private void LoadPremadeWorkouts() { //ArrayAdapter<Workout> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<Workout>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.ListContent, mPremadeWorkoutList); if (mPremadeWorkoutList.Count == 0) { mPremadeWorkoutList.Add(premadeUpperBodyWorkout); } var adapter = new WorkoutListAdapter(this, mPremadeWorkoutList); newWorkoutButton.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; workoutListView.Adapter = adapter; mCustomWorkoutList = new List <Workout>(); }
private void LoadCustomWorkouts() { newWorkoutButton.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; try { mCustomWorkoutList = db.Table <Workout>().Where(c => c.IsCustom).ToList(); } catch (Exception e) { return; } var adapter = new WorkoutListAdapter(this, mCustomWorkoutList); workoutListView.Adapter = adapter; mPremadeWorkoutList = new List <Workout>(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); App.fillAvailableWorkoutsTemp(); // Instantiate the adapter and pass in its data source: workoutListAdapter = new WorkoutListAdapter(App.AvailableWorkouts); // Get our RecyclerView layout: recyclerView = FindViewById <RecyclerView>(Resource.Id.recyclerView); // Plug the adapter into the RecyclerView: recyclerView.SetAdapter(workoutListAdapter); //instantiate the layout manager and plug it into the recyclerView object layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this); recyclerView.SetLayoutManager(layoutManager); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); var toolbar = FindViewById <Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.workout_toolbar); SetSupportActionBar(toolbar); SupportActionBar.Title = "My Workouts"; #region hide /* #region Fillers for now * * var pushups = new BodyWeightExercise("Pushups", 5, 20); * var pullups = new BodyWeightExercise("Pullups", 3, 8); * * var exercises = new List<IExercise> * { * pushups, * pullups, * new WeightedExercise("Squats", 5, 5, 225), * new TimedExercise(pullups, new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)), * new SuperSet("The Finisher", 4, pushups, pullups) * }; * * var workouts = new List<Workout> * { * new Workout("ArmX", "Leonard", DateTime.Now, null), * new Workout("LegX", null, null, null), * new Workout("BackX", "Leonard", null, exercises), * new Workout("Agility", null, DateTime.Now, null), * new Workout("Strength", "Leonard", DateTime.Now, exercises), * new Workout("Body Weight", "Leonard", null, exercises) * }; * #endregion * // Create our connection * string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); * var db = new SQLiteConnection(System.IO.Path.Combine(folder, "notes.db")); * db.CreateTable<Note>(); * * // Insert note into the database * var note = new Note { Message = "Test Note" }; * db.Insert (note); * * // Show the automatically set ID and message. * Console.WriteLine ("{0}: {1}", note.Id, note.Message); */ #endregion _workouts = FileHelper.GetWorkoutList(); _adapter = new WorkoutListAdapter(this, _workouts); var workoutsListView = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.workout_list); workoutsListView.Adapter = _adapter; workoutsListView.ItemClick += (sender, args) => { var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(ExercisesActivity)); intent.PutExtra("selectedWorkoutName", _adapter[args.Position].Name); StartActivity(intent); }; }