Пример #1
        public void TestMoleUnitChange()
            MainPage  mp1 = new MainPage();
            Workspace w   = mp1.GetLogicalWorkspace();

            // Add a new stream with a table to the workspace
            ChemicalStream cs1 = new ChemicalStream(1);

            cs1.PropertiesTable = new StreamPropertiesTable(cs1);

            // The DrawingCanvas control should have added a stream control
            ChemProV.PFD.Streams.StreamControl streamControl =
            Assert.IsNotNull(streamControl, "DrawingCanvas control did not correctly create a " +
                             "stream control for a stream that was added to the workspace.");

            // From the stream control we can get the properties window control
            UI.StreamTableControl props = streamControl.Table;
            Assert.IsNotNull(props, "Stream control had a null table control.");

            // Add a default data row with label "M1" if it's not already there
            if (0 == cs1.PropertiesTable.RowCount)
                ChemicalStreamData csd = cs1.PropertiesTable.AddNewRow() as ChemicalStreamData;
                csd.SelectedCompound = "Overall";
                csd.Label            = "M1";
                csd.UserHasRenamed   = false;

            // Find the text box in the properties window with the text "M1"
            TextBox tbLabel = props.GetControl(cs1.PropertiesTable.Rows[0], "Label") as TextBox;

            Assert.IsNotNull(tbLabel, "Could not find text box for row label. If the code has changed " +
                             "such that there is no longer a default row in chemical streams tables or the default " +
                             "row has different units, then this test needs to be altered.");
            Assert.IsTrue(tbLabel.Text.Equals("M1"), "Default label was not M1");

            // Find the combo box for the units
            ComboBox cbUnits = props.GetControl(cs1.PropertiesTable.Rows[0], "SelectedUnits") as ComboBox;

            Assert.IsNotNull(cbUnits, "Could not find combo box control for selected units");

            // Select mole %, which should change the label from M1 to N1
            cbUnits.SelectedItem = "mol %";

            // Verify that the label changed to "N1"
            Assert.IsTrue(tbLabel.Text.Equals("N1"), "Test Failed: After unit change, the label " +
                          "did not change from M1 to N1");

            // What would be nice to add to this test in the future:
            // Change the text in tbLabel which simulates the user manually renaming the row. Change it to
            // something like "nn1". Then change the units again to something like fractions, which would
            // normally change 'n' to 'x', but shouldn't after a manual rename.
Пример #2
 public IUndoRedoAction Execute(Workspace sender)
     if (m_toAdd is AbstractProcessUnit)
         sender.AddProcessUnit(m_toAdd as AbstractProcessUnit);
         return(new RemoveProcessUnit(m_toAdd as AbstractProcessUnit));
     else if (m_toAdd is AbstractStream)
         sender.AddStream(m_toAdd as AbstractStream);
         return(new RemoveStream(m_toAdd as AbstractStream));
         sender.StickyNotes.Add(m_toAdd as ChemProV.Logic.StickyNote);
         return(new RemoveStickyNote(m_toAdd as ChemProV.Logic.StickyNote));
Пример #3
        public void MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // If the canvas reference is null then we ignore mouse events
            if (null == m_canvas)

            // Here's where we need to flip over to the MovingStreamEndpoint state. We start by
            // finding out if we clicked on a process unit or not

            Point location = e.GetPosition(m_canvas);

            // Clear the border if we'd previously set one
            if (null != m_puWithAlteredBorderColor)
                m_puWithAlteredBorderColor = null;

            // Remove the floating icon
            m_sourcePlacementIcon = null;

            // Get a reference to the workspace
            Workspace ws = m_canvas.GetWorkspace();

            // See if we clicked on a valid destination object
            ProcessUnitControl gpu = m_canvas.GetChildAt(location, m_sourcePlacementIcon) as ProcessUnitControl;

            if (null == gpu)
                // This means that we clicked in an area where there's no process unit that we have
                // to attach to.
                m_stream.SourceLocation      = new MathCore.Vector(location.X, location.Y);
                m_stream.DestinationLocation = m_stream.SourceLocation + (new MathCore.Vector(0, 20.0));

                // We need an undo to remove the stream that we just added. Note that we're going to switch
                // over to a different state below and that creates and undo as well. This is fine since
                // it allows you to undo the destination placement and stream creation separately.
                ws.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo stream creation",
                                                  new Logic.Undos.RemoveStream(m_stream)));
            else if (gpu.ProcessUnit.CanAcceptOutgoingStream(m_stream))
                // Setup the stream and add it to the workspace
                m_stream.SourceLocation      = new MathCore.Vector(location.X, location.Y);
                m_stream.DestinationLocation = m_stream.SourceLocation + (new MathCore.Vector(0, 35.0));
                m_stream.Source = gpu.ProcessUnit;

                // Attach the outgoing stream to the process unit after we've added the stream to
                // the workspace

                // We've linked up the stream and added it to the workspace. Now create an undo that
                // does the opposite
                ws.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo stream creation",
                                                  new Logic.Undos.DetachOutgoingStream(gpu.ProcessUnit, m_stream),
                                                  new Logic.Undos.RemoveStream(m_stream)));
                // This means we clicked on a process unit that we cannot connect to. In this case
                // we want to cancel everything. This is easy since we haven't modified the workspace,
                // so all we have to do it switch back to select mode.

            // Get the stream control that the DrawingCanvas should have added
            PFD.Streams.StreamControl streamControl = m_canvas.GetStreamControl(m_stream);

            // Tell it to hide the table

            // Set references to null to indicate that this state should no longer process mouse input
            // messages after this. We are finishing up right here.
            DrawingCanvas c = m_canvas;

            m_canvas = null;
            m_stream = null;

            // Switch back to select mode

            // Flip over to the state where we position the stream destination
            c.CurrentState = new MovingStreamEndpoint(streamControl.DestinationDragIcon, c, true);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles mouse-left-button-down event for placing a heat exchanger with utility
        /// </summary>
        public void MLBD_HEWU(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Start by getting the mouse position
            Point pos = e.GetPosition(m_canvas);

            // See if we have a DraggableStreamEndpoint where we clicked
            DraggableStreamEndpoint endpoint = m_canvas.GetChildAt(pos, m_placementIcon) as

            // Remove the placement icon and then set it to null to indicate state completion
            m_placementIcon = null;

            // If there's not an endpoint:
            // 1. Create and attach an incoming heat stream. Position the source endpoint just
            //    below the process unit
            // 2. Create an undo that will remove both
            // 3. Switch to the appropriate state for moving the source endpoint
            if (null == endpoint)
                // Create the actual process unit
                AbstractProcessUnit apu = (AbstractProcessUnit)Activator.CreateInstance(
                    m_type, AbstractProcessUnit.GetNextUID());
                apu.Location = new MathCore.Vector(pos.X, pos.Y);

                HeatStream s = new HeatStream();
                s.Destination     = apu;
                s.PropertiesTable = new StreamPropertiesTable(s);

                // Position the source of the heat stream. It's above the process unit by default, unless
                // that would make it go off the screen
                if (apu.Location.Y < 150.0)
                    s.SourceLocation = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X - 10.0, apu.Location.Y + 80.0);
                    s.PropertiesTable.Location = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X + 10.0, apu.Location.Y + 140.0);
                    s.SourceLocation = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X - 10.0, apu.Location.Y - 80.0);
                    s.PropertiesTable.Location = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X + 10.0, apu.Location.Y - 100.0);

                // Add the stream and the process unit to the workspace. Event handlers will update
                // the UI appropriately.

                m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo creation of heat exchanger with utility",
                                                           new Logic.Undos.DetachIncomingStream(apu, s),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.SetStreamDestination(s, null, apu, s.DestinationLocation),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.RemoveStream(s),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.RemoveProcessUnit(apu)));

                // Select nothing on the canvas
                m_canvas.SelectedElement = null;



            // Otherwise, if we HAVE clicked on an endpoint, just deny it by doing nothing
Пример #5
        public void TestSaveLoad()
            int       i;
            Workspace ws1  = new Workspace();
            Random    rand = new Random();

            // Add a random number of process units
            List <int> puIDs = new List <int>();
            int        numPU = rand.Next(25);

            for (i = 0; i < numPU; i++)
                AbstractProcessUnit pu = new Mixer();

            // Add a random number of chemical streams
            int numStreams = rand.Next(10);

            for (i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
                AbstractStream stream = new ChemicalStream(AbstractStream.GetNextUID());

                // Don't forget that the properties table needs to be created separately
                stream.PropertiesTable = new StreamPropertiesTable(stream);

                // 50% chance of connecting a destination (attempting a connect that is)
                if (0 == (rand.Next() % 2))
                    AbstractProcessUnit pu = ws1.ProcessUnits[rand.Next(ws1.ProcessUnitCount)];
                    if (pu.AttachIncomingStream(stream))
                        stream.Destination = pu;

            // Save the workspace to a memory stream
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            ws1.Save(ms, "TEST_VersionNA");

            // Load to a new workspace
            Workspace ws2 = new Workspace();


            // Make sure the number of process units and streams match
            Assert.IsTrue(numPU == ws2.ProcessUnitCount,
                          "Number of process units between saved document (" + numPU.ToString() +
                          ") and loaded document (" + ws2.ProcessUnitCount.ToString() + ") do not match");
            Assert.IsTrue(numStreams == ws2.Streams.Count,
                          "Number of streams between saved document (" + numStreams.ToString() +
                          ") and loaded document (" + ws2.Streams.Count.ToString() + ") do not match");

            // Test that the incoming/outgoing streams for process units match
            foreach (AbstractProcessUnit pu1 in ws1.ProcessUnits)
                AbstractProcessUnit pu2 = ws2.GetProcessUnit(pu1.Id);
                                 "Process unit with ID=" + pu1.Id.ToString() + " from workspace 1 (saved) was not " +
                                 "found in workspace 2 (loaded).");

                // For now just compare outoging stream count
                Assert.IsTrue(pu1.OutgoingStreamCount == pu2.OutgoingStreamCount,
                              "Mis-match outgoing stream count");