public void spawnBasicAntUnit() { if (hasAuthority) { WorldHandler localPlayer = WorldHandler.findLocalPlayer().GetComponent <WorldHandler>(); if (WorldHandler.countUnits() < localPlayer.maxUnits) { // if you have less units than the max number of units, it is okay to spawn more units. if (localPlayer.resourcesCount > localPlayer.BasicAntCost) { // if you have enough unit space and you have enough resources Cmd_SpawnAntUnit(transform.position); localPlayer.resourcesCount -= localPlayer.BasicAntCost; // after spawning unit, spend 15 resources. } else if (localPlayer.resourcesCount < localPlayer.BasicAntCost) { WorldHandler.PlayResourcesSound(); // You require more resources (audio clip); } } else if (WorldHandler.countUnits() > localPlayer.maxUnits) { WorldHandler.PlayUnitCapSound(); // You require more unit Cap audio clip (this is if we decide to add a way for the player to increase the unit cap); } } }
// End Game chat /// <summary> /// Replaces OnGUI /// </summary> private void updateHUD() { unitCapText.text = "Unit Cap : " + WorldHandler.countUnits() + " / " + localPlayer.maxUnits; resourcesCountText.text = "Resources: " + localPlayer.resourcesCount; gameTimerText.text = timeFixed; }