public override async Task Initialize()
            FirstName        = Prospect.FirstName;
            LastName         = Prospect.LastName;
            MiddleName       = Prospect.MiddleName;
            NickName         = Prospect.NickName;
            StreetAddress    = Prospect.StreetAddress == null ? new StreetAddress() : Prospect.StreetAddress.ShallowCopy();
            FollowUpSettings = Prospect.FollowUpSettings.ShallowCopy();
            MobilePhone      = Prospect.MobilePhoneNumber == null ? new PhoneNumber() : Prospect.MobilePhoneNumber.ShallowCopy();
            WorkPhone        = Prospect.WorkPhoneNumber == null ? new PhoneNumber() : Prospect.WorkPhoneNumber.ShallowCopy();
            HomePhone        = Prospect.HomePhoneNumber == null ? new PhoneNumber() : Prospect.HomePhoneNumber.ShallowCopy();
            Email            = Prospect.Email == null ? new Email() : Prospect.Email.ShallowCopy();

            _originalProspect = Prospect.ShallowCopy();
            _originalProspect.FollowUpSettings  = FollowUpSettings.ShallowCopy();
            _originalProspect.StreetAddress     = StreetAddress.ShallowCopy();
            _originalProspect.MobilePhoneNumber = MobilePhone.ShallowCopy();
            _originalProspect.WorkPhoneNumber   = WorkPhone.ShallowCopy();
            _originalProspect.HomePhoneNumber   = HomePhone.ShallowCopy();
            _originalProspect.Email             = Email.ShallowCopy();

            Prefixes     = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetPrefixUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActivePrefix = Prefixes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description1 == Prospect.NamePrefix);

            Suffixes     = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetSuffixUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveSuffix = Suffixes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description1 == Prospect.NameSuffix);

            ContactPreferences      = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetContactPreferenceUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveContactPreference = ContactPreferences.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description1 == Prospect.FollowUpSettings.PreferredContactMethod);

            ExcludeReasons      = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetExcludeReasonUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveExcludeReason = ExcludeReasons.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Code == Prospect.FollowUpSettings.ExcludeReason);

            States      = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetStateUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveState = Prospect.StreetAddress != null?States.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Code == Prospect.StreetAddress.State) : null;

            Countries     = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetCountryUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveCountry = Prospect.StreetAddress != null?Countries.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Code == Prospect.StreetAddress.Country) : null;

            TrafficSources      = (await _trafficSourceService.GetTrafficSourcesByDivision(Prospect.ProspectCommunity.Division)).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveTrafficSource = TrafficSources.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TrafficSourceDetails.Any(td => td.CodeId == Prospect.TrafficSourceCodeId));
            if (ActiveTrafficSource != null)
                ActiveTrafficSourceDetail = ActiveTrafficSource.TrafficSourceDetails.First(td => td.CodeId == Prospect.TrafficSourceCodeId);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Validates the specified validation context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validationContext">The validation context.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            //Last Name
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LastName))
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 string.Format(AppConstants.ErrorMessages.ShouldNotBeEmpty, Property(r => r.LastName)),
                                 new[] { Property(r => r.LastName).ToString(), "IsNullOrWhiteSpace" }));

            if (!Email.IsValidEmailAddress())
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 string.Format(AppConstants.ErrorMessages.MustBeValidEmail, Property(r => r.Email)),
                                 new[] { Property(r => r.Email).ToString(), "IsValidEmailAddress" }));

            //Phone Number
            if (!HomePhone.IsValidPhoneNumber())
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 string.Format(AppConstants.ErrorMessages.MustBeValidPhoneNumber, Property(r => r.HomePhone)),
                                 new[] { Property(r => r.HomePhone).ToString(), "IsValidPhoneNumber" }));

            //Phone Number
            if (!MobilePhone.IsValidPhoneNumber())
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 string.Format(AppConstants.ErrorMessages.MustBeValidPhoneNumber, Property(r => r.MobilePhone)),
                                 new[] { Property(r => r.MobilePhone).ToString(), "IsValidPhoneNumber" }));

            //Phone Number
            if (!WorkPhone.IsValidPhoneNumber())
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 string.Format(AppConstants.ErrorMessages.MustBeValidPhoneNumber, Property(r => r.WorkPhone)),
                                 new[] { Property(r => r.WorkPhone).ToString(), "IsValidPhoneNumber" }));
Пример #3
        public override async Task Initialize()
            _user = await _userService.GetLoggedInUser();

            _originalCobuyer = Cobuyer.ShallowCopy();
            _originalCobuyer.StreetAddress     = StreetAddress.ShallowCopy();
            _originalCobuyer.MobilePhoneNumber = MobilePhone.ShallowCopy();
            _originalCobuyer.WorkPhoneNumber   = WorkPhone.ShallowCopy();
            _originalCobuyer.HomePhoneNumber   = HomePhone.ShallowCopy();
            _originalCobuyer.Email             = Email.ShallowCopy();

            Prefixes     = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetPrefixUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActivePrefix = Prefixes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description1 == Cobuyer.NamePrefix);

            Suffixes     = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetSuffixUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveSuffix = Suffixes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description1 == Cobuyer.NameSuffix);

            States      = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetStateUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveState = Cobuyer.StreetAddress != null?States.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Code == Cobuyer.StreetAddress.State) : null;

            Countries     = (await _userDefinedCodeService.GetCountryUserDefinedCodes()).ToObservableCollection();
            ActiveCountry = Cobuyer.StreetAddress != null?Countries.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Code == Cobuyer.StreetAddress.Country) : null;
Пример #4
        public string GetAllProperties()
            string fullName = (Name.Trim() == "" ? ("") : Name.Trim())
                              + (MiddleName.Trim() == "" ? ("") : " " + MiddleName.Trim())
                              + (Surname.Trim() == "" ? ("") : " " + Surname.Trim());

            string generalInfo = (fullName == "" ? ("") : fullName + "\r\n")
                                 + (Nickname == "" ? ("") : Nickname.Trim() + "\r\n")
                                 + (Title == "" ? ("") : Title.Trim() + "\r\n")
                                 + (Company == "" ? ("") : Company.Trim() + "\r\n")
                                 + (Address.Trim() == "" ? ("") : Address.Trim() + "\r\n");

            string phones = (HomePhone == "" ? ("") : "H: " + HomePhone.Trim() + "\r\n")
                            + (MobilePhone == "" ? ("") : "M: " + MobilePhone.Trim() + "\r\n")
                            + (WorkPhone == "" ? ("") : "W: " + WorkPhone.Trim() + "\r\n")
                            + (Fax == "" ? ("") : "F:" + Fax.Trim() + "\r\n");

            string emails = (Email1 == "" ? ("") : "" + Email1.Trim() + "\r\n")
                            + (Email2 == "" ? ("") : "" + Email2.Trim() + "\r\n")
                            + (Email3 == "" ? ("") : "" + Email3.Trim() + "\r\n")
                            + (Homepage == "" ? ("") : "Homepage:" + "\r\n" + Homepage.Trim() + "\r\n");

            string dateOfBirth = "";

            if (DayOfBirth != "-" && DayOfBirth != "0" || MonthOfBirth != "-" ||
                YearOfBirth != "")
                dateOfBirth = "Birthday "
                              + (DayOfBirth == "-" || DayOfBirth == "0" ? ("") : DayOfBirth + ". ")
                              + (MonthOfBirth == "-" ? ("") : MonthOfBirth + " ")
                              + (YearOfBirth == "" ? ("") : YearOfBirth + " (" +
                                 (DateTime.Now.Year - Convert.ToInt32(YearOfBirth)).ToString() + ")" + "\r\n");

            string dateOfAnn = "";

            if (DayOfAnn != "-" && DayOfAnn != "0" || MonthOfAnn != "-" ||
                YearOfAnn != "")
                dateOfAnn = "Anniversary "
                            + (DayOfAnn == "-" ? ("") : DayOfAnn + ". ")
                            + (MonthOfAnn == "-" ? ("") : MonthOfAnn + " ")
                            + (YearOfAnn == "" ? ("") : YearOfAnn + " (" +
                               (DateTime.Now.Year - Convert.ToInt32(YearOfAnn)).ToString() + ")\r\n");

            string dates = (dateOfBirth == "" ? ("") : dateOfBirth)
                           + (dateOfAnn == "" ? ("") : dateOfAnn);

            string additional = (Address2 == "" ? ("") : Address2.Trim() + "\r\n")
                                + (Phone2 == "" ? ("") : "\r\nP: " + Phone2.Trim() + "\r\n")
                                + (Notes == "" ? ("") : "\r\n" + Notes.Trim());

            string allProperties = ((generalInfo == "" ? ("") : generalInfo)
                                    + (phones == "" ? ("") : "\r\n" + phones)
                                    + (emails == "" ? ("") : "\r\n" + emails)
                                    + (dates == "" ? ("") : "\r\n" + dates)
                                    + (additional == "" ? ("") : "\r\n" + additional)).Trim();

Пример #5
        public void UpdatePerson()
            if (CampusId == 0)
                CampusId = null;
            var p   = DbUtil.Db.LoadPersonById(PeopleId);
            var psb = new StringBuilder();
            var fsb = new StringBuilder();

            p.UpdateValue(psb, "DOB", Birthday);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "CampusId", CampusId);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "DeceasedDate", DeceasedDate);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "DoNotCallFlag", DoNotCallFlag);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "DoNotMailFlag", DoNotMailFlag);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "DoNotVisitFlag", DoNotVisitFlag);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "DoNotPublishPhones", DoNotPublishPhones);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "EmailAddress", EmailAddress);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "EmailAddress2", EmailAddress2);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "SendEmailAddress1", SendEmailAddress1);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "SendEmailAddress2", SendEmailAddress2);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "ReceiveSMS", ReceiveSMS);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "FirstName", First);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "LastName", Last);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "AltName", AltName);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "GenderId", GenderId);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "Grade", Grade.ToInt2());
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "CellPhone", CellPhone.GetDigits());
            p.Family.UpdateValue(fsb, "HomePhone", HomePhone.GetDigits());
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "MaidenName", Maiden);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "MaritalStatusId", MaritalStatusId);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "MiddleName", Middle);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "NickName", NickName);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "OccupationOther", Occupation);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "SchoolOther", School);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "SuffixCode", Suffix);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "EmployerOther", Employer);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "TitleCode", Title);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "WeddingDate", WeddingDate);
            p.UpdateValue(psb, "WorkPhone", WorkPhone.GetDigits());
            if (p.DeceasedDateChanged)
                var ret = p.MemberProfileAutomation(DbUtil.Db);
                if (ret != "ok")
                        new Exception(ret + " for PeopleId:" + p.PeopleId));

            p.LogChanges(DbUtil.Db, psb, Util.UserPeopleId.Value);
            p.Family.LogChanges(DbUtil.Db, fsb, p.PeopleId, Util.UserPeopleId.Value);


            if (!HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Access"))
                if (psb.Length > 0 || fsb.Length > 0)
                    DbUtil.Db.EmailRedacted(p.FromEmail, DbUtil.Db.GetNewPeopleManagers(),
                                            "Basic Person Info Changed on " + Util.Host,
                                            "{0} changed the following information for {1} ({2}):<br />\n<table>{3}{4}</table>"
                                            .Fmt(Util.UserName, First + " " + Last, PeopleId, psb.ToString(), fsb.ToString()));