public void DuplicateNode() { GroundSceneCallbacks.AddUpdateLoopCall(() => { var obj = Game.PlayerLookAtTargetObject; if (obj != null) { var node = WorldSnapshotReaderWriter.Get().GetNodeById((int)obj.NetworkId, obj.ParentObject); if (node != null) { var newNode = WorldSnapshot.CreateNodeCopy(node, obj.Transform); if (newNode != null) { editorPlugin.AddUndoCommand(this, new AddUndoCommandEventArgs(new AddWorldSnapshotNodeCommand(newNode))); } } } }); }
public void PasteNode() { GroundSceneCallbacks.AddUpdateLoopCall(() => { if (copiedNode != null) { var copiedTransform = new Transform(copiedNode.Transform) { Position = cui_hud.GetCursorWorldPosition() }; var newNode = WorldSnapshot.CreateNodeCopy(copiedNode, copiedTransform); if (newNode != null) { editorPlugin.AddUndoCommand(this, new AddUndoCommandEventArgs(new AddWorldSnapshotNodeCommand(newNode))); } } }); }
public void RemoveNode() { if (EnableNodeEditing) { GroundSceneCallbacks.AddUpdateLoopCall(() => { var obj = Game.PlayerLookAtTargetObject; if (obj != null) { var node = WorldSnapshotReaderWriter.Get().GetNodeById((int)obj.NetworkId, obj.ParentObject); if (node != null) { editorPlugin.AddUndoCommand(this, new AddUndoCommandEventArgs(new RemoveWorldSnapshotNodeCommand(node))); WorldSnapshot.RemoveNode(node); } } }); } }
private void ConvertDragDropObjectToWorldSnapshotNode(string objectFilename) { GroundSceneCallbacks.AddUpdateLoopCall(() => { if (!hasValidDragLocation) { // Cleanup the temporary DragDrop object CleanUpDragDropObject(); return; } WorldSnapshotReaderWriter.Node node = WorldSnapshot.CreateAddNode(objectFilename, dragDropObject.Transform); if (node != null) { editorPlugin.AddUndoCommand(this, new AddUndoCommandEventArgs(new AddWorldSnapshotNodeCommand(node))); } // Cleanup the temporary DragDrop object CleanUpDragDropObject(); }); }
public void SendWorldSnapshot(WorldSnapshot WorldSnapshot) { PacketBuffer buffer = new PacketBuffer(); buffer.WriteInt32((int)ServerPackets.SWorldSnapshot); buffer.WriteInt64(WorldSnapshot.createTime); buffer.WriteInt32(WorldSnapshot.RoundNumber); buffer.WriteInt32(WorldSnapshot.TankData.Count); foreach (var Tank in WorldSnapshot.TankData) { buffer.WriteVector3(Tank.Position); buffer.WriteVector3(Tank.Forward); buffer.WriteQuaternion(Tank.Rotation); buffer.WriteVector3(Tank.Velocity); buffer.WriteFloat(Tank.Health); buffer.WriteBoolean(Tank.Dead); buffer.WriteFloat(Tank.Speed); buffer.WriteFloat(Tank.TurnSpeed); buffer.WriteInt32(Tank.Wins); buffer.WriteFloat(Tank.Inputs.Movement); buffer.WriteFloat(Tank.Inputs.Rotating); buffer.WriteInt32(Tank.index); } for (int i = 0; i < _clients.Length; i++) { if (_clients[i].Socket != null) { SendDataTo(i, buffer.ToArray()); } } buffer.Dispose(); }
private void SetRotation(Transform transform) { GroundSceneCallbacks.AddUpdateLoopCall(() => { var obj = Network.GetObjectById(nodeCopy.Id); obj.Transform.CopyRotation(transform); WorldSnapshotReaderWriter.Node node; if (nodeCopy.ParentId > 0) { node = nodeCopy.ParentNode.GetChildById(nodeCopy.Id); } else { node = WorldSnapshotReaderWriter.Get().GetNodeById(nodeCopy.Id); } obj.PositionAndRotationChanged(false, node.Transform.Position); node.Transform.CopyRotation(transform); WorldSnapshot.DetailLevelChanged(); }); }
public override void Update(float deltaTime) { if (AOSClient.Instance != null) { if (snapshotComponent == null) { snapshotComponent = AOSClient.Instance.GetComponent <SnapshotNetComponent>(); } WorldSnapshot worldSnapshot = snapshotComponent.WorldSnapshot; if (worldSnapshot != null) { foreach (NetworkPlayer player in netPlayerComponent.NetPlayers) { if (player.Team == Team.None) { continue; } PlayerFrame frame; if (playerFrames.TryGetValue(player.Id, out frame)) { if (frame.Parent == teamAFrame && player.Team == Team.B || frame.Parent == teamBFrame && player.Team == Team.A) { RemovePlayer(frame); AddPlayer(player); } } } int totalAScore = 0, totalBScore = 0; foreach (NetworkPlayer player in netPlayerComponent.NetPlayers) { if (player.Team == Team.None) { continue; } if (player.Team == Team.A) { totalAScore += player.Score; } if (player.Team == Team.B) { totalBScore += player.Score; } PlayerFrame frame; if (playerFrames.TryGetValue(player.Id, out frame)) { frame.SetScore(player.Score); frame.SetName(player.Name); frame.SetPing(player.Ping); } else { AddPlayer(player); } } foreach (PlayerFrame frame in playerFrames.Values) { if (!netPlayerComponent.HasNetPlayer(frame.NetPlayer.Id)) { RemovePlayer(frame); break; } } AlignAndSortLists(); UpdatePrimaryScores(totalAScore, totalBScore); } gamemodeLabel.Text = string.Format("Current Gamemode: {0}", gamemode != null ? gamemode.Type.ToString() : "--"); } base.Update(deltaTime); }
private void SnapshotComponent_OnWorldSnapshotOutbound(object sender, WorldSnapshot e) { }
void SnapshotComponent_OnWorldSnapshotInbound(object sender, WorldSnapshot e) { // Synchronize the time of day TimeOfDay = e.Time; }
void Update() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_socket.Error)) { Debug.LogWarning(_socket.Error); Start(); return; } Profiler.BeginSample("socket.recv"); byte[] data = _socket.Recv(); Profiler.EndSample(); if (data == null || data.Length == 0) { return; } if (_state == ConnectionState.UNKNOWN) { _state = ConnectionState.CONNECTED; } if (data.Length < 4) { Debug.Log("partial message!"); _storeAddPartial(data); } if (_partial_message != null) { Debug.Log("reconstructing partial message!"); data = ArrayUtil.sumArrays(_partial_message, data); _partial_message = null; } int messageLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0); int realLen = data.Length - 5; if (realLen < messageLen) { _storeAddPartial(data); return; } else if (realLen > messageLen) { Debug.LogError("AHAHAH"); return; } if (data[4] == DebugPackage.ID) { var dm = new DebugPackage(data); Debug.Log("debug message from: " + dm.sender + "::" + dm.message); } if (_state == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { if (data[4] == Welcome.ID) { _game.showWelcomeData(new Welcome(data)); _state = ConnectionState.WELCOMED; } else { Debug.LogError("expected welcome, got :" + data[4].ToString() + " instead"); return; } } else if (_state == ConnectionState.AUTHORIZING) { if (data[4] == ResponseEnterWorld.ID) { var res = new ResponseEnterWorld(data); if (res.status == EnterWorldStatus.ENTER_SUCCESS) { Debug.Log("authorize success at world " + _lastWorldAttempt + " with name " + _lastNameAttempt + "::" + res.myId.ToString()); _state = ConnectionState.AUTHORIZED; _game.rememberMe(_lastNameAttempt, res.myId, _lastWorldAttempt); } else { Debug.Log("authorize failed!"); _game.showWelcomeData(); _state = ConnectionState.WELCOMED; } } else { Debug.LogError("expected auth response or new seed, got :" + data[4].ToString() + " instead"); return; } } else if (_state == ConnectionState.AUTHORIZED) { if (data[4] == WorldData.ID) { Debug.Log("world data received!"); var wData = new WorldData(data); _game.initializeWorld(wData); _state = ConnectionState.IN_WORLD; _socket.Send(new DebugPackage(_game.myName, "привет друзья").encode()); } else { Debug.LogError("expected world data, got :" + data[4].ToString() + " instead"); return; } } else if (_state == ConnectionState.IN_WORLD) { if (data[4] == WorldSnapshot.ID) { Profiler.BeginSample("recv.snapshot"); // Debug.Log("snapshot received!"); Profiler.BeginSample("unpack snapshot"); var snap = new WorldSnapshot(data); Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("decode snapshot"); var s = new byte[snap.snapshot.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < snap.snapshot.Length; i++) { s[i] = (byte.Parse(snap.snapshot[i].ToString())); } Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("push snapshot"); _game.pushSnapshot(s); Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.EndSample(); } else if (data[4] == NewSeed.ID) { Debug.Log("new seed received "); var seed = new NewSeed(data); _game.pushSeed(seed.location, seed.owner); } else if (data[4] == SeedDestroyed.ID) { var seedD = new SeedDestroyed(data); Debug.Log("seed dest: " + seedD.location); _game.destroySeed(seedD.location); } else if (data[4] == DeployBomb.ID) { var enemy_bomb = new DeployBomb(data); Debug.Log("enemy bomb: " +; _game.pushBomb(; } } }
public NetConnectionSnapshotState(SnapshotSystem snapshotSystem, NetConnection conn) { WorldSnapshot = new WorldSnapshot(snapshotSystem, conn); Connection = conn; Stats = new SnapshotStats(); }
void SendSnapshotTo(NetConnection conn, NetConnectionSnapshotState connState, float deltaTime) { WorldSnapshot worldSnapshot = connState.WorldSnapshot; ushort epid = connState.OutboundSnapshotId; connState.OutboundSnapshotId++; //connState.TimeSinceLastSend -= deltaTime; //connState.GotPacket = false; connState.WorldSnapshot.MaxClientTickrate = DashCMD.GetCVar <ushort>("ag_max_cl_tickrate"); connState.WorldSnapshot.ForceSnapshotAwait = DashCMD.GetCVar <bool>("ag_cl_force_await_snap"); NetOutboundPacket packet = new NetOutboundPacket(NetDeliveryMethod.Unreliable); packet.SendImmediately = true; int size = packet.Length; packet.Write((byte)CustomPacketType.Snapshot); packet.Write(epid); int _packetheader = packet.Length - size; size = packet.Length; // Write snapshot system data snapshotSystem.OnOutbound(packet, conn); int _acks = packet.Length - size; size = packet.Length; // Write players charSnapshotSystem.OnServerOutbound(packet, connState); // Invoke event if (OnWorldSnapshotOutbound != null) { OnWorldSnapshotOutbound(this, worldSnapshot); } // Serialize snapshot NetBuffer buffer = new NetBuffer(); worldSnapshot.Serialize(buffer); packet.Write((ushort)buffer.Length); packet.WriteBytes(buffer.Data, 0, buffer.Length); int _playerdata = packet.Length - size; size = packet.Length; int _terraindata = connState.WorldSnapshot.TerrainSnapshot.LastByteSize; _playerdata -= _terraindata; // Send packet conn.SendPacket(packet); if (connState != null) { SnapshotStats stats = connState.Stats; stats.PacketHeader = _packetheader; stats.Acks = _acks; stats.PlayerData = _playerdata; stats.TerrainData = _terraindata; } }
public override void OnConnected(NetConnection connection) { WorldSnapshot = new WorldSnapshot(snapshotSystem, connection, true); base.OnConnected(connection); }
void Server_OnWorldSnapshotOutbound(object sender, WorldSnapshot e) { e.Time = timeOfDay; }