Пример #1
    void LateUpdate()
        // check how many chunks loaded and queue the ones that couldnt up for generation
        chunksLoaded += Serialization.CheckNewLoaded(chunkGenQueue);


        UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Update Chunks");
        if (updateChunks)


        Vector3i pbp = WorldUtils.GetBlockPos(transform.position);
        Vector3i pcp = WorldUtils.GetChunkPosFromBlockPos(pbp.x, pbp.y, pbp.z);

        if (drawDebug)
            text.text = string.Format(
                "block x:{0} y:{1} z:{2}\n" +
                "chunk x:{3} y:{4} z:{5}\n" +
                "Generat: {6}/{7}\n" +
                "Structr: {8}/{9}\n" +
                "Meshing: {10}/{11}\n" +
                "Light  : {12}/{13}\n" +
                "SLight : {14}/{15}\n" +
                "Free/C : {16}/{17}\n" +
                "Chunks:  {18}\n" +
                "Loaded:  {19}\n" +
                "Greedy:  {20}\n" +
                "v3Pool:  {21}/{22}\n" +
                "intPool: {23}/{24}\n",
                pbp.x, pbp.y, pbp.z, pcp.x, pcp.y, pcp.z,
                JobController.genJobFinished, JobController.genJobScheduled,
                JobController.structureJobFinished, JobController.structureJobScheduled,
                JobController.meshJobFinished, JobController.meshJobScheduled,
                JobController.lightJobFinished, JobController.lightJobScheduled,
                JobController.sunlightJobFinished, JobController.sunlightJobScheduled,
                world.chunkPool.CountFree(), world.chunkPool.Count(),
                world.chunks.Count, chunksLoaded, Chunk.beGreedy,
                Pools.v3N.CountFree(), Pools.v3N.Count(),
                Pools.intN.CountFree(), Pools.intN.Count()
Пример #2
    void FixedUpdate()
        for (int moverIndex = 0; moverIndex < movers.Count; ++moverIndex)
            PhysicsMover mover = movers[moverIndex];
            if (!mover.simulate)
            mover.pos = mover.transform.position;
            if (mover.obeysGravity)
                mover.vel += gravity * Time.deltaTime;

            // loop thru and build list of aabbs with all possible blocks mover could collide with this frame
            // take into account velocity
            AABB swept = AABB.GetSwept(mover.GetWorldAABB(), mover.vel * Time.deltaTime);
            // cast min and max to block positions and add all nearby block AABBs to boxes list
            const float bs    = 0.01f;
            Vector3i    minBP = WorldUtils.GetBlockPos(new Vector3(swept.minX - bs, swept.minY - bs, swept.minZ - bs));
            Vector3i    maxBP = WorldUtils.GetBlockPos(new Vector3(swept.maxX + bs, swept.maxY + bs, swept.maxZ + bs));
            Assert.IsTrue(maxBP.x >= minBP.x && maxBP.y >= minBP.y && maxBP.z >= minBP.z);
            for (int y = minBP.y; y <= maxBP.y; ++y)
                for (int z = minBP.z; z <= maxBP.z; ++z)
                    for (int x = minBP.x; x <= maxBP.x; ++x)
                        if (world.GetBlock(x, y, z).ColliderSolid())
                            AABB b;
                            b.minX = x * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
                            b.minY = y * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
                            b.minZ = z * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
                            b.maxX = (x + 1) * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
                            b.maxY = (y + 1) * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
                            b.maxZ = (z + 1) * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;

            // do a sweeptest against each one and find closest time of collision if any
            // collide against that and zero out velocity on that axis (or bounce)
            // keep going until remainingDelta is very small
            int       loopCount      = 0;
            const int maxLoops       = 10;
            float     remainingDelta = Time.deltaTime; // other game is hardcoded 0.5 because 20 ticks per second i think
            while (remainingDelta > 1e-10f && ++loopCount < maxLoops)
                // find nearest collision out of all nearby blocks
                float nearestTime = 1.0f; // works worse if set to remainingDelta like minetest...
                //int nearestIndex = -1; // will prob need this later for stuff
                int nearestAxis = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; ++i)
                    AABB box = boxes[i];

                    //int axis = AABB.SweepTest2(mover.GetWorldAABB(), box, mover.vel * remainingDelta, out float t);
                    int axis = AABB.SweepTest(mover.GetWorldAABB(), box, mover.vel * remainingDelta, out float t);

                    if (axis == -1 || t >= nearestTime)
                    //Assert.IsTrue(t <= 1.0f && t >= 0.0f);
                    nearestTime = t;
                    //nearestIndex = i;
                    nearestAxis = axis;

                if (nearestAxis == -1)   // no collision
                    mover.pos     += mover.vel * remainingDelta;
                    remainingDelta = 0;
                else     // collision!

                    if (nearestTime < 0)   // handle negative nearest caused by d allowance
                        if (nearestAxis == 0)
                            mover.pos.x += mover.vel.x * nearestTime * remainingDelta;
                        else if (nearestAxis == 1)
                            mover.pos.y += mover.vel.y * nearestTime * remainingDelta;
                        else if (nearestAxis == 2)
                            mover.pos.z += mover.vel.z * nearestTime * remainingDelta;
                        // move to the point of collision and reduce time remaining
                        mover.pos      += mover.vel * nearestTime * remainingDelta;
                        remainingDelta -= nearestTime * remainingDelta;

                    // zero out velocity on collided axis
                    if (nearestAxis == 0)
                        mover.vel.x = 0;
                        //Debug.Log("hit x " + remainingDelta);
                    else if (nearestAxis == 1)
                        mover.vel.y = 0;
                        //Debug.Log("hit y " + remainingDelta);
                    else if (nearestAxis == 2)
                        mover.vel.z = 0;
                        //Debug.Log("hit z " + remainingDelta);

            // lastly, now check if mover is grounded
            AABB moverBox = mover.GetWorldAABB();
            mover.grounded = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; ++i)
                AABB box = boxes[i];

                if (box.maxX - AABB.d > moverBox.minX && box.minX + AABB.d < moverBox.maxX &&
                    box.maxZ - AABB.d > moverBox.minZ && box.minZ + AABB.d < moverBox.maxZ)
                    if (Mathf.Abs(box.maxY - moverBox.minY) < 0.1f)
                        mover.grounded = true;

            if (loopCount >= maxLoops)
                Debug.LogWarning("physics loop count exceeded!");

            mover.transform.position = mover.pos; // update transform
Пример #3
    // based on this source https://github.com/camthesaxman/cubecraft/blob/master/source/field.c#L78
    // and fixes from this  https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/47362/cast-ray-to-select-block-in-voxel-game

    // todo: instead of all parkour fixes just do one mod and if its on block boundary just add 0.00001f to it lol
    public static bool RaycastVoxel(World world, Vector3 origin, Vector3 dir, out RaycastVoxelHit hit)
        if (dir == Vector3.zero)
            Debug.LogError("RaycastVoxel dir is zero!");
            hit.bpos = Vector3i.zero;
            hit.dir  = Dir.none;

        // make sure origin never exactly lines up to block boundary
        // this is kinda filth but seems to work more reliably
        const float ff = 0.001f;

        if (origin.x % Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE == 0)
            origin.x += ff;
        if (origin.y % Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE == 0)
            origin.y += ff;
        if (origin.z % Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE == 0)
            origin.z += ff;

        Vector3i pos = WorldUtils.GetBlockPos(origin);

        // check if inside a block already
        if (world.GetBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z).ColliderSolid())
            hit.bpos = pos;
            hit.dir  = Dir.none;

#if _DEBUG
        lastOrigin = origin;
        lastDir    = dir;

        // how far we are from origin in blocks
        Vector3i radius = Vector3i.zero;

        // direction to increment when stepping
        Vector3i step = Vector3i.zero;

        // ray distance it takes to equal one block unit in each direction (this one doesnt change in loop)
        Vector3 tDelta = Vector3.positiveInfinity;

        // ray distance it takes to move to next block boundary in each direction (this changes)
        Vector3 tMax = Vector3.positiveInfinity;

        if (dir.x > 0.0f)
            step.x   = 1;
            tDelta.x = Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE / dir.x;
            tMax.x   = (Mathf.Ceil(origin.x * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU - origin.x) / dir.x;
            //tMax.x = (ceil(origin.x * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU - origin.x) / dir.x;
        else if (dir.x < 0.0f)
            step.x   = -1;
            tDelta.x = -Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE / dir.x;
            tMax.x   = -(origin.x - Mathf.Floor(origin.x * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU) / dir.x;
            //bool atBoundary = Mathf.Round(origin.x * Chunk.BPU) == origin.x * Chunk.BPU;
            //bool atBoundary = Mth.Mod(origin.x, Chunk.BPU) == 0.0f;
            //tMax.x = atBoundary ? 0 : -(origin.x - Mathf.Floor(origin.x * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU) / dir.x;

        if (dir.y > 0.0f)
            step.y   = 1;
            tDelta.y = Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE / dir.y;
            tMax.y   = (Mathf.Ceil(origin.y * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU - origin.y) / dir.y;
            //tMax.y = (ceil(origin.y * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU - origin.y) / dir.y;
        else if (dir.y < 0.0f)
            step.y   = -1;
            tDelta.y = -Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE / dir.y;
            tMax.y   = -(origin.y - Mathf.Floor(origin.y * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU) / dir.y;
            //bool atBoundary = Mathf.Round(origin.y * Chunk.BPU) == origin.y * Chunk.BPU;
            //bool atBoundary = Mth.Mod(origin.y, Chunk.BPU) == 0.0f;
            //tMax.y = atBoundary ? 0 : -(origin.y - Mathf.Floor(origin.y * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU) / dir.y;

        if (dir.z > 0.0f)
            step.z   = 1;
            tDelta.z = Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE / dir.z;
            tMax.z   = (Mathf.Ceil(origin.z * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU - origin.z) / dir.z;
            //tMax.z = (ceil(origin.z * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU - origin.z) / dir.z;
        else if (dir.z < 0.0f)
            step.z   = -1;
            tDelta.z = -Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE / dir.z;
            tMax.z   = -(origin.z - Mathf.Floor(origin.z * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU) / dir.z;
            //bool atBoundary = Mathf.Round(origin.z * Chunk.BPU) == origin.z * Chunk.BPU;
            //bool atBoundary = Mth.Mod(origin.z, Chunk.BPU) == 0.0f;
            //tMax.z = atBoundary ? 0 : -(origin.z - Mathf.Floor(origin.z * Chunk.BPU) / Chunk.BPU) / dir.z;

        Assert.IsTrue(tDelta.x != 0 || tDelta.y != 0 || tDelta.z != 0);

        while (radius.x * radius.x + radius.y * radius.y + radius.z * radius.z < SELECT_RADIUS * SELECT_RADIUS)
            if (tMax.x < tMax.y)
                if (tMax.x < tMax.z)
                    // increment x
                    tMax.x += tDelta.x;
                    pos.x  += step.x;
                    hit.dir = step.x > 0 ? Dir.west : Dir.east;
                    // increment z
                    tMax.z += tDelta.z;
                    pos.z  += step.z;
                    hit.dir = step.z > 0 ? Dir.south : Dir.north;
                if (tMax.y < tMax.z)
                    // increment y
                    tMax.y += tDelta.y;
                    pos.y  += step.y;
                    hit.dir = step.y > 0 ? Dir.down : Dir.up;
                else     // duplicated from above
                // increment z
                    tMax.z += tDelta.z;
                    pos.z  += step.z;
                    hit.dir = step.z > 0 ? Dir.south : Dir.north;

#if _DEBUG
            // if hit a solid block then return successfully!
            if (world.GetBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z).ColliderSolid())
                hit.bpos = pos;

        hit.bpos = Vector3i.zero;
        hit.dir  = Dir.none;