Пример #1
        public void GenerateRoof(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldRC world, Blueprint bp)
            RoofTexture = bp.RoofComp.Texture;
            int baseIndex = 0;
            var verts     = new List <VertexPositionTexture>();
            var inds      = new List <int>();


            var basepos = new Vector2(bp.Width - FLOOR_TILES, bp.Height - FLOOR_TILES) * 1.5f;

            for (int i = 1; i < bp.Stories + 1; i++)
                var basetc = new Vector2((1 / 3f) * ((Math.Min(i, 4) % 3) + 1), (1 / 2f) * ((Math.Min(i, 4) / 3) + 1));
                var data   = bp.RoofComp.MeshRectData(i + 1);
                if (RoofOnFloor)
                    verts.AddRange(data.Item1.Select(x => new VertexPositionTexture(x.Position / 3f, basetc - new Vector2((x.Position.X - basepos.X) / (3f * FLOOR_TILES * 3), (x.Position.Z - basepos.Y) / (3f * FLOOR_TILES * 2)))));
                    verts.AddRange(data.Item1.Select(x => new VertexPositionTexture(x.Position / 3f, new Vector2(x.GrassInfo.Y, x.GrassInfo.Z))));
                inds.AddRange(data.Item2.Select(x => x + baseIndex));
                baseIndex += data.Item1.Length;

            RoofVerts   = verts.ToArray();
            RoofIndices = inds.ToArray();
Пример #2
 public void Generate(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldRC world, Blueprint bp)
     GenerateWalls(gd, world, bp, false);
     //GROUND_SUBDIV = 64;
     GenerateFloor(gd, world, bp, false);
     GenerateRoof(gd, world, bp);
Пример #3
        public void GenerateWalls(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldRC world, Blueprint bp, bool justTexture)
            //generate wall geometry and texture.
            if (!justTexture)
                foreach (var room in bp.Rooms)
                    //add walls for each outside room.
                    if (room.Base == room.RoomID && room.IsOutside)
                        var walls = new List <Vector2[]>(room.WallLines);
                        foreach (var wall in walls)
                            var facadeWall = new LotFacadeWall(wall, room);

            //ok, allocate the texture for the wall.
            var tex = new RenderTarget2D(gd, MAX_WALL_WIDTH * WALL_WIDTH, CeilToFour(Math.Max(1, WallBins.Count * (WALL_HEIGHT + GAP * 2) - GAP * 2)), false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24);

            gd.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            //ace, let's draw each wall

            var oldLevel = world.State.Level;

            world.State.SilentLevel    = bp.Stories;
            world.State.ZeroWallOffset = true;
            var cuts = bp.Cutaway;

            bp.Cutaway = new bool[cuts.Length];
            bp.WCRC?.Generate(gd, world.State, false);

            int wallCount = 0;
            int bini      = 0;

            foreach (var bin in WallBins)
                var yPos = bini * (WALL_HEIGHT + GAP * 2);
                var xPos = 0;
                foreach (var wall in bin.Walls)
                    //get a camera for this wall first
                    //create a look at matrix for the wall. first find a camera point at one side of the wall,
                    //then create an orthographic projection with the size of the wall in mind.

                    var ctr   = (wall.Points[0] + wall.Points[1]) / (2 * 16);
                    var rNorm = wall.Points[1] - wall.Points[0];
                    rNorm = new Vector2(rNorm.Y, -rNorm.X);
                    //which side is "outside"?
                    //check one side. assume the other is outside if we fail
                    var testPos = (ctr + rNorm * 0.6f).ToPoint();
                    if (testPos.X >= 0 && testPos.X < bp.Width && testPos.Y >= 0 && testPos.Y < bp.Height)
                        var room = bp.RoomMap[wall.Room.Floor][testPos.X + testPos.Y * bp.Width];
                        if (!bp.Rooms[bp.Rooms[(ushort)room].Base].IsOutside)
                            rNorm *= -1;

                    var height = (wall.Room.Floor + 0.5f) * 2.95f * 3 + bp.InterpAltitude(new Vector3(ctr, 0)) * 3f + 0.2f;
                    var camp   = (ctr + rNorm) * 3;
                    var objp   = ctr * 3;
                    var lookat = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(camp.X, height, camp.Y), new Vector3(objp.X, height, objp.Y), Vector3.Up);
                    var ortho  = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(3 * wall.PhysicalLength, 2.90f * 3, 0, 6);

                    //rescale our camera matrix to render to the correct part of the render target. Apply scissor test for that area.
                    var rect = new Rectangle(xPos + (wall.EffectiveLength - (wall.Length + GAP)), yPos, wall.Length, WALL_HEIGHT);
                    gd.RasterizerState  = Scissor;
                    gd.ScissorRectangle = rect;

                    var trans = Matrix.CreateScale((rect.Width / ((float)tex.Width)), (rect.Height / ((float)tex.Height)), 1) *
                                Matrix.CreateTranslation((-(rect.X * -2 - wall.Length) / (float)tex.Width) - 1f, (-(rect.Y * 2 + WALL_HEIGHT - 2) / (float)tex.Height) + 1f, 0);

                    var frustrum = new BoundingFrustum(lookat * ortho);
                    ortho = ortho * trans;

                    //draw the walls and objects for this wall segment. this is a little slow right now.
                    var effect = WorldContent.RCObject;
                    gd.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied;
                    var vp = lookat * ortho;

                    bp.WCRC?.Draw(gd, world.State);

                    effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Draw"];

                    var objs = bp.Objects.Where(x => x.Level >= wall.Room.Floor - 5 && frustrum.Intersects(((ObjectComponentRC)x).GetBounds()))
                               .OrderBy(x => ((ObjectComponentRC)x).SortDepth(vp));
                    foreach (var obj in objs)
                        obj.Draw(gd, world.State);

                    xPos += wall.EffectiveLength;
            gd.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullNone;

            bp.Cutaway = cuts;
            bp.WCRC?.Generate(gd, world.State, false);
            world.State.ZeroWallOffset = false;
            world.State.SilentLevel    = oldLevel;

            //generate wall geometry
            var data = new Color[tex.Width * tex.Height];


            var verts   = new VertexPositionTexture[wallCount * 4];
            var indices = new int[wallCount * 6];

            bini = 0;
            var verti = 0;
            var indi  = 0;

            foreach (var bin in WallBins)
                var xInt = 0;
                var yInt = bini * (WALL_HEIGHT + GAP * 2);
                var yPos = bini * (WALL_HEIGHT + GAP * 2) / (float)tex.Height;
                var xPos = 0f;
                var div  = WALL_HEIGHT / (float)tex.Height;
                foreach (var wall in bin.Walls)
                    var rect = new Rectangle(xInt + (wall.EffectiveLength - (wall.Length + GAP)), yInt, wall.Length, WALL_HEIGHT);
                    BleedRect(data, rect, tex.Width, tex.Height);

                    if (!justTexture)
                        var ctr     = (wall.Points[0] + wall.Points[1]) / (2 * 16);
                        var off     = (wall.EffectiveLength - (wall.Length + GAP)) / (float)tex.Width;
                        var height1 = ((wall.Room.Floor) * 2.95f + bp.InterpAltitude(new Vector3(ctr, 0)));
                        var height2 = height1 + 2.95f;
                        var pt1     = wall.Points[0] / 16f;
                        var pt2     = wall.Points[1] / 16f;
                        verts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pt1.X, height2, pt1.Y), new Vector2(xPos + off, yPos));
                        verts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pt2.X, height2, pt2.Y), new Vector2(xPos + off + wall.Length / (float)tex.Width, yPos));
                        verts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pt2.X, height1, pt2.Y), new Vector2(xPos + off + wall.Length / (float)tex.Width, (yPos + div)));
                        verts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pt1.X, height1, pt1.Y), new Vector2(xPos + off, (yPos + div)));

                        indices[indi++] = verti - 2;
                        indices[indi++] = verti - 3;
                        indices[indi++] = verti - 4;

                        indices[indi++] = verti - 4;
                        indices[indi++] = verti - 1;
                        indices[indi++] = verti - 2;

                        xInt += wall.EffectiveLength;
                        xPos += wall.EffectiveLength / (float)tex.Width;

            //using (var fs = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\Rhys\Desktop\walls.png", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
            //    tex.SaveAsPng(fs, tex.Width, tex.Height);


            if (!justTexture)
                WallTarget  = tex;
                WallVerts   = verts;
                WallIndices = indices;
Пример #4
        public FSOF GetFSOF(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldRC world, Blueprint bp, Action onNight, bool compressed)
            var result = new FSOF();

            RoofOnFloor = true;
            GenerateWalls(gd, world, bp, false);
            //GROUND_SUBDIV = 64;
            GenerateFloor(gd, world, bp, false);
            GenerateRoof(gd, world, bp);

            result.TexCompressionType = (compressed) ? 1 : 0;
            result.FloorWidth         = FloorTexture.Width;
            result.FloorHeight        = FloorTexture.Height;
            result.WallWidth          = WallTarget.Width;
            result.WallHeight         = WallTarget.Height;

            result.FloorTextureData = TexToData(FloorTexture, compressed);
            result.WallTextureData  = TexToData(WallTarget, compressed);

            var tVerts = new List <DGRP3DVert>();
            var tInd   = new List <int>();
            var indOff = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var tcOffset = new Vector2((i % 3) / 3f, (i / 3) / 2f);
                //save each floor. offset the floor for each level
                var posOffset = i * 2.95f;
                var fVerts    = FloorVerts.Select(x => new DGRP3DVert(new Vector3(x.Position.X, x.Position.Y + posOffset, x.Position.Z), Vector3.Zero, x.TextureCoordinate + tcOffset));
                tInd.AddRange(FloorIndices.Select(x => x + indOff));

                indOff = tVerts.Count;

                if (i == 0)
                    tcOffset = new Vector2((5 % 3) / 3f, (5 / 3) / 2f);
                    //save each floor. offset the floor for each level
                    posOffset = 0.5f * 2.95f;
                    fVerts    = FloorVerts.Select(x => new DGRP3DVert(new Vector3(x.Position.X, x.Position.Y + posOffset, x.Position.Z), Vector3.Zero, x.TextureCoordinate + tcOffset));
                    tInd.AddRange(FloorIndices.Select(x => x + indOff));
                    indOff = tVerts.Count;

            tVerts.AddRange(RoofVerts.Select(x => new DGRP3DVert(x.Position, Vector3.Zero, x.TextureCoordinate)));
            tInd.AddRange(RoofIndices.Select(x => x + indOff));

            DGRP3DVert.GenerateNormals(false, tVerts, FloorIndices);
            result.FloorVertices = tVerts.ToArray();
            result.FloorIndices  = tInd.ToArray();

            var tempVerts = WallVerts.Select(x => new DGRP3DVert(x.Position, Vector3.Zero, x.TextureCoordinate)).ToList();

            DGRP3DVert.GenerateNormals(false, tempVerts, WallIndices);
            result.WallVertices = tempVerts.ToArray();
            result.WallIndices  = WallIndices;

            GenerateWalls(gd, world, bp, true);
            GenerateFloor(gd, world, bp, true);

            result.NightFloorTextureData = TexToData(FloorTexture, compressed);
            result.NightWallTextureData  = TexToData(WallTarget, compressed);
            result.NightLightColor       = world.State.OutsideColor;

Пример #5
        public void GenerateFloor(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldRC world, Blueprint bp, bool justTexture)
            var dim = FLOOR_RES_PER_TILE * FLOOR_TILES;
            var tex = new RenderTarget2D(gd, dim * 3, dim * 2, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24);

            var lookat = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(bp.Width * 1.5f, 200, bp.Height * 1.5f), new Vector3(bp.Width * 1.5f, 0, bp.Height * 1.5f), new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
            var baseO  = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(FLOOR_TILES * 3f, FLOOR_TILES * 3f, 0, 400);

            var oldLevel = world.State.SilentLevel;

            for (int i = 0; i < bp.Stories + 1; i++)
                world.State.SilentLevel = (sbyte)(i + 1);
                var x      = i % 3;
                var y      = i / 3;
                var offMat = Matrix.CreateScale(1 / 3f, 1 / 2f, 1f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(-1 + ((x + 0.5f) * 2 / 3f), 1 - ((y + 0.5f) * 2 / 2f), 0);

                gd.RasterizerState  = Scissor;
                gd.ScissorRectangle = new Rectangle(dim * x + 1, dim * y + 1, dim - 2, dim - 2);

                if (i == bp.Stories)
                    var effect = WorldContent.RCObject;
                    gd.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied;
                    var vp = lookat * baseO * offMat;
                    var frustrum = new BoundingFrustum(lookat * baseO);

                    effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Draw"];

                    var objs = bp.Objects.Where(o => o.Level == 1 && frustrum.Intersects(((ObjectComponentRC)o).GetBounds())).OrderBy(o => ((ObjectComponentRC)o).SortDepth(vp));
                    foreach (var obj in objs)
                        obj.Draw(gd, world.State);
                    var floors = new HashSet <sbyte>();
                    var mat = baseO * offMat;
                    bp.Terrain.DrawCustom(gd, world.State, lookat, mat, 1, floors);
                    if (i == 0)
                        bp.Terrain.DrawMask(gd, world.State, lookat, mat);

                    var effect = WorldContent.RCObject;
                    gd.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied;
                    var vp = lookat * baseO * offMat;
                    var frustrum = new BoundingFrustum(lookat * baseO);

                    effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Draw"];

                    var objs = bp.Objects.Where(o => o.Level == i + 1 && frustrum.Intersects(((ObjectComponentRC)o).GetBounds())).OrderBy(o => ((ObjectComponentRC)o).SortDepth(vp));
                    foreach (var obj in objs)
                        obj.Draw(gd, world.State);

                    if (RoofOnFloor)
                        //gd.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.None;
                        gd.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
                        if (i > 0)
                            bp.RoofComp.DrawOne(gd, lookat, mat, world.State, i - 1);
                        if (i == bp.Stories - 1)
                            bp.RoofComp.DrawOne(gd, lookat, mat, world.State, i);
                        gd.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            world.State.SilentLevel = oldLevel;

             * using (var fs = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\Rhys\Desktop\floor.png", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
             *  tex.SaveAsPng(fs, tex.Width, tex.Height);

            if (!justTexture)
                var vertDiv = GROUND_SUBDIV + 1;
                var inc     = FLOOR_TILES / (float)GROUND_SUBDIV;
                var invDiv  = 1 / (float)GROUND_SUBDIV;
                var basepos = new Vector2(bp.Width - FLOOR_TILES, bp.Height - FLOOR_TILES) / 2;
                var basetc  = new Vector2(1 / 3f, 1 / 2f);
                FloorVerts = new VertexPositionTexture[vertDiv * vertDiv];

                //output vertices
                int verti = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < vertDiv; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < vertDiv; x++)
                        var pos    = basepos + new Vector2(x * inc, y * inc);
                        var height = bp.InterpAltitude(new Vector3(pos, 0));
                        FloorVerts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pos.X, height, pos.Y), basetc - new Vector2(x * invDiv / 3, y * invDiv / 2));

                //output indices
                int indi = 0;

                FloorIndices = new int[GROUND_SUBDIV * GROUND_SUBDIV * 6];
                for (int y = 0; y < GROUND_SUBDIV; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < GROUND_SUBDIV; x++)
                        var baseVert = x + y * vertDiv;
                        FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert + 1 + vertDiv;
                        FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert + 1;
                        FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert;

                        FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert;
                        FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert + vertDiv;
                        FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert + 1 + vertDiv;
            FloorTexture = tex;