public BrowseViewModel() { BrowseForInstalldir = new RelayCommand(() => { InstallDirPath = BrowseForDirectory(InstallDirPath); }); BrowseForSolutiondir = new RelayCommand(() => { SolutionDirPath = BrowseForDirectory(SolutionDirPath); }); GenerateXML = new RelayCommand(() => { if (!ValidatePaths()) { return; } if (!SerializeXml()) { Working.ShowMessage("Something went wrong! Check Components.wxs file for details."); } }); }
private bool ValidatePaths() { if (Directory.Exists(SolutionDirPath) == false) { Working.ShowMessage("Source files directory doesn't exists!\nCheck the path again."); return(false); } if (Directory.Exists(InstallDirPath) == false) { Working.ShowMessage("InstallDir directory doesn't exists!\nCheck the path again."); return(false); } if (Working.IsSubdirectory(SolutionDirPath, InstallDirPath) == false) { Working.ShowMessage("INSTALLDIR is not inside source files dir!\nCheck your paths again."); return(false); } return(true); }