Пример #1
 private void DisplayResult(MessageBoxResult result, WpfMessageBoxProperties msgProperties)
         "Result is: DialogResult." + result + Environment.NewLine +
         "Checkbox is " + (msgProperties.IsCheckBoxChecked ? "" : "not ") + "checked" + Environment.NewLine +
         "Textbox value is: " + msgProperties.TextBoxText);
Пример #2
        private void ButtonWpfMsgBoxLongInstruction_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new  WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button = MessageBoxButton.OK,
                Header = "Here we have an example of a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long instruction text.",
                Image  = MessageBoxImage.Information,
                Text   = "Some text",
                Title  = "Some title",

            MessageBoxResult result = WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties);

Пример #3
        private void ButtonWpfMsgBoxWithHeader_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new  WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button = MessageBoxButton.OK,
                Header = "Some header",
                Image  = MessageBoxImage.Exclamation,
                Text   = "Some text",
                Title  = "Some title",

            MessageBoxResult result = WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties);

Пример #4
        private void ButtonWpfMsgBoxWithTextBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button           = MessageBoxButton.OKCancel,
                IsTextBoxVisible = true,
                Text             = "Some text",
                TextBoxText      = "Pre-defined text",
                Title            = "Some title",

            MessageBoxResult result = WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties);

            DisplayResult(result, msgProperties);
Пример #5
        private void ButtonWpfMsgBoxWithCheckBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button            = MessageBoxButton.OKCancel,
                CheckBoxText      = "I've pre-checked this for you",
                IsCheckBoxChecked = true,
                IsCheckBoxVisible = true,
                Text  = "Some text",
                Title = "Some title",

            MessageBoxResult result = WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties);

            DisplayResult(result, msgProperties);
Пример #6
        private void ButtonWpfMsgBoxCustomButtons_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button           = MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel,
                ButtonCancelText = "Cancel, cancel!",
                ButtonNoText     = "Please no",
                ButtonYesText    = "Yes _Sir",
                Image            = MessageBoxImage.Information,
                Text             = "Some text",
                Title            = "Some title",

            MessageBoxResult result = WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties);

Пример #7
        private void ButtonResetSettings_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button           = MessageBoxButton.OKCancel,
                ButtonOkText     = Properties.Resources.messageBoxResetSettingsButtonOk,
                ButtonCancelText = Properties.Resources.messageBoxButtonCancel,
                Image            = MessageBoxImage.Question,
                Text             = Properties.Resources.messageBoxResetSettingsText,
                Title            = "Bandcamp Downloader",

            if (WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties) == MessageBoxResult.OK)
        private async void ButtonCheckForUpdates_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Version latestVersion;

            try {
                latestVersion = await UpdatesHelper.GetLatestVersionAsync();
            } catch (CouldNotCheckForUpdatesException) {
                var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                    Button       = MessageBoxButton.OK,
                    ButtonOkText = Properties.Resources.messageBoxButtonOK,
                    Image        = MessageBoxImage.Error,
                    Text         = Properties.Resources.messageBoxCheckForUpdatesError,
                    Title        = "Bandcamp Downloader",
                WpfMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), ref msgProperties);


            Version currentVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;

            if (currentVersion.CompareTo(latestVersion) < 0)
                // The latest version is newer than the current one
                var windowUpdate = new WindowUpdate()
                    ShowInTaskbar         = true,
                    WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen,
                var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                    Button       = MessageBoxButton.OK,
                    ButtonOkText = Properties.Resources.messageBoxButtonOK,
                    Image        = MessageBoxImage.Information,
                    Text         = String.Format(Properties.Resources.messageBoxNoUpdateAvailable, currentVersion.ToString(3)),
                    Title        = "Bandcamp Downloader",
                WpfMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), ref msgProperties);
Пример #9
        private void ButtonWpfMsgBoxNiceExample_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button            = MessageBoxButton.OKCancel,
                ButtonOkText      = "Set name",
                CheckBoxText      = "Don't ask again",
                Image             = MessageBoxImage.Exclamation,
                Header            = "No name defined",
                IsCheckBoxChecked = true,
                IsCheckBoxVisible = true,
                IsTextBoxVisible  = true,
                Text  = "Please enter the name to use. You can leave the field empty in order to continue using the default name.",
                Title = "A nice example",

            MessageBoxResult result = WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties);

            DisplayResult(result, msgProperties);
        private void OpenHyperlink(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            string url = e.Parameter.ToString();

            try {
            } catch (Win32Exception ex) when(ex.Message == "The system cannot find the file specified")
                // Probably a relative link like "/docs/help-translate.md"
                var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                    Button       = MessageBoxButton.OK,
                    ButtonOkText = Properties.Resources.messageBoxButtonOK,
                    Image        = MessageBoxImage.Error,
                    Text         = String.Format(Properties.Resources.messageBoxCouldNotOpenUrlError, url),
                    Title        = "Bandcamp Downloader",

                WpfMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), ref msgProperties);
Пример #11
        private void WindowMain_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            if (_activeDownloads)
                // There are active downloads, ask for confirmation
                var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                    Button           = MessageBoxButton.OKCancel,
                    ButtonCancelText = Properties.Resources.messageBoxButtonCancel,
                    ButtonOkText     = Properties.Resources.messageBoxCloseWindowWhenDownloadingButtonOk,
                    Image            = MessageBoxImage.Warning,
                    Text             = Properties.Resources.messageBoxCloseWindowWhenDownloadingText,
                    Title            = "Bandcamp Downloader",

                if (WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties) == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
                    // Cancel closing the window
                    e.Cancel = true;
Пример #12
        private void ButtonWpfMsgBoxAllFeatures_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button            = MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel,
                ButtonCancelText  = "Cancel, cancel!",
                ButtonNoText      = "Please no",
                ButtonYesText     = "Yes _Sir",
                CheckBoxText      = "I've pre-checked this for you",
                Image             = MessageBoxImage.Error,
                Header            = "Here we have an example of a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long instruction text.",
                IsCheckBoxChecked = true,
                IsCheckBoxVisible = true,
                IsTextBoxVisible  = true,
                Text        = GetLongSampleText(),
                TextBoxText = "You should enter something here",
                Title       = "Some title",

            MessageBoxResult result = WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties);

            DisplayResult(result, msgProperties);
Пример #13
        private void ButtonStop_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var msgProperties = new WpfMessageBoxProperties()
                Button           = MessageBoxButton.YesNo,
                ButtonCancelText = Properties.Resources.messageBoxButtonCancel,
                ButtonOkText     = Properties.Resources.messageBoxButtonOK,
                Image            = MessageBoxImage.Question,
                Text             = Properties.Resources.messageBoxCancelDownloadsText,
                Title            = "Bandcamp Downloader",

            if (WpfMessageBox.Show(this, ref msgProperties) != MessageBoxResult.Yes || !_activeDownloads)
                // If user cancelled the cancellation or if downloads finished while he choosed to cancel

            Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;
            _userCancelled       = true;
            buttonStop.IsEnabled = false;
