet.addCell(wc); label = new Label(0, 101, "A brand new formula"); sheet.addCell(label); Formula formula = new Formula(1, 101, "SUM(B94:B96)"); sheet.addCell(formula); label = new Label(0, 102, "A copy of it"); sheet.addCell(label); wc = sheet.getWritableCell(1, 101).copyTo(1, 102); sheet.addCell(wc); // Remove the second image from the sheet WritableImage wi = sheet.getImage(1); sheet.removeImage(wi); wi = new WritableImage(1, 116, 2, 9, new FileInfo("resources/littlemoretonhall.png")); sheet.addImage(wi); // Add a list data validations label = new Label(0, 151, "Added drop down validation"); sheet.addCell(label); Blank b = new Blank(1, 151); wcf = new WritableCellFeatures(); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add("The Fellowship of the Ring"); al.Add("The Two Towers"); al.Add("The Return of the King"); wcf.setDataValidationList(al); b.setCellFeatures(wcf); sheet.addCell(b); // Add a number data validation label = new Label(0, 152, "Added number validation 2.718 < x < 3.142"); sheet.addCell(label); b = new Blank(1, 152); wcf = new WritableCellFeatures(); wcf.setNumberValidation(2.718, 3.142, WritableCellFeatures.BETWEEN); b.setCellFeatures(wcf); sheet.addCell(b); // Modify the text in the first cell with a comment cell = sheet.getWritableCell(0, 156); l = (Label)cell; l.setString("Label text modified"); cell = sheet.getWritableCell(0, 157); wcf = cell.getWritableCellFeatures(); wcf.setComment("modified comment text"); cell = sheet.getWritableCell(0, 158); wcf = cell.getWritableCellFeatures(); wcf.removeComment(); // Modify the validation contents of the row 173 cell = sheet.getWritableCell(0, 172); wcf = cell.getWritableCellFeatures(); Range r = wcf.getSharedDataValidationRange(); Cell botright = r.getBottomRight(); sheet.removeSharedDataValidation(cell); al = new ArrayList(); al.Add("Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge"); al.Add("Major Plank"); al.Add("Earl of Ickenham"); al.Add("Sir Gregory Parsloe-Parsloe"); al.Add("Honoria Glossop"); al.Add("Stiffy Byng"); al.Add("Bingo Little"); wcf.setDataValidationList(al); cell.setCellFeatures(wcf); sheet.applySharedDataValidation(cell, botright.getColumn() - cell.getColumn(), 1); //botright.getRow() - cell.getRow()); }
/** * Internal function invoked by WritableSheetImpl called when shared data * validation is removed */ public void removeCellFeatures() { /* // Remove the comment features.removeComment(); // Remove the data validation features.removeDataValidation(); */ features = null; }
/** * Accessor for the cell features */ public void setCellFeatures(WritableCellFeatures wcf) { }